What's on your mind?



  • Reckoner67
    Reckoner67 Posts: 3,344 Member
    If yer gonna fall in love with vampires, yer gonna get bit
  • RomaineCalm
    RomaineCalm Posts: 3,972 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Tankiscool wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    I sabotage myself from ever getting 100% caught up at work and home because I can’t face the existential crisis that comes with realizing it was the process that fulfilled me and not the completion. I’m terrified to find myself asking “what now? what was it all for?”

    Do you find yourself seeming to work "better" under pressure than?

    Absolutely. Deadlines are my jam because it means all my regular work is being neglected and will have piled up so that it takes weeks to get through it.

    This last Wednesday i set a goal to clean the entire house top to bottom. I was genuinely amused when i got to the last thing on my list because it was like I couldn’t help myself stalling. I started doing the thing finally, after about half a dozen “important” distractions, but ultimately found a way to make it way more difficult than it needed to be and didn’t finish it.

    I think it’s all because I love working, i love my job, and i truly fear retirement. I’ve been stressing about it all week tbh

    Edit: seriously. What do people do when work IS their happy place? I don’t really have hobbies or other things I’m really passionate about.

    I wish I was this passionate about my job. I mean I like it overall but there are some days I leave crying from frustration. Maybe that’s not normal. Ha

    So tell me what you live for. What gets you out of bed excited for the day? What makes the frustrating job worth dealing with?

    This sounds horrible but people talk about spending time with their kids and stuff.. umm spending time with my kids is spent worrying about how badly I’m raising them. Thats my special mom-guilt time.

    What keeps me going is knowing I’m making a difference for someone. And I know I am. Just this week someone brought me a thank you card and a small treat. I got another small gift earlier in the month from someone else. So I know my work is being noticed.
    It’s the hoops I have to jump through to make things possible sometimes and also other people not pulling their weight that makes things more frustrating for me.

    But asidefrom your job, what do you live for? What makes you excited to consider the possibility of retirement?

    I’m like 30 years from retirement so I’m not that worried about it but I would like to have something other than my job bring me a feeling of accomplishment.

    Maybe I’m depressed. Is this depression? Or just a mid-life crisis? 😅

    Oh after retirement I can finally catch up on all my DVR’d shows and stacks of books in my To Be Read pile. I have lots of hobbies and interests I’ll be able to pour myself into. I’m not worried about being bored or feeling unfulfilled after retirement. It’s never even crossed my mind.
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Tankiscool wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    I sabotage myself from ever getting 100% caught up at work and home because I can’t face the existential crisis that comes with realizing it was the process that fulfilled me and not the completion. I’m terrified to find myself asking “what now? what was it all for?”

    Do you find yourself seeming to work "better" under pressure than?

    Absolutely. Deadlines are my jam because it means all my regular work is being neglected and will have piled up so that it takes weeks to get through it.

    This last Wednesday i set a goal to clean the entire house top to bottom. I was genuinely amused when i got to the last thing on my list because it was like I couldn’t help myself stalling. I started doing the thing finally, after about half a dozen “important” distractions, but ultimately found a way to make it way more difficult than it needed to be and didn’t finish it.

    I think it’s all because I love working, i love my job, and i truly fear retirement. I’ve been stressing about it all week tbh

    Edit: seriously. What do people do when work IS their happy place? I don’t really have hobbies or other things I’m really passionate about.

    I wish I was this passionate about my job. I mean I like it overall but there are some days I leave crying from frustration. Maybe that’s not normal. Ha

    So tell me what you live for. What gets you out of bed excited for the day? What makes the frustrating job worth dealing with?

    This sounds horrible but people talk about spending time with their kids and stuff.. umm spending time with my kids is spent worrying about how badly I’m raising them. Thats my special mom-guilt time.

    What keeps me going is knowing I’m making a difference for someone. And I know I am. Just this week someone brought me a thank you card and a small treat. I got another small gift earlier in the month from someone else. So I know my work is being noticed.
    It’s the hoops I have to jump through to make things possible sometimes and also other people not pulling their weight that makes things more frustrating for me.

