

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,936 Member
    edited July 2020
    Had a bad storm last night with much needed rain. Dogs were up all night afraid and the storm was very loud in the RV. So not much sleep last night. No damage to us or park so that was good. Slow start this morning.

    RV Rita

    Sitting with a native

  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,012 Member
    edited July 2020
    Katla I have a scar on my arm from my Smallpox vaccine. I read that's how you can spot a cougar at a bar. :D:D:D

    Cheri I love your hair and I love that your husband is your hair stylist.

    Allie I am a bit envious of your possible plans to move to Sanibel. So exciting! Sanibel is possibly my favorite place in the entire world. My spouse dreams of living there, and talks about it frequently. I am not sure I want to be that far away from the grandchildren.

    Margaret What a darling dog Drew Barry is! I love her!

    Heather My spouse is getting less skeptical about my MFP buddies. I think the concept of remote pals seems suspect to many people, though. Tell Johnny hi from me and tell him I'm not a bit scary and that I have a very boring ordinary life. Also that I adore the grandchildren of my spouse as if they were my very own flesh and blood. Just like he does. LOL!!!!! And I totally understand about the golden anniversary. In 2022 my 50th wedding anniversary to my ex-husband would be celebrated. I can see how that might be a source of tears and nostalgia. We are still such good friends and I do love him. I saw him at my granddaughter's swim meet 4 days ago, and he asked if my spouse and I were feeling okay about eating in a restaurant yet, as he was wanting to have a lunch date with us. I know that probably seems weird. Keep talking to us about this, we have broad shoulders and are good listeners.

    Rebecca What a tolerant dog! Athena is just yummy.



    Anyone care to post favorite zucchini recipes? I happen to have one the size of a small watermelon - a gift from a dear friend. B)


    Karen in Virginia

    It is great to read about former spouses being friends. Most people(especially my sisters) do not understand it at all. My mom and my close friends understand it. Some say they would understand if we had kids together(one pregnancy but miscarried)- Mine came out here 5 yrs ago(first time seeing him in 20yrs). Current and former husbands met and they both said" I really wanted to hate him but he is a nice guy" . Current one is looking forward to his next visit next month, planning on where he wants to take them. He will be bringing current wife. This is #3 for him, #2 died from pancreatic cancer just over 5 yrs ago. I still love him, always will. Junior high sweet hearts and all. I am looking forward to the visit but will be a bit hard. Current one dominates all conversations so won't get much time to really talk like we want. Last time we got to have some time to talk/catch up/etc. I don't think that will happen with Karen here. She is more understanding than #2 was(she destroyed cards/letters I sent him so he never knew I tried to contact him and told his family to not have any contact with me either-found this out when he finally contacted me right before she died.
    Thank you for sharing your story. I appreciate it.

    what I did last night with a zucchini was slice it, sprinkle with garlic salt, put it in the air fryer, cook until just about done then sprinkle with parm. cheese. I ate them just like that- they are great to dip in maranara sauce.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,012 Member
    Feeling much better today, having shared my woes with you ladies and with friends and family. My brother rang me back straight away and an old friend, who was my bridesmaid, and who was very involved with my marriage throughout, has been WhatsApping me. <3
    It's just good to have realised what was going on with me. :) And good that at least some people understand.

    Re MFP, I do get cross with DH when he says things like, "you don't know who these people are", or "you can't trust anything anyone says online", "they could be anybody".
    Grrrrrr! To me that's implying that I'm an idiot. I trust my own judgement more than I trust his. :#

    Having the Skinnytaste cabbage, kielbasa and sauerkraut stew tonight.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    my husband said the same thing about another chat group I was in(the group closed- was a Freebie Site- when there were tons of freebies to get) I still chat on FB with many of them. He doesn't say it quite so much now after we have actually met up with two of them. We are planning on going up to Oregon to see them again- a nice road trip. He is such a pessimist- it is annoying and depressing. Like you, feel like they think we are stupid and gullable,like we can't trust our own judgement. Yes, there are those that will use that trusting nature in us but we are big girls and can handle it ourselves.
    He hasn't said anything about this site because I haven't really talked about it-well, I have but he wasn't listening- what ever.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather & Machka: I agree with both of you about vitamin D. It is a huge help with wintertime blues, especially for those of us with summer birthdays. D3 is so helpful, I would recommend it.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,012 Member
    This is my wonderful zucchini. I have it sitting next to a miniature watermelon:


    Lisa you made me laugh out loud. s0225.gif

    Keep the zucchini suggestions coming, I'm going to decided what to make with it this afternoon. I love zucchini.

    those shaped zucchini are great for stuffing- mix of ground meat(beef, sausage, pork, chicken or turkey-what ever you want) mixed with diced canned tomatoes, lots of seasoning and either a little quick oats or left over rice and an egg- all mixed together and baked. I want to do that with the one zucchini I have- not sure if husband will eat it but that is what I am craving.

    My new favorite way is cut into like fries, lightly coat flour/egg and milk then seasoned bread crumbs or panko that has parm in it. Spray lightly with oil then either bake or air fry. That is the same way I do my "fried" okra- can't wait for mine to start producing It isn't doing much- three pots planted and only one growing- will have to raid my parents garden in a month or so.
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    edited July 2020
    For those who cancelled their cruises be glad folks who didn’t had the virus come aboard getting charged for every day at sea trying to get 30-40k back!!! https://apple.news/AL_g9R9SmTV-0a8WXUfvs6g

    Yikes 😳 that’s not including them paying to get themselves home!

