New Rules of Lifting (for Women) Group - Part 2



  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    So day 3 today, Stage 1, workout A. I am not sore at all from the previous two workouts so I have to go up in weight today and see how I do. I am definitely feeling it while I am doing the exercises, but I am not feeling the after burn yet. I want to know that I am doing something to my body, kwim?

    I hurt everywhere!!!! I think the first stage is longer so you can find what kind of weight will do the trick. Good luck
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    So I went from using 12.5 lb dumbbells to 15lb dumbbells. I definitely felt the difference. My legs were a little sore afterwards but don't feel too bad now. I think the harder part is holding the weights. My forearms were killing me!
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    So I went from using 12.5 lb dumbbells to 15lb dumbbells. I definitely felt the difference. My legs were a little sore afterwards but don't feel too bad now. I think the harder part is holding the weights. My forearms were killing me!

    I have the exact same problem, my hands are too weak to hold the weights but it will get better in time.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm gonna have forearms like Popeye! ROFL!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I am so not sure how many calories I need to eat.

    I am 37y/o 4'11''

    124.6 pounds

    BF well that one is hard to say. between 26 and 28%

    I work in front of the computer all day.

    Hummm what else?

    can you help?

    How many days do you workout and for how long? Also, what are your goals? Lose weight, gain muscle?
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I'm gonna have forearms like Popeye! ROFL!

    LOL unless you have a freaky genetic's really improbable ;)
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I am so not sure how many calories I need to eat.

    I am 37y/o 4'11''

    124.6 pounds

    BF well that one is hard to say. between 26 and 28%

    I work in front of the computer all day.

    Hummm what else?

    can you help?

    How many days do you workout and for how long? Also, what are your goals? Lose weight, gain muscle?

    I do strenght training 3 times a week. Once a week I run a slow 5k (40 minutes) and once I do HIIT (20 minutes).
    My goal is to lose fat. For MFP my mantenance calories are 1470. In the book, the formula give me 1670. the day I do not train and 1870 the days I do. So I right now eat 1470 plus 75% of my exercice calories. I will see in a few weeks if it's ok or not. For now it's only been a few days but I also have TOM that just got here so I can't say what is going on yet.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I finally managed to overcome my fear of the free weights area. The fear was that bad I didn't go to the gym for two weeks! Talk about illogical!

    I didn't start the program as I'd forgotten to take the workout sheets with me, but I did get the person there to help me with the free weights area so I did squats and dead lifts. I'll start the program proper on Monday morning.

    Question, why are prone jack knifes in level 1? They look INSANELY hard. I just tried it at home with my exercise ball and almost died during one. Why are they adding something so difficult to the very first exercise?
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I finally managed to overcome my fear of the free weights area. The fear was that bad I didn't go to the gym for two weeks! Talk about illogical!

    I didn't start the program as I'd forgotten to take the workout sheets with me, but I did get the person there to help me with the free weights area so I did squats and dead lifts. I'll start the program proper on Monday morning.

    Question, why are prone jack knifes in level 1? They look INSANELY hard. I just tried it at home with my exercise ball and almost died during one. Why are they adding something so difficult to the very first exercise?

    Good for you for getting to the free weights! Yes, the jackknifes are hard but probably easier than the stuff they are having us do in later stages, at least that's how I see it. It's good for getting your balance and strengthening the core which I am sure will be useful later on.
  • lauratws
    lauratws Posts: 27 Member
    Bumping for me to read through later - looks like a very interesting thread.
  • lauratws
    lauratws Posts: 27 Member
    Bumping for me to read through later - looks like a very interesting thread.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I finally managed to overcome my fear of the free weights area. The fear was that bad I didn't go to the gym for two weeks! Talk about illogical!

    I didn't start the program as I'd forgotten to take the workout sheets with me, but I did get the person there to help me with the free weights area so I did squats and dead lifts. I'll start the program proper on Monday morning.

