Less Alcohol - AUGUST 2020 - One Day at a Time



  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,519 Member
    0 drinks/4 days.....just bought blueberries (from Canada), 4 packs for $1...and they are amazing. I also have 2 lbs of really plump northwest cherries from Wenatchee, Washington. Packed the cherries in snack bags, 10 per bag and I freeze them. When I want a treat, pull out the bag and rinse them under lukewarm water to slightly defrost.

    This is better than ice cream and wine - believe me :). Calories favorable too.

    My August plan reminder:

    1.AF 29-30 days
    2.No purchases of wine bottles, period.
    3.Max 1 can rose bubbles on planned drinking days (upcoming family b-days)
    4.No excuses
    5.Lose 2 lbs
    6.Refocus on enjoying life!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,570 Member
    You must have a lot of blueberry bushes!
    I have some, but never enough to bring in the house. I will take a picture later, I would love to see a photo of yours!
    What are you going to do with those 3 big pails of blueberries?
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,306 Member
    @forestdweller1 Where are you and Catpucino going? See you around soon!
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,306 Member
    edited August 2020
    Day 4 - Aug 4

    AF 2.5 ? / 4

    I need to learn how to better deal with other peoples bad moods... after a long work day, I really don't want to come home to bad attitudes, but this is what happens most days. I tend to try and de-stress on my drive home, so I don't bring it into the house... So I waited for 1 full hour after getting home, telling myself to just deal with it, but I caved again... made a wine cooler, took a few sips, not my usual guzzle, then it sat while I finished making dinner, by then the ice was melted, and I picked up my water bottle instead... and ended up dumping the wine cooler!

    So can I just count yesterday as 1/2 AF?

    Side-note... love blueberries, but here in So California, prices are about $3 per 12oz container. I love berries and Greek yogurt for breakfast! They are good frozen too.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,570 Member
    Great story @mainelylisa !
    I have never seen a Possum, I just had to Google it. Looks exotic!
    I had heard the term "playing Possum" but didn't really understand. So they play dead, slow their heartbeat right down and excrete a terrible smell from their anal glands (ewww) to appear dead.
    So, the one on your floor...was dead or just playing dead?

    I wonder what sort of creatures might come in the doggy door in Oregon @shorepine or if your huge dogs would dissuade that. Do you have racoons, possums, chipmunks, squirrels?

    Apparently no matter where we are geographically Deer are a garden problem to us all.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,570 Member
    I am Dawn. 59 (for one more month), I live in SE BC
    My goal has remained the same, one that I feel comfortable with: 16-20AF days each month.

    Saturday August 01 - Drinks, fancy fruity ones that I concocted.
    Sunday August 02 - AF - Didn't really want to be AF, but did.
    Monday August 03 - AF - Too windy to go to a lake today (I float on a mat) so I did some stuff around the garden. It is still going to be 100 degrees for a couple of more days, I am going to try to only work in the mornings so that I can get to the lake while it is super hot and not windy. Motivation to not drink is how my belly swells up so big the day after having drinks. Planning on AF again tomorrow.
    Tuesday August 04 - AF - Long stressful workday when I should have been at the lake, second to last really hot day. So badly wanted a few cocktails, but fought through it with my newfound "don't drink when you are stressed" tactic. Those cocktails won't be going anywhere, I will have a few on a happy day. Lake time Wednesday no matter what.
    Wednesday August 05 - Drinks. Last hot day here, so went to the lake and had some yummy cocktails when I got home.
    Thursday August 06 - AF - I will try to be AF tomorrow also to get 2 in a row.

    Rolling total 4AF days out of 6 days