Just Give Me One Month - March 2020



  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,440 Member
    JGM1M: MARCH 2020

    Journey so far:
    Jan 2015: I joined MFP at 227 lbs and gradually reduced
    Oct 2016: finally hit my target of 155
    Dec 2018: Had gradually wavered up again to 170s
    Jan 2019: still wavering round 170
    July 2019: bounced up and down between 160 and 170
    Aug 2019: Gave myself the proverbial kick up the a** and buckled down!
    Oct 2019: Set new goal weight of 150 by year end
    Nov 2019: Hit goal late Nov. Iโ€™m now focusing on increasing strength workouts
    Aug: -8.31 (a lot of this was holiday weight gained in July)
    Sept: -4.71
    Oct: -4.2
    Nov: -2.2 (Strength workouts temporarily slowing progress)
    Dec: + 4.4 (Christmas indulgences)
    Jan: - 1.3 Goal: under 150. Achieved on 11/01. Popped back up on three days thereafter.
    Feb: - 1.5

    OSW: 227 (Mar 2014)
    CSW: 170.1 (1 Aug 2019)
    LW: 147.8 (Nov 2019)
    MAR SW: 148.6
    GW: Under 150

    Week 1:
    Sun 01: 148.6
    Mon 02: 148.9
    Tue 03: 148.8
    Wed 04: 148.6 ๐Ÿ’๐ŸผI seem to maintaining here at the moment. I will review my food log and see what tweaks I can make to stay here.
    Thu 05: 149.4
    Fri 06: 148.5
    Sat 07: 148.2
    Week 2:
    Sun 08: 148.5
    Mon 09: 148.8 ๐Ÿ’โ€โ™€๏ธ Yesterdayโ€™s birthday fare. Itโ€™s not everyday that your baby turns 50. ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Tue 10: 149.1
    Wed 11: 149.4 ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿผ Determined that this will be the end of the birthday bulge.
    Thu 12: 149.0
    Fri 13: 148.6๐ŸŒท
    Sat 14:
    Sun 15:
    Week 3:
    Mon 16:
    Tue 17:
    Wed 18:
    Thu 19:
    Fri 20:
    Sat 21:
    Week 4
    Sun 22:
    Mon 23:
    Tue 24:
    Wed 25:
    Thu 26:
    Fri 27:
    Sat 28:
    Week 5:
    Fri 29:
    color=magenta]Thu 30:
    Fri 31:

    Looking forward:
    • February: focusing on getting back to where I was pre-Christmas
    • 2020 Goal: Stabilise weight around 145
    • Strengthen strategies to reframe the tendency to use unhealthy snack food as a reward/treat.
    • have prepared healthy snacks available
    • cut down on eating between meals
  • nasr25
    nasr25 Posts: 214 Member
    Pre-MFP Diet start weight: 300 lbs
    Feb loss: 8 lbs
    Start weight March:286.9
    Goal weight this month: 280
    Target goal weight: 190

    1 Mar 286.9
    2 Mar 286.8
    3 Mar 287.5
    4 Mar 286.5
    5 Mar 286.4 doesnโ€™t seem like I am losing but I ainโ€™t rushing.
    6 Mar 285.7 ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    7 Mar 285.4 ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ not bad I also went over calories but it was all healthy
    8 Mar 284.0 ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š expecting a slow down very soon as this is just too good lol. I also havenโ€™t been trying much really just lowered my overall calories by 750 no exercise.
    9 Mar 284.9 woke up a bit early so my weight is a little higher. But still happy cause itโ€™s going down overall.
    10 Mar 283.7 ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚ if I can keep losing weight like this stress free I am confident I can hit my goal.
    11 Mar 283.8 happy with that ๐Ÿ™‚
    12 Mar 282.9 ๐Ÿ˜ƒ didnโ€™t eat much yesterday so that explains the one pound drop. I expect to gain some back tomorrow but Iโ€™ll enjoy that number in the meantime.
    13 Mar 383.7 ๐Ÿ˜ง was expecting something higher ate more then usual. But overall really happy with how things are going. Eager to start walking not for exercise but just for the fresh air unfortunately itโ€™s still a bit too cold for me.
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 634 Member
    Starting weight 12.06
    Start weight this month 10.01
    Goal weight this month 9.12
    Target goal weight 9.10

