What's on your mind?



  • TarryTaffyTwo
    TarryTaffyTwo Posts: 448 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    Annd Im not in Florida - but still, contact your local town authorities by email for clarification, then you have back up if a bylaw officer questions you

    ...wtf has this world turned in to - we are scared to be fined for going for a walk

    Not being flippant... but, what are local town authorities? I just moved to this state, but still, as a lifetime renter am not aware of local gov't... HMOs, condo associations, city hall, etc. The only "laws" I've ever concerned myself with were set by my lease & bldg owner.

    So, should I call the local police (not 911, of course)? And, if the answer is yes, do I call the police in my county, state?? When I try to find local TV stations, they don't seem to cover this info, so I don't know who to contact.


    Most states have a COVID response page set up now because they're all tracking the progression of the virus for the CDC statistics and analysis.


    The above is for FL if you haven't already checked it. Their hotline might also be able to direct you to answers if you can't find it on the page. :heart:

    This is really helpful, thank you so much for looking it up for me! I had no idea.
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    Annd Im not in Florida - but still, contact your local town authorities by email for clarification, then you have back up if a bylaw officer questions you

    ...wtf has this world turned in to - we are scared to be fined for going for a walk

    Not being flippant... but, what are local town authorities? I just moved to this state, but still, as a lifetime renter am not aware of local gov't... HMOs, condo associations, city hall, etc. The only "laws" I've ever concerned myself with were set by my lease & bldg owner.

    So, should I call the local police (not 911, of course)? And, if the answer is yes, do I call the police in my county, state?? When I try to find local TV stations, they don't seem to cover this info, so I don't know who to contact.


    Most states have a COVID response page set up now because they're all tracking the progression of the virus for the CDC statistics and analysis.


    The above is for FL if you haven't already checked it. Their hotline might also be able to direct you to answers if you can't find it on the page. :heart:

    This is really helpful, thank you so much for looking it up for me! I had no idea.

    No problem. Glad it can help you out. :smile:
  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    Old memories...
  • indigoblu74
    indigoblu74 Posts: 86 Member
    Sweepy side bang. It just is. It's not a choice.
  • TarryTaffyTwo
    TarryTaffyTwo Posts: 448 Member
    Waiting for daylight so I can go for a short walk.

    Happy Easter, Everyone!

  • cowsfan12
    cowsfan12 Posts: 6,052 Member
    1sphere wrote: »

    Since John Cena stepped away - this dude is my boy’s favorite right now - he’s pretty bad a s s
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,882 Member
    1sphere wrote: »
    Why do high courts acquit pedophiles?


    They should have castrated that guy ages ago.
  • vanityy99
    vanityy99 Posts: 2,583 Member
    Humans doing the most
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    When will I be done with this tablecloth? I'm bored of working on it at this point.
  • NotSoFat70
    NotSoFat70 Posts: 304 Member
    I did a regular workout and ended it with a 4 minute "fat burner workout" Why did I do that,and how long before I see some fat actually burning?
  • happimess01
    happimess01 Posts: 9,072 Member
    "When you look at somebody through rose-colored glasses, all of the red flags just look like flags."
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,882 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    I'm still working, at work. Glad to have my job...glad to 'get' to get out - altho I wish I could have an extra day of "self isolation"...I'm tired. More mentally exhausted than usual.

    Being part of an "essential service" has a weird feel...I'm glad to help, and super glad to get my whole pay cheque, and we can't work remotely - but is it worth it?

    And I find it strange that the government is finding all this money to cover people, its great, but what about us who have to go out there?

    Is it worth it to us? Are we risking our lives because our 'job' is essential, when we could be staying at home with the government $ allowed?

    I don't know if I'm being stupid or not in life skills right now
    (tbh, I've been stupid before)

    My union is pushing for a pay increase for essential workers, since we are at increased exposure to being infected. I think the virus is not as lethal as we are lead to believe (for young/middle age , healthy adults) but still, if we get infected and have to isolate that's a pain in the *kitten*.
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    I'm still working, at work. Glad to have my job...glad to 'get' to get out - altho I wish I could have an extra day of "self isolation"...I'm tired. More mentally exhausted than usual.

    Being part of an "essential service" has a weird feel...I'm glad to help, and super glad to get my whole pay cheque, and we can't work remotely - but is it worth it?

    And I find it strange that the government is finding all this money to cover people, its great, but what about us who have to go out there?

    Is it worth it to us? Are we risking our lives because our 'job' is essential, when we could be staying at home with the government $ allowed?

