The middle agers group. (Upper 30s,40s & 50ish folks)



  • TomFit18
    TomFit18 Posts: 2,585 Member
    Good morning peeps! Happy hump day!
  • kimber0607
    kimber0607 Posts: 994 Member
    melerwin80 wrote: »
    I'm about to turn 40 and actually legit looking forward to it. I've used mapmyrun and mapmyfitness apps off and on for the past 8 or 9 years but just added myfitness pal a few months ago. My previous job was super physical hard labor often 12-18 hours a day for 6-7 days a week, and my new job is equally as intense but about half as many days and after I made the transition I didn't realize I needed to readjust my diet accordingly. Tracking my calorie intake on here has been really helpful in getting ahead of the "middle age spread" that seemed to be imminent. Hiking is my main jam and living right outside of Austin, TX in Hill Country is awesome for getting in some mileage on the trails. I also partake in yoga and have started doing bodyweight HIIT routines at home while I procrastinate on joining a gym again, ha! I work at a local brewery that is also a large farm and we cover a lot of ground hauling kegs, cases of bottles, and giant bags of ice all over the property. For a small female I'm pretty tough but I would like to be strong enough that some things I used to lift easily weren't such a struggle.

    Hey welcome...I don't belong to as gym either....prefer to get my work outs done at. home with weights etc or outside

    Hi all! Today was one of those days...annoying.....fighting w my kids ped about her inhaler...though we just spoke about it at her check up in September!? acted like they had no clue
    that all got straightened son had a half day so I picked him up and got him a haircut and wait for it....wait for him some BK!
    Just for him...he has every blue moon...I have no desire for fast food...didn't eat it when I was a kid either...but no shame for those who love it and enjoy it time to time....and since he has no waist and is all muscle...can def afford it

    well hope everyone had a good day!
    Oh and my eye saga..they are starting to clue why *sigh*

  • Stop_Capacity78
    Stop_Capacity78 Posts: 4 Member
    Soon to be 49/F/20kg to loose/central Queensland Australia located looking to make new friends and accountably partners.
    I’m working to put more positive things in to my lifestyle and less negative (this includes thrashing myself for not so great choices) but my fridge has veggies and I have also some fruit and I have unprocess protein options too.
    I’m looking to whole heartedly cheer on others and lend an ear as well if required.
    If I sound like someone you’d like to healthy lifestyle together with please add me as a friend.🙂
    That felt a bit like an 90’s singles ad.🤦‍♀️🤣
  • S_of_Montreal
    S_of_Montreal Posts: 8 Member
    Hello..I have go 10 more to go....I am returning to MFP.
    You can add me as a friend.
  • NikiWallace64
    NikiWallace64 Posts: 12 Member
    55 and working on loosing weight & getting healthy
  • christinahollett
    christinahollett Posts: 1 Member
    Middle aged? I can’t be!! 😑

    Just joined, and am on an intermittent fast day. It won’t allow me to complete my diary for today as I am to low in calories. Any way to bypass? Also, I started keeping a journal on Monday- and would like to enter it, however it doesn’t seem to want to let me go backwards. Am I missing something?
    Thank you so much in advance for the help!
    My name is Christina, nice to meet you all! 😁
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    pellet stove is fixed! Yay! (my wallet says Yay too! lol) And hopefully, the new tubing will be here soon so that when the tube goes out again, I'll finally have a replacement. I had a time finding parts for this thing; none of the local dealers carry the parts and everything had to be ordered. My unit doesn't have a model or serial number stamped on it anywhere - the technician looked - so it took a bit for me to figure out what I needed to even have it ordered. There's a rubber hose for the vacuum switch on this thing, and it has now gone bad twice in the 3 years I've had it. It gets brittle and then just falls apart. Not sure why that one has so much trouble; the other tube in the stove is fine. So now I know - change that tube at the start of every season. Thankfully, the one I have on order is 5 feet long and I only need a piece about 9 inches long, so it should last me a while!
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Have they called to book my thyroid biopsy? Why, no, they have not! So tomorrow I get to go rattle cages. Grr. I'd like to get this settled, I'm scratching myself bloody I'm so dry, and needless to say, weight loss is glacially slow when hypothyroid.

    But even if I'm not losing fast/at all, I'm making good habits, and that's what matters.
  • clffrd463
    clffrd463 Posts: 2 Member
    Add me too.aboit to be 40:)
  • mcemino2
    mcemino2 Posts: 427 Member
    Happy Friday everyone. Hope you all had a great week!
  • TomFit18
    TomFit18 Posts: 2,585 Member
    Good morning peeps! Hope you all have a fantastic Friday!
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Happy Friday!!!
    Cruise is booked, I have 36 days to get bathing suit ready. Why make this easy?
    Tomorrow we're due to get more snow but it's Friday!!! Have a good one
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Someone told me today I motivate them. Blush. I just... I feel this is something that I just do every day, and it's no more than that. But I recognize that that's a big deal, to just get up and go work out every morning and overcome the deconditioning, and gradually sneak up on muscle building and cardio capability without triggering a bout of exercise intolerance. It's made so much easier by having all of these wonderful people here who support me.
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,478 Member
    Happy Friday and hope you all have a great weekend ahead!
    Weight loss - what weight loss! Oh well I try again next week!
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Someone told me today I motivate them. Blush. I just... I feel this is something that I just do every day, and it's no more than that. But I recognize that that's a big deal, to just get up and go work out every morning and overcome the deconditioning, and gradually sneak up on muscle building and cardio capability without triggering a bout of exercise intolerance. It's made so much easier by having all of these wonderful people here who support me.

    That's awwsome. It's hard getting motivated so if you can be the source of inspiration for someone that's awesome keep up the good work
  • evieluvscardio
    evieluvscardio Posts: 2 Member
    TGIF! Ready for an awesome weekend!
  • SpinforCals
    SpinforCals Posts: 112 Member
  • swclifton
    swclifton Posts: 421 Member
    It's the weekend. Happy Friday all!
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Hooray for rh weekend!
    And another storm in the forecast. Seems to be the Saturday thing
    But first curling. Yay