Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-September 2011

Welcome everyone!

This forum is for women who are pregnant and are maintaining their fit and active lifestyles to join with other like minded women! I've been on a board with women who were trying to conceive and I've been on a board with women who are pregnant....I wanted to start a group of women who are into fitness and will continue their fitness regimes into their pregnancies and after baby!

If you are trying to conceive please join our sister group at:
They are beyond wonderful and will keep you motivated to stay healthy and lots of info to help with the ttc journey.

The women here are very motivational to each other. We are all at different stages of our pregnancy so if you just found out or you are at the end, please join us!

Link to our previous thread:

How many calories should I be eating?
During the first trimester most of us eat maintenance calories and most of our exercise calories. During the second and third trimester we add approx 200-300 calories or set it up on MFP to gain 1/2lb a week. If you are a healthy BMI you should gain between 25-35ish pounds. NOBODY should DIET while pregnant. Eating healthy is one thing, but depriving you and your baby of much needed nutrients during this crucial time is so very important!


  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    yay! its september! hope everyone is getting a great and healthy start to the month!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Happy September ladies!!! My 30th birthday is 2 weeks from today. Yikes!!! lol
  • Hello everyone and happy September to all of us!
    Joining now at 27 weeks, pregnant with twins (boy and girl).
    Wishing you all a healthy pregnancy
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    I can't believe it's September already! Why do the lovely months fly by and freezing months take forever?

    So everyone, when did you REALLY start to look like you were pregnant? I'm 5 1/2 months, (25 weeks), and pretty much just still look like I ate a bit too much at my last meal! I'm starting to get a little concerned, as I was told the baby was smaller than average at my ultrasound, and I'm seeing friends around me who are due AFTER me- same body type, height, & pregnant with their first child also, and they really LOOK pregnant. Did anyone here not really start showing until around 6 months? Just trying to put my mind at ease, and since it's my first, I'm also really excited to get into all these cute maternity clothes I've had in my closet for months! :tongue: ~Khrys
  • hi Krys, it does happen so only focus on the baby's size. I wasn't showing at all until week 20 (pregnant, 1st children); but now i'm huge :-) even thought weight gain is ok. We all show differently. Maybe it takes you a few more weeks to really get into that growth spurt. As long as you eat enough

    My mother in law only gained 12 pounds for full term pregnancy, and she was thin to begin with, she only started showing at month 7, and delivered a perfectly healthy baby, so don't worry too much as long as the doctor continues to closely monitor the baby size

    All the best to you, I'm sure you will get to wear your maternity clothes :-)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey Mamas.

    My birthday is this month too! I'll be 31 on the 27th.

    As far as showing, Khrys are you taller? I have started showing over the last couple weeks at around 4 months but I am 5'2" and literally have very little space for this bump to occupy. I don't think I'd worry too much. I think a lot of showing has to do with body type, etc.

    Hope you all are having a good week! I'm ready to get this day over so Friday is here. That means ultrasound and day care search, then a 3 day weekend. Have a great Thursday ladies.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Happy September everyone!! I can't believe August is over, the time is just flying!
    I'm 15 weeks today! :o)

    I was hoping that now that I am in my second trimester that this fatigue would cease but it's still going...I struggle to wake up in the morning even after going to bed as early as 8:30! And by 2:00 in the afternoon I feel useless!
    I am snacking on dried apricots, veggies, fruit, crackers etc in between meals....but I did read that sometime the fatigue and nausea lasts longer for some people. Oh well, at least fatigue is my only concern and I don't have to really worry about nausea anymore!

    I haven't worked out once this week yet - unless you count yard work and house hopefully I can squeeze in my yoga DVD like I wanted to last night!

    Hope everyone has a fantastic day! :flowerforyou:
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Hello to my fit, fabulous and pregnant friends!

    September should be a great month and sounds like we have birthdays to celebrate this month ;-)

    Heather, thanks for starting the September page. Hope all is well with you and Charlee.

