

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,904 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I've found that when I'm faced with something big to do, like an assignment or project, I will put it off because it just seems so big. But if I sit down and start, it's OK. I can at least get it organised into small manageable steps and get going on it.
    M in Oz

    I'm kind of the opposite. :) I start something FIRST, and then wonder what the heck I was thinking! Then I make bad noises --#&#%$*-- and then I go back to getting it done. Case in point: below is Levi's half-finished afghan for Christmas, which I began in late July... probably finished by the end of next week--you can see I've turned the corner at the bottom of the "L" for Levi. Then I have to do two more for the other grands, so MIGHT be finished in late October, early November.


    Love this afghan idea! I have 3 grands and this would be great! Do you have the pattern Lisa? Or where I can get it?

    RV Rita
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Machka: Happy 55th anniversary to your parents! :star:

    Kylia: Zuchinni squash is very productive. I haven’t chosen to grow it since we moved here, partly because of lack of garden space. When we lived in our last home, I used to drop it off on the neighbor’s steps in the night. Can you contribute those “gifts” to a local food pantry or food bank? :flowerforyou:

    Faye: We live in the middle of town with lovely walking territory right outside our door. We take our masks along when we walk but don’t wear them unless we are in a place with other people and not enough room for social distancing. Nobody goes to the grocery stores without wearing a mask. Some of the stores will hand out disposable paper masks to anyone who doesn’t have their own. :star:

    Lanette: It is 57F on our deck this morning, and a bright sunshiny day outside. I expect it to warm up a bit. The weather app on my phone says the high temp will be 76F. Sounds good to me. On the garden front, we have LOADS of blueberries this year and enough green beans for one big meal or two little ones. This year my freezer is full of berries, and no beans have been frozen. We’re eating them as they get big enough. :ohwell:

    Lanette & Barbie: Old dogs are a treasure. Our old boy is 13. He has a cancerous lesion on his backside. The vet doesn’t recommend surgery due to his age. He has pain meds twice a day and hydrocortisone cream for his backside. He seems happy and not in pain thus far. He loves to go for walks with us in the neighborhood. :heart:

    Lisa: You are not stupid, and neither is adulthood. Adulthood is payback time to our parents. Some may consider it their revenge. All of us occasionally do stupid things & that doesn’t make us stupid. Foolish, maybe, but not stupid. On another subject, I hope the incoming storm doesn’t cause serious power outages in your area. :flowerforyou:

    M in Oz: Sorry to hear about your bruise. :heart:

    Terri: The Queen’s English is clearly a little bit different than the American version. I have a shag haircut—a British shag is quite a different thing, I think. :wink: I love your “Survival of the most adaptable.”

    Heather: I like you, too. I've also learned to like me. Growing into ourselves takes time. :wink:

    Pamela in MA: Welcome!!! I hope you’ll stop by often. This is a great group of supportive women. I’m wondering about the upcoming wedding “next” September. Do you mean September 2020 or September 2021? :huh:

    Weight loss motivation knocked on my door when I permanently damaged my left knee during a horseback riding lesson many years ago. The teacher I had back then had me post at a trot in the same direction for an hour. My left knee took the brunt of my weight all of that time. Every step I had to hoist my heavy self upward & out of the saddle. I went to a doctor who told me that the knee was NOT surgically repairable. He gave me leg strengthening exercises. I still sit a trot to protect the damaged knee and my backside gets pounded. I have gone through "the change," aka menopause. My bone density is doing fine. I take alondrate for bone density once weekly. MFP has taught me how to manage my eating and weight. This group is a treasure. :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • pbrown866
    pbrown866 Posts: 3 Member
    @Katla49 - Thank you and yes sorry the wedding is next September. I could never lose that much weight in a month. LOL
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,904 Member
    Tracey and others:
    🤣🤣😬 Rubbers -> Erasers are called rubbers in UK. 🤣🤣🤣
    Galoshes are called Wellies (Wellington Boots, Named after the Duke of Wellington)

    I tried to get DH to rinse the washcloths, but he doesn’t have the knack of wringing them out enough. He does do a lot of housework, including the dishes, so I’m perfectly happy to do the finishing touches.

    ☘️ Terri

    When I was growing up in New England, “rubbers” were what we called Galoshes!

    RV Rita pg 50
    Hi Pamela from Massachusetts! My daughter and family live in Chicopee!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Beth You go mama! Line those ducks up and take them down with one shot! Your son's diet sounds like mine as I am rebelling against my dentures of late. Love the 2020 spoiler. My thoughts exactly!

    Katla Only ones I see here wearing mask while walking jogging, etc., do it to make a political statement. Everyone wears them in grocery stores here now. I watched this morning and NOT one out of 10 people I watched enter Safeway used the hand wipes. FOUR were employees! This hackles my feathers!! Who is to say they didn't just rub their nose? It does no good to wear a mask if you have mucous virus filthy hands and touch things others are buying. I say let the mask be voluntary, but require everyone to sanitize their hands before entering. Any Doctor with virology training will say #1 way any virus is transmitted is contact. I think the mask helps some not to touch their noses and is good that way, but the idea that viral dangerous droplets stay in the air, turn corners, and are the main way surfaces get contaminated is false. It is the mucous encapsulated virus that can live for hours maybe days. The saliva encapsulated virus has a very short life.

  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited August 2020
    On my 5 mile walk this morning I took a detour around the shopping center. It was early so it was dead and provided a nice change of scenery. I avoid it when it is busy as I hate wearing a mask. As I was passing a youth clothing store, I heard a voice in my head say, "Oh Faye look over here." I did and yes, this had Della Faye written on it as if in bold embroidery. The sign on the store door said, "Shut down by Governor Brown, we are out of business and leaving town." Nice poetry but no new outfit for me.
    I am not all that crazy about the skirt as I detest the destroyed look. I don't mind the hillbilly ravel at the bottom but the wanton destruction of denim upsets me

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,507 Member
    Rebecca - while I was searching for the ornament pictures, I came across this picture of my Mom and my Grandson. This was taken in 2016, he was 4. We had arrived the night before at my brothers house. Jonah was amazed at all of the LEGO. He is really interested in the LEGO people and had found the body for Batman. He had my Mother helping him find the headpiece and mask. I don’t know how they did it, but they were successful. I thought you would appreciate this picture.


    Excellent! We had bins and bins too! This is what my son is working on now, when he feels like it.
    Looks like the little people are just waiting for carpenters to arrive.😁
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,507 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Good Thursday!

    Legs cramps bad last night.:( They still ache this morning. Husband broke a tooth yesterday. I take him to dentist today. 23 days until vacation!

    I faced a minor dilemma recently. I was invited to a baby shower for a friend's daughter in law this weekend. I know I would have only been going because of my friend. I don't really know ther DIL. I declined. I told her that since I work with the public every day I just wasnt comfortable possibly exposing a high risk pregnancy to any germs I might be carrying. I know friend is disappointed, but I think I made the right decision.


    I used to get leg cramps but am taking magnesium tablets and now I don't.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,507 Member
    edited August 2020
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Faye - no worries on the heat and the swamp. I lived in Oregon (Coos Bay) for three years, and it was damp, cold and dark throughout the vast majority of all three of them. It was so incredibly beautiful... but by the time I left, every joint ached so badly from the cold and damp that I felt 20 years older, and that was with the highest dose of anti-inflammatories that I could safely take. I'm fine in the warm--I hurt a whole lot less.

    Lisa in AR

    This is why I live east where the desert starts. A few days is all I could ever take on the coast. I inherited the bone acing from my mom. It was once called rheumatism but that term has vanished it seems. I have never understood how anyone could live in Coos Bay or Astoria. They must love the damp gloom and sound of foghorns.

    I was once going to move to Yachats. For those that don't know it is pronounced, YAH hots. I was thinking getting a little cottage near the water and walking barefoot in the sandy beach, wearing a light hippie skirt, no panties, and braless under a wrap halter top, bush my hair up as it loves to curl and kink and wave on the coast, put an azalea in my hair, and sing Kumbaya while painting a seascape on the beach while every passing guy exclaimed, "ya hots baby." Then I realized my bottle of Nehalem Bay Rose Cabernet was empty and the only way to fill it was with teardrops as my bank account was suffering the same sad state of affairs as my wine bottle.

    Della Faye Fox
    #01 Hasbeen Babe Lane
    Nachat, Or 98765-4321
    Pronounced NOT hot

    We lived in Hammond, by Warrenton, and in the middle of Astoria , and Seaside distance wise. I loved hearing the fog horns, especially when its New Years and lots of ships horns sound. We did have hot days. I would take every quilt I owned and used clothes pins to anchor them over our patios railing. Then I would lay out sans clothes. It was heaven! No one could see me.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,507 Member
    Staring at the clock a wee bit this morning. Eating at 11 am as it will be the 21 hour mark fasting. I'm thinking of some pasta, sauteed onions, meatballs and maybe a bit of zucchini. If course some of that olive bruschetta mixture, and cheese.👍
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,997 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Good Thursday!

    Legs cramps bad last night.:( They still ache this morning. Husband broke a tooth yesterday. I take him to dentist today. 23 days until vacation!

    I faced a minor dilemma recently. I was invited to a baby shower for a friend's daughter in law this weekend. I know I would have only been going because of my friend. I don't really know ther DIL. I declined. I told her that since I work with the public every day I just wasnt comfortable possibly exposing a high risk pregnancy to any germs I might be carrying. I know friend is disappointed, but I think I made the right decision.


    Hylands brand has leg cramp pills that are quick dissolve and seem to help husband. We also use their stuff for allergies, insomnia and in the past their teething tablets for son. Amazon has the best prices that we have found.
