Senior Golden Sneakers............September



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Becky my other miracle was gettin an update on my logings. We will no long lose our logs i we let them know. rather it was cause by computor down, out of town illness ,in hospital..just let tthem know and they will update it for youm so glad they got this work out . She told me they are working on us a way to Upgrade our own Log in records. I was worried about maybe having to go to a funeral and loose my time.

    You done your job Mr. Happy Starnow I need to find ut why I am not losing as well as I should. be. But I am for sure heading in the right direction.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,104 Member
    (Phyljen posted on the birthday link so I copied and pasted to here)


    Joined Jan 2010

    Posts: 257

    Fri 09/02/11 09:29 AM

    HI PALS. MAYBE YOU DON'T REMEMBER ME . PHYLJEN... I WAS HERE AND THEN WENT TO THE STATES FOR THE SUMMER. NOW I AM BACK IN EGYPT, School has started, I have been bogged down with new kids, teachers, and it has been a hectic time of my life but now I have decided to STOP and get back on track and get back in touch with people like you that are such an inspiration to me.
    I told some people at my school about MFP and I'm trying to get a group starting up with a new club we started called wellness club. As teachers we take care of the kids and forget to take care of ourselves. so hoping this will set some of the teachers on the wellness and healthy path. including ME.
    I turned 60 a couple week ago and so now I feel like I'm in a different stage of life. Where did those 60 years go?
    WOW what fun.
    well hope that all is well with everyone. I have thought about you often. Now I can read and catch up on your lives once again. Phyljen
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Marie Said
    " I need to find ut why I am not losing as well as I should"

    Honey, you are doing everything you can, I believe that, remember you aren't able to zumba away calories, or boost your metabolism in some other aerobic way. You may only see tiny drops in your weight, but you know with numbers like you're getting, you are on the right path. How I wish my dh could get those numbers, me too!
    If you want to stimulate your pulse a bit, try lifting cans of food above your head and out to the sides. Slowly though, don't strain yourself.

    well, its six kittens now.. five spent the night in our backyard. Two I can safely pick up, and I am taking them to the vet today. The others are not so trusting, and it will have to be done with the humane trap we use for ferals. I am already attached to one of them, the one my dh likes too.. but I don't really want another truck driving cat!! I'd love to let them in the house via a pet door, but they might bring in critters, and ewww.. yuk! I've been trying for years to get dh to install a pet door into the garage, but he has resisted.. I even bought one, it is still waiting on the shelf! We also have a storage building, and he could put the pet door there, but eventually, the raccoons and possums would find their way into it. ah.. wildlife!! lol

    I'm looking forward to beginning my new eating plan, in about two weeks. I've been practicing a bit, and I think I can handle it, I have been wondering about something for a few months now.. what do you all think?-
    I fill my travel coffee cup when I am about to start driving.. then I find myself reaching for snacks, mostly sweet ones. I wonder if the coffee has me craving the snacks. I hope to find out when we start the program. one cup of coffee or tea per meal. diet sodas ok, but should be caffeine free, and 6-8 glasses of water. At home, I don't notice cravings in the morning, but I do in the evening when I want a coffee after dinner, then I want a snack too. BTW, I am addicted to caffeine, and I dread the caffeine withdrawal headache, so I don't go completely off of it.

    We are leaving tomorrow evening, for northern California. So I am going to get a few things at the grocer, and visit petsmart, and the vet, and maybe the chiropractor, so my day is full!! we will have our labor day cookout tonight, chops on the grill.. pork that is.. and maybe fish for me.. not too crazy bout chops.. be safe
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,104 Member
    Happy Friday!! :bigsmile: It is going to be a scorcher today, will probably go to pool this afternoon, this is probably the last weekend it will be open.

    Phoebe, my step daughter in California would love you, she does the same thing with stray kittens. She works with some animal organization so they help with the vet bills and spaying. She has about 8 or 10 cats herself which she shouldn't have because of asthma but doesn't listen to reason. :tongue: Stay safe on the road. :heart:

    Phyljen, am I wrong or is your real name Phyllis? I am old so I get confused. :laugh: Glad you are back on track with us and have started a new wellness care club with your co workers. Taking care of yourself is number one, no matter what else you do in life. :bigsmile:

    Marie, it is so amazing that you have been here for almost three years, although I did think it was longer. :blushing:


    Congratulations on your weight loss!!