    Amber Tx


    They were supposed to be on a 100+ day long cruise. Those are NOT cheap. I believe they are waiting on the refund for that, not that they were billed for all the days stuck at sea waiting to get in to a port.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited July 2020
    Okie y Carol -Sounded to next like a pain in the *kitten* - The 30-40k Not everyone can afford 3+ months or more for a refund y the stress of hunting down the cruise line for your money must be a bugger.
    Wow 100days Is go nuts being in the water that long anyways


    Amber Tx

    Had shrimp y stuffing for brunch. Dinner unknown still
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    edited July 2020
    Viv UK, one of the things they do is call a number to see if it’s working with a call that seems legit, then have someone call at another time with the fraud call. I think you handled it perfectly.

    Rebecca, the Athena and dog pics are beautiful and fun. I had a lovely silver tip German shepherd named Vixen with my first husband. He got the dog in the divorce and I got the father of my two eldest girls. If it weren’t for having the girls with #2, I’d have preferred Vixen in the long run - although the first 4years were great. Oh! And I also giggled at the little old church lady with a basket of large zucchini vision.

    Regarding polio vaccine, I found out a few years ago that like our DTP, we need a booster in our later years. And MMR too.

    Allie, you could always take in couch-surfers at $25 or so a night (after the virus, of course)(hint hint!). How much would you have to pay a month compared to house pmt, real estate tax, etc? And would your tax return be changed without mortgage interest and property tax deductions to help you itemize? Good grief, if there’s another unit available I’d sure check it out! I’ve actually explored the Ft. Myers area for senior living apts, but found I was too unsure of how big and crowded Ft. Myers had become since 1966, the last time I was there.

    Welcome SarahKN452! Your zucchini treatment sounds a bit like mine except I use a jarred red pasta sauce of some sort and add some other veggies like bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, or whatever I have that doesn’t need long cooking.

    I will miss the big fireworks show this year. That makes me sad, because I love a good aerial show almost as much as I love holiday lights. I’m sitting here cohabiting with my cats and feeling sad that I literally have nowhere to go today. Being safe is great, but at 77, I feel I only have a couple of decades max to do the fun stuff.

    Sharon On the Pity Pot Near Seattle 😪
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 957 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    Does anyone have a dessert recipe that uses a lot of egg yolks? I have 12 that I’d like to use up. Only thing is…it can’t be something chocolate.

    Michele NC

    Not a dessert, but hollandaise sauce is one of my go-to's for egg yolks. I make it and store it in a jar and use it during the week.

    Carol - The beaches in the Los Angeles area are closed this weekend and the freeway between there and San Diego was bumper to bumper yesterday afternoon. :-(

    Tina in CA
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Lisa, I lol'd at your recipe for fried eggs and zucchini! As I'm at work that could have created issues, but my co-worker is out doing something so that part was good. Also laughed at you "pushing Marie Kondo off the shelf" but 30 books? Seriously???? We have probably got two authors alone that have written 30 books! And I do re-read them.... Needless to say, books are important in our house!
    Barbie, About zucchini, the little ones should be sliced and steamed for a healthy and tasty side dish and the big ones should be cut in small chunks and put in the compost bin. LOL
    Barbara, I know it's a few days past now, but have you tried telling Joe that he is only confusing Tumble when he whistles for her when you've got her on the leash and are trying to teach her to heel? I think your angry outburst was a reasonable response to his action, you may not feel it was your proudest moment (probably not, but...) you were injured because of it.
    Allie, I know when you weigh the pros and cons you will make the right decision for you. I do think Kim had some good suggestions tho, it might be a good idea to vacation there for a few weeks just to get a feel for the place and look into possible job options.
    Baby pics! They all just make my heart melt! I must post some pics of the grands, they are growing so fast!
    I have been reading and am fairly well caught up, but no time to comment til today. My eating has been not great, but not horrible either, my exercise ditto. Trying to get more exercise in, but some days its tough. The Y that I was going to is set to re-open July 16 with lots of safety protocols in place. We have to reserve a time, can only arrive/line up from 5 min before that time and only have 5 min after that time to get in the door, then they lock it and you are out of luck. They are also putting the price up, considerably! I was paying just over $30 per month, it's going up to $50! I get it, they've lost money in the past 4 mos and are trying to support their programs but.... I will pay, just have to grumble about it a little.
    Took my bike in for a tune up, probably won't take it there again, just took it to the Canadian Tire store where I bought it from. A free tune up was included if I did it in the first year. Anyway, I'm not sure what I expected, but they tightened up the brakes and I almost put myself over the handlebars as I wasn't expecting it to grab like it did! lol Fortunately I was not going fast and was gentle on the brakes, but WOW, just WOW! lol There is a bike store a reasonable distance from our house so I would be able to ride down there and then walk back, so that's where I'll go next time. It's a cheap little bike, perfect for me, the professional bike guys might not even want to work on it! lol We will see next year....
    That's it for me for now, hugs to those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Michele Maybe Twelve Yolk Pound Cake?
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited July 2020
    The Fourth of July here has been so noisy in the past few years that we’ve gone to out of the way county parks to protect our dog from the bangs and blasts. We aren’t doing that this year. Things have been fairly quiet so far. :heart: Because of the Covid Virus worries, the city decided to move the fireworks to much later in the year, during the annual Christmas Ships visit to St Helens. I am so grateful for this plan. We'll be able to enjoy the fourth of July without worry for our dog, and we'll have a festive celebration for the Christmas Ships parade. I look forward to it. :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon