April 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    I'm in for 125!

    So far this year I have run/walked 350 miles. I am pretty happy with that, all things considered.

    I also just logged all of my food for today, excepting dinner.

    I am also trying to determine what distance would be safe to run/ walk this weekend for the Uncancelled Project, all things considered. The creators of this series also said that 15-20 minutes of ANY exercise will count as 1 mile, so I'm pretty happy with that as it will allow me to participate, even with a stupid idiot injury.

    Also... I need more coffee. I just almost deleted a bunch of financial projection sheets at work. . . . .
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    edited April 2020
    @Avidkeo Yikes....how many days do I got? lol! I will look that up today. Can a 50ish....very ish chick regrow bone? I have heard ice cream is an option but it also leads to secondary growth in the back end. Sweet. I am in. Where do I start B) My medical vocab is growing by leaps and bounds. I feel like a pretty good epidemiologist so now maybe head into orthopedics.

    @Elise4270 I read your bio....wow! Sorry to hear that it de-rotated. Sounds like you have great docs. How close are you to Dallas? Yes....I have a 30 day trial of the Peloton. Came at a really timely moment. I have to decide by the end of April. I am really enjoying it and all the classes on the app too. I am only doing low impact rides or modifying so not standing at all but its a good cardio option. Daughter is using it too - my shoes are a bit big but its working. I just worry about getting huge quads so I need to focus on the glutes too....somehow. I might try swimming too once we are free to be out and about.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @Camaramandy648 That sounds delish! Thanks for the tips. Going to try that. I have been trying to do more vegetarian too - found a great recipe for a "bhudda style bowl" with roasted veggies and a tamari lemon dressing. So good.

    @shanaber Yes....I do remember the river. Very pretty area to run. My neighborhood in HS in Costa Mesa abutted the Santa Ana River but not trail that I recall.

    @rheddmobile Regarding the cute baby raccoon, we had a weird thing happen like 15 years ago. Woke up to our dog making an odd growl. 3 baby raccoons had wedged themselves up in the corner of our front door sidelight window against the bricks. They stayed there for hours. Neighbors told us to leave them alone and that they would eventually leave with or without their parents....pretty darn cute. Wish I could find the pic.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @bearly63 I am 2 hours north of Dallas.

    Not awake, that's all I have...zzzzzz
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    @aliciawb130 Welcome!
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    Good morning group. I hope it’s not too late for me to join. So excited to find you all. For this month I’m hoping to run 20-30 miles a week with some walking to get me back on track with running. I’m hoping this will motivate me.

    Never too late to join. Welcome!!!
  • lakeshawas3129
    lakeshawas3129 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you 😊 😀😀
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Good morning group. I hope it’s not too late for me to join. So excited to find you all. For this month I’m hoping to run 20-30 miles a week with some walking to get me back on track with running. I’m hoping this will motivate me.

    Well, sorry, it is way too late for you to join for March, but April is wide open! So welcome!
  • lakeshawas3129
    lakeshawas3129 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you @PastorVincent!! I’m getting ready to head out to start my miles.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,402 Member
    @bearly63 - it is amazing still to me that you can take the bike trail all the way from Yorba Linda to the beach. From my house it would be about 19 miles so way too far for me to run but our neighbor used to ride there and back all the time.
    @brittanystebbins95 - both yours and @rheddmobile's little raccoons are SO cute, Probably not so cute or manageable once they are grown up though.
    @Tramboman - hope you can get that hip to start cooperating!

    I was expecting to have a rest day today, maybe get in some lifting/strength training. It was supposed to be cold and drizzly this morning but I woke up to cool and beautiful sunshine. I also just downloaded the Peloton app for the free 90 day trial and it looks like so much fun. So I may just go out for a little run to kick start the month!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    @shanaber Is there anything worse than having it be absolutely gorgeous on a planned rest day? (I mean, yes, there is stuff that is worse, but this is one of my pet peeves). I usually can't resist temptation and wind up moving the rest day so I can get a run in.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,032 Member
    Welcome to all of the newcomers!

    @brittanystebbins95 Cute little guy. Glad you were able to get it to a rehabilitation center.

    I'll add to the raccoon stories, but don't have any pictures. This was probably about 20 years ago. My husband and I were sitting outside and noticed a critter that looked odd and was walking weird. We went for a closer look and it was a raccoon that had gotten it's head stuck in an empty glass jar. Obviously, he had gone in to eat whatever had been left in the bottom of the container and then couldn't get it's head back out. We were able to take a towel and gloves to hold it and gently tap the jar to break it off of it's head. We let it go and it waddled up onto a pile of wood we had on the hill. We took it some water and just let it be. After a couple of hours it was gone. We're sure it rested up and was on it's way to find something to eat. Who knows how long the poor thing had been trapped.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,006 Member
    April Goal: 100 Miles

    4/1: 5.16

    5.16/100 miles completed for April

    316.56/1000 miles for Run the Year Team Pavement Pounders

    Welcome to all the newcomers!

    I don't think I ever officially stated my goal for April, but I think I will just set it at 100 miles. I got out this morning for 5 miles. It was a pretty good run. I had a hard time getting going this morning.  I really  need to go to bed earlier.  But once I got going the run was good. Then I got home and just barely had time for a little yoga to stretch and when I was done my boss texted me saying the lights at the office had blown and he had an electrician coming so don't come into work. So I could have slept in at least an hour and still got a good run in. 🙄 But it worked out since I went for a walk with my son to hit all the Poke stops near the house so it was good to have that time with him. Now I am thinking about clearing out my laundry room,  but it will be a pretty big chore, so I am procrastinating. 

    When I was in college we had a mama raccoon who got under our house and had babies. We never saw the babies but we could hear them inside the walls. The worst part was our house became infested with fleas. Luckily it was near the end of the spring semester and by the time we got back in the fall the landlord had gotten rid of the raccoons and the fleas.


    2020 races:
    5/16/20: Run for 57th AHC Half Marathon 🤞