    Jeri, hope you are feeling better and your infection is under control. It seems when it rains it pours. :cry:

    Irene, :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Buzz, I love your graphic for September and I for one will never forget. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    Birdie, I am happy for you that you can stay in your house. :love: Things always seem to work out when we least expect them.
    I am glad everyone is safe from tropical storm Irene, those were some scary days. Romantic candlelight sounds enticing. :blushing:

    Shirley, enjoy your weekend on the water, I will pray you have nothing but good weather for your cruise. :flowerforyou:

    mtnmaw, thanks for checking in. :drinker:

    My son is asking for a list of family members to see who will be lucky enough to be invited to the wedding in June of 2013.

    Have a great day everyone!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    AWWW, thanks Sandy :blushing:

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, do you ever have an evening meal without coffee? If so, do you crave sweets then? I certainly wouldn't go off of coffee all together. Yep, you will get a headache.:sick:

    :flowerforyou: phyljen, welcome back. If you like, you can go back to first thread you posted in and add your name and birthdate.

    :flowerforyou: Hey Marie...that is great. If I understand right....if we can not log in here because of some sort of emergency or whatever, we let someone know and they will keep this going for us?
  • piquilter
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Good Morning, Happy September:bigsmile: As a retired teacher I am delighted that I am not about to go back to school this month :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Likewise!! Totally with you on this one, Barbie, isn't life grand? :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Marie: I will get some pictures of the placemats and napkins posted soon. Thanks for asking :smile:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Thanks Sandy for posting my post in the right spot. Now I am where I am supposed to be. Yes my real name is Phyllis and my last name or maiden name was jensen so I comblned the two and became "phyljen" . At school I am p for phyllis and ali for my now last name and so I am "pali" so that is the mini history on my name right now.

    anyway good to be back and glad to have the motivations going again.
    Love ya all. Phyllis
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    AWWW, thanks Sandy :blushing:

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, do you ever have an evening meal without coffee? If so, do you crave sweets then? I certainly wouldn't go off of coffee all together. Yep, you will get a headache.:sick:

    :flowerforyou: phyljen, welcome back. If you like, you can go back to first thread you posted in and add your name and birthdate.

    :flowerforyou: Hey Marie...that is great. If I understand right....if we can not log in here because of some sort of emergency or whatever, we let someone know and they will keep this going for us?
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone, wishing you all a wonderful September. I am more or less glued to my chair watching the US Open. There have been some very good matches so far. I did post yesterday but it got lost in cyberspace, my own fault but I wasn't up to starting over! Just a couple of posts for now and I will do more when I am sitting at my PC. The iPad can be a bit tedious, not crazy about one finger typing and don't like the automatic corrections inserting ridiculous words!!

    So proud of your hard work Marie. You have had amazing results,

    Phoebe -- we had a cat door for our cats which worked quite well. We found that our cats did not like uninvited visitors and they were chased out but not without leaving a little fur! It was really nice to be able to leave the food out and not worry about an over- used litter box so that we could be away a few days without having to have someone look after them.

    Phyllis -- so glad you have found your way back! Such a busy time at the start of a new school year.

    Thinking of you all. Take care. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes Becky that is correct Here is the link

    I told them i would have posted since day 1 if I had access to a COMPUtor. But since I did not have a smart phone nor an I Pad
    No way to log in while in the hospital, and other reasons. computer crash.. She told me to tell everyone that have a dispute with there Log in counts They went back and pick up all of my time from day 1. Of my joing this site.As far as i know I never missed a day unless i was disable to do so. . .
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sorry, can't find time today to read all the posts, but had a busy day and thought I ruined breakfast by eating 2 mini bialys, but the day turned out not too bad! I don't do well with company for breakfast, so I just gobbled what I could!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Good evening to all from warm and beautiful NW Washington. It was cold when I walked the dogs this morning but warm by the time I got to line dance and even nicer in the afternoon when I took the dogs to the dog park.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Thank you, Sandy, for starting the new thread this month and all the months before when you've done it. Your life sounds a lot like mine......hard to find time to get together with people.....thanks for another great joke:laugh: :laugh:

    :bigsmile: Phoebe, the kittens sound darling......I am a sucker for cats......if I were single, I'd probably be one of those crazy old ladies with dozens of cats :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: a friend of mine who lived in a country setting had a skunk and a raccoon come into her house through the cat door.:laugh: I gave up coffee and all beverages with caffeine over two years ago. I decreased the coffee gradually over about a two week period so I didn't have the headaches that people get when they stop abruptly. I feel much better without the coffee and soft drinks.