    But asidefrom your job, what do you live for? What makes you excited to consider the possibility of retirement?

    I’m like 30 years from retirement so I’m not that worried about it but I would like to have something other than my job bring me a feeling of accomplishment.

    Maybe I’m depressed. Is this depression? Or just a mid-life crisis? 😅

    Oh after retirement I can finally catch up on all my DVR’d shows and stacks of books in my To Be Read pile. I have lots of hobbies and interests I’ll be able to pour myself into. I’m not worried about being bored or feeling unfulfilled after retirement. It’s never even crossed my mind.

    But.. but.. but... what will give you a sense of purpose? 😅
  • Keep_on_cardio
    Keep_on_cardio Posts: 4,166 Member
    1sphere wrote: »
    I believe that it is not possible to cure someone else who has mental health issues, they can only be guided and shown support

    I believe depends on the level of mental illness. Theres depression and then there’s Schizophrenia, Personality Disorder’s, PTSD and others that bring on aggression. I’ve Seen so many tranquilized and appeared more human without medication. Then I’ve watched a calm over those, who desperately needed a chemical balance.

    You cannot even use the word “cure” when it comes to mental health. Once you start using that word it implies that there is some norm or way we’re meant to behave or feel. You can only use objective measures such as if it is affecting someone’s work and relationships. Medication can literally save somebody’s life and its utility cannot be understated. It’s complicated but I think ultimately the change has to come within but meds and therapy can help guide someone to a better place of wellbeing.

    Hands down agree

  • honeybee__12
    honeybee__12 Posts: 15,688 Member
    edited March 2019
    I’m so sleepy.
    It’s thundering, light rain,
    I can barely keep my eyes open..............
  • Keep_on_cardio
    Keep_on_cardio Posts: 4,166 Member
    1sphere wrote: »
    I believe that it is not possible to cure someone else who has mental health issues, they can only be guided and shown support

    I believe depends on the level of mental illness. Theres depression and then there’s Schizophrenia, Personality Disorder’s, PTSD and others that bring on aggression. I’ve Seen so many tranquilized and appeared more human without medication. Then I’ve watched a calm over those, who desperately needed a chemical balance.

    You cannot even use the word “cure” when it comes to mental health. Once you start using that word it implies that there is some norm or way we’re meant to behave or feel. You can only use objective measures such as if it is affecting someone’s work and relationships. Medication can literally save somebody’s life and its utility cannot be understated. It’s complicated but I think ultimately the change has to come within but meds and therapy can help guide someone to a better place of wellbeing.

    my wife is a psychologist and this is her view on it too.
    if a person does not want tto truly change their behavior, then no amount of office visits can help.

    I agree with this, yet sucks when there’s marital issues and the other doesn’t put in the work.

    Sometimes perspective on what needs to change, is the hardest because you built a life with someone. The change to create a new beginning, can be difficult when every ounce of what you have has been given to trying to get as many services to your youngest child, who needs as much therapy to give his future a chance. Sometimes what you know you have to do, the timing for financial preparation isn’t plausible. Yes anything is possible. When you understand child development and want to put as much time into those few years, to sponge what you can, you tell yourself make the time work.

  • RomaineCalm
    RomaineCalm Posts: 3,972 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Tankiscool wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    I sabotage myself from ever getting 100% caught up at work and home because I can’t face the existential crisis that comes with realizing it was the process that fulfilled me and not the completion. I’m terrified to find myself asking “what now? what was it all for?”

    Do you find yourself seeming to work "better" under pressure than?

    Absolutely. Deadlines are my jam because it means all my regular work is being neglected and will have piled up so that it takes weeks to get through it.

    This last Wednesday i set a goal to clean the entire house top to bottom. I was genuinely amused when i got to the last thing on my list because it was like I couldn’t help myself stalling. I started doing the thing finally, after about half a dozen “important” distractions, but ultimately found a way to make it way more difficult than it needed to be and didn’t finish it.