    May lost 4 pounds
    June lost 6 pounds
    July lost 4 pounds
    August lost 4 pounds
    Sept lost 5 pounds
    Oct lost 4 pounds
    Nov lost 4 pounds
    Dec put on 1 pound :(
    Jan lost 2 pound
    Feb lost 1 pound

    01 March - 10.01 really trying this month. Logging all.
    02 March - 10.01. Not a good start. Went over calories. Must do better today. Drink more water.
    03 March - 10.01 need more water.
    04 March - 10.01 ok but need to have a loss soon.
    05 March - 10.01
    06 march - 10.01 ๐Ÿ™
    07 March - 10.01 trying really hard today.
    08 March - 10.01 being very good. Loss soon.
    09 March ' 10.01. Loss soon eating under calories.
    10 March - 10.01 ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก
    11 March - 10.01
    12 march - 10.01 ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก
    13 March - 10.01
  • smontanez71
    smontanez71 Posts: 43 Member
    Start weight this month: 202.6
    Goal weight this month: 195
    Target goal weight: 160

    1 Mar - 202.6
    2 Mar - 201.6 (finally going down)
    3 Mar - 200.6 (now this is more like it, last month was rough)
    4 Mar - 201.8 (oops here we go)
    5 Mar - 200.4
    6 Mar - 199.8 (doing my happy dance, oh yea :))
    7 Mar - 199.8
    8 Mar - 199
    9 Mar - 199 :)
    10 Mar - 199 (As long as it doesnt go up I'll take it.)
    11 Mar - 198.4 B)
    12 Mar - 199.6 :o
    13 Mar - 198.8
    14 Mar -
    15 Mar -
    16 Mar -
    17 Mar -
    18 Mar -
    19 Mar -
    20 Mar -
    21 Mar -
    22 Mar -
    23 Mar -
    24 Mar -
    25 Mar -
    26 Mar -
    27 Mar -
    28 Mar -
    29 Mar -
    30 Mar -
    31 Mar -
  • bstanford510
    bstanford510 Posts: 115 Member
    Starting weight: 170.8
    Starting weight this month: 128.0
    Goal weight this month: 123

    Target goal weight: Not sure, maybe 120

    August: lost 5.5 pounds
    September: lost 5 pounds
    October: lost 10 pounds
    November: lost 5 pounds
    December: lost 5.6 pounds
    January: lost 8.4 pounds
    February: lost 5.6 pounds

    Up 3 pounds from lowest Feb weight from drinking and eating out over the weekend. Birthday beach trip planned in early April, so wanting to do a 4 week challenge to myself to not eat out or drink ๐Ÿ˜ Here we go.

    Mar 01: 128
    Mar 02: 130.6 ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
    Mar 03: 129.2
    Mar 04: 127.4
    Mar 05: 125.2 all the water weight from the weekend is gone, new low ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
    Mar 06: 124.0 new low! Resisted danishes & cookies at small group last night. Iโ€™ve got goals to get โ˜บ๏ธ also joined a gym yesterday after working out at home for 4 years. And Iโ€™m so excited!!
    Mar 07: 123.2
    Mar 08: 123.8
    Mar 09: 124.2
    Mar 10: 123.6
    Mar 11: 124.2
    Mar 12: 123.6
    Mar 13: 122.8
  • deegoulet
    deegoulet Posts: 4 Member
    Start weight this month 141
    Goal weight this month 130
    Target goal weight 120
    Jan loss 2.4
    Feb loss 1.2

    Started a new diet that I like and seems to work well. Alternate Day Fasting... Exercising 5 to 6 days a week. Hoping for a great month!
  • chubba10
    chubba10 Posts: 6 Member
    Starting weight: 211
    Start weight this month: 151.0
    Goal weight this month: Below 145
    Target goal weight: 130-135

    1 Mar - 151.0
    2 Mar - 149.6
    3 Mar - 149.0
    4 Mar - 149.4
    5 Mar - 150.6
    6 Mar - 152.8
    7 Mar - 151.0
    8 Mar - 149.8
    9 Mar - 148.8
    10 Mar - 148.4
    11 Mar - 148.4
    12 Mar - 148.0
    13 Mar - 148.6
    14 Mar -
    15 Mar -
    16 Mar -
    17 Mar -
    18 Mar -
    19 Mar -
    20 Mar -
    21 Mar -
    22 Mar -
    23 Mar -
    24 Mar -
    25 Mar -
    26 Mar -
    27 Mar -
    28 Mar -
    29 Mar -
    30 Mar -
    31 Mar -
  • dharrison82
    dharrison82 Posts: 73 Member
    Female Age 38, 5'10", Idaho

