
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    JULIE ~ Hoping your bout of illness passes quickly and that you did not have the virus. My DnL’s schools will officially close on May 7th for the year.

    JANET ~ Jaxx is such a cutie!

    PAT & MEG ~ Thanks for checking in and come back as much as you can.

    PAT, your grand children are adorable. Love the dark hair and eyes.

    KYLIA ~ Such sad news about your MnL. Please keep making her take her pain medicine. Prayers for all of you.

    Carol in GA
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @SuziQ113 Agreed about not working too much for salaried work and women often doing more than their share, without recognition (financial or other). Not easy to do, breaking with the mostly unchosen situation of generations of women.

    @Kymarai i'm so sorry. it's such a heart wrenching time to deal with another hardship.

    @Barbara thanks. i really don't know what it was. since i'm almost only eating homemade safe food for weeks, and i've had no live close interaction with people, other than picking up groceries very occasionally, there are not too many things that have gotten into my system as would normally be the case for stomach flu or food poisoning which that certainly seemed like. It seems kind of weird to get it from a pastry but not absolutely impossible if there was some cream in the composition that was not 100% fresh.

    @Barbara woohoo for the stimulus check!

    It kind of stinks that a vast amount of symptoms, including that, can be early signs of coronavirus. But i'm feeling more myself today, able to potter a bit within measure. not quite up to 100% best confinement feeling, whatever that is. I wish i didn't live in the city so i could feel at ease going for a walk without worrying about germs. I've been going out for walk most every day but these past 3. this is my "vacation" week (no online classes to teach) and i've had the stomach flu.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    in france medical masks are close to impossible to get. i have had 6 since March 15th which i reuse. (better than nothing) for about 1h per day max.

    my smartphone had cracked and works badly so i ordered an iPhone from local FNAC (like micro center and barnes and noble mixed), but without realizing it i had purchased online from their 'partner" for in 4 days. it took about 3 weeks. after a week on balcony i opened it and found they had slipped TWO BASIC MEDICAL MASKS into the box holding the iPhone box. a kind and wise customer service gesture. they had apologized for the very late delivery. in china medical masks are now, according to a friend there, relatively easy to get, and very inexpensive.

    Got another delivery of heart rate monitor (old school, watch and chest belt) so i can try to up my cardio when i walk. i tend to amble and wander when i walk at times, (sometimes fast sometimes slow) and my cardio has surely been taking a hit overall.

    It's freakily dystopic. Like that the intro slice of life scene in episode of black mirror. the delivery guy calls and says he's coming up, i put on my mask and gloves and answer the door where he has on his mask and gloves. with gloves and mask i open the box over a trash bag, as if in surgery, then put all on balcony in another box and remove gloves and mask and wash hands.

    Another day i put a plastic box outside the door and asked him to drop the delivery guy to drop it in the box...

    I guess we are all doing this now as a matter of course but who'd have believed it was going to be the world situation 5 months ago.

    It looks like there is much more writing than reading on these pages.
    when i write daily i can usually read all but when it's much past that, the 100 posts takes hours.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Carol, thank you. Where is your DiL's school? How can they stay open till May 7? Maybe it is in an area with no known cases yet?
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    HEATHER must have missed post, what series are you watching. Great on weight loss I am being really bad at least 7lbs over my ideal. Although I’m quite good at compartmentalising I obviously suffer from stress. Don’t like any drastic change in life hence eating all the wrong things for comfort
    Gorgeous weather again here sitting in garden getting my Vit D 😎

    Safe safe everyone

    Kate UK ❤️
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    JULIE ~ The schools have been doing virtual learning for about the last 3 wks and this will continue until May 7th. My DnL says that doing school this way is a lot more difficult for her as a teacher than being in the school classroom.

    SUZIQ ~ Your comments are very insightful.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member

    Today, Rhody the mighty hunter, took down a huntsman spider in our bedroom!!

    What was most disturbing about this was the fact that there was a large huntsman spider in our bedroom!!

    Then this appeared in my FB memories, and I thought ...

    color=#145450]"I can't remember the last time I was in my "comfort zone".
    I'm not even sure what my "comfort zone" is anymore."

    I'm not depressed, sad, angry or anything like that. I just don't feel comfortable in my own life. Every week, sometimes almost every day for a while, I'm doing something that I'd rather not have to do. Sometimes it's as simple as making phone calls. I don't like making phone calls or talking on the phone. Sometimes it's dealing with my husband's return to work person who pops up at the most inconvenient times. Sometimes it's dealing with my husband's brain injury related issues. Sometimes it's working with groups for my university assignments.

    I try to look at it all as a learning experience.


    I got another hour's walk on the treadmill ... 5.6 km. :)

    I'd like to drop a few kg, but at least I'm maintaining not gaining. If I feel the urge to snack, I'm mostly going for fruit and I don't usually eat between about 10:30 pm and noon.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    And this is similar to our Gratitude Calendar that we've done in Novembers.

    Coping Calendar: Keep Calm. Stay Wise. Be Kind.

    1. Make a plan to help you keep calm and stay in contact.
    Part of my plan is to stay home more days each week. I'm getting stuff done, spending time with my husband, and avoiding the crowds. :)

    Today I'm particularly happy because I've been able to spend the whole day at home getting a bit of extra rest, listening to classical music on ABC, and working on my uni homework while my husband has been busy doing stuff in the kitchen.

    In a hour and a half or so, I'll go downstairs to exercise. We would go outside, but it has been a rainy day so we've been cozy inside.