    :bigsmile: Buzz, I'm glad you found time to check in........I don't like having company for breakfast, did great in spite of the challenge :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Shirley, I know you're having a great time this weekend on your boat.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Marie, I saw your new number of how many days in a row you've logged in......very impressive:bigsmile: even more impressive is your blood sugar continuing to be down.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Phyllis, of course I remember you.......when we didn't hear from you for awhile, I hoped that is was because you were having such a great a former teacher, I understand how consuming the beginning of the school year's great to hear from you again:bigsmile: I hope you'll keep posting:bigsmile: good luck with your new wellness club

    :bigsmile: Becky, your hip hop sounds like fun.......I always dance in the back row so I don't get crowded in by other people or run over :laugh:

    :bigsmile: Jake is doing great. Tonight we took a walk and he had one dog on leash and I had the other......he is being very good about taking it easy.:bigsmile:
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Phoebe -- I love kittens. Too bad my daughter is allergic to cats. I'll just be envious of you.

    Sandy - I think (fingers crossed) that my infection is starting to heal. I sure hope so. I do have a doctor's appt on Tueday so we will see what he has to say. It has been a long haul and I look forward to getting back in control.

    Barbie - I am glad Jake is doing well.

    Marie - Thanks for the link to reset your days. It's good to know if I ever need to do it.

    Gayla - you are so right about the iPad. I love my iPad but it does some funny things with corrections and the two finger typing isn't too speedy. But it sure is fun.

    We had another busy day. I took my Mom shopping today for a birthday present for my neice's little guy who is turning 1. He is so cute and they are so proud of him. They plan to come up and visit us next month. Sure hope they do as I'd to see him. It's a shame he lives in Seattle which means we can't see them that often.

    Take care everyone.

    Another picture from our recent camping trip.

    Heading to Stavely by FancyLady, on Flickr
  • marlouise
    Hello ladies, I'm alive and well. Been busy with our new puppy Ben. He is a yellow lab and full of energy. The cat's have received him well, and Buttons has put her paw down, he gets to know the laws when she is around. Been haveing a rough time of it again with weight loss. Seems the fasting did a good thing at start, but now my body is again swelling (water retention). I am under the impression I have stress issues that will not let up. I will check my thyroid out too.

    Fitness trainer says yes it is stress because I could not survive on the few calories I do eat, so I should seek a meal replacement shake for the morning to sustain vitamin and mineral balance.

    Hi ho hi ho it's off to the drawing board again.:laugh:

    Take care all, catch you again soon

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Going out to a double birthday cookout with tons of great food! :tongue: I got weighed this morning and have gained 2 pounds.:embarassed: It's a red flag to be careful today, so I'm commiting a day of good choices and no absent minded picking. :flowerforyou: :drinker: 2 pounds is not much (actually it's 3 from my lowest weight):ohwell: but just as we lose it one pound at a time:happy: .....we can gain it back the same way. :noway: I'm wearing my most fitted pants to keep me in check.:laugh: Now that's a change!!:wink: Before I'd look for some nice comfy stretched out pants LOL So even when we see a red flag....we need to keep reminding ourselves where we came from and just how much our lives....on a whole....have changed for the better!!! Have a great day ladies!!!!
    BirdieM:heart::drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    What a beautiful picture!!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello SNeakers.

    What a nice wake up posting we have this Saturday morning. Love it.

    Marilyn. That fasting diet did not work for me. but I love the one I am now.It is showing some good signs. But the weight has not show up But I am confident it will. This is one diet I am sticking to. My docror has already lower my Insulin from 4 shots a day to 1. If any diet does that for you it has got to be good.This is my third week I think.
    This morning my blood sugar was 86. Sounds like a normal person.

    Glad to see Phylis back with us.

    Piq glad to see you back too. Keep on quilting.!!!!!!!!

    Barbiecat i was not after MFP to go back to day 1 I just wnted A way to save what I have.But since they did I will take it.For If I had had aacess to a computor I would have been. I am just like you Posting everyday is the main part of my life.

    Jeri Your photo is just breathtaking. So pretty , all of your photo are.
    Thank you for sharing them with us. Nice to hear your infection is better

    Birdie, It ia relly nice you are posting again It was always nice to hear from you.

    Jackie Be glad when winter sets in so you will have more time to tell us more sories of you life across the pond.

    Becky How is the group doing. ?

    Deb If you are reading this please come back. We missed you.

    Connie You surly will be miss. Maybe this winter when you are stuck in'em there Hills you will have more time.Are you putting you foods up yet in the freezer or canning.? miss our hillbilly gal. How is the landcrap going?

