

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Iris and Levi <3<3
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Cathy Great job! You look happy and healthy. Very inspiring!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Heather Good plan. I'm sitting (sluggishly). Time to get up and get out for my brisk morning walk. Thanks for the nudge.

    Karen in Virginia
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,295 Member
    DYD called round this morning with a couple of bottles of Prosecco and a Fathers Day card for DH. She lives about 7 minutes drive away, so we see her regularly. She brings her own coffee. 😂 We had a lovely chat. We’ll Skype with the rest of the family later this afternoon. DED sent him a leather strap for his Fitbit and his favourite liquorice allsorts.

    It’s very wet today so will postpone finishing my summer planters until it’s dry again.

    Lid/Luci: Love the cute babies.

    (((Hugs))) ☘️ Terri
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: called new groomer, Zoomed to Dawn’s event, BB&B zoom test,
    Bonus: 60 mins combing Tumble’s hinder half, 2 hrs line dancing in the park.
    Get to do: Gold Beach, drop off H20, Freddie’s, BiMart for rx, invest 10 mins cleaning Kitchen/Laundry, carry over 10 mins cleaning Office, Bedrooms, call PC guy about mic/speaker, mat work, BB&B intro video, practice new dances (Evergreen, Larger than Life, Here I Go Again/Mama Mia, Real Deal, Get it Right, Quarter after one, Half Past Tipsy, Senorita, Dance Monkey; next week final? Follow up call for Joe’s Dr. appointment, transplant pineapples, bean, melons, cukes; make garlic almonds for Barb and Dan; prep raised bed for carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes; finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed; Monday BB&B, call Pacific Vision for appointment; Tuesday Tumble to groomer; Wednesday to Coos Bay for service; Thursday 10 am Chiro, Friday 9am stove repair guy to adjust kitchen flame and assess Aunt Elsie’s stove; Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine,
    Reward: inventory seeds, plan fall cool season garden, order replenishments.

    Spontaneous, last minute dance session in the park. Somehow the surface was kinder to my hips so was able to dance almost two hours. Then most of us went to the local brewery where we sat, socially distanced, and enjoyed a pint while chatting and listening to a local singer/guitarist. We all were silenced when he sang a capella “Red is the Rose.” I’d love to hear him sing other Irish ballads, his voice was clear, pure, strong and not as brassy as some more tenor voices. All in all an unexpected and pleasant afternoon. Again, it felt so very very good to relax with a pint and chat with friends. Something I’ve missed since moving here, long before the pandemic.

    Lisa I wanted to post a mask rant with political and religious overtones to the group, but all I can see is the home page, can’t see any of the earlier threads. What am I doing wrong? :Love: your Son-in-law stories. You and Rebecca ARE forces of nature. I confess to jigsaw envy, what a great anniversary present.
    SuziQ and Flea and Terri when I can post to the rant group, you’ll find my response to your mask comments.
    Heather I love to hear your story, get different details every time. Thankful for your DH and for your sharing.
    Barbie Jake’s Dot gift to you made me snort my tea. Is there no escape from Alexa? Are there more loving conversations on the horizon? Being able to do other things while listening to Zoom meetings is one of the silver linings. Tumble got a good hour’s combing yesterday while I listened to (and occasionally peeked at) a Zoom event.
    Tracey 7 hours reconstruction surgery, oh my. Sending waves of healing and comfort to your sister. What does “levelling” mean in context of your trailer and its floors?
    Amber ((hugs))
    Cathy seven dress sizes? Bravissima!
    Annie ((hugs)) for you and Teddy.
    Debbie no offense intended, but your husband’s sugar spike after a few hours with his mom made me smile. Mama had the same effect on my stomach acid and blood pressure. Tarragon is not my fave, and beware, can be invasive, but not as much as mint.
    Ginny in OH using the work-from-home time to reorganize physical locations of your various divisions, Brilliant! Even more so is your keeping everyone working from home as much as possible. Wish all managers followed your lead. As for pressure cookers, Mama used to make the very best chicken and dumplings in the world in her old style pressure cooker. Also curried lamb. If I ever succumbed to the air fryier/insta pot those would be the reasons.
    Beth happy your son’s apartment neither stank nor mildewed. Good reminder about worry. Working off tears by cleaning the bathroom, what a concept! I’ll try to remember. 
    Katla you’ve probably already thought of this and have your reasons for not choosing it, but I’d book the hotel room for two days, and board the dog. Then I’d do my prep in the hotel room, and have less far to go the next day for the procedure. Just sayin’ ;)

