Doctor wants me to try low fat plant based diet. Very difficult, need resources.

gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
I'm type 2 diabetic. Used to be prediabetic, but it got worse. The metformin stopped working so I went back to the doctor and she wants me to try 30 days of a vegan low fat diet. I thought it wouldn't be hard to find resources online but boy was I wrong! There are too many criteria to meet at once. Low fat and vegan and diabetic friendly and not hideously expensive, all at the same time. Ugh! She recommends this program: Well.... I looked at it, and I find all their stuff to be very expensive and impractical. I live on a tight budget and can't get esoteric ingredients or do fancy recipes.

I figured I can't be the only person to be going through this, and maybe people who have been doing plant based for a while could point me to some resources that are practical for daily cooking and living in this situation. Sites, books, general principles, any advice for making this diet work would be welcome. After 30 days, we check my glucose tolerance again and see if this works like she thinks it will. I would rather do low carb, but she thinks that won't work for the long term. I am skeptical... but I have to try this vegan diet out and put it to the test.


  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    gothchiq wrote: »
    I should have noted that I've already lost the excess weight, but my blood sugar has not been helped by it. I weigh 118 pounds, but the moment I eat a carb (such as 1/3 cup old fashioned oats) my sugar skyrockets. I have a test scheduled to see if I still produce enough insulin, which is a requirement for going forward with this vegan diet.

    Fair enough. So, do you "lift"?
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Yes, I lift. But it's light weight high reps because I'm arthritic. Also body weight exercises and low impact cardio.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    One of my favorite vegan cookbooks happens to be low fat - it's called "Appetite for Reduction" by Isa Chandra Moskowitz. While not explicitly WFPB, she happens to stick pretty close to common definitions of WFs. There is limited oil in some of the recipes, but I think you could easily omit it in many cases (for example, by "sauteing" vegetables in some vegetable stock). I'm not even on a low fat diet, but I cook out of the book all the time because the recipes are good and fit easily into my calorie goals. There also isn't a lot of dried fruit or "weird" ingredients (by my standard anyway).

    Another cookbook I've used in the past is the Moosewood Low Fat cookbook. It isn't PB (it's pescatarian), but there are a lot of recipes in it that are PB or can be adapted to be so. That cookbook sometimes calls for some "ethnic" ingredients like wonton wrappers and stuff like that, but it's pretty normal. It was a big help for me when I began cooking with plants because it helped me figure out how to extract tons of flavors without adding tons of fat to recipes. (Note: all the other Moosewood cookbooks I've seen have been pretty high fat, so I would only recommend this particular one in your case).

    I personally haven't been impressed by any of the Forks over Knives recipes that I've tried -- everything is a bit bland to me.

    Good luck!
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited July 2020
    @janejellyroll - I found the same thing about FoK. But I do love that Maple Tahini Salad in the book. That's the one recipe I did love.

    OP - It's a chopped salad with (I think) Kale, Chickpeas, Red Cabbage, Carrots and Red Pepper -- but you can do it with really anything. And from what I've read, Maple Syrup is one of the safest sweeteners for diabetics. It's just Tahini, Water, Maple Syrup and fresh lemon juice. So basic but delicious. I assume you could use Stevia instead of Maple Syrup if that's a concern.

    This is a similar recipe. Minimalist Baker also is a great source. She cooks very simple ingredients that are cheap.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,499 Member
    Have other reasons than being overweight be ruled out for your diabetes? A pancreas condition maybe?