    Gayla, I really didn't know you wre such a sports fan. You seems to like them all. Me I just like the Ddallas Cowboys. YEAH!!!!!!!

    pHOEBE gOOD MORNING WHERE EVER YOU MAY BE. Did you eat any coconut cake for me at the reunion my faverite

    I wish we could have a family reunion with all of our bunch of sneakers Wouldn't that be great. See you guys later
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Marie, they didn't have coconut cake at the reunion, and everyone wanted it!! The usual coconut cake bakers didn't come, and that's probably why we'll have two or three next year.
    Yes, I hope you will give this plan you are on a good chance.
    Marilyn, glad you have a personal trainer.
    Sandy, hope you are having a great Labor Day weekend.
    Birdie, glad you are back.
    Barbie, do you want a kitten?????
    Jeri, ok, but if you change your mind.. we have plenty of kitties.

    We got the feeder working, or rather, dh did it. It works better now than it did when it was new. So, we will leave them food and water and empty pans for catching rainfall. They are free to come and go, but if they are here when we get back, we will begin the process of shots/spay./neuter/etc. What we usually do for feral cats is catch them in the humane trap, and then after the aforementioned treatments, we release them. Two of them are very tame, so they will possibly get a home.

    Got to pack up - we are leaving in a few hours.
    take care all of you, and have a safe and happy and blessed Labor Day
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    HI sneaker pals,

    Well first day of posting my food again for a long time. Now I can tell why I gained some weight the last few months when I didn't book everything. It really does help to keep track of everything that goes in my mouth. Being aware is half the battle.

    What are mini bialys? Buzz was it you that said you ate some for breakfast? I don't even know that that is.

    My holiday is almost over. We have had 5 days off since it was the end of Ramadan. NOw we can get back to NORMAL eating patterns. It was like Thanksgiving every day for a month. CRAZY. The month of FASTING I think we eat more than all the other months put together.

    Back to school tomorrow and then it is Back to school night on Monday for the parents. I just found out that my sons college graduation is also that same night. HOW CAN I GET OUT OF BEING AT BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT SO I CAN ATTEND MY SON'S GRADUATION??? WHY are they both the same night???

    Well take care. Good to hear all your posts. Phyllis:happy:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,104 Member
    Happy Saturday!1 :bigsmile: I know I am late but we went early to the Melrose Park Fest to try to beat the crowds, heat and rain. We did accomplish it and were able to make our donation to the nuns who have a booth where they make Italian donuts. My granddaughter Marisa the six year old was on the cranky side so it wasn't the best time. I did buy an Italian flag and cap for my husband just because I love him. :heart: We are expecting big storms but hope they hold off until after we go to Mass.

    Phyllis, does the holiday coincide with school at all or is it a Religious Holiday? I do think your son's college graduation is more important than the "being back at school night", but that is just my opinion. Can you get someone to substitute for you at school?

    Phoebe, hope the reunion was wonderful even without coconut cake. Glad you were able to fix the feeder and you can travel safely without worrying about the cats.

    Marie, you are doing so great with your sugar count I wouldn't worry about weight at this time. Your health is most important and you have seemed to find the right key.

    Birdie, I know exactly what you are saying with not recording your food, I too have gained a pound or two although I am still under my goal weight but if I don't take control it will get out of hand. I have been trying to record but some days I do forget. After the holiday Monday I will get back to basics and start riding the bike and recording. I don't want the other holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas to set me back so it is best to start now. Thanks for the reminder.

    Marilyn, so happy to hear from you and I know how puppies can keep you so busy and I don't have any other critters to worry about. Buttons seems to be in charge and Ben must know that, so funny. Stress is the worst disease of them all, it causes so many problems, hope it eases up soon.

    Jeri, your picture is beautiful as usual, you should enter some contests with your photographic thumb or finger or what ever.:laugh: Hope everyday is better for you and life gets back to normal soon.

    Barbie, you are always busy which I think is a good thing. My DIL told me today that I do so much more than other people my age and that is why I don't look my age. I told her that I believe if you keep active and do exercise it will keep you young. I am not sure how long I will be able to keep up with the younger people but will do so until it gets to be too much.

    Buzz, I am not sure what mini bialys are either, but I wonder if you meant mini bagels?

    Gayla, you do love sports, did you play any when you were younger? How is our boy Neil?

    Jeanne, glad you are back posting. Did we know that you are a school teacher??

    Becky, hope you are having a wonderful time at your daughter's graduation party.

    Have a great rest of your day.