I'm too sexual looking...........accusation from a gym membe



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Wear your spandex and then shorts on top...that is what my UMA instructors do.
    They slip down when I kick. Part of the reason I don't wear them over them.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    I wondered this myself. Unless you know for sure (as in the women talked to you personally) that's the particular student that's troubled by it, you really don't know for sure where the complaint is coming from.

    Could be the supervisor is uncomfy bringing it up and so she put it off on this one person. Seriously would you get a warning as an instructor for ONE complaint from one person? That is hard to believe at least with the class sizes around here. I don't know how big your classes are but that's seems a bit strange to me.

    just some thoughts..
    One thing about my gym is that they look at EVERY suggestion and complaint. They don't wait till the last minute to address it. Part of the reason why our membership, though not huge, has great retention.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    dude, just wear Under-Armour type shorts/boxers with some unrestrictive soccer shorts over it. That's what I'd wear to some of these MMA classes and such.
    I've looked into it. I'm just a cheap *kitten*. $50 bucks for those shorts is a lot to me. I may well just have to go that direction.

    Do you have an Under-Armour Outlet by you? You can find all that stuff for a lot cheaper then in their normal stores/online.

    Back to your original question.. I don't think the outfits a problem. You gotta wear what you gotta wear to keep the goods in place.. and if she doesn't like it, then maybe suggest another class she can take.
  • millionsofpeaches
    Hahaha.... this is hilarious. I think you look fine... and should be able to wear what ever the heck you want. In fact, just to push their buttons you could invest in a circa 1982 style mesh jersey to wear at the gym.
  • brianward81
    brianward81 Posts: 217 Member
    Keep doing what you are doing. If she just can't keep her eyes off you and keep complaining, what's the worst that could happen? So the gym bans you from being too sexy for the other people... then you get new shorts with a caption on the front part of them reading; "I got banned from FridGym from being too sexy, wanna go out?".

    Win win.
  • SusanRenee35
    SusanRenee35 Posts: 182 Member
    she cant stop looking at your goods & it is making her have naughty thoughts that she cant get control of lol....i say go tighter!!!
    people are a joke!
    if you dont like it!!! DONT LOOK AT IT B**CH! :P
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    Here's an unpopular opinion, and maybe a little surprising... I HATE spandex. With a passioin. I don't care to see anyone's business in that much detail. I am a HUGE fan of the human body, men and women, and am all about seeing it naked! But packaged up tight in spandex is not flattering, to anyone, IMO. It's really easy to buy a pair of cheap shorts to wear over the spandex, just make sure they have a drawstring so you won't have the slipping down issue.

    I do feel uncomfortable about someone in spandex (only), whatever gender, however fit. Not so much that i'd complain about it, but since you asked... :smile:
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    Lol..that's too funny! She can't stop looking is what it is...for shame! Oh well, she just can't concentrate..wow! Oh well, you gotta do what you gotta do for your job...Haha..just curious..do you know who the "woman" is? :smile:
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    My supe is up front with me. She told me it was the very first complaint, so she hasn't taken it seriously and wanted to give me a heads up.
    There is customer service, and there is pointless pandering to the more "challenged" members of society.

    For every one woman who is disgusted by your (presumably "God given" in her addled mind) physique, there will be a dozen sane women who quietly and harmlessly enjoy seeing what a fit guy looks like. Or even *gasp* actually take notice of what you're trying to teach them, rather than leering over your body.

    All too often, employers take notice of the loudest non representative voice, rather than the quiet voice of the overwhelming majority.

    My recommendation? Ignore the stupid b*tch.

    There is NOTHING disgusting or immoral about the human body, anyone who thinks there is has issues of their own that need addressing.

    To answer your question "would you be offended?", no I wouldn't find your attire offensive, nor in fact would I find it at all offensive if you turned up stark bollock naked. I've seen a lot of naked men in my life, really, unless they're a sexual partner, it's no big deal.