    Original starting weight Jan 2020: 322 lb
    February 2020 ending weight: 303.5 lb
    Goal weight this month March 2020: 295 lb - Hoping for another 8 lbs this month but would be happy with just getting under 300
    Target goal weight: 175 lb

    January 2020 โ€“ down 10.7 lbs
    February 2020 โ€“ down 7.8 lbs

    Mar 1: 304.1 lbs Had a really bad day yesterday. Very depressed with emotional eating. Gonna try for better today.
    Mar 2: 303.2 lbs Better. Tried really hard to be good yesterday.
    Mar 3: 303.6 lbs Maybe TOM. Not sure since mine is so irregular but fingers crossed since yesterday wasnโ€™t a bad day.
    Mar 4: 305.4 lbs
    Mar 5: 305.9 lbs This is really frustrating since Iโ€™m staying at/below target calories and even getting some exercise in. TOM not started yet but could still be PMS stuff I guess.
    Mar 6: forgot to weigh โ€“ had company
    Mar 7: 303.9 lbs
    Mar 8: 303.8 lbs At least itโ€™s going back down.
    Mar 9: 303.7 lbs I guess weโ€™re going with slow and steady for now.
    Mar 10: 302.6 lbs Finally back below Feb ending. Yay
    Mar 11: 301.8 lbs Iโ€™m seeing a pattern with the first week of the month. I keep going up the first week then coming back down at the end of the month. I guess as long as the down keeps coming Iโ€™ll just deal with it. Come on 299.9!
    Mar 12: 300.6 lbs Excited to hopefully see the 2โ€™s soon!
    Mar 13: 300.0 lbs Soooo close! At least itโ€™s a pretty, round number for my slightly OCD brain. Come on downward trend. Let me see 299.9 (or less, haha!)!
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Howdy, is it Saturday yet? Hanging in there until March 25. I have decided to wash and donate my favorite pants.

    March 1 169.8-171 today. Lovely sunshine but cold. Within cal goals and exercised.
    March 2 168.9 Warmer today - going outside to work in yard.
    March 3 Official weigh-in 168.8 on their scale whoop!
    March 4 weighed early, scale said 165.8 however had not drank, eaten, and now I am stuffed.
    March 5 scale is in a snit and suggesting I am up to 167.4. Ate high sugar today so must repent, going to Y pool and have 'gardened' today.
    March 6 166.0 scale loves me, also checked at Y where scale just weighs whoever 168.
    March 7 afraid of scale 167.8 will drink now and psychically imagine salt and excess fat cells disappearing.
    March 8 yesterday -YMCA scale thought 166, home scale had range from 167 to 165. Bad day else.
    March 9 today IDK, going outside quickly to do yardwork before rest of day, tomorrow is weigh-in Tuesday. My scale jiggling from 166 - 165.8
    March 10 - 167.8 weigh-in down 1 pound, down is good. I do have a couple of errors to not repeat.
    March 11 Cooked for no reason really. Scale is ok 166.6 but frig has turkey in it. Will make a salad-need 1 rib of celery.
    March 12 169 whawk Up the exercise, stop eating. No stuffing or roll ever nor butter on the things I am not having. Where is the thrill?
    March you know what 165.5 on my home scale property sale falling through, ate pumpkin protein pancakes. Took my pills - hope the anti-depression one is kicking in. Going to pool and did a bit in yard for exercise.

    Goal March 32 - 165 pounds anything on official scale.

