Ripped In 30 September!



  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    So I did lvl 1 day 1 this morning... today was also my day of running. My legs didn't like me much at all. I couldn't run the same distance or speed. My thighs felt like jelly. They've been sore all day. lol. I'm not worried. I know it'll get better. I find it amusing how the body can literally say, nope, not gonna do it!! lol I have to say, I'm not looking very forward to tomorrow mornings workout. Or I should say, my legs aren't looking forward to it.

    How's everyone else a doin!?
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    I did it! Day 1 complete! I feel like jello. I feel floppy and uncoordinated. When she had us do the football shuffle thing, I just felt like I was flopping around. I can't wait to see some results: less giggle, and feeling more control! Screw those squated fly thingies... Ugh! I did about 90% of it!
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    Dabbles and Kaecklund... I Haven't had an exercise rest day in several days, and 2 days into Ripped in 30 I'm very sore... So I'll probably take tomorrow as a rest day. I'm beginning to worry I'll "pull" something and HAVE to take time off!

    The football shuffle jumpy thing?... I'll have to work into it. I kept having to stop, do 1 or 2, and just keep making that effort. But MAN I was sweating before I was half done!!!
  • Galathea96
    Galathea96 Posts: 200 Member
    I started Ripped in 30 4 days ago but I'd still like to join if I may. I started off last Monday at 60 kg (Around 132 lbs) and am hoping to drop 2-3 kg (4-6 lbs) at least and have whittled away at that fat of mine at the end of it. I'll probably do 5-6 sessions of the Ripped a week and try and take one day off.

    As for the soreness, well last evening was day 4 for me and the soreness was almost completely gone. So it does get better =)
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Ive been real shaky about if im going to be able to fit Ripped in my September schedule, im going to try 2nite. if i start it i will finish it! ill keep you posted.
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Ive been real shaky about if im going to be able to fit Ripped in my September schedule, im going to try 2nite. if i start it i will finish it! ill keep you posted.
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    God I'm soooooo sore right now!! Im doing 30DS in the morning and Ri30 at night and I love it I feel the pain so that means it's working!!!!!
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    Ive been real shaky about if im going to be able to fit Ripped in my September schedule, im going to try 2nite. if i start it i will finish it! ill keep you posted.

    Awesome... look forward to seeing you here!!
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    God I'm soooooo sore right now!! Im doing 30DS in the morning and Ri30 at night and I love it I feel the pain so that means it's working!!!!!

    Punishment.. that's what you're doing!! lol
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    I'm not doing too bad today, still need to do day 2. My hamstrings are super sore and weak. They almost feel pulled. I just stretched and and man were they drawn up! She doesn't stretch them much in the beginning, so girls, I would suggest stretching them before!! In the first part of 30 DS the front of my legs were really sore. RI30 it hurts to sit on the toliet.. lol. The back of my thighs... ahh, so sore. I think once I work past that I'll be okay. The scale was up this morning but it's probably the shock to the muscles. We'll see what it says next week though. I'd love to at least get to 125 and toned up after it's all over. But at this point I'll settle for the toned and maybe a six pack peaking through. I want that belly pudge gone!
  • StarlaDesiree
    StarlaDesiree Posts: 33 Member
    Did both the RI30 and half of the 6 week Six Pack yesterday. I wanted to finish but I had an appointment to get to...

    My goal is to tone up and slim down, and hopefully burn lots of fat! I don't really care what the number on the scale is, as long as I can get back into my skinny jeans.

    I'll probably take Tuesdays and Wednesdays as rest days since I have late classes those nights... but if I can manage a workout on one of those days, I might.

    I'm going to keep trying to make the calorie goal of 1300-1600 or so. I might try a "zig-zagging" method here and there if I seem to be plateauing, by having a low day, high day, low day plan. Since I eat mostly vegan, I probably won't be using Jillian's meal plan, but I might try some of the vegan recipes she put in there (bless her for that...). They're just not enough to make a full meal plan out of, so I'll eat my own recipes as well.

    I'm just going to offer this piece of advice, no one has to take it... but I was vegetarian for a while, eating cheese still almost every meal... and when I cut out dairy, it seemed that fat came off a lot quicker. It's just something I like to pass along since others may want to experiment with cutting dairy.
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    So I just completed day 2. I am only able to do about 90% of it. I am a wimp when it comes to hard effort, lol! The chair fly things, I HATE!! I can't complete them w/out taking a break... The Lunges SUCK. But the hardest thing for me is the running man! "POP POP POP"... I think I need to work on my cardio. I could do abs all day, and I'm not sure what the purpose of the football shuffle thing is... I don't feel ****. I'm a little sore, but not bad at all. I think the initial shock to my system was about a week and a half ago when I did the video and couldn't move, squat, sit on the toilet, or get out of the car for a week... I'm scared of week 2, wondering if I'll even get a chance to do week 1 @ 100%... Not liking Jillian at the moment. She says "400-500 lb ppl can do it" and that's about where I give up. The guilt and shame she lays on me...
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    Just finished day 2 it feels good......... Not ..... Lol and yea I hate the runing man too!: (
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    is anyone else taking before/after photos?
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    I'll try to get some measurements and pics done this weekend. I'd sure like to be able to know what changes occur! I WILL make definate, noticeable changes during the next month!!! I WILL~I WILL~I WILL DO IT!!!

    I've actually been thinking of taking new measurements. It's been at least a couple months since I took measurements, and several months since I took pics. Time to see if I can see any difference in 10 lbs and 9 months. :bigsmile:
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    is anyone else taking before/after photos?

    I am. I had amazing results with 30DS. Want to see what I accomplish with this!
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    So, laying in bed this morning I thought to myself, I'm not as sore as I was yesterday. Then I stood up. hah.. Youch. It's getting better though as I'm walking around and getting the muscles warmed up. I'll stretch them here in a little bit. Tomorrow I know I'll be feeling better. As soon as my muscles and me for that matter wake up some, I'm going to go ahead and rock RI30 and get it out of my way for today!! :)

    p.s. On 30DS I lost 2 pants sizes but not a lot of weight. I'm up 2lbs right now. I'm sure it's because of the water retention in the muscles. Gonna drink, drink, drink water today. I'm sure in a week or so I'll hopefully lose those 2, and maybe a couple more before it's all said and done.
  • Kaecklund
    Kaecklund Posts: 191 Member
    So, laying in bed this morning I thought to myself, I'm not as sore as I was yesterday. Then I stood up. hah.. Youch. It's getting better though as I'm walking around and getting the muscles warmed up. I'll stretch them here in a little bit. Tomorrow I know I'll be feeling better. As soon as my muscles and me for that matter wake up some, I'm going to go ahead and rock RI30 and get it out of my way for today!! :)

    p.s. On 30DS I lost 2 pants sizes but not a lot of weight. I'm up 2lbs right now. I'm sure it's because of the water retention in the muscles. Gonna drink, drink, drink water today. I'm sure in a week or so I'll hopefully lose those 2, and maybe a couple more before it's all said and done.
    Are you able to complete the whole video? I'm at 90% right now...
  • schiesm
    schiesm Posts: 12 Member
    I also started Ripped in 30 on the 1..... I though the workout was a bit easy so I did week 2 for my last workout. Let me know what you think of week 2.
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    I started on August 31 and I have done it 3 times (yesterday was an "off" day and I played Just Dance 2 for 40 minutes because I was too "broken" to do ripped in 30!)

    I am already noticing a difference in how well I can do the exercises. The first time I wasn't able to finish the 3d strengh training segment and I wasn't able to do the plank at all... Today I was almost able to (I quit a few seconds from the end).