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    June: better than May.
    daily: steps=4844 vits=19 log=20 CI<CO=17 CI<250<CO=10 Tumble & Shadow 5=6 mfp=20 clean 10 mins=7 outside=9 up hill=10
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3=6 rx=3 dance=4
    mnthly: board mtg=1 grant=1 review 20for20=
    bonus: AF=10 play=0 sew=1

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2020
    Terri: The apple updates irritate me, too. My computer is old enough that they don’t support it any more. I called and got a wonderful person on the phone who helped me with a work around. So far, so good. :star:

    Lisa: I rarely visit facebook, either. City committee messages are there, so I stop by to read them. I also stop by to see my daughter’s posts and a few dear, longtime friends. Son & daughter in law have iphones so we can chat all we want in privacy. Lately we’ve been able to chat with our daughter and family via zoom. :heart:

    SuziQ: I can hardly wait for the rearview mirror!!! We’ve made the best plans we can and will trudge forward. There are hoops to run through and the next one is a covid test at the hospital. Our friend said his brother has just done that and it wasn’t difficult. It has to be done within three days before the procedure. I’d love to just go in and get it over with. :grumble:

    Machka: I hope the surgeries for you and DH go very well. I keep thinking about Walking in a Winter Wonderland. We really didn’t have much of a winter this year. No significant snow at our elevation. :ohwell:

    (((Heather))): I hope your run helps you feel happier. :star:

    Barbie: Alexa and Siri are like having a crystal ball or a personal researcher. I appreciate being able to find out all sorts of information by asking my phone a question about what I want to know. Since the public library is closed during the pandemic It is especially nice to have an electronic research assistant. I am very careful to keep personal information off line & private. :bigsmile:

    Riding lesson this afternoon at 2 pm!!! It has been months since I’ve been out to the stable. This feels like a gift from Heaven, courtesy of my friend who owns Arrow, and my riding teacher.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,066 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) I would be perfectly happy without Alexa,

    Barbie in NW WA

    As someone who works and studies in the IT field, I feel very uncomfortable with the idea of Alexa. I wouldn't get one for my home. I hand over my privacy in other ways ... no need to make the privacy situation worse than it already is.

    Just my opinion. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,768 Member
    Morning ladies had a whole post set and poof off it went..
    Will check in later
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited June 2020
    Machka9 wrote: »
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) I would be perfectly happy without Alexa,

    Barbie in NW WA

    As someone who works and studies in the IT field, I feel very uncomfortable with the idea of Alexa. I wouldn't get one for my home. I hand over my privacy in other ways ... no need to make the privacy situation worse than it already is.

    Just my opinion. :)

    Machka in Oz

    I won't have one, and my husband agrees (thank goodness), and for exactly the same reason. If they can hear you to answer a question, it means their hearing is always on. And the fact that you have told them to go to sleep doesn't mean they have. Knowing that anything is listening to me every minute of every day gives me the heebie-jeebies.

    Barbara - I think Flea already answered, but the groups do navigate differently - just select the large, bold letters there that says "Women Ages 50+" and the various discussions should show up below it. To start a new one, select the "Create" button and vent away.

  • Loumarberts
    Loumarberts Posts: 22 Member
    Hello everyone, weather here in Ontario, Canada is hot!! Not complaining though, just hope it scatters evenly throughout the season. I am happy to say I have not skipped a day of workouts, something that is all too easy for me to do. Given the heat we have I am pleased that has not been an excuse to stop! :)
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,008 Member
    wizzywig wrote: »
    Good Morning, it rained non stop on our dog walk this morning, but Leah didn't seem to mind :) at least the sun is trying to get out now. Here's a pic from a few days ago, she loves hiding behind trees whilst daughter throws her ball.

    I haven't seen my grandson since before the lockdown, I was hoping as things are getting slowly back to normal he would feel safe coming over on Sunday's again, but he has been brainwashed by his mum that he is "at risk" and is still too afraid to visit. (He has epilepsy) It is Father's Day today and I know my son is disappointed, I think they are planning a visit at grandsons house outside on the lawn - socially distancing - which will be okay if the weather stays fine. There is no love lost between my son and his ex, they can't be together 5 minutes before they start arguing, so not sure how this will work out. Hopefully she will keep out of the way and let the two of them catch up.