    I hope you are well. Things are closing down here in Virginia. A bit of allergy issues but that's all for me.
  • taxgirl1
    taxgirl1 Posts: 1,287 Member
    March starting weight: 209.4
    March Goal: 205.0/Avg 100g of protein
    Target goal weight: 180 (less than 25% bf)

    1 Mar- 209.4
    2 Mar -209.4
    3 Mar--210.0
    4 Mar -209.2
    5 Mar -207.6
    6 Mar -208.4
    7 Mar -208.4 Now that the weather is getting better I'm starting back up with running, but I've decided to try trail running.
    8 Mar -208.4 For the first time in probably over 2 weeks, my trend weight was downward. Went to strength coach today, and trail run yesterday was fun.
    9 Mar -208.0 Didn't snack last night, when I thought about it I realized that I wasn't really hungry.
    10 Mar -208.4 Slacking on water the last couple of days.
    11 Mar - 207.8 Went out for another trail run last night.
    12 Mar -207.6 Had a tough workout with my strength coach last night. Not enough water so far today.
    13 Mar -207.8 Hardly drank any water yesterday and it had an affect on my sinuses, so I'm downing the water now. Gym later today.
    14 Mar -
    15 Mar -
    16 Mar -
    17 Mar -
    18 Mar -
    19 Mar -
    20 Mar -
    21 Mar -
    22 Mar -
    23 Mar -
    24 Mar -
    25 Mar -
    26 Mar -
    27 Mar -
    28 Mar -
    29 Mar -
    30 Mar -
    31 Mar -
  • dalielahdawn
    dalielahdawn Posts: 141 Member
    Starting with you guys late on March 8th...
    Start weight March:270
    Goal weight this month: 259
    Target goal weight: Over all 175, by the end of the year, hopefully.

    8 Mar 270
    9 Mar 266 (yay, these big jumps always happen when I first start back, nice motivation though)
    10 Mar 266
    11 Mar 265.8
    12 Mar 265
    13 Mar 264.8
    14 Mar
    15 Mar
    16 Mar
    17 Mar
    18 Mar
    19 Mar
    20 Mar
    21 Mar
    22 Mar
    23 Mar
    24 Mar
    25 Mar
    26 Mar
    27 Mar
    28 Mar
    29 Mar
    30 Mar
    31 Mar
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    Starting weight: 163.4 lb
    Start weight this month: 137.2-ish
    Goal weight this month: 133
    Target goal weight: 128

    August: lost 1.2 lb
    September: lost 4.2 lb
    October: lost 3.7 lb
    November: lost 3.9 lb
    December: lost 4.1 lb
    January: lost 1.9 lb
    February: lost 7 lb (stomach pain and loss of appetite in Feb)

    (I use Happy Scale, so the losses above are determined by moving average. I will post my actual daily weight below.)

    1 Mar: no weigh inโ€”out of state visiting friends. Weight was 137.2 when I left.
    2 Mar: 135.8 PMS weight gone now
    3 Mar: 135.2
    4 Mar: 136.2
    5 Mar: 135.8
    6 Mar: 135.0
    7 Mar: 136.2 Pizza Night last night
    8 Mar: 136.2
    9 Mar: 137.0 High sodium yesterday
    10 Mar: 136.4 Sushi out last night, but did okay
    11 Mar: 138.0 Ovulation water weight
    12 Mar: 138.4
    13 Mar: 138.2 Iโ€™ve kind of gone off the rails the past few days! Ovulation sometimes gives me a crazy appetite, and sometimes it lasts a few days. Iโ€™m hoping tomorrow will be better, but somehow I need to get back on track!

  • bernadettenz
    bernadettenz Posts: 252 Member
    Starting weight: 86kgs
    Start weight this month: 79.5kgs
    Goal weight this month: 75kgs
    Target goal weight: 60kgs

    1 Mar - 79.5 ๐Ÿ™‚
    2 Mar - 79.6 ๐Ÿ™‚
    3 Mar - 79.9 did not have a poo today ๐Ÿ™‚
    14 Mar - 80.7 I'm back ๐Ÿ˜

  • Freeglerock
    Freeglerock Posts: 2,864 Member
    Starting weight 15st 8.5
    Start weight this month 14st 1.3
    Goal weight this month (amended) 13st 9.3 (initial 13st 13)
    Target goal weight 11st 0

    Started 9th Nov.ย 
    Nov lost: 10.4lb
    Dec lost: 7.7lb
    Jan lost: 9.1lb
    Feb GAIN: 6lb (bereavement/quit smoking)