    What would be offensive to me is if you couldn't teach a good class, or if your warm up / cool down routines were inadequate.
  • Dkenny74
    Dkenny74 Posts: 26 Member
    Your Boss needs to grow a pair and back his employee.
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    Can I ask why you don't get shorts over the top that have drawstrings? If you tie them up tight enough they won't slip as easily as non drawstring ones. Do them tight enough not to slip but not so tight they cut into you.

    If you are covering your junk up with a shirt than there shouldn't be any issue except when you kick ect. I would say in all honestly she is just finding you attractive ect or has a issue with you in general or the gym and has taken it out on you by putting in this complaint. People are stupid and unless you get more complaints or you supervisor specifically tells you to I wouldn't bother changing.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Can I ask why you don't get shorts over the top that have drawstrings?
    As a gym member, rather than an employee, I'll tell you why I personally wouldn't wear a second pair of shorts to go over the top of my shorts.

    1. I've worked bloody hard from being obese, to getting this body and I feel entitled to show it off, plus it provides inspiration. If I can turn myself around and end up looking like this, so can anyone.

    2. Wearing two pairs of shorts just because some random woman is apparently scared of seeing the human body is just bloody stupid. Maybe I should wear a bag over my head in case my smile beguiles innocents... *rolls eyes*
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    Your Boss needs to grow a pair and back his employee.
    ^^ This
    You don't know who it is though. I'd be careful guessing as the grapevine is less than reliable and often invested... What if it was another employee? Anyone have an issue with you?
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!



    I'm too sexy for my work, too sexy for my work, so sexy it hurts . . . .

    ooh -- do you think being sexy burns extra calories??
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    maybe it's the tight *kitten* that offends. wear shorts over the spandex, or invest in some Lulu for men :wink:
    Shirts I wear hang low enough to cover my butt and crotch area. Which is why I'm still wondering why she complained.

    maybe you were giving her a neck ache from craning her head in that weird position so she could see under the shirt?

    Just a suggestion:indifferent:
  • TheShelterCat
    Maybe you should refrain from teaching classes in spandex with an erection.

  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I got a warning from my Group Fitness Supervisor today to be aware of my clothing at the gym. In my avatar, I'm wearing the same spandex that I was accused of being "too sexual looking" in when a complaint was put in the suggestion box! I wear them because if I just wore shorts, every time I kick (and I kick high) in kickboxing instruction, you'd see my "junk". At least this way I'm "contained". Through the grapevine, apparently it's from a very "religious and conservative" woman who attends my classes.

    So your opinion: If I wore that to an instruction class, would you be offended?

    BTW, I have no choice but to "cover up" more.
    Sounds like she's got the hots for ya. lol Your supposed to wear close fitting clothes at the gym..I'd rather not see your junk while working out...Do others wear the same clothes? She can't make everyone change their clothes.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I got a warning from my Group Fitness Supervisor today to be aware of my clothing at the gym. In my avatar, I'm wearing the same spandex that I was accused of being "too sexual looking" in when a complaint was put in the suggestion box! I wear them because if I just wore shorts, every time I kick (and I kick high) in kickboxing instruction, you'd see my "junk". At least this way I'm "contained". Through the grapevine, apparently it's from a very "religious and conservative" woman who attends my classes.

    So your opinion: If I wore that to an instruction class, would you be offended?

    BTW, I have no choice but to "cover up" more.

    Thinking about this from a pure business stand point. Because one lady made that complaint there are probably even more women that come to the class just because of how you look and that would drive business which as a gym manager I'd tell this lady to deal with it that you're a fitness professional.
  • mnerfariousl
    mnerfariousl Posts: 41 Member
    if she was focused on her workouts she would have no time noticing your spandex goodness...i mean i would love some eye candy when i work out...:blushing:
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    Well, if you wore some white spandex with taint stains that should avert those sexual predators' eyes from staring at the crotchal area.

    omg i love you thats great