

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,434 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,825 Member
    Morning ladies
    I slept on and off all night from 6 last night to about 7 this morning .but was getting up alot for the bathroom..
    I am going to relax and try and get some things done here today..dont have to work the weekend as my.brother is home.
    Only time i stayed anywhere swanky is when i traveled with Trudy to NYC and Peru..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    Friday evening ... nice and quiet.

    I have been out and about way too much for my liking this week and I'm exhausted.
    • Work 5 days.
    • Medical appointment with my husband on Monday regarding his eyes. He has double vision since his accident and wears glasses with prisms to help correct it, but this appointment indicated that there's more too it. We know he had fractured cheek bones but now it appears he may have fractured an eye socket too and may need surgery. I have an eye "thing" so I was cringing in my chair when the doctor was describing what they may have to do.
    • Shopping ... or actually "window shopping" looking for ideas of what to get for my husband's birthday. And I did get a few things.

    Too many people. Too many things to look at and do.

    I would happily stay home for the next week and only go for walks to the beach at a time of day when there's hardly anyone out and about. I miss that!

    Next week, I'm going to have to make a point of going for lunch walks where there are fewer people.


    Machka in Oz
  • ktmusher
    ktmusher Posts: 4 Member
    @Katla49 thank you! The trick is be able to stick to them. This morning in my breakfast sandwich to stay in the calorie range I want to be in, I had to forego the vegenaise (vegan mayo) and just have a roma tomato!!
    It's really hard to stay in a weight loss calorie range without exercising everyday! Heck it's the weekend and I'm going to want to drink some wine!!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    Late Friday evening ... and I've had a sudden urge to play a few of my favourite Christmas songs. :) Maybe it was all the snow earlier this week.

    I'm doing a bit of homework and will crawl into bed about midnight.

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited August 2020
    Rori: I hope the VA gets your DH set up properly for respite & home health care in the very near future. You’ve been in need of their support for a long time and they need to step up and provide services to a man who has earned them, and to you. :heart:

    Pip: You and Kirby have been busy. I hope you’re happy in your new place. :star:

    Heather: When I see your photo, it is clear that you’re a beautiful woman. Your hair looks great. :flowerforyou:

    Kylia: You look beautiful in your photo. I had my last perm many years ago. I hope to never have another, and since I’m in charge of me, I’m confident I’ll get my own way on the matter. I’m sorry that you were clammy, dizzy and a bit nauseous. I sympathize with your DH. I’d be worried about your symptoms, too. I hope today is a much better day. :star:

    Machka: Your hair is glorious, and looks like you have a natural wave. Nice. :bigsmile:

    GermanK: Welcome to a great group. Stop by often and get to know us as we get to know you. :smiley:

    KJ: I hope the new daycare rules are clear and reasonable. :star:

    Lanette: You look great in shades. I hope life is going well and you are happy. :wink:

    Barbie: I also have the same breakfast nearly every day. My choice is a half a cup of 2% cottage cheese topped with blueberries. DH likes it for breakfast, too. :star:

    Pip: It looks like you’re moving in. I hope that all goes well and you & Kirby are both happy in your new place. :heart:

    Today is starting off to be another “bright, bright, sunshiney day.” I hope to put some fun into it. No definite plan for what from the fun will take but it is still early. This moment it is 7:41 AM PDT. Be well.

    Katla in Beauftiful NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    My cleaner is here, working away in the heat. :o I've rowed away 300 bonus calories with the fan on me, while watching a French film. I'm surviving the heat so far. :) It's as if the whole world is holding its breath.
    Haddock tonight in a pesto crumb. Spinach, and fries for DH. I was good yesterday. Let's see if i can keep it up.

