Daily Commitment Thread for 2020 -- JUST FOR TODAY



  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,273 Member
    @Snowflake1968 So sorry to hear about your cousin’s son. (((Hugs))) to all the family as they process this tragedy.
    @AHB114 That is so easy to do! 😂 all it takes is a minor distraction and ppffffttt it’s gone!
    @annettehangartner Here’s hoping that the wedding goes off stress free, and hubby’s surgery goes well.
    @merope2 (and others) MFP was woeful yesterday. I think that you can safely forgive yourself for not being able to log food etc. I just keep reminding myself that it’s fret. 😂
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,273 Member
    .... that it’s free.

    And I havetbeen able to edit posts on Community for weeks now!!!

    👻👻👻 Ghosts in the Machine!!!
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,359 Member

    JFT Wednesday
    - Weigh, DAMN up 2.4 lbs
    - Breakfast <300 cal :smiley:
    - Lunch <500 cal :smiley:
    - Afternoon meeting :smiley:
    - Evening bike ride, accept the challenge and try the climb at the end :smiley:
    - Dinner out :neutral: Decided to just go home
    - Log everything :smiley:
    - Stay Green :smiley:
    - Positive self talk :(
    - No sweets!! :smiley:

    Have an exceptional day all!

    Yesterday was a mixed bag. Really I hit most goals except the positive self talk. I gave up on the climb before I started it. Luckily a friend of mine was out there riding and he took Tim up the hill so at least he got a little bit of a workout. His riding with me is more of a social thing, and recovery. I made it about 1/4 way up the hill then I just turned around and waited at the bottom for Tim and Joe to come back.

    I guess next time I just try to make it a little further than the time before.

    Weighed in today and most of that up tick from yesterday is gone, instead of being 2.4 pounds up I'm 0.3 pounds up. That makes way more sense given my eating/exercise this week.

    JFT Thursday
    - Protein bar for breakfast
    - Chinese for lunch, Chicken & broccoli, skip the rice...
    - Work on Quality Manual
    - Do some kind of exercise after work, either walk hills or repeat yesterday's ride
    - Log everything
    - Stay Green
    - No cookies/candy
    - Pick up new script from WM to help me sleep and hope it helps
    - Bed by 11:30

    I'm not sure what today has in store for you, but you can handle it. Much love to y'all!

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,273 Member
    ... haven’t been ... 😂
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,359 Member
    teigansdad wrote: »

    After the ride I was in a funk. Mostly because although I was fast it was humbling to have worked so hard and still see my faster buddy just walk away from me on the trail. I self medicated big time.. first two beers... then Sara had brought home Oreos and brownies.. all said and done I think I ended up over 2000 calories in the red. I’m just darn ashamed of that...
    Oh well hitting reset today

    Reset and move on is so much harder than it sounds, but you've got this. I had to ask an old riding buddy to take my husband up to the top of Corbit Hill yesterday because I couldn't do it. I was in a funk, but I went the opposite way and didn't eat. Only had about 1000 cal in and beat myself up all night. Still a little pissed at myself for not really trying yesterday. It isn't the same as you, but we both have expectations to be at a certain level in respect to others, and we just ain't there. Have faith, put the miles in and you will get there. Enjoy the ride and kudos on the KOM. I used to have the QOM on the hill I couldn't climb yesterday (humiliating)...
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT wednesday
    1. Wash face/brush teeth am ✔
    2. Smoothie for breakfast ✔
    3. Eat when hungry/stop when full 👎 stress ate before bed...
    4. Water every time I'm at the sink, keep track 👎 not a total fail but could have been better
    5. Log food ✔
    6. Salad for lunch 👎 this was not supposed to be a goal anyway as i had planned on burrito bowl leftovers and i even weighed my protein portion to 4oz! I figured i have a scale I should be using it!
    7. Log JGMTD ✔
    8. Set positive intentions for the day, talk back at negative and mean thoughts ✔/👎 good for the first half of the day then kind if fell apart. I take things way too personally. I'm distant and then blame DH for not connecting when its really me that is pushing him away by not engaging when given the opportunity. I think ive been blaming him for a lot when my attitude is part of the problem. Quarantine life is hard when youre a person who thrives on alone time. I'm going for a drive to pick up groceries today...alone. Baby will hopefully nap so he can stay home with DH who is workong from home.
    9. No icecream!!! ✔ but then i ate smores instead...so 👎
    10. Bed by 1030 ✔

