Just Give Me 10 Days ~ Round 116



  • musicsax
    musicsax Posts: 4,552 Member
    42 yrs old

    Round 115: maintained... not that I actually meant to!

    CW as of 6/5: 215
    Goal for this round: 212

    Round 116
    06/06 215

    06/07 216
    Well .... at least I know my scales aren’t broken.... hormones this time, I think and a massive lack of water 💦 ... getting back on it today....

    06/08 215.75
    It's heading in the right direction! Hitting the H2O big style and continuing the intermittent fasting. Seem to be naturally working my way up from 16:8 to 18:6. Again I can see body composition changes instead of scale changes.... hoping the scale will kick in properly soon. It's all a learning curve :)

    06/09 214.25
    Take that scales! 🥳 Finally!! The last couple of days I've been tweaking the carbs, keeping to about 70-80g carbs and lots of fibre with as much water as I can guzzle without going sploosh.
    Interestingly, I've also tried to up my calorie intake as well. With IF, I have struggled to get above 1100 cals in a 2 meals with optional snack. So I've started trying to hit a minimum of 1200 more often.
    I've also started breaking my fast with a vegan based protein shake with some added bits and bobs, followed by a solid meal. I've upped my steps and started doing more stretching to loosen up the joints and muscles.
    I guess I'm throwing everything at it to try and get the scales to budge, so now I'll just track these for a bit to see if the downward trend continues..... :)

    06/10 213.5
    Super happy to be consolidating the drop and hopefully seeing some momentum :) . Yesterday I actually struggled to keep to my cals, but I walked more to compensate. Then I tried a new ab workout on YouTube and every other move made me issue a bunch of expletives no one needs to hear! :D Safe to say, I'm glad I tried, but it just wasn't my thing. I have found some alternatives though, so all is not lost. But wow my abs are weak right now. Looking forward to making them stronger and hopefully improving my posture at the same time!

    06/11 214.75
    Well I guess I deserved that one. Yesterday was a struggle. I was sore from the ridiculous ab workout the day before and didn't do more than some stretching. I just about made a minimum water chug :)

    Going through an emotional grind right now. My partner and I got together shortly before lockdown in the UK started and it's been a rollercoaster 4 months just trying to keep things going while not seeing each other. It's difficult to see a way forward and it's been brewing this last week about whether we can sustain it or not.

    I'm in awe of anyone who has family deployed abroad or can't see their loved ones as part of normal life - that's without a virus on top! You guys rock! <3<3

    My eating wasn't bad but it could have been better. I ordered in from a local restaurant, and while I kept to grilled chicken and fish with some lentils, it probably had a small mountain of salt in it :# Normally I would be heading for something more comforting, so I guess I'm learning more to deal with my emotions properly rather than eating them. :)

    This morning I woke up too early after 3 hours sleep and so instead of wallowing, I put my workout gear on and walked a brisk 4 miles until my head felt clear. There may have been a few tears, but by the time anyone saw me, it could have been taken as sweat - so it's all good :D

    Wishing you all a strong and positive day ahead! Let's do this!! <3


    Will the "bubble" arrangements announced to start from Saturday help you ?
  • littlecinnamon
    littlecinnamon Posts: 728 Member
    musicsax wrote: »
    42 yrs old

    Round 115: maintained... not that I actually meant to!

    CW as of 6/5: 215
    Goal for this round: 212

    Round 116
    06/06 215

    06/07 216
    Well .... at least I know my scales aren’t broken.... hormones this time, I think and a massive lack of water 💦 ... getting back on it today....

    06/08 215.75
    It's heading in the right direction! Hitting the H2O big style and continuing the intermittent fasting. Seem to be naturally working my way up from 16:8 to 18:6. Again I can see body composition changes instead of scale changes.... hoping the scale will kick in properly soon. It's all a learning curve :)

    06/09 214.25
    Take that scales! 🥳 Finally!! The last couple of days I've been tweaking the carbs, keeping to about 70-80g carbs and lots of fibre with as much water as I can guzzle without going sploosh.
    Interestingly, I've also tried to up my calorie intake as well. With IF, I have struggled to get above 1100 cals in a 2 meals with optional snack. So I've started trying to hit a minimum of 1200 more often.
    I've also started breaking my fast with a vegan based protein shake with some added bits and bobs, followed by a solid meal. I've upped my steps and started doing more stretching to loosen up the joints and muscles.
    I guess I'm throwing everything at it to try and get the scales to budge, so now I'll just track these for a bit to see if the downward trend continues..... :)

    06/10 213.5
    Super happy to be consolidating the drop and hopefully seeing some momentum :) . Yesterday I actually struggled to keep to my cals, but I walked more to compensate. Then I tried a new ab workout on YouTube and every other move made me issue a bunch of expletives no one needs to hear! :D Safe to say, I'm glad I tried, but it just wasn't my thing. I have found some alternatives though, so all is not lost. But wow my abs are weak right now. Looking forward to making them stronger and hopefully improving my posture at the same time!

    06/11 214.75
    Well I guess I deserved that one. Yesterday was a struggle. I was sore from the ridiculous ab workout the day before and didn't do more than some stretching. I just about made a minimum water chug :)

    Going through an emotional grind right now. My partner and I got together shortly before lockdown in the UK started and it's been a rollercoaster 4 months just trying to keep things going while not seeing each other. It's difficult to see a way forward and it's been brewing this last week about whether we can sustain it or not.

    I'm in awe of anyone who has family deployed abroad or can't see their loved ones as part of normal life - that's without a virus on top! You guys rock! <3<3

    My eating wasn't bad but it could have been better. I ordered in from a local restaurant, and while I kept to grilled chicken and fish with some lentils, it probably had a small mountain of salt in it :# Normally I would be heading for something more comforting, so I guess I'm learning more to deal with my emotions properly rather than eating them. :)

    This morning I woke up too early after 3 hours sleep and so instead of wallowing, I put my workout gear on and walked a brisk 4 miles until my head felt clear. There may have been a few tears, but by the time anyone saw me, it could have been taken as sweat - so it's all good :D

    Wishing you all a strong and positive day ahead! Let's do this!! <3

    Will the "bubble" arrangements announced to start from Saturday help you ?

    @musicsax - you’re right! The announcement may have come just at the right time. We are talking about it a lot and things seem a little easier and more hopeful. Thank you 🙏😊