Women 200lb+, Let's Jump For Joy This July!!!



  • MuttiNM
    MuttiNM Posts: 240 Member
    @KeriA Sorry to hear about your job. However, it sounds like you are handling it well. Good luck considering your next steps!
  • orangequilt
    orangequilt Posts: 4,278 Member
    @KeriA sorry about your job....hope you have some good options coming your way xx
  • speyerj
    speyerj Posts: 1,369 Member
    I'm so sorry you lost your job. I know you had plans to retire soon, just not this soon. I wish good things for you - whether that be a decision to officially retire now or a new promising career. And congratulations on getting below 250!! That was a huge milestone for me. So many things have a 250 pound weight limit - chairs, step ladders, even exercise equipment! Getting below that number made me feel like a normal fat person - like the difference between Morbidly obese and plain old obese on the BMI scale. You conquered that milestone and now Onederland is not too far off. I hope you have a great time at the coast. Walking along the coast always centers my soul and helps me put things in perspective.
  • speyerj
    speyerj Posts: 1,369 Member
    @mandti7213 - I'm glad you found inspiration here. Speaking for myself, finding this monthly thread may have been the major reason that I have logged all my food consistently for over 400 days (and lost 114 pounds in the process). Having a place to state my goals publicly and then account for them publicly was a game changer. It took away my shame. And I found support and some great advice. And it helped me be accountable to myself.

    I'm glad you found an exercise you love and I encourage you to keep it up. Just remember that eating more calories than you burn is the only way you can lose fat. When I started trying to lose weight, I hadn't been exercising already, and I didn't add it at first. Eating at a deficit was hard enough on its own (at least in the beginning - it does get easier - I promise), so I just concentrated on that for a while. If you aren't already tracking your food, I'd encourage you to do so. Best of luck to you!
  • chupacabragumbo
    chupacabragumbo Posts: 31 Member
    @speyerj - that's exactly it. I work in healthcare, and with a fairly tight-knit group of people, so we're all up in each other's business a lot of the time, but I just never quite know what to say. It's a good thing scrub pants have drawstrings though, or else I'd have to do some shopping.

    and that's awesome you started running around my same weight! didn't you just do a half-marathon? super inspiring! I'd love to build up to that kind of mileage. and I love that idea, to start with determination, end with satisfaction. I don't even really hate running now, although I do wish it wasn't so dang hot.

    @AlexandraFindsHerself1971 - your cat is adorable, by the way.

  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,379 Member
    Friday Weigh In Day!

    31 years old
    SW: 207
    CW (6/30): 185.2
    7/3: 185.2
    7/10: 184.6 (-0.6)
    7/17: 184.0 (-0.6)
    7/24: 184.0 (-0)
    GW for July: 181
    UGW: 145

    Daily 5 to Thrive:
    🌺 30 minutes for me ✅
    🌺 30 minutes of exercise : ✅
    🌺 90 oz water: ✅
    🌺 Sugar treats less than 10% of calories ❌
    🌺 Write 10 things I'm grateful for: ✅

    Countdown to the end of the year: 21 weeks
    Loss at 1 lb/week: 163
    Countdown to Wedding Season: 39 weeks

    No loss, and I get why. I've gone a little overboard with sugar, haven't logged it, and I haven't been getting my 10k steps every day. It's too hot to go during the day, and work has been crazy, so I haven't gotten out in the early morning, just started straight away at work.

    The way I was able to do it before was: get up at 4, walk for an hour before the sun got up (that would get me around 5-6k steps), then do the rest late in the afternoon. It's a big time consumption, 2 hours a day, but I really don't walk much around my house, just do chores and watch kids. I have been walking some- half an hour to an hour a day, just not enough for 10k steps. And I am still lifting, so there's that.

    At least I didn't gain. Weight loss is a marathon, and there will be setbacks. Goal for this last week of July- lose something. Log everything. Stick to that sugar goal. I'm not going to make goal weight this month, and that's fine. I'll take progress. And my highest weights during ovulation are two pounds lower than they were last month, so I am making progress.

    Quick tags:
    @KeriA I love your attitude about this. You're a lovely and strong person, and no matter what happens with your future job situation, I know you'll handle it with grace.

    @mandti7213 Welcome! Weight loss is made in the kitchen, so logging your food will help a lot. Your walking game is strong, that's great!

    Have a great day, everyone! I'm going to go throw out those Oreos I bought for the girls, but they don't eat them, so the oreos are a me trap. Same with that homemade frosting in the fridge...
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    32F, 5’3”
    SW: 245
    Goal 1: 220
    Goal 2: 200
    Goal 3: 185 **Previous LW**
    UGW: 140-170 (will reassess closer to goal)

    Week 3
    Oops; forgot to check in on Wednesday!
    Down 3.4lbs this week 🥳

    🌺 No snacking after 8pm: 6/7

    My Apple Watch clasp failed & it fell off right onto a tile floor - completely shattering the screen 😣 So much for stand / move / exercise ring goals...
  • puboochu
    puboochu Posts: 48 Member
    cesse47 wrote: »
    @puboochu Welcome. Perhaps check out some of the YouTube exercise videos. They have something for everyone. I particularly like a chair yoga called: Chair Yoga to Loosen up your Back! Stretching the Diamond with Sherry Zak Morris

    Thanks, I’ll look into that for sure!
  • puboochu
    puboochu Posts: 48 Member
    Hitting the 100s is such a big accomplishment! Congrats, you’re so close!!
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    Good morning! I'm going out today to get more keys cut for our new house, and going to work on the subtleties of effective arrangement of my pantry room. It's not just whether everything fits in, it's whether it has a proper place in there, where it can be found and used and replaced.