

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,104 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    the ride wasn't a fluke, i got over 14mph coming to work again :0)

    Average speed?

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,666 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    the ride wasn't a fluke, i got over 14mph coming to work again :0)

    Average speed?

    yes, average mph yesterday was 14.3, today 14.1
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,104 Member
    This is actually quite interesting ... you can filter it on specific diseases.


    If you filter on Polio and read the 1916 New York account, it says,

    "New York City Polio Epidemic

    Health officials announced a polio epidemic centered in Brooklyn, New York. As was typical with polio outbreaks, infections surfaced in the summer months.

    More than 2000 people would die in New York City alone. Across the United States in 1916, polio took the lives of about 6,000 people, leaving thousands more paralyzed.

    Summer epidemics would come to be common in this era and would lead to widespread closures of pools, amusements parks, and other places where children gathered."

    So this business of closing things down is not new!

    And it wasn't until 1955 that a vaccine was finally found and it had some problems which don't appear to have been resolved until the 1960s.

    M in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,780 Member
    Morning ladies
    I'm watching little house on the prairie and have laundry in the dryer .. whoopee
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Heehee! I am so not random!😁
    Question. How do you post videos on here? I try to but it says the format not allowed. I guess if I had a computer I could drag and drop, but I have a Fire tablet.

    Rebecca, no expert here, but one video I took (the one of Bailey trotting around and lifting his leg a couple of weeks before he died), I was bound & determined to post here, but it was in a disallowed format. I posted it to a private Youtube account only I could view & somehow that changed the format to one that MFP would allow. There are people on this thread a lot more savvy than me, though, and I look forward to finding out how to fix this problem as well.

    Karen in Virginia
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,104 Member
    Heehee! I am so not random!😁
    Question. How do you post videos on here? I try to but it says the format not allowed. I guess if I had a computer I could drag and drop, but I have a Fire tablet.

    Rebecca, no expert here, but one video I took (the one of Bailey trotting around and lifting his leg a couple of weeks before he died), I was bound & determined to post here, but it was in a disallowed format. I posted it to a private Youtube account only I could view & somehow that changed the format to one that MFP would allow. There are people on this thread a lot more savvy than me, though, and I look forward to finding out how to fix this problem as well.

    Karen in Virginia

    I have discovered that I can't post a video from Facebook ... but other methods seem OK.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) I was impressed by all the safety measures in place at Costco. The stack of canned dog food was much smaller than usual so it wasn't hard to understand why it was limited to only one case. It helped me understand why someone would think they might be able to sell it for four times as much on Amazon. Right now we have enough for 26 days so we have time to consider a lot of possibilities but nothing has to be done right away. In dramatic contrast there was so much toilet paper that they had a huge section for it closer to the front of the store in addition to what was in the usual place in the back.

    :)SuziQ. Thanks for your reflections on not doing too much. I have tended to be an overachiever and naturally keep on going when I should say no. When my husband got his cancer diagnosis 18 months ago, I made the decision to spend more time with him even if it was just sitting with him watching TV. Saying no to requests did not come easy to me.

    :) Another observation from my trip to Costco. With everyone wearing masks, it wasn't possible to effectively smile in response to someone being careful to give me space. You can't see a smile behind a mask. It just added to the zombie feeling of the experience.

    :) I had a nice phone conversation with my friend in Arizona who lives in a senior residence where she is confined to her room and the hallway outside it as long as no one is in the hall making deliveries. She told me that the staff had a special "happy hour" and brought carts of wine and beer and chips and candy and delivered the same way they deliver meals. My friend is inspirational to me because she is upbeat and positive about all the things that are going right in her life rather than bemoaning how confined she is. It's hard for me to be cranky because I can't get the kind of peanut butter I like when she is limited to eating whatever they serve her with very limited choices.

    :) I am especially grateful to have all of you to share with me and listen to me and share photos of your plants, scenery, and loved ones. Thank you for all you add to my life.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    Hi Barbie.

    It will continue to take me a lifetime to truly be able to say "no", but I am much better than before.

    And, we can continue to smile under our masks because it shows through our eyes. The last time I was out many were saying, wow you are happy. So, we can smile and still communicate - it just takes some getting used to. :smile:

    So glad you had a good conversation with your friend. I am finding connecting, however, the method, brings me a lot of joy and warm feelings.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) I was impressed by all the safety measures in place at Costco. The stack of canned dog food was much smaller than usual so it wasn't hard to understand why it was limited to only one case. It helped me understand why someone would think they might be able to sell it for four times as much on Amazon. Right now we have enough for 26 days so we have time to consider a lot of possibilities but nothing has to be done right away. In dramatic contrast there was so much toilet paper that they had a huge section for it closer to the front of the store in addition to what was in the usual place in the back.

    :)SuziQ. Thanks for your reflections on not doing too much. I have tended to be an overachiever and naturally keep on going when I should say no. When my husband got his cancer diagnosis 18 months ago, I made the decision to spend more time with him even if it was just sitting with him watching TV. Saying no to requests did not come easy to me.

    :)Another observation from my trip to Costco. With everyone wearing masks, it wasn't possible to effectively smile in response to someone being careful to give me space. You can't see a smile behind a mask. It just added to the zombie feeling of the experience.

