Women 200lb+, Let's Jump For Joy This July!!!



  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    KeriA wrote: »

    Things I'm grateful for: we just moved to the Hill Country in TX (from Atlanta) and although it's sooo different from the city, I'm really loving it. We're on 3 acres and some of my favorite things are: hanging my laundry on the line, watching the birds (there's a nest of little baby birds actually living in our old truck!), sitting outside and reading the New Yorker and eating frozen grapes while the deer come to visit, and being around my dad.

    💜 Thank you for starting this thread. I'm so happy to be here! 💜

    The Hill Country in TX is one of the most beautiful places in the country. This is from someone who is really a beach person and who lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. We lived in Austin when my husband went back to school in Civil Engineering so for a couple of years we lived on the edge of the Hill Country. Enjoy!

    Yes! Beach person here too -- we lived in Santa Monica for 20 years before taking a detour to Atlanta and now Fredericksburg, TX. Coronavirus circumstances precipitated this move but we're going to enjoy it anyway!

  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    speyerj wrote: »
    I feel utterly hopeless about losing weight. Sorry to start off like that but it's true. All the women in my family are very overweight. All the women in my family have been dieting their whole lives (and so have I - including not just diets but the "lifestyle changes"). It just doesn't seem to work in any long-term way for any of us except for the ones who had weight loss surgery. I'm about to turn 50 and I'm so, so tired of the struggle.

    There are lots of reasons to be hopeful. You can do this. Step one: tell yourself, as often as you need to until you believe it, that you are going to stay on track, that you are going to stick with it, that you will be successful in your fitness goals. Starting out is hard. But I can tell you that if you keep at it after a month it gets easier, and the month after, even easier. Just start small. Pick one or two things you can do today that you can commit to doing everyday. Then do it. And I would make one of those things logging your food. Logging your food is very effective. I look forward to watching your progress here.

    Thank you :)

  • speyerj
    speyerj Posts: 1,369 Member
    edited July 2020
    @BrownSugar174 - I have the same blender. Just wait till you make humus in it! SO smooth. You'll never buy store bought humus again! And what a cute summer dress!

    @MuttiNM - 200 pounds!! Congratulations on that major milestone! Really incredible.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    My July weight loss goals are centered around "getting back down to business". Moving has pretty much consumed my thinking for the last couple months, and the stress of it has stalled my weight loss entirely. But this week we are painting and doing some renovations, and hopefully we move on the 6th. Then as I unpack and put things away, I can also get a membership to the local YMCA, which has reopened, and start working out again. In terms of poundage, I just want to see where I wind up when the stress of moving finally abates and go from there.

    No fair our Y isn't open yet! ;) Even when it does I don't think they will have aquafit :( . They will open in Phase 3 with small classes and reservations for them and swimming lanes. All the best with the painting etc.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    Hello Ladies! 🥰🚴🏾‍♀️🧘🏾🏖🏝🍊🍓🥑🥕🥒🥬🥝🍌🍒🍑🌝🌞🍣🐓
    Name: Linda
    Age: 52
    SW: 288 (6-1-2018)
    CW: 226.2. (7-1-2020)

    From mid March to the end of June I have been in a maintenance mindset. With all that was happening and all I knew was going to happen I decided to focus on maintaining my mental/emotional health and maintaining what weight I’d lost up to that mid March point then to my birthday month last month.

    Ladies we are all so very fortunate to be on this journey! ONWARD💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽👊🏽👊🏽!!!

    I absolutely loved reading your whole post and am so inspired by you!