    Khrys, I was about 26 weeks before it was really an obvious baby bump for me. Up until that point it just looked like I had let myself go and had hit the doughnuts. I was recently looking at the bump pictures we've taken and I was still quite small at 31 weeks, but progressively got bigger towards the end. Pretty soon there will be no question!

    Ashley, meant to tell you the picture is adorable.

    Belgianlady, welcome, this is a fantastic group of women dedicated to healthy nutrition and exercise throughout pregnancy. Twins! Very exciting!

    Rayna, soon! It should be very soon for your energy to return. Mine keeps surging and dropping at this stage of the game. Part of the day I have so much energy it is crazy and then I just crash. Unfortunately, sleep is incredibly difficult for me these days.

    Wishing everyone a great day!

  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    Happy September ladies!!! My 30th birthday is 2 weeks from today. Yikes!!! lol

    My 22nd Birthday is in 2 weeks and 2 days :) September's a good month!

    Wishing everyone well this month!!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Yay for September. I am asking my doctor next week to schedule my u/s for the last week of the month!!! Can't wait. She wanted to wait til the first week of Oct. but my husband won't be in the area then, so I'm really hoping she will do it at the end of the month!!!

    Welcome Belgianlady!! How exciting TWINS!!!

    Rayna, I hope the fatigue subsides for you very soon. I noticed it did for me @ week 14. I am still tired all the time though, but nothing like the first couple months. I am a lot more tired with this pregnancy than I was with my first though, so I guess they really are all different. Good Luck!

    Holly - One day overdue!!! I bet your getting so anxious!!!

    Ashley - Good luck with your u/s tomorrow! Can't wait to hear what your having!!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Kalee, I live in Montreal and here a midwife needs to be registered as a professional with a birthing clinic (not that you have to give birth there) and most birthing clinics are associated to a hospital. The amount of midwives vs the amount of women that want a midwife is unmanageable. I have been on a waiting list the past two weeks and was told that if I don’t bet a call back by my 30th week I’d need to deliver at a hospital. There is NO WAY I’m going without prenatal care for the first 30 weeks and so I’m looking into OB’s, if I get a call back before my 15th week I’ll look into changing from my OB to the midwife but after 15weeks I’m afraid I’ll already be too comfortable with my OB to change. Also the Quebec government is very strict about issuing birth certificates, they ask for not just a witness at time of birth (if outside a hospital) but a “professionals” assessment indicating you were receiving prenatal care and indeed was anticipating a baby around that time. A black market midwife can’t issue this, so most women have to go to the hospital the day or so after giving birth to get a Dr.’s note indicating that an exam did take place assuring that they gave birth. If this isn’t done then the last resort would be to pay for a genetics test that would prove mother and baby are indeed related. So for me I find it too much work and possible drama to go through a black market midwife, so registered one or OB will do for me.

    Ashley, thanks for reminding me about that video, I re-watched “the Business of Being Born” once we found out we were pregnant but forgot all about that one.

    Taldie, Awesome job on the 4k, even if it took longer, you still did it!

    Rayna, Enjoy that u/s next week, that sounds really exiting! You’ll have to tell us all how it went and what you’re having!

    Cutmd, Still thinking of you, keep us posted!

    Atomdraco, I’m so jealous that you can go swimming! I’d have to go in an indoor public pool if I wanted to swim (too cold here).

    80lblost, my thoughts are with you, hopefully the specialist will say the mass is nothing to worry about.

    Holly, 40weeks and running! What an inspiration! Thank you for reminding me I can do this!

    Amanda, I’m so sorry to hear about your MC, I think it’s all of our nightmares. As a person that tried to conceive for over two years I know that cycle day 18 is way too early to know if you’re pregnant. And I hate to be the bearer of bad news but implantation bleeding is very uncommon, it can happen and if it does it happens around 6-9 days past ovulation. So unless you ovulated at day 9-11 of you cycle (most women ovulate between day 14-17) it’s not likely to be that. What it possibly can be is ovulation itself, again very few women experience this too, but some spot during ovulation. Or this can simply be your body still regulating itself after the MC (a lot of women take on average 3 cycles before everything is back to normal). I would like to suggest an excellent thread on MFP designed for women TTC, they are a bunch of fantastic and supportive women that could help you understand all of this better than I can.