    1. Wash face/brush teeth am
    2. Write chores goals on fridge
    3. Water everytime at sink
    4. Smoothie for breakfast
    5. Log food
    6. Track JGMTD
    7. Eat when hungry/stop when full
    8. Talk back to negative thoughts/be kind
    9. Wash face/brush teeth PM
    10. Bed by 1030

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,791 Member
    JFT - Wednesday June 24
    1L of Water - :)
    Log all Food - :)
    Gratitude Journal - >:)

    JFT - Thursday June 25
    1L of Water
    Log all Food
    Gratitude Journal

    Thank you everyone for the condolences on my cousin's son - I can't imagine the pain that suicide inflicts on a family. There must be more that can be done.

    @aubyshortcake - I'm mulling it over in my mind what to do. The location, benefits and such are really good here. If anything happened to my vehicle I could walk to work. The benefits are better than any I've ever had and there is a pension matching program. I have more sick time than I hope I would ever need. My only problem here is my boss. My thought is to wait it out and get through. I have a feeling she will be retiring in the next couple of years, so I just need to stick it out. Right now, there aren't a lot of opportunities and after my searches in 2017 and 2019 I don't know if I want to go through it again so soon.

    @fairy_daisy - I don't think I would care to have a COVID test weekly. Hopefully it doesn't come down to that here.

    @littleblackskirt - It is very wearing to track and restrict all the time. I think that is what my problem is right now, I just don't have the ooomph I need to get it done. I am back up into the Obese I think, so would like to get back to overweight.

    @sermom3 - Can you use an hydrocortisone cream on your hands that help with the itch?

    @AgnesFerniot - What do you mean by "A.I. kicking in"?

    @teigansdad - Sorry you had a rough day yesterday. As my husband pointed out to me the other day, even if it didn't track you still moved and burned the calories. The snacking is killing me too. Last night I did better than I have in a long time. I chose popsicles last night, they freeze my mouth making me not want to eat more and are only 45 calories as I only have the single ones. I did have two last night, but it's better than the 400-500 amount of calories I have been eating.

    @TerriRichardson112 - I have been thinking about pilates and strength training too. I have heard people have more success when they start the weight training.

    @pridesabtch - You'll get to the top of the hill, you have such determination.

    @AJB1014 - Deep breaths, this has been hard on so many people. I was reading a post that my Goddaughter posted last night about her 4 year old.
    "Raven reason number 1875 for crying, "it's raining outside but I wanted to have a bath"
    I told her I loved the logic.
    She responded with
    reason 1874 "my school shoe's are too small, that means I'm growing, but i want to wear them"
    I told her that it sounded like Raven was having a day.
    Her Mom commented and said sounds like Mom is too.
    I said I think all Mom's with young ones have been "having a day" since March.
    Hang in there, I hope you get some alone time soon.

  • annettehangartner
    annettehangartner Posts: 23 Member
    Firm Up Hotel stays for husbands Surgery in Seattle DONE BOOKED PAID
    Caloric Targets 300/70/400/50/350 1107 total cals
    Water Target 100 ounces---shy of that
    Get Laundry done after work, how do two clean people produce so much "filth" LOL DONE
    Prep Kitchen for Wedding Cake Assembly Saturday PARTIALLY DONE
    7:30 to 8:30, finish wedding service. DONE, JUST NEED TO PRINT OUT
    Walk at 8:30pm, at least 20 minutes with inclin DONE

    Caloric 300/70/400/400
    Walk--already did it at 6:30am
    Finished Kitchen before leaving for work
    Print Service for Wedding and go over it
    Walk tonight if not too hot

    Got up this morning and walked early, felt great afterwards. Missing my morning wake up with coffee in my robe, but that would mean getting up at 5am...and I am just not quite ready to do that

  • jenwalkingfurther
    jenwalkingfurther Posts: 224 Member
    JFT. Thursday
    15k steps👍
    Log everything 👍
    Stay within calorie target 👍
    7hrs sleep 👍

    JFT - Friday
    15k steps
    Log everything
    Stay within calorie target
    7hrs sleep

    Have a great day everyone - look after yourselves. X

  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Thursday 25 June

    Log :)
    Stay in the green :)
    5 fruit and veg :)
    Water :)
    Fitbit exercise goal :)

  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Friday 26 June

    Stay in the green
    5 fruit and veg
    Fitbit exercise goal
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,273 Member
    💐 If you're feeling blue,💐
    💐 here's a gift for You. 💐
    💐 Just a little bouquet 💐
    💐 to brighten your day.💐
    I choose to feed my body the nutrition it needs and feed my mind with the quality thoughts it deserves
    To all those essential workers still going out there....
    🙏🏻 Thank you for your service 🙏🏻
    Everyone else, please stay home!!!