    I don't know if I'm being stupid or not in life skills right now
    (tbh, I've been stupid before)

    My union is pushing for a pay increase for essential workers, since we are at increased exposure to being infected. I think the virus is not as lethal as we are lead to believe (for young/middle age , healthy adults) but still, if we get infected and have to isolate that's a pain in the *kitten*.

    I feel like some people had the virus before it people were aware of it. We had the symptoms, and the docs said "its just a virus". So we rode it out like we would any other. 🤷‍♀️
    My dad had all the symptoms (fever, trouble breathing, etc...) back in Feb. I think I was already exposed and got my antibodies.
    So I am half paranoid that I will get very sick, and half sure I'm fine. Its a very weird feeling.

    Also, being an "essential" employee, I am also going to work.... and am the designated grocery shopper for the household. My work is very clean and I rarely see any one. The grocery store, however...... 😬😷
  • TarryTaffyTwo
    TarryTaffyTwo Posts: 448 Member
    edited April 2020
    tinak33 wrote: »
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    I'm still working, at work. Glad to have my job...glad to 'get' to get out - altho I wish I could have an extra day of "self isolation"...I'm tired. More mentally exhausted than usual.

    Being part of an "essential service" has a weird feel...I'm glad to help, and super glad to get my whole pay cheque, and we can't work remotely - but is it worth it?

    And I find it strange that the government is finding all this money to cover people, its great, but what about us who have to go out there?

    Is it worth it to us? Are we risking our lives because our 'job' is essential, when we could be staying at home with the government $ allowed?

    I don't know if I'm being stupid or not in life skills right now
    (tbh, I've been stupid before)

    My union is pushing for a pay increase for essential workers, since we are at increased exposure to being infected. I think the virus is not as lethal as we are lead to believe (for young/middle age , healthy adults) but still, if we get infected and have to isolate that's a pain in the *kitten*.

    I feel like some people had the virus before it people were aware of it. We had the symptoms, and the docs said "its just a virus". So we rode it out like we would any other. 🤷‍♀️
    My dad had all the symptoms (fever, trouble breathing, etc...) back in Feb. I think I was already exposed and got my antibodies.
    So I am half paranoid that I will get very sick, and half sure I'm fine. Its a very weird feeling.

    Also, being an "essential" employee, I am also going to work.... and am the designated grocery shopper for the household. My work is very clean and I rarely see any one. The grocery store, however...... 😬😷

    Firstly, be safe. :smile:

    And, I heard from a British dr (Dr. John Campbell... he has a YTube channel with daily updates) that CV began last year, hence the 19 in its name.

    I never get sick, but was stuck in CA hotels doing interviews late last year (forget the mo exactly... Oct-Dec, I think) for 10-wks. I was that ill... fever/chills, hallucinations, severe coughing to the point that I could not speak. There were several families also stuck in the hotel, too ill to vacate or have housekeeping in for cleaning, same as me.

    I got ill while in L.A., then moved out to Palm Springs (100-mi away), thinking the heat would do me good & that I was just worn down. That's where the other guests were ill, meaning, it wasn't 1 hotel but a region as they were already ill with the same when I arrived from L.A.

    I'm wondering if that weren't CV (it was definitely some sort of brutal flu)... I've had the flu once as a kid & it didn't last that long. I've also never been ill to that magnitude for 10-wks, where I could barely get out of bed & had such severe hallucinations, it was frightening.
  • TarryTaffyTwo
    TarryTaffyTwo Posts: 448 Member
    Vikka_V wrote: »
    I'm still working, at work. Glad to have my job...glad to 'get' to get out - altho I wish I could have an extra day of "self isolation"...I'm tired. More mentally exhausted than usual.

    Being part of an "essential service" has a weird feel...I'm glad to help, and super glad to get my whole pay cheque, and we can't work remotely - but is it worth it?

    And I find it strange that the government is finding all this money to cover people, its great, but what about us who have to go out there?

    Is it worth it to us? Are we risking our lives because our 'job' is essential, when we could be staying at home with the government $ allowed?

    I don't know if I'm being stupid or not in life skills right now
    (tbh, I've been stupid before)

    We're all a mix of emotions at this point... those having to work/live with ill people, being in the forefront. I admire what you're doing & I do think some will have career decisions to make at the end of this long trial.

    This sure is a taxing time, in every way it can be on mere humans. I can't offer anything but good thoughts & wishes sent your way.

    Be well.