    Mistibergman, Wow that sounds like a scary night! I’m glad that the baby seems to be doing ok and the Dr’s have a plan of action for you!

    AFM, I had my last u/s with the fertility clinic today! It was really fun to see the little bean! I got to see the little budding arms and legs and he/she was shrugging his/her shoulders! The size of the baby and heart beat are good and so now I’m officially able to be referred to an OB!

  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Bump for later!
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Abaere - I understand. I have to go to my family Dr. and get a letter stating that I was pregnant, and after the baby is born we take it our pediatrician and they have to write a letter also. We send all that info to the state along with all the other paperwork. Then we have to have him circumcised which is a pain because we have to go to the hospital for that. I hope that everything works out for you!

    Cutmd - I hope everything is good!

    I am 32 weeks today, Hurray!! Only 8 weeks left!! I have my first Volleyball game today, I am nervous for my girls as well as for myself! Hope you guys are having a good week!!
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member
    For people who knew me I started showing very early...I guess I just looked fat to people who didn't know me. For the longest time people were telling me how small I looked...til the past few I'm constantly being asked if I'm sure it's not twins again. How rude! Now pass me another ice cream sandwich :wink:
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Can't stop looking at different nursery ideas!! This website is addicting! So fun!
  • bump for later
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Hi everyone...I'm going to my ultraound tomorrow to find out exactly how far along I am. When I went to the Dr's last week, based on my last menstrual I was 10 wks, based on pelvic exam 4-6 wks. So will find out for sure tomorrow.

    Wanna shout out to all the September b-days. Mines is next Wed on the 7th and I'll be 36. This will be my fourth pregnancy.I feel old to have another at 36. LOL

    BelgianLady-wow, twins, boy and girl....

    This pregnancy is way diff. from my other 3. I could eat whatever. This pregnancy, certain foods my stomach cant handle. I end up throwing it up afterwards....such as ice cream, banana, fried chicken, brownies, lasagna.....

    I'm glad to have found this Fit, Fabulous, & pregnant support group. I've been so tired lately that I've only been exercising twice a week only. I've started the c25k program before I was pregnant and I was on week 3. I'm still doing week 3 day 3. I was planning to do my 5k in October with some co workers but we shall see............
  • Liz75
    Liz75 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi all,
    I'm 31 weeks pregnant now, stopped all my running and cycling when I found out a I wanted to be cautious. Not been going too crazy with the food, too busy sleeping! Housework is getting more difficult as my bump increases, emptying the washing machine and walking up stairs gets me puffed! I did go swimming last week which is something I hate doing and I have bought a pregnancy fitness DVD which caters for all three trimesters so I must motivate myself to do that this week too. Plus I will reset my goals on here and get my weight checked at next weeks midwife appointment . My last pregnancy I put on 3 stone but I know I haven't increased that much with this pregnancy as my overall fitness and muscle tone was better this time round before conceiving.
    I can't wait to get back into running, cycling, and Jillian Michaels!! Oh and lots of pram walking!!
    Safe, happy, healthy pregnancies to you all xx
  • JulieWulie81
    JulieWulie81 Posts: 39 Member
    Happy Sept. everyone!

    Glad to be finally into the 2nd trimester! I can't even believe the difference I feel! I just did Lindsay Brin's prenatal work out video- just the yoga part- and it was great! Anyone else tried this one? Any other good pregnancy work-out videos that people have tried?
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Happy September all! It's so hard keeping up with everyone. I read everything but by the time I go reply I can't keep it all straight. I am so happy this weekend is a long one. I really need to put my house back in order after all the recent traveling I've been doing. I'm also excited to start my Hypnobirthing class next Thursday. I'm doing a hypnobirthing class and the regular hospital class. I want to arm myself with all the options so I won't be as scared on the day of delivery. Knowledge is power:happy:

    Keep up the great work ladies. When we are healthy our babies are healthy:flowerforyou: