Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 106



  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,368 Member
    @musicsax My thoughts are with you. (((Hugs)))
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,224 Member
    fmfdfa2020 wrote: »

    @deepwoodslady I feel for you with the cravings! This is the hardest part when you've had a lapse. I've been dealing with this for a week too when I decided to drink 1/2 gallon of chocolate milk and from there I went crazy. Getting 3 or 4 days in control of it is needed but getting those 3 or 4 days behind you is so hard. Everyone is different so not sure if what I'm doing would help you at all but I've been taking advantage of the mornings when I can control my cravings the most. I mainly eat in the afternoons when my cravings are the worse so I'm full even though as you said, hunger doesn't always have anything to do with it, but it does help me. I'm not sure if you have this luxury to try to lie down when they are really bad, but I find that when I just can't control them, I try to take a nap. If I'm able to fall asleep for 30 mins, I wake up feeling more in control which of course shows how much of this is sleep deprivation. Lastly, even though fruit can throw you off too, I've been eating frozen blue berries, cherries, raspberries and peaches either as a smoothly with milk or just plain. That seems to satisfy my cravings a little. I'm sure you've tried everything over time with results, so it's not about knowing what to do it's being able to get past the days after lapsing. Good luck - you'll get there! I'm on my 3rd day today without sugar/white flour and feeling stronger.

    @fmfdfa2020 Thanks so much for the response. It is so informative to see what works for others. Unfortunately, I can't nap during the day as I work running a motel business by myself which keeps me on my toes. I, however, find that my cravings are strongest when I'm not as busy (late at night). I guess it would help to try and fall asleep earlier, but it's my only time for reading, tv, sewing etc. If I didn't have these couple of hours, I feel like I would not have any life at all. I have good snacks in place that fit into my plan: almonds, walnuts, sunflower seed kernels, Atkins bars etc. but I've been using them for so long they no longer feel like a "treat" and are no longer anything I crave. So I'll just have to plow through this until the cravings are no longer an issue. Relief does come. Tonight I am trying lightly stevia sweetened tea. It is not exactly a Hershey's chocolate bar, but it is tasty so we shall see. Congrats on 3 days now in the clear. I'm right behind you!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,224 Member
    @musicsax I know today has been a long, tiring and sad day for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.