    :) I had a nice phone conversation with my friend in Arizona who lives in a senior residence where she is confined to her room and the hallway outside it as long as no one is in the hall making deliveries. She told me that the staff had a special "happy hour" and brought carts of wine and beer and chips and candy and delivered the same way they deliver meals. My friend is inspirational to me because she is upbeat and positive about all the things that are going right in her life rather than bemoaning how confined she is. It's hard for me to be cranky because I can't get the kind of peanut butter I like when she is limited to eating whatever they serve her with very limited choices.

    :) I am especially grateful to have all of you to share with me and listen to me and share photos of your plants, scenery, and loved ones. Thank you for all you add to my life.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA


    But…but…but…I've been seeing people smile with their eyes and body language! Truly! And I hope they are seeing me, too…disheartening to think that might not be the case for everyone. :/

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Machka Please tell me those people in charge of determining your husband's work capacity are not still bugging you through the pandemic.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Barbie I think the people in Costco did see your smile...
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,104 Member
    Machka Please tell me those people in charge of determining your husband's work capacity are not still bugging you through the pandemic.

    Oh yeah. The girl I've mentioned before doesn't even seem aware there is a pandemic and all sorts of restrictions.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Machka: We’re Subway fans, too, but we haven’t been there recently. :ohwell: Rhody the mighty hunter is adorable. :smiley:

    Heather: I am sorry that your cruise was cancelled and hope you get to go next year. Have they refunded your fees? :star:

    Kylia: Snow in April is hard to imagine. Stay warm and cozy. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I’m happy to hear that you’re getting what you need from Costco. I am feeling grateful, too. Our local stores are doing a good job of stocking what is needed. Staff and other customers are masked and polite. :star: As I have mentioned, the nearest Costco is many miles away.

    Pip: You are a bike riding rock star. WOW! :bigsmile:

    Our waterfront parks have free paperback book shelters where people can pick up a used book to read or drop one off. I got a book by a favorite author and finished reading it yesterday. Today I plan to put in back into the book shelter for the next reader to enjoy. We also have a public library, but the free book shelters are located in the waterfront parks near boat docks & don't require fees or a library card.

    We have another gorgeous day today. :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,323 Member
    Kate UK - I've been watching 'The Split'. I didn't watch it when it was on as in general I don't like law or court dramas, but needed something to watch while I was rowing in the afternoon, so tried the first episode of the second series to see if it was any good. :o Oh my, I was totally hooked, even though I hadn't seen the first series. I watched all the second series and then started on the first, only to discover that iplayer is pulling it tonight. Disaster! So I have managed to watch it all. :D
    I am now devastated that there are no more episodes. :sad: I feel bereaved. And I am totally in love with Nicola Walker. Someone help me! :'(:'(

    I ran round the corner this morning for milk. I was the only person in the newsagent and they have big perspex screens up now. :D I also queued for entry, 2 persons at a time, to the deli. Plenty of space. Bought lots of lovely fresh veg. I had gloves and big sunglasses on, but no mask. The shopkeeper had a mask and gloves. Very few in masks round here.
    Tonight we are having my ragu from the freezer, baked sweet potato and roasted cauliflower. Parmesan.
    Stewed plums with homemade yoghurt. Two squares of plain chocolate.
    I have burnt 960 calories today.

    Kylia - I'm so sorry to hear about your MIL. You don't need any more stress right now. Lots of love and hugs. <3

    SuziQ - One thing I have always been good at is saying no. Life is so much simpler that way. :laugh: I also am a control freak, largely because of my out of control childhood. Most people indulge me in my control freakery and I'm very grateful. >:)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    No stimulus check we’re not Uber rich only got married 5yrs ago he inherited the ex wife’s debts y she was his book keeper lied about paying the taxes for years! Every paper she had was fake the money he gave her to pay the fake paperwork she wrote up (forged tax papers) she spent. So drowning in debt anything from IRS so of JR gets a check it goes to that. Stimulus check is up to a certain amount made...but that doesn’t help us with starter small Buisness who owe large debt in starter costs so anything we make gets ate up by bank lenders yet also makes us ineligible for tax checks. We had just purchased our home y renter home so first time buyers with less than a year in the home it’s beginner mortgage city! Lots fall in our category it’s based on who filed in certain years only 2018&2019 both were years healing up from JR so I usually file separately but couldn’t so no check for me we asked (fall through the cracks happening to many).
    Daughter filed taxes so she will get a check.
    We already asked our tax guy (no check for me) (none for hubby) (JR goes to back taxes)

    Amber Tx

    Wish we were rich I wouldn’t be baking brownies without baking powder or vegetable oil
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Banana and oranges- Sounds like it could be the virus they said incubation times different for everyone some it’s 4days others weeks. Take precautions not to spread it try to feel better rest up.

    Amber Tx

    School cancellations seem to get longer y longer. So video ones all kids got to not fall behind. I’d ask for placement tests some states allow them they can join their grades they would have been in,summer school if we have it, y even tests for college,some may have to do a GED go to college (GED alone worthless these days )
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Small Buisness loans y grants-Were still trying to get one .Banks are deaf ears 👂,sites are so full we can’t get on, y well mortgage company not willing to work with us. The loan/grants are almost gone they said
