January 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Got some great pictures from the MRTC Off-Road 3k yesterday! This is right as the trail emerges from the woods into a wider path before it turns onto the road.



    The photographer was waiting outside the woods to catch people coming out and captured me and my husband finally managing to pass the lady on the left who had been zig-zagging trying to keep us from passing her. We went straight through the mud while she stayed on the dry part and got around her! The photographer yelled, “Looks like you three meant to do that!” and I smiled and my husband gave him thumbs up and then the lady grinned!

    Awesome pics! Hate the zigzaggers. So frustrating
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    No run today after yesterday’s 17. I walked 1 mile, rowed 2000m, and did some arm work with dumbbells at the gym.

    A coworker, who formally ran a lot but has since been injured, let me borrow a book of stretches to include foot stretches. He will likely have foot surgery soon, with a major contributing factor that he didn’t take the best care of his feet. Does anyone else do specific foot stretches? I have massaged mine and rolled on a ball before but honestly never thought any more in depth than that.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    I must say that I was seriously dreading my run today after Saturday's tough one. I knew it would probably be better, but still dreaded it. I made myself get out and start because it was a very nice, calm, partly sunny, 57°F afternoon. I did tell myself I was NOT going to repeat Saturday. If it felt too hard and my body just wasn't having it, I gave myself permission to stop and walk more, or just quit if needed. I wasn't going to be too focused on the running intervals. Just get out there and see how it felt.

    AND, it was great! I went slow (but a few seconds per mile faster than Saturday) and wound up running/walking 6/1 minute intervals, as opposed to the 5/1 on Saturday. I also went 3.5 miles - Saturday was only 3. It's just so strange how much difference a couple of days can make!

    With warm up and cool down walks, I traversed a total of 4.5 miles today.


    My brother was keeping his granddaughter today. I ended my run at his house so I could spend some time with my great niece. Here are a couple of pictures, if you're interested.
    avnv5jdo8mua.jpgI was pretty sweaty. I'm not sure what she thought of that. LOL

    Awwww just gorgeous!
  • SlytherinSnakeQueen
    SlytherinSnakeQueen Posts: 148 Member
  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    Compression socks? For feet? Shins? Yay or nay?
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    LoveyChar wrote: »
    @LoveyChar and @Camaramandy648 re: petite runners. I’m 5’8” but reached my full adult height when I was only 9, so for most of high school I was the tallest girl in school. Ironically I really envied petite girls who weren’t awkward and could do gymnastics!

    There is always someone faster than you are unless your name is Kipchoge. Even Kipchoge is competing against the clock and the road and his own body’s tendency to age and break down. That’s why running is the unconquerable sport. You are trying to become the best possible you within the constraints of who you are.

    Love love love this! And if you didn't say something to that zig zagging woman, you practiced some serious restraint! I would have screamed "excuse me" at the top of my lungs when I'm just out for a usual run and someone doesn't move (usually earbuds in their ears). I would have been furious in a race! Love that you got around her, though, showed her who is not in charge - her!

    The only good way I see to keep someone from passing you (on a trail where there's room to pass) is to run faster than them. The zigzagging seems unsportsmanlike to me.

    Reminds me of this, if you're looking for some entertainment:
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,014 Member
    Compression socks? For feet? Shins? Yay or nay?

    So comfy. I use them for recovery. Didn't really like running in them, but lots of other people seem to. I occassionally might wear them for a trail race if I'll be going through brush or high grass, but fold them down when I don't need them.
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    LoveyChar wrote: »
    @LoveyChar and @Camaramandy648 re: petite runners. I’m 5’8” but reached my full adult height when I was only 9, so for most of high school I was the tallest girl in school. Ironically I really envied petite girls who weren’t awkward and could do gymnastics!

    There is always someone faster than you are unless your name is Kipchoge. Even Kipchoge is competing against the clock and the road and his own body’s tendency to age and break down. That’s why running is the unconquerable sport. You are trying to become the best possible you within the constraints of who you are.

    Love love love this! And if you didn't say something to that zig zagging woman, you practiced some serious restraint! I would have screamed "excuse me" at the top of my lungs when I'm just out for a usual run and someone doesn't move (usually earbuds in their ears). I would have been furious in a race! Love that you got around her, though, showed her who is not in charge - her!

    The only good way I see to keep someone from passing you (on a trail where there's room to pass) is to run faster than them. The zigzagging seems unsportsmanlike to me.

    Reminds me of this, if you're looking for some entertainment:

    Wow, the nerve but what an awesome outcome!
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    January Goal: 100 Miles

    1/1: 6.41 miles
    1/2: 6.10 miles
    1/5: 4.55 miles
    1/7: 3.55 miles
    1/8: 6.10 miles
    1/9: 6.02 miles
    1/12: 10.03 miles
    1/14: 6.11 miles

    48.87/100 miles completed for January

    48.87/1000 miles for Run the Year Team Pavement Pounders

    I had a really nice 6 mile run this morning. It was foggy, but the temperature was really nice. I was glad to get a nice run and a little yoga before heading over for my mom's surgery it definitely helps with the anxiety.  I'm glad I took the time ro run  since we are still waiting for them to take her back.


    2020 races:
    5/16/20: Run for 57th AHC Half Marathon

    Thank God, yes it does... I hope the surgery is a success and she's back to her typical self soon.
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    Rest day, was planning a run tonight but daughter has chocolate bars to sell for band fundraiser, door to door but those are the best fundraisers because most people will pay $2 for a huge chocolate bar as opposed to picking high priced items out of a catalogue. Guess that could be my cardio today even though we are constantly stopping.