Less Alcohol - JANUARY 2020- One Day at a Time



  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,660 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Am I the only one that keeps having to remind myself that "AF" means "alcohol free" and not the OTHER thing that "AF" often means?! :smiley::blush:

    I got an Air Fryer for Christmas. I joined a couple of Facebook groups. Now I'm doubly confused because I had finally gotten to the point where AF to me meant Alcohol Free more than what you're referring to.

    Tonight I'm going to be AF AF and use my AF for making dinner.


  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,660 Member
    whitpauly wrote: »
    MissMay wrote: »
    January 7th and 7 AF for me.
    Although I went thru the house late yesterday afternoon and last night like an anteater sucking in all the sweet stuff I could. Good thing is I reconized the trigger for my food assault and was able to stop it before more calorie damage was done. UGH. Winters &#$%

    "An anteater" this cracked me up it's so cute😆 I do the same,6:31 am in Vegas another 24, everyone is doing well,it's a process of breaking habits that are really imbedded pretty deep after it being the norm for so long,seems like nobody's gone all haywire tho, keep up the good work 👍

    Yeah have you ever watched them vacumn up ants? That was me. LOL
    It truely is a matter of breaking habits that have become a non conscious act. Like brushing your teeth. Good job on another 24 girl!
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,660 Member
    edited January 2020
    Week 1 total: 21.5
    Week 2 goal: 10 max for the week
    Idea is to reduce consumption by half (at least)...really want to get to consistent AF's by 3rd week this month.
    Today is a brand new day......

    BRAND NEW DAY!⏳ @lilann1961 this is for you too.
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    karenscfld wrote: »
    I'm in for cutting out alcohol. I've been thinking about the benefits vs negative aspects of consuming alcohol. Benefits: can't think of any. Negative Aspects: Expensive, hard on the liver, added unnecessary calories, too much and makes for a lousy nights sleep. Way too much and headache and crappy hangover. There are just no benefits to consuming alcohol! I want to lose weight and live healthy, therefore, alcohol is gone. FYI, my brother died at age 48 from cirrhosis of the liver due to a love of Vodka. Trust me on this...you DO NOT want to end up with cirrhosis of the liver! It is a Horrible way to die. Just don't go there.

    Glad to have you💗 this is a less alcohol thread but I'm trying not to drink at all! Baby steps and it doesn't bother me to read about people drinking,I figure any improvement is great,if you find it triggery in anyway there's a Sober squad thread but it's not as active,I post on both usually
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,660 Member
    whitpauly wrote: »
    karenscfld wrote: »
    I'm in for cutting out alcohol. I've been thinking about the benefits vs negative aspects of consuming alcohol. Benefits: can't think of any. Negative Aspects: Expensive, hard on the liver, added unnecessary calories, too much and makes for a lousy nights sleep. Way too much and headache and crappy hangover. There are just no benefits to consuming alcohol! I want to lose weight and live healthy, therefore, alcohol is gone. FYI, my brother died at age 48 from cirrhosis of the liver due to a love of Vodka. Trust me on this...you DO NOT want to end up with cirrhosis of the liver! It is a Horrible way to die. Just don't go there.

    Glad to have you💗 this is a less alcohol thread but I'm trying not to drink at all! Baby steps and it doesn't bother me to read about people drinking,I figure any improvement is great,if you find it triggery in anyway there's a Sober squad thread but it's not as active,I post on both usually

  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,660 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Yeah I never thought about it but there's definitely a connotation in my mind to the phrase "sober" vs "alcohol free"

    With this group I embraced the idea of tracking AF days, to me, being "sober" has connotations with recovery, AA. It also strikes me as the opposite of "drunk" which I may be splitting hairs here, but lately even when I do imbibe, I'm enjoying alcohol in moderation but not to get drunk (although I was tipsy a couple times over the holidays...)

    AF seems more like a daily choice, which is what I love about the spirit of this thread.

  • lilann1961
    lilann1961 Posts: 131 Member
    Yesterday was my 7th AF day and today WILL my 8th B)

    "I want to move from drinking from habit to drinking for pleasure."

    This sums up my goals as well. Perfectly stated! I used to enjoy a glass of wine while eating out at dinner, but it became a habit to have a glass+ when I got home from work. Because I will never drink and drive, I almost made myself sound responsible for drinking by myself at home. Now, how much actual sense does that make? It doesn't. It was an excuse. I am only at 2 AF days this month, but they have been this week. I almost always sleep better, just have to learn to settle myself down in the evenings (my brain is always ON) without wine.