    I think it’s all because I love working, i love my job, and i truly fear retirement. I’ve been stressing about it all week tbh

    Edit: seriously. What do people do when work IS their happy place? I don’t really have hobbies or other things I’m really passionate about.

    I wish I was this passionate about my job. I mean I like it overall but there are some days I leave crying from frustration. Maybe that’s not normal. Ha

    So tell me what you live for. What gets you out of bed excited for the day? What makes the frustrating job worth dealing with?

    This sounds horrible but people talk about spending time with their kids and stuff.. umm spending time with my kids is spent worrying about how badly I’m raising them. Thats my special mom-guilt time.

    What keeps me going is knowing I’m making a difference for someone. And I know I am. Just this week someone brought me a thank you card and a small treat. I got another small gift earlier in the month from someone else. So I know my work is being noticed.
    It’s the hoops I have to jump through to make things possible sometimes and also other people not pulling their weight that makes things more frustrating for me.

    But asidefrom your job, what do you live for? What makes you excited to consider the possibility of retirement?

    I’m like 30 years from retirement so I’m not that worried about it but I would like to have something other than my job bring me a feeling of accomplishment.

    Maybe I’m depressed. Is this depression? Or just a mid-life crisis? 😅

    Oh after retirement I can finally catch up on all my DVR’d shows and stacks of books in my To Be Read pile. I have lots of hobbies and interests I’ll be able to pour myself into. I’m not worried about being bored or feeling unfulfilled after retirement. It’s never even crossed my mind.

    But.. but.. but... what will give you a sense of purpose? 😅

    Ha yeah this is not something I think about or struggle with. My purpose then will be to enjoy my free time. Maybe travel some.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Tankiscool wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    I sabotage myself from ever getting 100% caught up at work and home because I can’t face the existential crisis that comes with realizing it was the process that fulfilled me and not the completion. I’m terrified to find myself asking “what now? what was it all for?”

    Do you find yourself seeming to work "better" under pressure than?

    Absolutely. Deadlines are my jam because it means all my regular work is being neglected and will have piled up so that it takes weeks to get through it.

    This last Wednesday i set a goal to clean the entire house top to bottom. I was genuinely amused when i got to the last thing on my list because it was like I couldn’t help myself stalling. I started doing the thing finally, after about half a dozen “important” distractions, but ultimately found a way to make it way more difficult than it needed to be and didn’t finish it.

    I think it’s all because I love working, i love my job, and i truly fear retirement. I’ve been stressing about it all week tbh

    Edit: seriously. What do people do when work IS their happy place? I don’t really have hobbies or other things I’m really passionate about.

    I wish I was this passionate about my job. I mean I like it overall but there are some days I leave crying from frustration. Maybe that’s not normal. Ha

    So tell me what you live for. What gets you out of bed excited for the day? What makes the frustrating job worth dealing with?

    This sounds horrible but people talk about spending time with their kids and stuff.. umm spending time with my kids is spent worrying about how badly I’m raising them. Thats my special mom-guilt time.

    What keeps me going is knowing I’m making a difference for someone. And I know I am. Just this week someone brought me a thank you card and a small treat. I got another small gift earlier in the month from someone else. So I know my work is being noticed.
    It’s the hoops I have to jump through to make things possible sometimes and also other people not pulling their weight that makes things more frustrating for me.

    But asidefrom your job, what do you live for? What makes you excited to consider the possibility of retirement?

    I’m like 30 years from retirement so I’m not that worried about it but I would like to have something other than my job bring me a feeling of accomplishment.

    Maybe I’m depressed. Is this depression? Or just a mid-life crisis? 😅

    Midlife crisis 😁
    Don't worry on things that won't happen for years. I retired young and it did take a while for my brain to quiet down.. I loved the chaos and pressure of deadlines, thrived on the pressure of my job.
    I actually had to learn to relax.
  • Reckoner67
    Reckoner67 Posts: 3,344 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Tankiscool wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    I sabotage myself from ever getting 100% caught up at work and home because I can’t face the existential crisis that comes with realizing it was the process that fulfilled me and not the completion. I’m terrified to find myself asking “what now? what was it all for?”

