Daily Commitment Thread for 2020 -- JUST FOR TODAY



  • Kuhl50
    Kuhl50 Posts: 416 Member
    Kuhl50 wrote: »
    Daily Habit Goals: track, 😁exercise, 😁journal😁

    1. Up at 5:30, walk, in shower by 6:15😁
    2. Downstairs by 6:50, pack breakfast, leave by 7😁
    3. Eat breakfast after the drive (mindfully) —not so mindfully, was juggling meeting startup, but at least wasn’t zoning out 😁
    4. Eat smart at lunch 😁— wow this was hard. My associate booked us at a chicken and waffles diner. As in they had only fried chicken on the menu. Went with a breast on the side, and a weak salad into which I cut up the breast. All while watching my staff across from me eat waffles drenched butter...
    5. Block schedule Mondays and Tuesdays to get home early👿—forgot, transfer to Saturday list
    6. Stop at store on way home for salad and party ingredients 😁 — actually, I didn’t do this, but within 5 minutes of being home got a call from DH who was at the store and he had forgotten his wallet...so I got to make sure the cart they’d filled up he what I needed, task essentially done!
    7. Upstairs by 10, 👿—not my fault! I had a cat on my lap! And this cat rarely comes in for a cuddle...had to enjoy it; journal😁

    Ok I’m going to need support and karma towards good choices tomorrow! We are throwing a party for my 50th birthday—we chose the theme before I got serious about upgrading my health. So Crepes and Champagne theme. If I keep moving and talking and eat carrots from the veggie tray
    I should be able to limit the damage yet enjoy the best parts of the party —my loved ones and *some* good food & drink.

    Daily Habit Goals: track, exercise, journal

    1. Up at 8, run app, 2 sets of yoga
    2. Healthy breakfast, no media
    3. Block schedule Mondays and Tuesdays to get home early
    4. Pick up additional supplies (per list on phone)
    5. Pick up daughter’s order at Macy’s—outfit needed for 10am Sunday meeting that I just found out about at 8pm Saturday...
    6. Salad for lunch
    7. Cleanup house and get family to move furniture, add chairs
    8. Clean up self(!) for party
    9. Enjoy! Try to track, but count this as 1 of 5 days each year to just enjoy.
    10. Don’t forget to journal!!!
  • amwilli4
    amwilli4 Posts: 6 Member
    Day 1: 106.4
    Day 2: 105.2
    Day 3: 104.8
    Day 4: 105 .6
    Day 5: 105.2
    Enjoy your weekend!
  • teigansdad
    teigansdad Posts: 394 Member
    Kuhl50 wrote: »
    Kuhl50 wrote: »
    Daily Habit Goals: track, 😁exercise, 😁journal😁

    1. Up at 5:30, walk, in shower by 6:15😁
    2. Downstairs by 6:50, pack breakfast, leave by 7😁
    3. Eat breakfast after the drive (mindfully) —not so mindfully, was juggling meeting startup, but at least wasn’t zoning out 😁
    4. Eat smart at lunch 😁— wow this was hard. My associate booked us at a chicken and waffles diner. As in they had only fried chicken on the menu. Went with a breast on the side, and a weak salad into which I cut up the breast. All while watching my staff across from me eat waffles drenched butter...
    5. Block schedule Mondays and Tuesdays to get home early👿—forgot, transfer to Saturday list
    6. Stop at store on way home for salad and party ingredients 😁 — actually, I didn’t do this, but within 5 minutes of being home got a call from DH who was at the store and he had forgotten his wallet...so I got to make sure the cart they’d filled up he what I needed, task essentially done!
    7. Upstairs by 10, 👿—not my fault! I had a cat on my lap! And this cat rarely comes in for a cuddle...had to enjoy it; journal😁

    Ok I’m going to need support and karma towards good choices tomorrow! We are throwing a party for my 50th birthday—we chose the theme before I got serious about upgrading my health. So Crepes and Champagne theme. If I keep moving and talking and eat carrots from the veggie tray
    I should be able to limit the damage yet enjoy the best parts of the party —my loved ones and *some* good food & drink.

    Daily Habit Goals: track, exercise, journal

    1. Up at 8, run app, 2 sets of yoga
    2. Healthy breakfast, no media
    3. Block schedule Mondays and Tuesdays to get home early
    4. Pick up additional supplies (per list on phone)
    5. Pick up daughter’s order at Macy’s—outfit needed for 10am Sunday meeting that I just found out about at 8pm Saturday...
    6. Salad for lunch
    7. Cleanup house and get family to move furniture, add chairs
    8. Clean up self(!) for party
    9. Enjoy! Try to track, but count this as 1 of 5 days each year to just enjoy.
    10. Don’t forget to journal!!!

  • teigansdad
    teigansdad Posts: 394 Member
    @Faebert thanks for the insightful advise about the scale. You truly gave me a little pearl which I will Be carrying forward. Honestly that can be applied to so many things in life
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,441 Member

    Word for the year: Climbing
    - out of depression
    - back onto the bike
    - up the backside of Huck Hill

    The visit went really well yesterday. She loved the nursing school and the rowing coaches were very positive and encouraging. They have a lot of lightweights on their team so her size was not as much of an issue here. All in all very encouraging.

    Dress shopping was not so successful, but we are going to hit one more shop before her competition today. Wish us luck!

    I did well on food yesterday by only eating half of my meals which was more than enough.

    Day 2 looks good. She is ready to compete and hungry to take over the number 2 spot on the team by beating on off the senior powerhouses today. I love it when she’s hungry!

