Lose 5lbs + in April 2020

Sorry it’s a bit late guys, it’s been a little crazy at home lol.

So.... April already!! My this year seems to be flying over.

Anyways, same as always guys. Post as much or as little as you like, try to use this format -
Original starting weight -
April starting weight -
April l goal -
Ultimate goal -

1st -
14th -
21st -
28th -

Total loss for April -

But adjust it to your weigh in days. Feel free to post about other things too. Anyone and everyone is free to come and go as they please, all that is asked is that you be respectful to others. We are all on this journey together.

Please please be safe during these times. The Coronavirus has spread throughout the world, but you can help stop it by isolating yourselves with those who live in your household. Please please only go out if you absolutely have too!

Be safe and good luck for this month guys x


  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,276 Member
    edited April 2020
    My name is Donna and I am from the Great Midwest in the USA
    Age: Almost 60. Height 5 feet 5.5 inches when I stand up very straight (I’ve shrunk!)

    I like to weigh in on the very 1st and the very last day of each month, but otherwise follow the leader.

    Original starting weight - 253
    April starting weight - xxx
    April goal - xxx
    Ultimate goal – 145-153 (We’ll see when I get there)

    1st -
    14th -
    21st -
    28th -
    30th -

    Total loss for April -

    Final Challenge thoughts:
  • Erika1962
    Erika1962 Posts: 187 Member
    edited April 2020
    Original starting weight: 285
    April start Weight: 262.4
    April Goal Weight: 257
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 185

    April 01: 262.4
    April 08:
    April 15:
    April 22:
    April 29:
  • suzievv
    suzievv Posts: 410 Member
    Good morning! I’m back with my numbers.
    Stay healthy, everyone!

    5’ 3” tall

    Original starting weight - 160
    April starting weight - 154.2
    April goal - 149.2
    Ultimate goal - 125

    1st - 154.2
    14th -
    21st -
    30th -

    Total loss for April -
  • lizziebtothec
    lizziebtothec Posts: 402 Member
    Original starting weight - 231 lbs (12/2/19)
    April starting weight - 214.6 lbs (3/31/20)
    April goal - 211.6 lbs
    Ultimate goal - 160 lbs


    Total loss for April:
  • quarterhorses
    quarterhorses Posts: 240 Member

    April starting weight - 215.4
    April goal - 210
    Ultimate goal - 150-160
    Start weight 1st - 215.4

    Total loss for April -

    I weigh on Monday so I adjusted the dates. Good luck everyone! ☺️❤️☺️
  • Pepred
    Pepred Posts: 6 Member
    Afternoon everyone! I weigh in on Sunday mornings. I’m including April 1 & 30. Let’s hit those goals!!!

    Original starting weight -168.4
    April starting weight -168.4
    April goal - 164
    Ultimate goal - 155, then maybe 150


    Total loss for April -

    Enjoy your day!
  • rmwb529
    rmwb529 Posts: 85 Member
    Original starting weight - 228
    April starting weight - 168
    April goal - 163
    Ultimate goal - 149
    57 years old

    1st - 168
    6th -
    13th -
    20th -
    27th -

    This sense of normalcy is so good! It's good to see you all checking in again! Welcome one and all!

    I'm not a go to a health club kinda gal. We are fortunate to have a nice set up here at home. However, I found a person who is a trainer at a health club and out of work who puts her workouts on Zoom. That has been great and awful all at the same time! I'm on week two of her workouts and I just feel stronger, sore...but stronger. So I ask myself...where do I want to be when these 30 days are up? I want to be 163 and strong! Where do you want to be when these 30 days are up?

    Good luck everyone!
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,276 Member
    My name is Donna and I am from the Great Midwest in the USA
    Age: Almost 60. Height 5 feet 5.5 inches when I stand up very straight (I’ve shrunk!)
    I like to weigh in on the very 1st and the very last day of each month, but otherwise follow the leader.

    Original starting weight - 253
    March Ending Weight – 203.5
    April goal – 198.5
    Ultimate goal – 145-155 (We’ll see when I get there)

    1st – 203.2 Off to a good start. Good Luck Everyone!
    14th -
    21st -
    28th -
    30th -

    Total loss for April -

    Final Challenge thoughts:
  • AllyNorth
    AllyNorth Posts: 118 Member
    I hope that by the end of April, we are on the other side of this. Stay healthy everyone!

    Original starting weight: 155
    April starting weight: 143
    April goal: 138
    Ultimate goal: 130

    1: 143

    Total for April:
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    I'm in. I'm Chris. 70 years old. Had back surgery last June and hip surgery last month. Used to do 5 miles a day w/DH but I've been grounded for a very, very long time. Getting back to it tho. Weight is going crazy with the shelter in place but I'll get back to that too.

    Highest weight - 192.2
    April starting weight - 145.0
    April goal - 144.0
    Ultimate goal - 132.0

    I weigh in on Monday.

    04/01 - 145.0 at 8:30 a.m.
    04/06 -
    04/13 -
    04/20 -
    04/27 -
    04/30 -

    Total loss for April -

  • OdiroEasy
    OdiroEasy Posts: 25 Member
    Highest weight - March 2019 -245
    Original starting weight - 237
    April starting weight - 206
    April goal - 199
    Ultimate goal - 175

    1st - 206
    14th -
    21st -
    28th -

    Total loss for April -
  • holli1ch
    holli1ch Posts: 673 Member
    Holli1ch UGW 150

    Dec 27, 2019: 222 OSW
    Jan 01: 219
    Feb 01: 203
    Mar 01: 192

    Apr 01: 182
    Apr 08:
    Apr 15:
    Apr 22:
    Apr 29:
    Apr 30:
  • javacreek
    javacreek Posts: 310 Member
    Lose 5 lbs in April

    Apr 01: 167.2
    Apr 08:
    Apr 15:
    Apr 22:
    Apr 29:
    Apr 30:

  • EmmaShazam
    EmmaShazam Posts: 23 Member
    Original start weight 199 (Jan.2016)
    April start weight 137
    April goal 132
    Ultimate goal 125
    (I have gotten down to 125 Dec.2017)

    April 1st-30 min hiit workout 1hr hike 11,500steps