Half Marathon training support group?



  • olivedrab
    olivedrab Posts: 85 Member
    Ride was much better than my run! And I'm feeling better.

    I think I might give the October 1/2 a try. What I'm going to do is plan to do a few long runs, as long as I can physically go, along with my training runs. I'm going to not plan a loop, but just run as far as I can, then have my husband pick me up from where ever I end up. If I'm anywhere in the neighborhood of 11+ miles, it could be doable.

    That plan sounds like a good one, summertimegirl. Ambitious enough to get you going, but with an eye towards moderation and taking care of yourself at the same time.

    I have to say, with the ridiculous schedule of my past week, I'm glad I'm not registered for anything bigger than a 5k til late next month. I've been active enough, but I keep having to do short runs rather than my longer ones.
  • Devol
    Devol Posts: 40 Member
    well after yesterdays mad mission of 15 miles then the agaony

    i took it easy today

    20 mins @ 10 min/milles

    20 mins strength work in the gym

    45mins swimming

    then a nice well deserved sauna

    Now off to pick up my grandaughter for 3 hours of fun

    have a great day everybody

  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Wow Devol, that's not taking it easy! That's still quite the workout :)
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Another day, and more torrential downpours foiling my run! If it wasn't so cold, I'd suck it up and run in the rain, but it's a little too bone-chilling for me! Planned to go as soon as the kids were off to school. My training plan just calls for 2 miles today, or a half hour of cross-training, so I could do it at lunch, if the rain clears at all, or just do the elliptical if it does not.

    And of course I'll hit the barn for a good ride later tonight. I have an indoor arena there, so weather isn't a factor.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Dreadmill speedwork tonight, 10 minute steady warn up then 30 seconds full pelt, 30 seconds jog * 10, 10 minutes steady.

    I'll give any of you 50p if you do it for me :tongue:
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I got my 4 miles in this morning......now off for some strength training!

    HOw often does everyone run?? How many days a week?
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    HOw often does everyone run?? How many days a week?
    My training programme says four times - long slow run, recovery run, intervals and tempo. My legs sometimes say three please!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    My plan (Hal Higdon) looks like this:

    Monday - Rest
    Tuesday - Run
    Wednesday - Short Run (2 miles) or Cross Train
    Thursday - Run
    Friday - Rest
    Saturday - Short Run or Cross Train
    Sunday - Run

    I also try to ride 4-5 times a week.
  • AngieMcHenry
    AngieMcHenry Posts: 36 Member
    Three miles this morning. Got a blister on the back of my left ankle from new running shoes and sliding socks. The shoes feel good, but the socks slipped down to far and left my foot exposed. I will be more careful tomorrow.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I got my 4 miles in this morning......now off for some strength training!

    HOw often does everyone run?? How many days a week?

    I usually run 5 days a week.
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    I got my 4 miles in this morning......now off for some strength training!

    HOw often does everyone run?? How many days a week?

    My current schedule is kinda nutty but I run 5 days a week, swim 5 days a week and cycle 3 days a week.
    As soon as I finish this triathlon I'll switch to a run focus and cut down on my swimming and cycling until after I finish my 1/2 mary.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    My plan has been modified and edited so many times over the last month due to hot weather, then storms, then vacation!! ARRRGGHHH!!! But things are looking up for September. I was following a 10 week schedule I got off the internet, can't think of the name of the plan or author right this second. But lately I have been doing the following schedule and mixing up the days as needed to fit around weather and other constraints:

    I run 5 days a week. Light Day, Interval Day, Tempo day, Moderate Day (or another interval day), LSR day on the weekend.

    Today 9/7/11 is a quick 5k after work.

    My 1/2M is in Springfield, MO Nov 6. Its part of the Bass Pro Fitness Festival. They have run/walk/cycle events scheduled throughout the fall with the 1/2M and full marathon Nov 6th to finish off the season.

    Good luck friends!
  • kated930
    I got my 4 miles in this morning......now off for some strength training!

    HOw often does everyone run?? How many days a week?

    Got my 5 miles in today, feeling good :)

    I run 4 days, C.T. 2 days, and rest 1 day. I haven't had any of the major long runs yet, but I imagine when I get there I am going to want to rest 2 days a week, and I'll just take out one of the C.T. days.

    How often do you strength train? Also what do you do for the strength training? I try to do circuit training, but it's hard for me to stay motivated to keep it up..
  • kated930
    well after yesterdays mad mission of 15 miles then the agaony

    i took it easy today

    20 mins @ 10 min/milles

    20 mins strength work in the gym

    45mins swimming

    then a nice well deserved sauna

    have a great day everybody


    whoa, youre making me feel lazy!

    Way to go! That is not easy
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    I run 3 days a week:

    Mon ~ R.I.P.P.E.D or Turbokick
    Tue ~ 6-10 easy miles
    Wed ~ R.I.P.P.E.D or HIIT and Strength
    Thu ~ 3-5 miles with 4-6 .25 sprints
    Fri ~ Off
    Sat ~ 12-20 easy
    Sun ~ Off

    This is my plan until my full marathon in Nov. Not sure what I'll do when my training is over!
  • KimertRuns13_1
    My training plan last week was this:
    M/W/F - rest or XT
    Tues - EZ 3 miles
    Thurs - 6 miles w/4 miles @tempo pace
    Sat - EZ 3 miles
    Sun- 12miles LSD

    In addition to those workouts I lift weights and take an abs class, usually on Tues/Thurs. I always take Friday as my rest day. Sometimes I also take Weds but on XT days I do spin class or the elliptical (60 minutes).

    This weeks training plan is this:
    M/W/F - rest or XT
    Tues- EZ 3 miles
    Thurs - 6 miles w/4 miles @tempo pace
    Sat - EZ 3 miles
    Sun - 9 miles LSD

    So far this week is going as planned. The killer kettlebell workout from Monday and then my BodyPump class yesterday left me so sore and with legs of jelly. I wanted badly to bail on my little 3 miler last night. I even called my hubby hoping he would talk me out of it... no such luck. LOL I ran it, glad I did.

    25 days til race day!
  • linnea213
    linnea213 Posts: 178 Member
    Just back from a 15 mile bike ride. It is so beautiful out, clear sunny and 68 degrees...PERFECT!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I got my 4 miles in this morning......now off for some strength training!

    HOw often does everyone run?? How many days a week?

    Got my 5 miles in today, feeling good :)

    I run 4 days, C.T. 2 days, and rest 1 day. I haven't had any of the major long runs yet, but I imagine when I get there I am going to want to rest 2 days a week, and I'll just take out one of the C.T. days.

    How often do you strength train? Also what do you do for the strength training? I try to do circuit training, but it's hard for me to stay motivated to keep it up..

    I either do circuit training at the gym or do p90x upper body workouts. I like them both and usually switch them up to avoid boredom!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Just back from a 15 mile bike ride. It is so beautiful out, clear sunny and 68 degrees...PERFECT!

    Thats great, weather here is also beautiful!

    We are the same height and almost the same GW- mine is 150
  • hanger110
    I just signed up for the 500 Festival Mini Marathon in Indy on May 5th. My first 5k is this weekend and I've been really happy with my progress so far. I'll look into the HH program. Hopefully the winter here in Chicago won't be too brutal and there will be times of clear roads to get ready for May. I can't wait.