    Do you find yourself seeming to work "better" under pressure than?

    Absolutely. Deadlines are my jam because it means all my regular work is being neglected and will have piled up so that it takes weeks to get through it.

    This last Wednesday i set a goal to clean the entire house top to bottom. I was genuinely amused when i got to the last thing on my list because it was like I couldn’t help myself stalling. I started doing the thing finally, after about half a dozen “important” distractions, but ultimately found a way to make it way more difficult than it needed to be and didn’t finish it.

    I think it’s all because I love working, i love my job, and i truly fear retirement. I’ve been stressing about it all week tbh

    Edit: seriously. What do people do when work IS their happy place? I don’t really have hobbies or other things I’m really passionate about.

    I wish I was this passionate about my job. I mean I like it overall but there are some days I leave crying from frustration. Maybe that’s not normal. Ha

    So tell me what you live for. What gets you out of bed excited for the day? What makes the frustrating job worth dealing with?

    This sounds horrible but people talk about spending time with their kids and stuff.. umm spending time with my kids is spent worrying about how badly I’m raising them. Thats my special mom-guilt time.

    What keeps me going is knowing I’m making a difference for someone. And I know I am. Just this week someone brought me a thank you card and a small treat. I got another small gift earlier in the month from someone else. So I know my work is being noticed.
    It’s the hoops I have to jump through to make things possible sometimes and also other people not pulling their weight that makes things more frustrating for me.

    But asidefrom your job, what do you live for? What makes you excited to consider the possibility of retirement?

    I’m like 30 years from retirement so I’m not that worried about it but I would like to have something other than my job bring me a feeling of accomplishment.

    Maybe I’m depressed. Is this depression? Or just a mid-life crisis? 😅

    Midlife crisis 😁
    Don't worry on things that won't happen for years. I retired young and it did take a while for my brain to quiet down.. I loved the chaos and pressure of deadlines, thrived on the pressure of my job.
    I actually had to learn to relax.

    I always figured I’d work until I died, tho in fairness I also never really saw me living a super long time either
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Reckoner67 wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Tankiscool wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    I sabotage myself from ever getting 100% caught up at work and home because I can’t face the existential crisis that comes with realizing it was the process that fulfilled me and not the completion. I’m terrified to find myself asking “what now? what was it all for?”

    Do you find yourself seeming to work "better" under pressure than?

    Absolutely. Deadlines are my jam because it means all my regular work is being neglected and will have piled up so that it takes weeks to get through it.

    This last Wednesday i set a goal to clean the entire house top to bottom. I was genuinely amused when i got to the last thing on my list because it was like I couldn’t help myself stalling. I started doing the thing finally, after about half a dozen “important” distractions, but ultimately found a way to make it way more difficult than it needed to be and didn’t finish it.

    I think it’s all because I love working, i love my job, and i truly fear retirement. I’ve been stressing about it all week tbh

    Edit: seriously. What do people do when work IS their happy place? I don’t really have hobbies or other things I’m really passionate about.

    I wish I was this passionate about my job. I mean I like it overall but there are some days I leave crying from frustration. Maybe that’s not normal. Ha

    So tell me what you live for. What gets you out of bed excited for the day? What makes the frustrating job worth dealing with?

    This sounds horrible but people talk about spending time with their kids and stuff.. umm spending time with my kids is spent worrying about how badly I’m raising them. Thats my special mom-guilt time.

    What keeps me going is knowing I’m making a difference for someone. And I know I am. Just this week someone brought me a thank you card and a small treat. I got another small gift earlier in the month from someone else. So I know my work is being noticed.
    It’s the hoops I have to jump through to make things possible sometimes and also other people not pulling their weight that makes things more frustrating for me.

    But asidefrom your job, what do you live for? What makes you excited to consider the possibility of retirement?

    I’m like 30 years from retirement so I’m not that worried about it but I would like to have something other than my job bring me a feeling of accomplishment.