    Making good choices and keeping on the move! Happy Saturday y’all!
    Dear Pridesabtch: what does “stay in the green” refer to?
    Just means I’ll stay under calorie allotment. The display goes from green to red when you go over.
  • SERmom3
    SERmom3 Posts: 568 Member

    I have the itek Smart Body Analysis Scale BDS-0142

    My husband got it for me at Xmas. He said it was around $20 and he actually got it at Home Depot! It was a Black Friday deal or something.

    There is an app that goes along with it and you enter your basic stats and it will calculate weight, BMI, body fat %, muscle mass %, hydration%, visceral fat %, bone mass and calories. It syncs with your phone when you weigh in. You can also link it to other apps, like the health app on the iPhone, which in turn will link to MFP. I have not done this.

    Today was the first time I got info on all the categories. I previously weighed in with socks on, but you need bare feet for the full analysis to work. I think it’s interesting. I’ve never known my body fat % and now that I do, it has given me another goal to shoot for! 😳 That was eye opening. I also like that the display lights up. I weigh in early morning before daylight and I always needed my cell phone light to see my old scale’s display.

    If you’re prone to stressing over the scale, maybe this much detail isn’t for you. I personally, weigh in daily (but only record on MFP on Monday’s). I’ve been doing this long enough to take weight fluctuations in stride. Last fall I hit a plateau for a few weeks, but I had total confidence that I was logging accurately so I knew the scale would eventually catch up, which it did!

    Hope this helps!
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Friday 24 January

    Log - will be guessing in the evening as I’m eating out 😤 lots of guesses
    I don’t expect to be in the green but should be mindful of the alcohol calories (I’m not driving) 👿 definitely in the red
    Water 😊
    5 fruit and veg 👿 I had expected some veg with the evening meal so only managed 4
    Fitbit exercise goals 😊

    I was late getting to bed and have been busy today so didn’t get around to setting goals. It’s another meal out today and I know I will be guessing my logging but definitely will be in the red. I’ve done my exercise and had my water 😊. Tomorrow’s another busy day with lunch out but I’ll try to catch up. Hope you are all having a good weekend.
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,461 Member
    Met with friends last night at a Mexican restaurant. Brought sliced jicama with me to avoid the chips, drank lots of water, took carb & fat blockers before eating my meal (fajitas & beans), & no one ordered any dessert. All in all, okay calorically, felt good this am, and it was a nice change. Hopefully, we'll all get together again sooner rather than later. The camaraderie is wonderful & so supportive!
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    I’m so late getting on here today as I’ve been hectic with the party prep and party itself. I was hoping to nip to the gym while the kids had lunch with their dad before the party but there wasn’t enough time. I did a really long walk with loads of hills and a full backpack so kind of a workout! And my Garmin is showing lots of calories burned so that’s something! The escape room and stuffed bear-making part of the party went really well. The kids are now here at the house going crazy. My ex has left us to it so I’m the only responsible adult... been up and down the stairs a lot already but I think they will calm down soon. Trying desperately to avoid all the cake and sweets this evening...

    Friday goals recap:
    up and shower, wound check and change dressing ✅
    Get kids up (6:40) and ready ✅
    Pack snacks and schoolbags ✅
    Take kids to school ✅
    Contact childminders with kids’ schedules ❎
    Laundry and dishwasher ✅
    Gym ✅ and pharmacy ❎
    Coffee w N✅
    Fill and cover cake, ice biscuits ✅
    Collect kids 3:45 ✅
    Finish cake ✅
    Kids hair wash and outfit choices for party ✅
    Bed by 10:30❎

    Saturday goals:
    Get kids up and ready ✅
    Kids to do homework straight after breakfast ✅
    Groceries ✅
    Workout (Walk not gym) ✅
    Move mattresses and TV for sleepover party ✅
    Pack cake and sweet cones and head to venue by 2:45 ✅
    Party 3:30-5:30 ✅
    Set up snack plates and heat mac and cheese ✅
    Stay within calorie goal
    Bed by 12
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,913 Member
    Dear Pridesabtch: what does “stay in the green” refer to?

    I know you asked @pridesabtch but I’ll answer for you. When you close you diary at the end of the day if the numbers are in red it means you have give over your calorie goals, if they are green you stayed within.

    Stay in the green is used a lot on here to remind us to stay within our calorie goals.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,913 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Here’s my daughter’s birthday cake. I had to carve lots of pieces out to make the lamp shape. Very proud of myself for not eating the off-cuts!!

    What a great job on the cake, you do great work. Have fun with the sleepover, I miss those days. The largest I ever had when I was a girl was 12 girls, the largest by girls ever had was 12 too.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,913 Member
    @Kuhl50 - you only turn 50 once. I say enjoy the party. I turned 50 after I started losing weight too it was only one day of celebrating and didn’t throw off my Journey.

  • aj757
    aj757 Posts: 8 Member
    I am now starting again! With a new outlook. Cico only. With a caloric deficit low carb under 50.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,913 Member

    JFT Friday 24th

    Eat under maintenance not sure, really need to log
    Back exercises no
    Be positive yes
    No snacking none
    Parents shopping/errands yes
    Meet with solicitor yes
    Pack 2 boxes no time

    Meeting my solicitor morphed into meeting up with the lady living in my new house-to-be, who showed me round again and explained how things worked. She's a lovely lady, we had a grand chat and she invited me to visit her new flat once she's settled. It took all afternoon and there was no time left to pack anything.

    So I'm busy with that today but it's slow going, am very stiff and sore. Couldn't sleep last night for thinking about moving...there's so much to decide and deal with! It's a very different place to where I am now, and I can't decide what furniture will fit and what I'll have to get rid of. Oh well, in a few weeks time it will all be done :)

    JFT Saturday 25th

    Eat under maintenance
    Back exercises
    Be positive
    No snacking
    Keep packing... and cleaning...and decluttering...

    It exciting and scary all at the same time to move. I hope you love it when you get there!