    1 Mar - 14st 1.3 (+/-0)
    2 Mar - 14st 1.5 (+0.2lb) - not the right direction!
    3 Mar - 14st 0.4 (-1.1lb/-0.9lb) ๐Ÿ˜€
    4 Mar - 13st 13.4 (-1.0lb/-1.9lb) Yay! Under 14st!ย  Hoping I can keep the motivation up to continue this month.
    5 Mar 13st 12.3 (-1.1lb/-3.0lb) I had put on weight quickly at the end of February, so figuring mush of this recent loss is water, but it is good to see the scale go down :-)
    6 Mar 13st 12.0 (-0.3lb/-3.3lb) quite unexpectedly, I have stuck at this so far in March - and have hit my initial goal, so I am amending my goal to be a total of 6lb loss - which is what I gain in Feb.
    7 Mar 13st 12.5 (+0.5lb/-2.8lb)
    8 Mar 13st 12.8 (+0.3lb/-2.5lb) I was bad last night - went way over calories and did not track.ย  Back on plan today, but I expect the scale will not be good to me tomorrow!
    9th Mar 13st 12.4 (-0.4lb/-2.9lb)Didn't expect that ๐Ÿ˜€
    10th Mar 13st 11.5 (-0.9lb/-3.8lb) ๐Ÿ˜
    11th Mar 13st 11.0 (-0.5lb/-4.3lb)
    12th Mar 13st 9.0 (-2.0lb/-6.3lb) ๐Ÿ˜ฎ completely unexpected - though was peeing for England yesterday! Don't think this will stick.
    13th Mar 13st 10.7 (+1.7lb/-4.6lb) ๐ŸคทDidn't stick!ย  Was good yesterday - just the ups and downs of daily weighing!
    14th Mar 13st 9.4 (-1.3lb/-5.9lb) weight really bouncing around here!ย 
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,440 Member
    JGM1M: MARCH 2020

    Journey so far:
    Jan 2015: I joined MFP at 227 lbs and gradually reduced
    Oct 2016: finally hit my target of 155
    Dec 2018: Had gradually wavered up again to 170s
    Jan 2019: still wavering round 170
    July 2019: bounced up and down between 160 and 170
    Aug 2019: Gave myself the proverbial kick up the a** and buckled down!
    Oct 2019: Set new goal weight of 150 by year end
    Nov 2019: Hit goal late Nov. Iโ€™m now focusing on increasing strength workouts
    Aug: -8.31 (a lot of this was holiday weight gained in July)
    Sept: -4.71
    Oct: -4.2
    Nov: -2.2 (Strength workouts temporarily slowing progress)
    Dec: + 4.4 (Christmas indulgences)
    Jan: - 1.3 Goal: under 150. Achieved on 11/01. Popped back up on three days thereafter.
    Feb: - 1.5

    OSW: 227 (Mar 2014)
    CSW: 170.1 (1 Aug 2019)
    LW: 147.8 (Nov 2019)
    MAR SW: 148.6
    GW: Under 150

    Week 1:
    Sun 01: 148.6
    Mon 02: 148.9
    Tue 03: 148.8
    Wed 04: 148.6 ๐Ÿ’๐ŸผI seem to maintaining here at the moment. I will review my food log and see what tweaks I can make to stay here.
    Thu 05: 149.4
    Fri 06: 148.5
    Sat 07: 148.2
    Week 2:
    Sun 08: 148.5
    Mon 09: 148.8 ๐Ÿ’โ€โ™€๏ธ Yesterdayโ€™s birthday fare. Itโ€™s not everyday that your baby turns 50. ๐Ÿ˜‚
    Tue 10: 149.1
    Wed 11: 149.4 ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿผ Determined that this will be the end of the birthday bulge.
    Thu 12: 149.0
    Fri 13: 148.6๐ŸŒท
    Sat 14: 148.2 ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿผ Have discarded the birthday bulge. Staying on track.
    Sun 15:
    Week 3:
    Mon 16:
    Tue 17:
    Wed 18:
    Thu 19:
    Fri 20:
    Sat 21:
    Week 4
    Sun 22:
    Mon 23:
    Tue 24:
    Wed 25:
    Thu 26:
    Fri 27:
    Sat 28:
    Week 5:
    Fri 29:
    color=magenta]Thu 30:
    Fri 31:

    Looking forward:
    • February: focusing on getting back to where I was pre-Christmas
    • 2020 Goal: Stabilise weight around 145
    • Strengthen strategies to reframe the tendency to use unhealthy snack food as a reward/treat.
    • have prepared healthy snacks available
    • cut down on eating between meals