
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @1948Peachy Carol, That makes sense. that's like here more or less. i think the school year is lasting it's usual duration but all online, except maybe some (unknown) schooling from May 11 possibly. I'm a teacher too and it's a lot more work to do online stuff, at least while having prepped regular classes and having no time for online prep.

    @Barbiecat if not too far one can sometimes see the smiles in the eyes. for the hearing-impaired there are masks with transparent parts so they can lip read.

    @Machka9 I'm sorry you don't feel comfortable in your life and that you have to do some things you don't want to do. It sounds like all on the list involve speaking or exchanging with others you. Is that accurate? I think you said you are introvert. Have you always been? Has that evolved in some ways? Liking more of this or less of that? Yes it's can be so long to find a vaccine if they find one: 30 years for polio is long.

    @bwcetc Beth thanks, nice for the weed salad. Can you give notice on the apartment or does he still have stuff in it and you can't go there? or maybe you want to keep it in case he stays on? What is your son studying? Some subjects are maybe easier to continue from a distance, and i guess it depends on learning styles. Iguess there are a lot of uncertainties (will there be tuition waver if they continue next semester to graduate), etc. i don't ask too many questions either cause most time people don't have the answers.

    @cityjaneLondon Heather so bingewatching to beat the clock! I only have netflix but i have guilty of some bingewatching. Good for you for ability to say no. Nice about the online choir!

    @JRsLateInLifeMom Are you guys able to make ends meet? Brownies can be pretty delish with all sorts of unusual ingredients. What's in yours? Yeah, it could be the virus. That's the 2nd "possible" diagnosis i've had in 1 month, the 1st aroudn March 15 when I had dry cough and other mild symptoms. Presumably if one is right the other is wrong. I was not sure on March 15 and neither was my GP but was precautionary. A fever is the most common symptom but not every fever is Corona. I can try to get some food delivered but not sure if it's easy. I don't have enough veggies for a week. Having been sick i really feel like eating steamed veggies. i think i have enough for fresh for about 2 days or so and then frozen for about 2 or 3 days and maybe 1 day of canned max. I have about 5k each of beans and rice and a good amount of cereal and soy milk but since being sick that seems heavy to me. in heavy hay fever season i sometimes avoid most grains and that helps some. i tend to eat raw and light but i won't be eating much or any raw food these days. (and actually don't feel like it with recovering digestive system.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    i was feeling relatively chipper to start the day post fever and stomach flu; but after a bit of pottering (dishes, picking up, light cooking, etc) i felt petered out pretty quickly. i don't feel like talking on phone much nor checking email. lets see what tomorrow brings. it seems like it's wisest just to rest as much as i possibly feel the need to, especially this 'vacation' week. If it were "normal" times i would maybe go for a little errand outside and short walk to test my health, but that is stressful at present.

    i know this question was going around some time ago, maybe a few times. but living in 500 sq ft and having a very modestly priced new gym 5 min walk i didn't really pay attention. but since gyms probably won't open till god knows when, i was looking at acquiring one piece of equipment. at the gym i use the elliptical most often (weight bearing, decent calorie burn and no impact (impact is s problem for me due to foot issues and also knee issues). but i don't think there are small ish quality elliptical machines. That seems to leave bicycles and rowers right? Both seem to have some decent quality reasonably priced (200-400 euros) solid, folding or compact models with many hundreds of good reviews. Any recommendation between rowers and cycles? Any (not very voluminous recommendations)? I know i can do air cycling etc, but i think i'm more likely to do a machine like i actually DID do at the gym around 2x a week on average. THANKS FOR ANY TIPS.

    thanks you guys
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    any netflix recommendations? i know it depends on taste and i've seen many things i like but haven't foudn any good ones lately. thanks
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Banana and oranges- paying our workers double pay (luckily we only got 2) for half the work.Hazard pay were calling it got them PPE. We’re not making a profit at all we’re making enough to get in more credit card debt y pay our bills on time by the skin of our teeth, paycheck to paycheck. Hubby dreaming that this will not ruin our 10year plans.

