April 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Avidkeo hahaha love the feets!
    @quilteryoyo mine are the same as yours. Well sort of. My 2nd toe on the right is ever so slightly longer.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Monthly silly question

    Is your second toe longer than your first?
    Is your third toe longer than your first?

    Inquiring minds wanna know.

    I’ve got the “flame foot” shape with the second toe longest and the others curving back from it. Third toe and first about the same length. Supposedly the Greeks thought a flame foot was classically beautiful but it’s annoying for a runner because if I wear a shoe that fits my heel, my second toenails bump the front of my shoe, turn black, and fall off, so I wear silicon toe caps on them.
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @elise4270 second toes are even with big toe....the rest descend at about a 45 degree angle...lil geometric vision. And yes....I really need a pedicure so I will spare y'all a picture:s

    @Avidkeo I haven't given blood in ages and I did also have a heart murmur back in the day but it did seem to just go away which I thought was odd. We shall see. O+ is the universal donor correct?

    @quilteryoyo so sorry about your mom....one more thing to add to your plate. Glad they got it out.

    @dreamer12151 Wow...that is surprising. I logged in to schedule and have to wait until May. I wonder if they are really limiting how many people are allowed in there at one time.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    5 miles easy today - still adjusted to winter, 74 feels hot to me. People here seem to have decided it’s summer vacation now. We saw a large birthday party with balloons and a piñata, a softball game with a crowd of spectators on the bleachers, and a group of kids with a track coach who was making them line up and do drills next to each other. Ugh!

    Trying to figure out where to do my 5 mile race next week. I was testing whether we could add a mile to the railroad access road where we did our 4 miler, and the way we went turned out to be a mistake. There’s a reason this has been voted one of the least walkable cities! Traffic was pretty much normal (currently we have a d- on social distancing according to phone data) and the half mile went from sidewalk on one side, to sidewalk on the other side, then no sidewalk, then a sort of extra lane shoulder thingy on one side, then sidewalk on the far side only. Plus tons of walkers, including one woman who power walked right past us down the exact middle of the sidewalk when it was too busy to step into the road and there was a hedge on one side. We had already switched sides of the road half a dozen times to avoid people, narrowly avoiding getting flattened by the constant stream of speeding traffic, and there just wasn’t a break to let us get out of her way. We ended up having to stop and dive into a holly bush and still didn’t manage to get five feet away from her while she pointedly ignored us. If she had just stepped to the outside of the grassy strip between the sidewalk and the road there would have been six feet without any problems. I may have said a not very polite word loud enough for her to hear me. Anyway it was a disaster and we clearly can’t go that way. I’m thinking we are just going to run the 2 mile access road 2 1/2 times and call it good.

    So after that we gave ourselves a treat by wandering around a little park. Still too many people but everyone there was polite. We saw a bunch of bluebirds and a Cooper’s hawk. The trees are all labeled, including a winged elm which is the biggest whopping winged elm I have ever seen. They are fragile trees and don’t usually get huge.

    At the park we found a current debit card smack in the middle of the path. Ran around asking everyone there and no one claimed it. It’s for our bank. It has a number on the back which I could call to cancel it but I have had to deal with my mom’s card being cancelled recently and know that right now with the Covid situation it is a long slow process to get a new card, and if this person has accounts hooked up to it, it could be really annoying. Looked up the name and I have some info and an address - young guy, lives just over the border in Mississippi, too far to just pop over there and hand it to him - but no Facebook or phone that I could find. I’m thinking I should turn it in to our local bank branch tomorrow?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,394 Member
    @Elise4270 - My 2nd toe is slightly longer on both feet and could be a 'flame foot' as @rheddmobile describes it but I have baby toes that face sideways so probably not.

    I used to give blood all the time. I have a heart murmur and have since I was about 14 when I was sick for a year. No one has ever told me I couldn't donate as a result of it. I have been turned away a few times when my blood pressure was too low though.

    I ran today. Planned for just an easy run today and to do my Humor 5k tomorrow but apparently I scheduled it for today on the calendar. I will still likely try racing it tomorrow depending on how crowded the trail is. I am still having issues with my legs just being so tired, like I can't take another step for a good mile + even up to 2 miles. Also my HR was so strange today. It averaged only 86 and 118 for a high, and went into the mid 40's in the middle of the run.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    bearly63 wrote: »
    @Avidkeo I haven't given blood in ages and I did also have a heart murmur back in the day but it did seem to just go away which I thought was odd. We shall see. O+ is the universal donor correct?

    Nearly. O- is the universal donor. Ab+ being the universal receiver.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    bearly63 wrote: »
    @Avidkeo I haven't given blood in ages and I did also have a heart murmur back in the day but it did seem to just go away which I thought was odd. We shall see. O+ is the universal donor correct?

    Nearly. O- is the universal donor. Ab+ being the universal receiver.