    2. Enjoy washing your hands. Remember all they do for you.
    They do a lot of typing ...which reminds me that I should also wipe down my keyboard more regularly. But I do actually like washing my hands. With my hot flashes, and with exercise, my hands are often quite damp. Washing with soap dries them up a little.

    Last weekend I also did my nails with 5 different pastel colours of gel nailpolish. :)

    3. Write down 10 things you feel grateful for and why.
    10 Things

    1. My comfortable home with its garden and view of the bay.
    2. My husband and the fact that, despite the severity of his brain injury, he has made a "remarkable recovery".
    3. The support of my parents even over long distances.
    4. University ... which is keeping me occupied.
    5. Work ... which is keeping me occupied.
    6. Cycling ... which keeps me fit.
    7. Music ... which I've been listening to a lot.
    8. Internet ... with which I keep connected.
    9. New audio visual system which is keeping us entertained.
    10. God ... who is still in control.

    4. Stay hydrated, eat healthy food, and boost your immune system.
    I have to drink a lot of water to keep my kidneys in good shape. I do try to eat a fairly healthy diet as well. :)

    5. Get active. Even if you're stuck indoors, move and stretch.
    Absolutely!! Every day! On that note, I'm up to 352 flights of stairs in March. Each flight is 20 stairs.

    6. Contact a neighbour or friend and offer to help them.
    We don't see much of our neighbours, but do kind of watch out for one.

    And right now my work colleagues (and friends) and I are helping each other move home.

    7. Share what you are feeling and be willing to ask for help.
    What am I feeling. It's a real mix. I'm happy I'm working from home and taking uni online. But this week I've been fighting back tears from time to time. Moving home made it real.

    Our lives have changed and the changes will keep coming for months ahead.

    Also, the beginning of the week (Mar 22) was the 2-year anniversary of my husband's accident so ... memories.

    8. Take 5 minutes to sit and breathe. Repeat regularly.
    I'll do that tomorrow, I think.

    It's Friday night and this week has been a little overwhelming. Last weekend I was madly working on an assignment. Submitted it on Monday + intense week at work.

    A good night's sleep and I'll be able to breathe a little bit more in the morning. :)

    9. Call a loved one to catch up and really listen to them.
    I'm not good at calling people ... a little bit of a phone phobia. But I email lots! :)

    March 30
    10. Get good sleep. No screens?? Well some nights I read a paper book. I am working on getting more sleep and better sleep, but lately I've been tense at night again.

    March 31
    11. Notice 5 things that are beautiful in the world around me. That's easy!!
    • Rhody
    • Roses ... and BTW, Rhody is the Greek word for Rose :)
    • The beach
    • The waves crashing against the rocks
    • Green ... nature

    April 1
    12. Immerse yourself in a new book, TV show or podcast.
    I don't do podcasts and the TV shows I watch are "old" ... but I have started a new-to-me book. :)

    April 2
    13. Respond positively to everyone you interact with.
    Today has been a good day for that. We nipped out to get a few things this afternoon and talked pleasantly to the checkout people. :)

    April 3
    14. Play a game that you enjoyed when you were younger.
    I haven't done this yet, but I think I will pause and play some majong shortly. :)

    I did go cycling yesterday and that's been a game I've enjoyed for ages. :)

    April 4
    15. Make some progress on a project that matters to you.
    I have done some of this, in a way. Today I've been tidying, organising and cleaning. My home office area (in the dining room) looks a lot better (not quite so cluttered) and I've cleared a spot so that Rhody can sit beside me.

    I've been busy catching up on a lot of things so I can start my week a little more prepared.

    April 5
    16. Discover your favourite music that really lifts your spirits.
    I have been listening to ABC Classic during the day most days and have been enjoying it. It's interesting, varied and relaxing. :)

    April 6
    17. Learn something new or do something creative.

    Well ... my courses. I'll be working on one of them this evening.

    April 7
    18. Fun way of doing an extra 15 min of activity? Does walking up and down the hallway tossing a purple mouse for my kitty each evening count?

    April 8
    19. Three acts of kindness? Smiling and being kind to sales people. Chatting to them briefly in a normal friendly way. Waving and saying hi to people walking on the other side of the street. Trying not to stress my husband out.

    April 9
    20. Make time for myself. Do something kind for myself. Exercise maybe? I'm having trouble with this one.

    April 10
    21. Send a letter or message to someone you can't be with.

    We and my parents have Skyped twice in very recent times!! :)

    April 11
    22. Find positive stories in the news and share these with others

    Andrea Bocelli performs Music for Hope concert in Milan's empty Duomo cathedral, in Italy's worst-hit coronavirus region

    April 12
    23. Have a tech-free day.

    OK ... this is not going to happen. But parts of my day are somewhat tech-free.

    April 13
    24. Put your worries into perspective and try to let them go.

    My worries. Hmmm :neutral: Add a few more rings in there for my husband's situation, my parents on another continent, my brother and his kids, the fact that we haven't been able to leave the island for 2 years and it could be another 2 years before we can ... sigh.


    April 14
    25. Look for the good in others and notice their strengths.

    My husband, in spite of his brain injury, keeps plugging away at things. It takes him a lot longer to accomplish things now but he usually gets there. Determination.

    April 15
    26. Take a small step toward an important goal.

    I'm making progress on my assignments!

    April 16
    27. Thank three people you're grateful to and tell them why.

    I have actually thanked three people today! My husband and two doctors! :)

    Machka in Oz