    Ingredients I got is a bag of brownie mix calling for all I don’t have except I do have egg whites used a stick of butter in place of oil. To make from scratch I got flour but nothing to make it rise at all so flat breads to deserts with it. We’re not the only ones not getting loans to stimulus small starter buisnesses are dying right now or like us hanging on by our teeth hoping work doesn’t fully dry up. Hubby had big job lined up even at hospitals far away but their city decided our field is nonessential. We’re essential in our city so finding work here trying to work faster so happy customers word of mouth y well less exposure also for Hubby y his two guys. Divorce is a life set back a start from scratch for many like a 18yr old leaving home for the first time. Luckily Hubby is a hard worker so if theirs something he’ll find it he doesn’t say die,

    Amber Tx
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,694 Member
    any netflix recommendations? i know it depends on taste and i've seen many things i like but haven't foudn any good ones lately. thanks

    I enjoyed "Locke and Key", its a cute mystic series, with graphics sweet not scary.
    "I am Human", is a Russian series ( with great audio English though), with a female robot that is nurturing.
    If you loved " Breaking Bad", there is a parallel series called "Better Call Saul" that's hilarious, but with some violence. On the same level as Breaking Bad was.
    The series "OA", was crazy good! Its time travel, so you have to pay attention.

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    HEATHER I did watch series 1 of The Split Will now watch series 2 on iPlayer series is available for 11 months I think

    REBECCA Loved Breaking Bad seen some of Better Call Saul will have another look

    There’s loads I’ll watch but need to find stuff DH will like as well. Have been watching documentaries and war films Also watched Indiana Jones movies lately and James Bond pure escapism We also watch true crime stuff

    Kate UK ❤️
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    any netflix recommendations? i know it depends on taste and i've seen many things i like but haven't foudn any good ones lately. thanks

    I enjoyed "Locke and Key", its a cute mystic series, with graphics sweet not scary.
    "I am Human", is a Russian series ( with great audio English though), with a female robot that is nurturing.
    If you loved " Breaking Bad", there is a parallel series called "Better Call Saul" that's hilarious, but with some violence. On the same level as Breaking Bad was.
    The series "OA", was crazy good! Its time travel, so you have to pay attention.

    Loved OA. Messiah is really good too. One must get through the first two episodes because there are translations. Show is in English though...it starts in the middle east hence the translations.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    edited April 2020
    Kate UK - It's hard to find stuff we both like. Watching Lewis repeat tonight. Our TV is not smart enough for iplayer. It will only do online ITV. Used to do Channel 4, but that's gone now. It's an old Samsung and doesn't do much at all. Luckily I can record stuff, if I see it coming, on my video recorder. DH would normally be out of the house a lot at cricket, so that's when I catch up with my recordings of foreign films. :| I watch all my favourite online programmes on my tablet. Usually while I am rowing and biking, or sometimes in the bedroom. Very occasionally I put earphones in and watch in the living room. I could watch Amazon Prime foreign films on my tablet, I have many in my favourites box, but never seem to have the time. My tv doesn't know how to find it. I prefer to have my own private indulgences. :o Hidden was one of those. I find myself looking forward to my rowing sessions with a guilty pleasure. >:)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited April 2020

    Barbie: I’ve had enough mask practice to realize that it doesn’t show that I'm smiling. Thumbs up works just fine provided you have at least one free had to do it. I chatted with a friend who was also wearing a mask at the grocery store yesterday. We had no problems talking while masked. :star:

    Lanette: Lupines are beautiful. I love seeing them in an open field. :smiley: We also have a Speed Queen washer and dryer, fabulous equipment that is made to last. We are very pleased with them. :bigsmile:

    Heather: Our neighbor made masks for several of us. I have thanked her repeatedly. She did a great job. It is easy to speak through them so we can chat and be safe all at once. The masks she made for us came with an inner filter and spares. :star:

    Amber: No checks here either. I read that Trump wanted to put his name on them all. :grumble: Our schools are closed until September by order of the Governor. Schools in Oregon are still providing free lunches to their students. :flowerforyou: As to home gym equipment, we have two terra-trikes in the garage that are on trainers. The trainers hold them in place and let the rear wheel turn on weighted rollers. I ride mine for at least a half an hour every day. DH hasn’t used his since we dusted them off and set them up. :ohwell:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    SuziQ ... thanks for the garden photos!

    Bananas ... son is graduating with a music degree ... specifically songwriting/production. Which is a questionable major at the best of times. Prior to the shutdown, he was making gains within music production. Does something called "track writing" which is/was in demand. That has all dried up. The apartment is full of his belongings. He only came home with the idea he would be here for break. His future ... if the music industry is able to get going again ... is in Nashville. So ultimately, he would like to continue with the apartment. But you have to have a job to do that. And you have to be able to get back there. His lease ends at the end of June. His dad and I are able to support him in the apartment (and even for another semester if necessary) until the end of the year. If we aren't in an outright depression, however, my husband plans to retire at the beginning of next year. My son needs to figure it out. As I type he is having a remote guitar lesson with a professor.