    If I recall right, O+ can give to any positive blood type, but can only receive type O. O- can give to anyone but can only receive O-. I did not know that about Ab+ though. I think I read that 0+ is the most common blood type?

    Here they are begging for blood cause all drives have been canceled. And if I recall right they can not store blood for an extended period of time.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    At the park we found a current debit card smack in the middle of the path. Ran around asking everyone there and no one claimed it. It’s for our bank. It has a number on the back which I could call to cancel it but I have had to deal with my mom’s card being cancelled recently and know that right now with the Covid situation it is a long slow process to get a new card, and if this person has accounts hooked up to it, it could be really annoying. Looked up the name and I have some info and an address - young guy, lives just over the border in Mississippi, too far to just pop over there and hand it to him - but no Facebook or phone that I could find. I’m thinking I should turn it in to our local bank branch tomorrow?

    Yeah, I would give it to the local branch, though if the card owner has any sense and knows it is lost, it has been canceled already.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    None of you would do this, I am sure ;)

  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    None of you would do this, I am sure ;)

    LOL. I feel personally attacked by this :);)
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,722 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Monthly silly question

    Is your second toe longer than your first?
    Is your third toe longer than your first?

    Inquiring minds wanna know.

    No and no. First and second toes about the same length.

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    @PastorVincent Oops, we weren't supposed to be doing that? :D

    Anyone planning any weekend projects? I am going to try to find some sidewalk chalk and decorate some appropriately isolated pieces of sidewalk.

    4/1: 7.75m
    4/2: 4m
    4/3: 2.5m
    4/4: 7.25m
    4/5: 13.5m
    4/6: 1.25m
    4/8: 7m
    4/9: 4m
    4/10: 3.75m
    4/11: 7.5m
    4/12: 15.25m
    4/13: 1.5m
    4/14: 4m
    4/15: 5m
    4/16: 4m
    4/17: 1.5m
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,001 Member
    Wow @rheddmobile . Sounds like a dangerous run yesterday. Glad you got it done. I don't know why people are ignoring the social distancing guidelines. I just shake my head and do what I can. I am the only person I can control. I would turn the card in too. Maybe they will contact him to let him know it was found so he won't have to cancel it.
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,722 Member
    4/2 – 5.04 miles
    4/3 – 3.15
    4/4 – 11
    4/6 – 2.4
    4/7 – 5.18
    4/8 – 3.02
    4/9 – 6.43
    4/11 – 11.03
    4/12 – 2.55
    4/14 – 5.30
    4/15 – 3.02
    4/16 – 4.40
    4/17 – 3.18

    66.25 miles monthly total

    My cross-training workout was all lower body this morning but I decided to go for a short run afterwards anyway. Something about getting out at dawn and watching the day break and see the world coming to life puts me in a good frame of mind. Then I log on to work….. Anyway, it was a few degrees warmer today at 38F so I wore a long sleeve shirt with a vest and thin cotton gloves. I bought myself a stand-up desk for my home office (formerly guest bedroom) and it arrived yesterday. Instructions said it would take 30 minutes to assemble. I spent a good 15 minutes doing and undoing Step 1! Needless to say it took me well over 30 minutes but I’m so happy to have it. I have been missing my stand up desk at work. After sitting in my desk chair for a little while I get achy and it feels so good to stand up.

    @quilteryoyo – Ouch! I’m hurting for you mom! That sounded brutal. A co-worker’s husband is dealing with what the doctors now suspect may be lyme disease. He removed a tick last Fall. Since January he has been dealing with fatigue and severe headaches that will not stop. He has been to family doctor, ER, neurologists, etc. and has had every test imaginable. The doctors are still not sure it is lyme disease. He started botox shots yesterday hoping they would help with the headaches. So glad you took your mom for treatment early! I’ve heard that makes a world of difference.

    @janejellyroll – I need to do some weekend projects to help pass the time plus accomplish some things. Unfortunately, they all require a trip to Lowe’s or Home Depot and I don’t think that’s really considered essential business. I would love to plant some flowers but my favorite nursery is closed. ☹

    @PastorVincent - I've started to opt out of receiving race shirts for short races or especially if I don't particularly like the shirt because I have enough to do me for a lifetime. However, that was when I was working in an office 5 out of 7 days a week where wearing a race shirt would be frowned upon on the most casual of days. But, I've been enjoying wearing them while working from home the past few weeks.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Monthly silly question

    Is your second toe longer than your first?
    Is your third toe longer than your first?

    Inquiring minds wanna know.

    I’ve got the “flame foot” shape with the second toe longest and the others curving back from it. Third toe and first about the same length. Supposedly the Greeks thought a flame foot was classically beautiful but it’s annoying for a runner because if I wear a shoe that fits my heel, my second toenails bump the front of my shoe, turn black, and fall off, so I wear silicon toe caps on them.

    I had no idea it had a name. My youngest son has it. Its the cutest. No idea where he got it. I can see that it would be challenging in shoes..