    Question, why are prone jack knifes in level 1? They look INSANELY hard. I just tried it at home with my exercise ball and almost died during one. Why are they adding something so difficult to the very first exercise?

    Good for you for getting to the free weights! Yes, the jackknifes are hard but probably easier than the stuff they are having us do in later stages, at least that's how I see it. It's good for getting your balance and strengthening the core which I am sure will be useful later on.

    I sure hope my balance will improved cause I had to climb back on that ball like 4 times!!!!
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    I sure hope my balance will improved cause I had to climb back on that ball like 4 times!!!!

    That's what I have to do too. :P And really, that's all you have to do is keep at it! :) I'm in Stage 1 as well by the way, but I'm already noticing some nice improvement in my ability to do the jackknifes from week to week.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I was soooo happy to see this thread!! Just what I needed to keep motivated. Here's a little about me: I did Stage 1 during July and August, two workouts a week. I've been jogging for the last few months, and I developed hip and knee pain. I'm currently going to PT for my IT band. The PT recommended I avoid jogging for awhile and squats are not a good idea either. :frown:

    So I'm gearing up for Stage 2, created my workout log, need to re-read the descriptions of each move. Instead of jogging, I've been riding a stationary bike. I really miss my runs and am hoping the PT will do the trick, so I can get back out there.

    RE: the Prone Jack Knife. I was such a dork the first time I tried it. :laugh: The trainer at the gym must have felt sorry for me. She came over me and gave me some tips for getting on the ball. Once I got the hang of it, I actually really liked doing them. Let me know if you'd like to hear the tip she showed me.

    Oh, and I totally agree with the ladies who said they don't care about the scale. I'm not trying to lose weight anymore. I would much rather be strong and lean than 140 pounds. Does anyone know how to remove their ticker from your signature? I don't have a scale at home anymore, which is just fine with me. I want to get rid of my ticker, since I'm not aiming for 140 anymore.

    Thanks for keeping this thread alive!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    For the jackknifes I lay on the ball on my stomach and I roll forward until the ball is at my feet. I find getting off harder than getting on. I almost fell on my face the other day!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I was telling my (awesome, love her forever) gym person about the program and that I thought prone jackknifes were on it and her response was 'WHAT? THEY'RE SO HARD?' She's been insanely helpful with me and has always made me push. It's just the feat factor again!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I think the jackknifes aren't that hard for me because I was doing Jillian Michaels for a while and she really works your core a lot. I was actually surprised when I was actually able to get on and stay on the ball and do all the reps. I had tried doing these months ago as part of another workout and I couldn't stay on for my life. It's good to know that I am stronger now!
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    RE: the Prone Jack Knife. I was such a dork the first time I tried it. :laugh: The trainer at the gym must have felt sorry for me. She came over me and gave me some tips for getting on the ball. Once I got the hang of it, I actually really liked doing them. Let me know if you'd like to hear the tip she showed me.

    Totally interested in the tip, by the way. :)
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member

    I remember when I was a cardio freak, and ran 7 days a week, no rest, for like a year straight(even when sick, Doh!) Anyway, that was when I was like 17 ... 23ish now.

    So I did weights.. SORT OF. I would lift 5lb dumbbells, which at the time were tough.. but as time passed, I was hating weight training. Why? Because I was afraid to get "bulky"(MYTH, TOTAL MYTH. Women do NOT have the Testosterone to do so) and would be doing 1-2 Sets of SIXTY TO SEVENTY REPS. Hello. Problem there.. Lol.

    FF to today where I just went up from 24.5(Ironmaster Dumbbells with Micro Weights) to 27 today, as 24ish was getting a tad too easy.

    Funny how things you look back on and just go .. "wow".
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Hey ya'll! I start round 2 of 4 of Stage 7 tomorrow. I got new running shoes (Saucony! Feel like a perfect blend of light and cush! I'm jazzed) and I'm looking forward to adding more run/walk intervals into my routine.