    Maybe I’m depressed. Is this depression? Or just a mid-life crisis? 😅

    Midlife crisis 😁
    Don't worry on things that won't happen for years. I retired young and it did take a while for my brain to quiet down.. I loved the chaos and pressure of deadlines, thrived on the pressure of my job.
    I actually had to learn to relax.

    I always figured I’d work until I died, tho in fairness I also never really saw me living a super long time either

    I hope you get some retirement to enjoy before you go.. 🤗
    I guess a lot of us find it hard to imagine ourselves old..
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    Reckoner67 wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    Tankiscool wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    I sabotage myself from ever getting 100% caught up at work and home because I can’t face the existential crisis that comes with realizing it was the process that fulfilled me and not the completion. I’m terrified to find myself asking “what now? what was it all for?”

    Do you find yourself seeming to work "better" under pressure than?

    Absolutely. Deadlines are my jam because it means all my regular work is being neglected and will have piled up so that it takes weeks to get through it.

    This last Wednesday i set a goal to clean the entire house top to bottom. I was genuinely amused when i got to the last thing on my list because it was like I couldn’t help myself stalling. I started doing the thing finally, after about half a dozen “important” distractions, but ultimately found a way to make it way more difficult than it needed to be and didn’t finish it.

    I think it’s all because I love working, i love my job, and i truly fear retirement. I’ve been stressing about it all week tbh

    Edit: seriously. What do people do when work IS their happy place? I don’t really have hobbies or other things I’m really passionate about.

    I wish I was this passionate about my job. I mean I like it overall but there are some days I leave crying from frustration. Maybe that’s not normal. Ha

    So tell me what you live for. What gets you out of bed excited for the day? What makes the frustrating job worth dealing with?

    This sounds horrible but people talk about spending time with their kids and stuff.. umm spending time with my kids is spent worrying about how badly I’m raising them. Thats my special mom-guilt time.

    What keeps me going is knowing I’m making a difference for someone. And I know I am. Just this week someone brought me a thank you card and a small treat. I got another small gift earlier in the month from someone else. So I know my work is being noticed.
    It’s the hoops I have to jump through to make things possible sometimes and also other people not pulling their weight that makes things more frustrating for me.

    But asidefrom your job, what do you live for? What makes you excited to consider the possibility of retirement?

    I’m like 30 years from retirement so I’m not that worried about it but I would like to have something other than my job bring me a feeling of accomplishment.

    Maybe I’m depressed. Is this depression? Or just a mid-life crisis? 😅

    Midlife crisis 😁
    Don't worry on things that won't happen for years. I retired young and it did take a while for my brain to quiet down.. I loved the chaos and pressure of deadlines, thrived on the pressure of my job.
    I actually had to learn to relax.

    I always figured I’d work until I died, tho in fairness I also never really saw me living a super long time either

    I never thought I'd live long either, couple different reasons...save that for a rainy day.

    Don't think I'll ever retire either, would be "unhealthy" for me
  • newmeadow
    newmeadow Posts: 1,295 Member
    edited March 2019
    This conversation really brings the expression "first world problems" to a whole new level.

    If only MFP wasn't heavily censored. The edgy fun that could be had with this...
  • newmeadow
    newmeadow Posts: 1,295 Member
    1sphere wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    This conversation really brings the expression "first world problems" to a whole new level.
    It's fine, we do also have issues in the first world ya know. It's ok to express your feelings

    My feelings?
  • newmeadow
    newmeadow Posts: 1,295 Member
    1sphere wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    1sphere wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    This conversation really brings the expression "first world problems" to a whole new level.
    It's fine, we do also have issues in the first world ya know. It's ok to express your feelings

    My feelings?
    no I meant in general (for anybody)

    Okay because my feelings freely expressed on this matter would get me in trouble here
  • laprimaJenny
    laprimaJenny Posts: 1,495 Member
    What happened to @MistressSara?!
  • Tankiscool
    Tankiscool Posts: 11,105 Member
    What happened to @MistressSara?!

    Jenny Idk!! I was just thinking the same! I miss her.