    Amber ... are you still having a hard time getting groceries? Not just financially, but the actual products/items as well?

    Masks and Smiling ... you most definitely can tell if someone is smiling with a mask on ... but the smile has to be pretty large to make it to the eyes. Smile wide ladies!!


  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Beth- Before virus store has big huge packages of tortillas now 10-20packs only. Some items still not in the store others finally are. Seems like the sizes are smaller on what’s available. 1 item limit means more trips to get stuff so more risk.

    Katla - They really need to pay teachers y schools for the students logging on go ahead grade it. The kids who can need to move forward then concentrate on the ones who didn’t have internet so they can join their peers in college or next grades.
    Yes some gaps will always be no matter what’s passed .It always has been that way the virus is making it hard on everyone. Ones not paying rent/mortgage but can’t get evicted yet will still be faced without a home when this is done if they can’t come up with months missed in rent/mortgage. We checked into refinancing the mortgage but would have to come up with the fee we paid to get the home in the 1st place who has 5-30k laying around in times like this. Lots of college kids will not get a stimulus check. Folks in nonessential jobs/owners are hurting / Folks in essential workers to owners they are over worked or under for many ,no PPE for many, fear of calling in might leave to job loss,some aren’t getting bathroom breaks to food ones (like some jobs forget after this is over they will have to answer for going against workers rights!) ,might not make enough still to cover costs with spouse to kids out of work y food prices all over the place. I don’t think their is a solution at this point cause any good answers they won’t do . Some ideas are great but so many need them not enough to go around. Both parties ideas are in play both have gaps it’s a fact that this pandemic is not something that can be 100% smooth sailing no matter what they agree on. What they passed will help some but not all. Some are getting checks for the dead even lol 😂 they claim it can be kept but I wouldn’t count on that(don’t spend it Incase the ORS hands come for it later). Elections are even a mess some states praise God are allowing mail in or email voting! Claps for those who get it’s hard times! Others are not so risk going to crowded areas to vote ,sick cannot vote,nursing homes will not be driving to the poles to cast theirs,ones in essential jobs or job hunting will miss it,y many more sad to say the ones who risk going to vote may get sick. I couldn’t cast my vote 🗳 so far judges fighting may help folks like me tho if they win it https://www.vox.com/2020/4/4/21204571/texas-election-law-disenfranchise-millions-pandemic-coronavirus-absentee-ballots


    Amber Tx

    What will be will be having family alive through this is all that matters in the end of the days ahead
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited April 2020
    Will all survive like our ancestors in the past luckily if Renters want to hold the past due rents against folks who will be researching for apartments to homes then they’ll find themselves with 1 application that will pass! So sure folks will have to adapt if they want renters to people buying homes.

    Some Doctors nurses here have been furloughed https://www.expressnews.com/business/health-care/article/San-Antonio-s-Baptist-Health-System-furloughs-15203518.php
    Amber Tx

    Stay safe keep spirits up . Depression they say is on the rise so find ways to not dwell on the stuff at hand we all cannot control . Instead be happy for those who got stimulus checks to ones who find work y even find silver linings even if it’s in flat brownies being eaten lol 😂 boy mine were flat lol 😂. JR like the worst ones hates the better ones I made. Silver linings can be found in just being glad for Netflix to flowers 🌺 blooming.

    So far lots good on Netflix I’ve turned to just random clicking lol. Kim’s Convinence is a good one nice funny feel good family comedy. Kingdom was good. Ozark. Self Made story about CJ Walker the 1st selfmade woman millionaire inspire of racism to views Women should stay in the kitchen! The Haunting of Hill House for those who want scary movies. Zombie 🧟‍♀️ (funny blond zombie who becomes a morgue worker to get brains 🧠 a comedy). Schitts Creek funny comedy about a rich Hollywood type family turned poor moved into a small hick town cause the only thing they had left was a gag gift investment in a motel lol 😂...they thrive learn to be more than they thought they were with money closer together than ever. So many to find to pass the time. Daughter logs into our Netflix so keeping it going for her...anything to keep her indoors!!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    My condolences Margaret..so sad..
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited April 2020
    Margaret: So sorry for your DH’s loss. It is so hard to lose a family member to heart disease. Losing a sister would be a hard thing. :broken_heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Margaret - so sorry for your loss!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country