February 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    yay, @Tramboman ! You're killing it!

    @Avidkeo sleep or run ... I'd probably run. And my doctor will tell you that contributes to my sleep maintenance problems as well as my IT Band Syndrome. So maybe sleep?

    On the running alone or with people/animals: I basically always run alone. My life is so full, this is the only time I have that's just mine. I won't give that up for anything. At the end of a long run, I'll take my dog for a mile or two. He's not a great runner yet, so I try to add a little bit every weekend. Plus, knowing he has to peeeeee and needs exercise is a great way to motivate myself to do just a little bit more. :)
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    Close enough! Wisconsin! :D
    yay, that the snow is going to miss us this week
  • brittanystebbins95
    brittanystebbins95 Posts: 567 Member
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    Close enough! Wisconsin! :D
    yay, that the snow is going to miss us this week

    I know! We've had weather here in the 40's for the last week and its BEAUTIFUL. Crossing my fingers we are getting an early spring!
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    @enaliba - all of my runs are solo. It's my time to clear my head and focus.
  • enaliba
    enaliba Posts: 146 Member
    Thanks for all the replies about who you run with! I was curious bc I have really enjoyed going out on my own and I didn’t expect that.
  • brittanystebbins95
    brittanystebbins95 Posts: 567 Member
    @Avidkeo I always seem to pick sleep. Which isn’t great because the heat here gets intolerable and it would be much easier if I got up earlier in the summer.

    @enaliba My husband and I run together. He’s faster than I am at straight running but has less stamina due to his asthma so it works out well that he slows down for me. He talks more than I prefer to, but that’s okay because I just speed up until he gets it of breath, so it encourages me to work harder. Most places in my city I would not feel comfortable running solo as a woman (many places I don’t feel safe even as a couple!) and it would be hard to run without him. The only real downside is when one of us is injured. We deal by running in a couple of safer spots, one of us doing short loops while the other doesn’t, with both of us tracking each other. If I had to run solo I guess I would need a big dog.

    EXACTLY why I run with two dogs. Sometimes I carry, too. One of my dogs is fairly small (about 22 lbs) and not very scary. The other one is closer to 60 lbs and very reactive to men (acts like he will tear them apart) so its a good deterrence.
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    edited February 2020
    I hit my monthly running miles goal this month 81.7/80. But I'm planning to run every single day plus a long one on Saturday. Kind of weird that I feel a little bit sad without following a training schedule. I guess looking back, I felt something...closer to God, closer to myself...I don't know...but I liked being out there pushing on with nobody around...and working toward a specific goal...

    I run sometimes by myself and sometimes with my little guy (he's in a stroller). It's much harder to get out with him than it is by myself and running is usually my pleasure/quiet time. My baby is my pleasure time too but I need rejuvenation time.

    I'm planning to delve into the wild world of trail running. I found a fairly local park that has three trails in it (one is 6.8 so I could run it however many times I want to). Looking forward to it...I need a change of scenery once in awhile...Y'all make trail running look fun and I do appreciate the input I received.

    I signed up for this this morning. I'm excited, also looking for Marathons and HM's to run. I'll jump on Cowtown or Midlands as soon this year's race ends and I get a cheaper rate for next year's.

    Husband is running now. He runs every other day 2 miles and he's working his way up. He and I are vastly different... He was telling me yesterday that Warren Buffett just got a new phone and rid of his flip phone. In 2014 husband bought me my first smartphone and I flipped my top and refused to use it and kept my flip phone. I no longer have my flip phone. I admire Warren Buffett for many reasons but this is one more. Anyway, how this ties into running is that husband bought a Garmin. I'm happy for him but he's tried countless times to buy me one and I know they must be life-changing and fantastic miracles on a wrist, but no not for me...I know they're a Godsend, according to some people, so it's wonderful for them. In October, he took me to Fleet Feet and I walked out and threw a temper tantrum in the parking lot over spending $200 on a pair of shoes. I ran a Marathon in a $75 pair of shoes and other than common muscle aches associated with running 26.2, I felt great. He's got a shoe lineup, first pair arrived yesterday. I'm not complaining. I love him and I'm excited to see him excited. It's just very funny how incredibly different we are. He does run on a treadmill at the gym and does not enjoy it. So I'm thrilled to see him get out and hit the pavement and actually enjoy it. I was more thrilled for his run last night than I was for my own. He's like a little kid in a candy store...or running store right now.
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    @enaliba I run solo. Don't really have many IRL running friends, and the ones that do, all have different schedules.
    I've gotten my husband to run with me a couple of times which is nice, but doesn't happen often. Besides he talks to much. LOL
    I run mostly greenways for safety purposes when solo which does make it boring sometimes but it is better than the alternative.

    @Avidkeo SLEEP! And like @rheddmobile I really should get up earlier to run in the heat here as well.

    4.5 on the treadmill - so over this rain.
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,010 Member
    @rheddmobile CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's awesome that you got the AG place after all. Showing up makes the difference!
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    @rheddmobile Congratulations and loving these pictures! Don't know exactly what I'm doing or even looking for as far as trail running/racing goes. But the one I'm going to at park is considered "moderate." Is that what this is that you are running or what most trail racing would be or is this difficult? Have you run any difficult ones (or maybe ones you weren't prepared for)? Reason I'm asking is if I were to train on a moderate trail, then get to race destination to see that it's crazy hilly and not moderate, I would probably be nervous. I love being outdoors. I feel less nervous about trail running as I write this, which is a step...
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    Great pics....OMG....the kid who lost his shoes! And having those ladies in my space would drive me crazy too!

    I think its great that your husband is all in! As for spending money on "stuff", I feel less bad now that child #2 is about to graduate from college (although she is pondering med school at some point) . I have flat, pronated feet and I will pay for the right shoes....but that is where I need to do some research. It's sometimes hard to find independent advice. I finally got myself an apple watch. I find it really useful for me. Did not get it with cell service but I like the feedback on heart rate, etc. That was truly a splurge. Before that I had a cheaper fitbit....pretty worthless. Garmins seem to be great choices for runners.

    Question for the group....Where would I go to get decent independent shoe advice? There is a place here called Run Lab....I think they watch your gate etc and help improve that. Curious if they do shoe stuff too....
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    @rheddmobile CONGRATS!! It's even better when you don't think you will and you do!! Love the pics too. But yeah that pack would annoy me as well.

    @bearly63 do you mean like a running store? Or specific foot place? I go to Fleet Feet.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »

    I am a little sad that I won't make my goal for February. I started with this group in April of 2017 and this is the first time I have missed my goal. I have usually set pretty conservative goals though and this month I just set my goal the same as last month without really taking into consideration that it is a short month and likely to have bad weather. I should be able to hit 85 miles though and if I had really thought about it then I probably would have set my February goal for 80 or 85 miles anyway. And I'm still on track for my yearly goal (I'm actually a little ahead of pace for that) so I'm just not going to worry about it.

    I think I've not hit my goal more than I've hit it. LOL

    I've run solo until last March when we got our current dog. And in the summer I run alone (way too hot for a dog). I was in a group training for a half one year and I did most of my long runs "with" them. Meaning we all started together but I often was alone because I was much slower. Unless one of the other ladies was there that ran about my speed. I much prefer solo time.