    We have a large Velux window in the extension which, in the summer, lets the sun shine exactly where I sit on the sofa. :# I'm making enquiries about a remote controlled blind for it. It is too high to poke easily with a pole. When we have the living room decorated in October the curtains between the two rooms will be going, which is what I use now. I hate them, but they are useful for now. We, or I, will have to pay for it to be installed as it's high up. DH can't see the point and doesn't mind the curtains, so I guess it'll have to be me who pays. :(
    I've emailed a company, so I'll see what they say.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    This year our plum tree was loaded, but we had the same trouble as last year - nearly all of them had been attacked by something and were black inside. This year we Googled it and it is the Plum Moth. :# It did say that the plums which ripen later are less likely to be attacked, so today DH picked the rest and most were OK. He's just cooked them for dessert. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: chiropractor, stroll with Tracie, skipped line dance at the port at chiro’s suggestion,
    Bonus: reserved room in Ashland for Medford trip, Grocery Outlet, recycling, put Tumble’s hair up for trial overnight.
    Get to do: T’ai Chi, pick up pooches, clean something, practice new dances (Turning Tables, Nothing but You, Shake it like that, Larger than Life, Here I Go Again/Mama Mia, Real Deal, Get it Right); transplant bean, make garlic almonds for Barb and Dan; prep potato area and raised beds for beets, carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes and sow; finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed; Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine. Reward: inventory seeds, plan fall cool season garden, order replenishments. Sunday board meeting reminder, board meeting prep,
    Altruistic August
    7: Thanks someone you’re grateful to and tell them why: Lisa I’m grateful for your sound advice, as well as your wit! Will pin them down on the bridge $$$.

    Machka was just trying to follow your link http://www.eatingwell.com/article/291936/what-are-we-losing-in-our-pursuit-of-wellness/ when our internet service AND cell service both went down at the same time. With no phone, no way to report it. :rage: Thankful it’s back up this morning.
    Welcome @BayBay1958, @ktmusher !
    Lisa “No one is telling men that they need to love their bodies to live full and meaningful lives. We don’t need to love our bodies to respect them.” Really resonated with me. Imagine telling Joe he needed to “love his body” ROTFLMAOWMP! :Love: “. . . discuss ideas, strategies, their plans to take up more space than they already do. Let’s lunch like that!” Besides knee twinges, another reason not to pull weeds that are uphill from you is that when they pop out, you can fly backwards out and down, really hurting your tailbone. ;)
    Annie thankful to hear the horses are ok… oh and the people too ;)
    Allie I think maybe you can’t understand your SIL because you put most of your energy out to caring for others, and she puts most of her energy into caring for herself. Wonder why she either never learned, or chose not to invest energy in, compassion?
    Julie what is a “utilitarian”?
    Tina “6 beers on draft” in the man cave pub? WOW! I'm on my way ;)

    Only thru pg 22 but time to get prepped for T’ai Chi and pick up the babies.

    Lighter, lovelies!

    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    August: better than July.
    daily: steps>5491=7445 vits=7 log=6 CI<CO=5 CI<250<CO=3 Tumble & Shadow 5=2 mfp=1 outside=1 up hill=1
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3=2 rx=1 dance=1 clean 30 mins=
    mnthly: board mtg= grant=1 20for20=
    bonus: AF=4 play= sew=
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    Faye - I noticed leaves falling on one of our trees last night. It seems too early for this, maybe it's because we only have had 2 weeks without rain at some point in the day I don't feel like summer has truly arrived yet. Yesterday was 30 Celsius and this morning was 13 Celsius, crazy weather.

    Lisa - That's a great loss for a week! Our bodies are so strange. I understand the under 200 mark, I reached 200 a couple of times this year and it just made me want to cry. I am struggling to get below 197 now, it seems to fluctuate between 197 and 199, but I haven't seen 200 in a few weeks so I'll take it.

    Machka - Sounds like a good evening to me.

    Barbie - Your day sounds like it will be wonderful

    Pip - Are you moving into your new digs today?

    Perms - I used to have perms in my early 20's, but for some reason when we moved to Alberta my hair became naturally curly. It is hard to manage and I straighten it a lot. Two years ago though, my daughter was in hairdressing school and needed a model for a perm twice and I volunteered. The perm actually helped control my curls and I have enjoyed it a lot since then.

    I am so glad it's Friday, it's been a stressful week at work.

    Have a great day,
    Tracey in Edmonton
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Friday evening ... nice and quiet.


    Machka in Oz

    My DH wants to make a T-shirt that says “Maskers or Spreaders Which are you?” Lol

    Pip- youR POD looks like ours did when we moved from a 2000 square foot home to our 56 sq ft RV! Lol! When we decided Roswell would be our new home base, we had the POD delivered here and put everything in a storage unit at about 1/4 the cost of having the POD. You were lucky to be able to not have the POD very long.

    Another interesting article from my fasting app:

    RV Rita