Are you over 200pds, let's diet together



  • VeggieMeg71
    VeggieMeg71 Posts: 205 Member
    Congrats, @eppen5 ! You're making steady progress even under less-than-ideal conditions. I think you and I started in the same place and are keeping a similar pace. You might be my weight-loss twin! 😊 I've been doing lots of virtual social gatherings since being stuck at home, and they've been surprisingly fun. Maybe you could do that with your reunion friends until we're allowed to gather again? Keep up the good work!
  • eppen5
    eppen5 Posts: 32 Member
    Congrats, @eppen5 ! You're making steady progress even under less-than-ideal conditions. I think you and I started in the same place and are keeping a similar pace. You might be my weight-loss twin! 😊 I've been doing lots of virtual social gatherings since being stuck at home, and they've been surprisingly fun. Maybe you could do that with your reunion friends until we're allowed to gather again? Keep up the good work!

    Aw thanks VeggieMeg71. Let's both keep on chugging along together! Funny you should bring up the virtual social gathering. My friends have all agreed that tomorrow evening we'll have a "Zoom and Cocktails" to connect with each other as best we can. Not exactly the same as being together in real time/space, but sounds like a fun alternative. It's really a good idea in this age of force isolation!
  • VeggieMeg71
    VeggieMeg71 Posts: 205 Member
    @eppen5 I think you'll have fun! We had a Zoom happy hour last night too, and it was great. And I've been eating lunch "with" friends while working from home. It breaks up the monotony of the day. :)
  • dianastepheny
    dianastepheny Posts: 650 Member
    To keep me going in this craziness right now ( my husband and I can't work from home, I worry about us and our kids), I've sat down and looked at the positives since I started my weight loss journey. Since there is so much in life I can't control right now, it helps me stay strong and not stress eat by realizing the one thing I can control is my diet. I'm trying to look at the little things, since I have a lot of weight to get rid of, and weight loss doesn't physically show itself in the mirror much at this weight. So, here's what I came up with. I started out more than 100 pounds overweight ( but that's my ultimate goal, since I don't think I will ( or need to ) drop 125 pounds at this stage of my life. So far, I've gotten rid of 28 pounds. I can't wait to see Onederland, I haven't been there in many years ( maybe by autumn?). What excites me is the new freedom I'm finding. I feel less trapped in my body. I can do stairs and then answer the phone at work without breathing like an obscene phone caller. My neck in the front doesn't feel like it's suffocating me when looking down as much. From the front, my waist goes in again, which looks really promising ( view from the side is another story .... belly still sticks out past the boobs....I think I'll keep looking at the front view for now). I can also tie my shoes now without wondering exactly how long I can hold my breath. So, I'm loving all of the physical benefits so far.
  • VeggieMeg71
    VeggieMeg71 Posts: 205 Member
    Proud of you, @dianastepheny ! I'll pray for your family's continued good health. <3
  • ladycopnh1
    ladycopnh1 Posts: 287 Member
    JUST FOR FUN.......
    How many dog breeds can you name ?


    Labrador retriever
    Australian Shepherd
    German Shepherd
    Cocker spaniel
    Springer spaniel
    King Charles spaniel
    St Bernard
    Llahsa Apso

    Irish Wolfhound

    Great Dane
    Shih Tzu

    Burmese Mountain Dog
    Blue nose pocket pit bull ( this is my baby )
    Golden Retriever
    Hound dog

  • dianastepheny
    dianastepheny Posts: 650 Member
    @ladycopnh1 Congrats on the droopy drawers lol. I agree on the buying new clothes rule. My last straw was when my button on my jeans wore a nice sore hole in my stomach. I had to wear a band-aid for damage control. I refused to buy bigger clothes ( I can't afford to, nor want to). I can now wear those jeans comfortably and am starting to even hitch them up. I'll eventually wear a belt until I can fit down into my smaller clothes ( which I haven't fit into for so many years, it will be like shopping at home for a new wardrobe).
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    ladycopnh1 wrote: »
    Dianastepheny - you are so spot on. I was outside the other day and I was swearing ( under my breath ) about always having to pull my pants up after bending over, the ultimate plumbers look. Then it dawns on me....dam, I haven't had this problem in years. I actually had to go in the house and steal ( appropriate ) one of my husband's belts to hold my pants up. I would go out and buy a smaller pair but that's against the rules right now. How great is it to be able to take your drawers off without unzipping them.............AWESOME !!

    That is such a great thing! I'm so proud of you!

    When I go one more size down, I will be in sizes that I last saw in....high school. EARLY high school.
  • stella7x7
    stella7x7 Posts: 2,664 Member
  • celticck77
    celticck77 Posts: 113 Member
    I laugh at the droopy drawers comments, as I have been dealing with the same issue. I cannot wait until I can fit into my smaller pants. Any day now. Of course the past week did not go well. I look like I was at a stand still but I actually gained 1.5 pounds. I did work to take it off but then later in the week started going off again. I have nothing to complaint about, I lost 11 lbs in March and just since Jan I have lost 27 (and 35 since Dec). Bit I am afraid I will once again back slide. Saying it out loud is good. Hopefully talking it through will help.

    Starting Weight for group: 262

    Total January loss:12 Lbs (finished weight 250)

    Total February loss: 4 lbs (finished weight 246)

    Mar. 2: 243
    Mar. 10: 240
    Mar. 16: 236
    Mar. 23: 235
    Mar. 31: 235

    Total March loss: 11 lbs (finished weight 235)
    On to April, and hopefully the end of COVID-19. And some nice weather to get outside into.

