Burn The Belly



  • acarter33664
    acarter33664 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi all,
    here are my measurements.

    Waist - 41
    belly button - 41.5
    hips - 47

    Good luck to everyone. I can't wait to get started!
  • count me in, I have tons of belly to lose!!
  • clo4
    clo4 Posts: 10
    I'm in! Now I have to pick up one or two of those Jillian Michaels DVD's. If I'm starting with one, which is the best? Can I get them at Target? This belly needs to stop 'hangin' around!
  • i soo need to join!
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    Okay here are my measurements. There are a lot, but I wanted to catch any change :)

    Chest: 34.25
    Upper Belly: 37.0
    Waist: 36.25
    Waist - sucked in: 32.5
    Lower Belly: 39.5
    Hips: 37.75

    I did take before pics but they are pretty blurry and well, embarrassing. So I'll post them -if- I make good progress.
  • The belly has to go!!!! Count me in! :embarassed:
  • I am in...this is my biggest problem area....
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I'm in! Now I have to pick up one or two of those Jillian Michaels DVD's. If I'm starting with one, which is the best? Can I get them at Target? This belly needs to stop 'hangin' around!

    I think the 30 Day Shred is the best, but they are all good. I'm in the UK so not sure about Target, but have seen a lot of people say they got it from Walmart.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    In honour of this fabulous project I was thinking of making myself another ticker for calories burned this month, or minutes working out, something like that, but the tickers on here only seem to be for weight lost. Anyone know how to get others? And to connect them to the exercise log on here? I've seen them on other people's signatures, so i know it's possible!

    Sorry @Jen, waslooking back and saw that I'd missed this one. 'The Ticker Factory' is one popular place; can't remember the address right now, but if you google it you'll get it.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Are we all going to post our starting stats? If so, here are mine:

    Thinnest part of waist: 28
    Belly button: 29
    2 inches below bb: 33.5

    I realise that this doesn't sound like I have much of a belly, but it does wobble, I promise. I also have a small frame. Oh, and I should add that I haven't had any children.

    I'll do pics later and put them on my profile.

    At the starting line ...

    I forgot hips - they are 35. Took pictures of belly yesterday, but problem with my phone so can't post them yet - will try to sort out today. They are horrible!
  • pritichandran
    pritichandran Posts: 23 Member
    Count me in!
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I'm in. Will post measurements when I get back from vacation next week. I'll start crunches tomorrow while I'm away from home.

    Does anyone know if you can do 30DS with bad knees?
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Are we all going to post our starting stats? If so, here are mine:

    Thinnest part of waist: 28
    Belly button: 29
    2 inches below bb: 33.5

    I realise that this doesn't sound like I have much of a belly, but it does wobble, I promise. I also have a small frame. Oh, and I should add that I haven't had any children.

    I'll do pics later and put them on my profile.

    At the starting line ...

    I forgot hips - they are 35. Took pictures of belly yesterday, but problem with my phone so can't post them yet - will try to sort out today. They are horrible!

    Belly pics now on my profile - no time to figure out posting here. If anyone wants to look, they are the belly close-ups, ha ha. Not very clear, but you get the general idea. I have a smile thing going on across the middle where there is a deep crease.
  • bb_1982
    bb_1982 Posts: 66 Member
    im in, my belly has its own name...clive


    This cracked me up!! Why clive?

    Count me in this challenge! My belly is definately my problem area. I was in the changing room the other day tryin on a dress and my 4 year old asked why by belly was so fat! I told him that when he was a baby he lived in there and thats why it was fat. To which he replied.... ''do you have a baby living in there now then mummy'' I told him no he'd just ruined it but he now insists on telling everyone that ''mummy has a fat belly because a baby lives in there'' despite the fact im actually not pregnant!!

    I could hear the lady in the changing room chuckling!

    So the kids are back at school today so I have no reason not to to get back into my old routine! I've taken before pics and measurements and I will be doing the shred to ease myself back into exercising as I have pretty much had the whole summer off!! I'm also going to do 10 minutes of my 10 minute solutions rapid results dvd focusing on my tum tum 3 times a week!

    Next month im going to do ripped in 30 as my daily exercise with 6 week 6 pack 3 times a week!

    Baby bump be gone.... :laugh:

    Measurements are:-

    Upper waist - 33
    Waist (at belly button) - 34.5
    Lower waist - 36
    Hips - 37
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    I'm in! Now I have to pick up one or two of those Jillian Michaels DVD's. If I'm starting with one, which is the best? Can I get them at Target? This belly needs to stop 'hangin' around!

    The Shred is really good, helped my belly get firmer...I just need more help now lol!!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I'm in. Will post measurements when I get back from vacation next week. I'll start crunches tomorrow while I'm away from home.

    Does anyone know if you can do 30DS with bad knees?

    Hmm. there is quite a lot of impact in the 30DS, but you could adapt it where necessary.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Are we all going to post our starting stats? If so, here are mine:

    Thinnest part of waist: 28
    Belly button: 29
    2 inches below bb: 33.5

    I realise that this doesn't sound like I have much of a belly, but it does wobble, I promise. I also have a small frame. Oh, and I should add that I haven't had any children.

    I'll do pics later and put them on my profile.

    At the starting line ...

    I forgot hips - they are 35. Took pictures of belly yesterday, but problem with my phone so can't post them yet - will try to sort out today. They are horrible!

    Belly pics now on my profile - no time to figure out posting here. If anyone wants to look, they are the belly close-ups, ha ha. Not very clear, but you get the general idea. I have a smile thing going on across the middle where there is a deep crease.

    I can see your abs coming through at the top!! I have the same...only not visisble in my pics, honestly they're there I'm not making it up!!:laugh:
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Today is Day 1! Who's excited? I'm going to post what I did for exercise everyday and calories burned at the end of the week to keep the thread lively. Hopefully someone else will do the same! I'd love to hear what other people are doing every day to battle the bulge! :bigsmile:

    Good luck to everyone!
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    In honour of this fabulous project I was thinking of making myself another ticker for calories burned this month, or minutes working out, something like that, but the tickers on here only seem to be for weight lost. Anyone know how to get others? And to connect them to the exercise log on here? I've seen them on other people's signatures, so i know it's possible!

    Sorry @Jen, waslooking back and saw that I'd missed this one. 'The Ticker Factory' is one popular place; can't remember the address right now, but if you google it you'll get it.

    I might have to do this too Jen! I've been tired of looking at my same ticker all the time, and it changes so infrequently, Lol
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Today is Day 1! Who's excited? I'm going to post what I did for exercise everyday and calories burned at the end of the week to keep the thread lively. Hopefully someone else will do the same! I'd love to hear what other people are doing every day to battle the bulge! :bigsmile:

    Good luck to everyone!

    Me! Me! :bigsmile: I'm excited and will also be posting daily