    What am I doing to keep busy? To name a few...
      [*] working on a Memories Project for my grandson
      [*] structuring my day
      [*] morning and evening meditation
      [*] Using the internet to ‘talk’ to family
      [*] crochet, jigsaws, journaling, gardening, reading, writing .......
      [*] HIIT videos off YouTube,
      [*] yoga/Taichi
      [*] Walks with DH
      [*] Cleaning! Cleaning! Cleaning! 😂
      [*] Decluttering
      [*] Stress relievers (search YouTube for Paul McKenna)

      Keep your chin up!
      Turning up is the ultimate success!

      01 Aug 2019: 170.1
      31 Dec 2019: 151.2
      Total weight loss: 19.9lbs
      2020 Personal Discard Weight Challenge
      Name: Terri
      My plan is to weigh less at the end of each month than I did at the beginning
      SW: 152.1 (02 Jan)
      GW: 147.1
      Jan: - 2
      Feb: - 1.3
      Mar: - 0.9
      Apri: +1.3 (not too bad, considering lockdown/Easter/Birthday this month)
      May: +0.7(working on upping my strength to,tone muscles, sonot unexpected. It's a balancing act! 😂)
      Sun 31May: 148.7
      Week 1:
      Mon 01: 148.5 😎 Happy to maintain until I sort out strength w/outs.
      Tue 02: 148.5 🌻
      Wed 03: 148.8 🌻
      Thu 04: 148.6🌻
      Fri 05: 148.5🌻
      Sat 06: 148.6🌻
      Sun 07: 148.4🌻[
      Week 2:
      Mon 8: 148.8🌻 Still holding steady
      Tue 9: 148.8 🌻
      Wed 10: 148.6🌻
      Thu 11: 148.4 🌻
      Fri 12: 148.6🌻 bad case of the nibbles tonight.
      Sat 13: 148.8:🌻
      Sun 14: 149.1🌻Silly choices yesterday!!!
      Mon 15: 149.4 🤔
      Tues 16: 149.2🤔
      Wed 17: 149.3🤔
      Thu 18: 149.2🤔
      Fri 19: 149.4 🤓 I was wondering if this uptick is connected to the fact that I have started interval walking/jogging to get my steps in. I did a little research, and sure enough, there it was, in black and white. When you start jogging, the muscles hold on to fluid for muscle repair. Can be several lbs, and it sorts itself out when the body acclimatises, so I'm sticking with it until it settles down.
      😂 Just when you think you have it all sorted, one little change throws it up in the air again. I'm guessing that this is temporary.

      Sat 20: 149.5
      Sun 21: 149.2
      Mon 22: 149.7
      Tue 23: 149.5
      Wed 24: 149.4
      Thu 25: 149.8

      JFT Thu 25 June:
      Daily goals:
      Sleep: 🌷
      Intentional exercise: > 50🌷129
      Cardio: > 30🌷HIIT /walk/jog w weights
      Strength: > 10🌷General
      Flex: >10🌷Standing Pilates 35 mins
      Prelog: stay in the green🌷
      Weight: < 150🌷
      Steps: > 7500🌷10129
      Fitbit > 6 active hours 🌷10
      Mood: 😎
      Activities I got to do:
      🌷meditation:✅ Write journal:✅
      🌷HIIT Walk/Jog: :sweat_smile:✅ Read✅
      🌷Declutter kitchen worktops✅
      🌷Finish summer planters✅ Working on it
      🌷Make spare masks✅ Cut out 4
      🌷Watch TV: ✅Puzzles: ✅crochet

      JFT Fri 25 June:
      Daily goals:🌟
      Meditation: ✅Calm Being🌟
      Intentional exercise: > 50🌟75+
      Cardio: > 30🌟
      Strength: > 10🌟15 HIIT w weights
      Flex: >10 🌟10 warm-up/25 pilates
      Prelog: stay in the green
      Weight: < 150
      Steps: > 7500
      Fitbit > 6 active hours
      Mood: :sunglasses:
      Activities I get to do:
      🌷meditation:✅ Write journal:
      🌷HIIT Walk/Jog: :sweat_smile:✅ Read
      🌷Fold/Put laundry away✅
      🌷Finish summer planters
      🌷Make spare masks
      🌷Watch TV: Puzzles: crochet: Knit✅
      🌷Birthday project for grandson

      Second day of new exercise schedule. This morning I did 15 minute warm up walk, 20 minute HIIT with dumbbells, and 35 minutes Standing Pilates w/out. I will still be trying to keep under 150, but think it might be a bit of a stretch, with the extra workout time.

