Women 200lb+, Let's Be Mighty this May!!!



  • Curvybaja55
    Curvybaja55 Posts: 114 Member
    Monday weigh in
    Height 5" 6'
    s/w 202.5(12/19)
    4/3 182.2
    5/11 177.0
    5/18 175.8
    I am on track and losing a pound per week, this is a bit easy because the supermarkets is out of my favorite gluten free foods. I am eating more fruits but am shocked with the amount of the sugar in some fruits and have to keep an eye on my sugar intake.
    @jaresaross07 I agree with @CupcakeCrusoe just log them in at night or first in the morning, sometimes it is hard to resist those craving. How many of us end up in the middle of the night in a dark kitchen having those snacks after trying to out run the cravings all day and eating a bit more than we should. Good luck to you and don't beat yourself up if you do give in sometimes, it is not the end of your weight loss journey. Tomorrow will be a better day.
  • MuttiNM
    MuttiNM Posts: 240 Member
    @masdec7 My daughter (she just turned 40; how did that happen?!?) loves the Sweating to the Oldies videos! She told me to check them out but I haven't done that yet. I will some day. :)

    @KeriA I hope you get your fridge soon!
  • speyerj
    speyerj Posts: 1,369 Member
    @mmdeveau - The tooth ache sounds horrible! I can't believe you've waited so long. You must have a very high pain tolerance. Of course the weight gain is due to inflammation and stress! I'm not a nurse, so correct me if I have it wrong, but I have read that cortisol levels are high when your body is under stress. And cortisol makes you retain water. I can't imagine a worse stress than dental pain, then add in the daily hum of corona stress and the falling out with someone you considered your best friend. So yes, that seems like a recipe for water retention.

    Regarding the disagreement with your friend, something that I keep reminding myself when I get fed up and want to write off people who do and say ridiculous stupid stuff- is that this virus is something new and none of us really understand everything there is to know - even the experts. So we are all making mistakes, drawing wrong conclusions and predictions. Hopefully the best of us are also learning and adjusting along the way as we learn more and our conclusions and predictions are getting better over time. I'm trying to be a little more forgiving of people and the mistakes they make while everyone is under a tremendous amount of stress. Not to say I'm always practicing this, but I'm working on it.

    @jaresaross07 - I find that eating a bit of protein does a really good job of satisfying the munchies. Beef Jerky, deli turkey, low sugar Greek yogurt all do the trick or me. But I also agree that you should work in planned indulgences in your diet too. Don't deny yourself all sweets - this is a diet that you'll hopefully be following for the rest of your life. Just work it into your plan - make sure it fits with your macros, sugar limits (if you have one) and calories limits - and then savor every bite of your portion controlled treat. My personal caveat is that if I am going to indulge, it needs to be worth it. I don't want to eat an inferior cookie, cupcake or ice cream. If I've going to spend my sugar allowance, it had better be worth it.
  • orangequilt
    orangequilt Posts: 4,245 Member
    just caught up on 10 days worth of posts!!! Good to see everyone hanging in there, will try to get in here more regularly now. I was doing a lot of study which I'm putting on hold for now, so should have more time to notice what I'm putting in my mouth!!!
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,375 Member
    Hi everyone! Happy Tuesday!

    I'm hanging in there around 187, and I'm so happy that I am. Today's a running day, and I'm ready to kick it.

    Hello to all our new folks! Quick replies:

    @mmdeveau mojo for the tooth stuff! I really believe that tooth pain, for me, was harder to deal with than childbirth, the benchmark so many use for the worst pain. I would also say that psychologically, my half marathon was also harder to deal with than childbirth. Maybe I had easy childbirths. :sunglasses:

    @pamiede you can make your goal! You're doing so well (and that yellow peasant shirt- iconic!)

    @Rosie3579 this is me exactly. I used to try to use substitutes for treats, only to eat the substitute and later, to eat the real thing. So I try to work into my calories every day a little treat. If I go too many days without a treat, I start feeling deprived, and that's no good for my sticking to my diet (in the way of eating sense, not the crash-dieting sense) change.
  • Tarzan37
    Tarzan37 Posts: 158 Member
    Sorry I've been absent this past week. Work is very busy - we may be opening to the public in a couple of days. It's also hot here - 90 yesterday and again today. The heat always makes me less hungry which isn't a bad thing! Just trying to make sure I get enough water while working outside. Last week was TOM for me, so I skipped weighing in on Saturday knowing it was a gain. This morning I am down again so that's made me very happy!

    Keep on keeping on and have a great week, everyone!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,770 Member
    Well, the house sold. So we have sixty days to pack, find a new place, and move. The challenge for me will be to remember to log and to eat sensibly. I may not always log exercise since "packing to move" isn't on the list and I don't know how much I'll do day to day, due to my chronic pain issues. But I am committing to snack from my approved 150-ish calorie list of snacks if I feel I need one, to drink my water, and to go to bed on time, and to not let myself get all wound up and hysterical, because if I go at this in a good methodical way I have all the time I need.

    This will help you calculate how many calories you’re burning. 😀