    I've been thinking of getting an instant pot too, but not sure how often I'd use it, might be a good idea to get a cheap one as you suggested Debbie and if I like it upgrade to a branded one.

    I've had good news and bad news this week, the good is that my nephew and his partner (nobody seems to get married these days) have just had a little boy (after many years of trying) I am so pleased for them. The bad news is that a dear friend has had her breast cancer return after having had successful treatment only early last year. I'm praying that she can beat it again. Don't know too many details as she has cut back on social media to concentrate on fighting the cancer. One of the group is in touch with her and keeps us informed, this way she doesn't get overwhelmed with too many questions etc.

    I'm another one who has never washed down groceries, I have had a few deliveries and the items are bagged like Machka mentions in her post. Talking of which I'd better try and get a delivery for next week, I'm still not keen on going to the supermarket yet. I'm trying to get my mum to make a food order for the week rather than giving me a list everyday for bits and bobs.

    Viv UK <3

    Viv- this is the one I have:
    Husband got it when it was on sale so paid $40 for it.
    I love that this one has the non-stick liner instead of the stainless steel- cleanup is super easy.
    Try something like this- check the reviews- Mine doesn't have a yogurt function but that isn't something I think I would use that much plus there are ways to make it without that button. There are so many sites with great recipes and tips.
    I used to hate beef ribs when my mother in law cooked them- so tough but the way I do them in the pressure cooker, she keeps asking how I did it. I don't mind making them for him now.
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) I would be perfectly happy without Alexa,

    Barbie in NW WA

    As someone who works and studies in the IT field, I feel very uncomfortable with the idea of Alexa. I wouldn't get one for my home. I hand over my privacy in other ways ... no need to make the privacy situation worse than it already is.

    Just my opinion. :)

    Machka in Oz

    I agree with Machka. We got a free echo dot with a purchase of something and I gave it away. I do like some of the features, such as "Alexa, play the Mowtown Station," but I hate the idea of it listening all the time. Siri does enough of that already.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,795 Member
    Carol - I have not wiped anything down since this all started. I go shopping, sans mask as they are not mandatory here, get it all home put it away and then wash my hands thoroughly. I follow the guidelines we use in the nursing home.

    Suzi - your memory of “wipe that down before you open it” is something I do anyway. I just realized I learned that from my Grandmother who was born in 1913, it was probably instilled in her from her mother because of the Spanish Flu, but also I think part of it was the amount of dust that would be on bottles of preserves and canned goods from the dirt basements.

    As to my cousins husband, he loves her tremendously they have been a couple for 40 years married for 34. He hurts when she hurts and I’m sure he tried to stop his reaction.

    Barbara - I am envious of your day. I miss my friends so much.
    Out trailer has a little addition that is sinking below the rest of the trailer. That was the original reason for calling to have it levelled but we found out that trailers actually need levelled every 15-20 years and we are getting it all taken care of. Our floor tiles are cracking and it is likely due to being uneven.

    Katla - I have to have a Covid test this week at work. All residents and staff are required to get one. This is being asked by our health ministry. I think that they are doing this to have a record that no one in the facility has it and then they will make a decision about allowing visits again. I’m not sure I agree with it, but I will do it anyway.

    Rebecca - I love your colouring. My Mom colours a lot in the nursing home and I had been buying her adult colouring books. I think they are too busy for her now though and I need to find some adult themes with less detail. I searched Amazon for adult colouring books and I was in for a surprise at what popped up. Lol

    My daughter, granddaughter and I went to the mall yesterday. It was the first time I had been there since Christmas. Rodger and I both needed new walking sneakers. Mine had worn unevenly and were causing me a lot of pain, his the whole sole was coming off. I also bought a couple of dresses for work. Michaela, my granddaughter, has had a personality change since this has all started. She used to hide behind her Mother or I if anyone spoke to her. Yesterday she was starting conversations, showing the employees her nails that she painted herself and showing off her necklace. She bought two new dresses as well, size 7, she is only 4.

    I have to go get a few groceries today and am planning on a BBQ for supper but it’s raining right now.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,650 Member
    No traditional workout yesterday, working on packing loading etc
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,916 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Tracey ~ Even though the governor has opened up the State of Georgia, in the county I live in there have been 229 deaths so far. So, we are being very careful about going out as we are 71 and 72.

    Rebecca ~ Your colored picture is great!

    Katla ~ Enjoy your ride.

    Long day here!
    Carol in GA