  • VeggieMeg71
    VeggieMeg71 Posts: 205 Member
    @celticck77 11 pounds is great!
  • angeloup50
    angeloup50 Posts: 54 Member
    Weigh in

    Start        225
    1/31/20 217.6
    Jan loss 7.4 lbs
    2/4/20.   216.0
    2/11/20.  215.0
    2/18/20   209.8
    2/25/20.  207.0
    Feb loss 10.6 lbs/net 18
    3/3/20.    206.6
    3/10/20.  205.6
    3/17/20   204.0
    3/24/20.  203.4
    3/31/20.  200.8
    Mar loss 5.8 lbs/net 23.8

    Hope all are staying well and being careful!

    I've been flirting with that magic number on the scale! Of course, at only 5'2" there's still a looooong way to go to achieve a healthy weight.

    I appreciate each and every post here; you help keep me motivated! Sometimes I type out replies but accidentally delete instead of posting, but I'm working on that too!
  • ladycopnh1
    ladycopnh1 Posts: 287 Member
    Starting Weight: 271
    Total January loss: -9
    Total February loss: -10

    Mar. 03: 250
    Mar. 10: 253
    Mar. 17: 250
    Mar. 24: 247
    Mar. 31: 242
    Total March loss: -8

    Ultimate shocker...4pds.
    As you've heard I have had planters fasciitis in my left foot for over a year now. I have seen 4 doctors for this. every one said "loose weight" and your foot will feel better. Well the pain clinic put me on pills to help with foot pain. When I started taking the pills seriously, my weight loss stopped. When I stopped taking the pills, I lost 8pds in 2wks. So I guess I'll deal with the pain for another year until I can get down to 140.
  • angeloup50
    angeloup50 Posts: 54 Member
    ladycopnh1 wrote: »
    When I stopped taking the pills, I lost 8pds in 2wks. So I guess I'll deal with the pain for another year until I can get down to 140.

    Wow! Hate it when you have to choose the lesser of two evils but if you can power through that's great
  • celticck77
    celticck77 Posts: 113 Member
    The scale seems to be moving again so that is nice. I am struggling to meet my minimum calories though. The site recommends 1500ish, I some days struggle for 1200, of course some days, if I let myself, I could probably hit 3000. But as I move to veggies and fruits (more veggies than fruit ;) ) I seem to fill up faster. I also struggle to eat after work and more so after working out - but I feel like crap during my work out if I eat first.
    I struggle to eat on the weekends - last weekend I ate once... I just wasn't paying attention. This has always been an issue for me. I am working on balancing it a bit. We shall see how it goes.
    On a positive, I think I am going to try for the size 18 pants this weekend.

    My non-scale victory for March: I bought a Kansas City Chiefs Superbowl T-Shirt - specifically 2 sizes smaller than I was wearing... and yeah thats right... it fits!!! new XL shirt and fits nice. Maybe I should have ordered a L, I'll give that one some thought.

    Working from home tomorrow - already have my salad ready for lunch. Trying to set myself up for good snacking and lunch.

    Hope you are all still doing well out there. Stay safe. Stay Healthy!
  • stella7x7
    stella7x7 Posts: 2,664 Member
    April 1-248.8
  • lilySovaje
    lilySovaje Posts: 3 Member
    We think we have found our new house! Now to see if we can get the loan to get it. If we do, we get to finish the remodel to our tastes; a real spa bathroom with fancy shower, a screened in porch for the cats to enjoy (and come back and forth through our bedroom window) and a library and home office with half-bath on the lower level. It's all very exciting.

    I'm really glad that I'm getting more energy and feeling better and better every day. I'm going to need every bit of it! The other thing I'm really grateful for and glad of is that a lot of this is now just habitual and The Way I Do It, and since I am autistic, that means that it will happen because it soothes me. It would probably now cause me anxiety to eat off the plan, and worry me if I don't drink my three 24 ounce glasses of water a day. So apart from logging every day to keep me on track (which is also a soothing evening activity) I can pretty much settle down and let the weight loss just do its thing on a back burner while I focus on things like what color should the spa bathroom be and which washer and dryer should I get and what flooring do I want for the big laundry room/mudroom? Which is a lot of fun.

    Congratulations. I wish you a comfortable home. We recently finished remodeling the kitchen with a contractor. You can see ideas for your kitchen here.
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    edited April 2020
    Weigh in

    OSW - 257.7 lbs
    CSW - 211.8 lbs

    02/04/2020 211.8 lbs

    May goal - 20x.x lbs
    Ultimate goal weight - under 150 lbs
  • VeggieMeg71
    VeggieMeg71 Posts: 205 Member
    Jan starting weight: 239
    Jan ending weight: 228.5
    Feb ending weight: 219.6
    March ending weight: 215.1

    April 2: 212.2

    Well, I've definitely been spending more of my calories on treats now that I'm staying at home. I am extremely extroverted, and I think I'm subbing sweets and salty snacks for some of the positive energy I get from interacting from people, and honestly, I'm ok with that, as long as this doesn't go on forever! I'm still trying to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables,and whole grains with my other food choices. I've been walking on my treadmill pretty consistently, which helps too. I am still keeping in close contact with friends and family virtually, but it's just not the same as in person. I'm adjusting though, albeit slowly. :)