    • TerriRichardson112
      TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,273 Member
      @HEGoddard0928 I hope Matt feels better today and that you feel more like working on your outline. Hormones are 😈😈😈
    • SERmom3
      SERmom3 Posts: 568 Member
      @Snowflake1968 - Thanks for the suggestion. I do use hydrocortisone cream, but it barely takes the edge off. I have a prescription cream, but use it very rarely because it can thin your skin.

      - Log everything/ Stay green🟢
      - Exercise (weights🟢 & cardio🔴)
      - Laundry / dishes🟢
      - Clean dining room🟢
      - Continue computer work:
      - - School paperwork🟢
      - - Continue clearing gmail🟢
      - - Taxes🔴
      - - Resume🔴

      Nice day yesterday. Had some social time with neighbors, which was fun. Our backyard tends to be the spot that people gravitate to and I love that.

      - Log everything/ Stay green
      - Exercise (cardio)
      - Laundry / dishes
      - Birthday parade
      - Continue computer work:
      - - School paperwork
      - - Continue clearing gmail
      - - Taxes
    • merope2
      merope2 Posts: 60 Member
      Thursday: journal complete
      Friday: complete journal

      @HEGoddard0928, I wish you good luck with your writing today!
    • pridesabtch
      pridesabtch Posts: 2,359 Member

      JFT Thursday
      - Protein bar for breakfast :(
      - Chinese for lunch, Chicken & broccoli, skip the rice... :smiley:
      - Work on Quality Manual :smiley:
      - Do some kind of exercise after work, either walk hills or repeat yesterday's ride :(
      - Log everything :smiley:
      - Stay Green :(
      - No cookies/candy :smiley:
      - Pick up new script from WM to help me sleep and hope it helps :smiley:
      - Bed by 11:30 :smiley:

      I'm not sure what today has in store for you, but you can handle it. Much love to y'all!

      Life got in the way yesterday. I ended up working late and there were some family commitments I forgot about. I finally got home around 10pm. Which boiled down to no exercise and excess calories from eating out and having a few drinks. Not the end of the world, I still came in under maintenance.

      Today, I gotta get some exercise in and I gotta go to TJ Maxx. Priorities...

      My daughter got up early to do a 15 mile run today, she is my hero.

      JFT Friday

      - Protein bar for breakfast
      - Morning Meeting
      - Shower
      - Shop
      - Log everything
      - Stay Green
      - Exercise, Ride or walk
      - No cookies/candy
      - No alcohol
      - Bed by 11:30

      Y'all make it happen today!
    • AJB1014
      AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
      1. Wash face/brush teeth am ✔
      2. Write chores goals on fridge ✔
      3. Water everytime at sink ✔
      4. Smoothie for breakfast ✔
      5. Log food ✔
      6. Track JGMTD ✔
      7. Eat when hungry/stop when full ✔
      8. Talk back to negative thoughts/be kind 👎 blaaaaah
      9. Wash face/brush teeth PM 👎
      10. Bed by 1030 👎

      Day was going well until the evening. Water softener is on the Fritz and we had a communication break down over how were going to handle this. Fortunately it has a bypass so thats the temporary solution. Im still tired. But DH is away at a job today so im going to decompress and problem solve after I relax a bit during babys nap.

      @Snowflake1968 thank you! My cousin posted about how were all in the same storm, but we all have a different boat! My heart truly goes out to those toddler moms.

      Im on the web browser just to get community to work!!!

      1. Wash face/brush teeth am
      2. Write chores goals on fridge
      3. Water everytime at sink
      4. Smoothie for breakfast
      5. Log food
      6. Track JGMTD
      7. Eat when hungry/stop when full
      8. Talk back to negative thoughts/be kind
      9. Wash face/brush teeth PM
      10. Bed by 1030