

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    edited August 2020
    Gosh, Machka, your Facebook feed makes me feel exhausted! I'm a bit of a minimalist IRL and on the net. I like to keep 'stuff' out of my life so my brain doesn't overheat! The 7 Friends (actually family) I had on Facebook have largely stopped posting anything and the one 'interest' I had I quickly deleted because of too many posts. If I want to see them I go via Google as it's a public group.
    I don't do Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, or anything that requires an app, apart from TV and Duolingo. I hate 'reminders'. Grrr!
    For fun I borrow free magazines from Amazon Prime and watch YouTube language videos.
    I try to pare my life down with as few commitments as possible. IRL and on line. I hate feeling i have to do anything.
    I get my exercise done every day, which is a huge commitment, and my memoir is a big thing. I haven't touched it in 10 days, because of the heat and then illness. Back to it! It really helps my mental health. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    My FB feed is where I go to relax ... like I say, it's like flipping through a magazine designed for me and my interests. :)

    There's nothing I need to do. No decisions I need to make. No reminders. I can read something if I want or not if it's not that interesting. I can look at pictures. I can smile at memes. No pressure!

    Gotta have something interesting to do while riding the bus for 1.5 hours a day!

    Kind of like how waiting in a doctor's waiting room for yet another appointment and flipping through a magazine is relaxing "me" time. :)

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    edited August 2020
    Tuesday Lunch Walk

    Distance: 5.05 km
    Elevation: 49 m
    Moving Time: 53:40
    Elapsed Time: 55:13
    Pace: 10:38/km
    Perceived Exertion: Easy


    Machka's Average Weekday

    8 am - Awake
    8:35 - Walk to bus and bus and walk to work
    9:15 - Work

    Lunch - Usually about 1 hour. During this time I might be able to do a long walk as I did today. Often I'm running errands or attending appointments.

    5:15 (or 5:20 or 5:30) - Walk to bus and bus and walk home
    6 pm (or a bit later) - Arrive home

    If I'm energetic enough, I'll exercise for a bit otherwise I'll relax for a sec.

    7 pm - Dinner
    7:30 pm - Homework, Projects, Housework, Zoom Committee Meetings, etc.
    10:30 pm - Say "Goodnight" to my husband and continue working. The work never ends.
    12:30 am - Start getting ready for bed.
    1 am - Turn out the lights and fall asleep within a few seconds.

    Back to work now! I've got a list of things I'd like to complete by the end of the evening. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,311 Member
    Just wanted to pop back in to say how mucb I feel for those if you suffering in your heatwave. Having had similar temperatures for a 60 Yr record six days recently, I know how you feel. <3 Fans are life savers. Keeping one room cooler is something I am considering for the future, but I would not have general AC.

    I have more energy today, but my lower abdomen discomfort is lingering, though diminished. Hope it goes away fast. DH is still not quite right. He thinks it is lingering mild concussion, I think it is mild vestibular disorder. He wakes up with it, but it gets better during the day. It has knocked his confidence.

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    DH is still not quite right. He thinks it is lingering mild concussion, I think it is mild vestibular disorder. He wakes up with it, but it gets better during the day. It has knocked his confidence.

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Is it time for an MRI and appointment with a neurologist?
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Just wanted to pop back in to say how mucb I feel for those if you suffering in your heatwave. Having had similar temperatures for a 60 Yr record six days recently, I know how you feel. <3 Fans are life savers. Keeping one room cooler is something I am considering for the future, but I would not have general AC.

    I have more energy today, but my lower abdomen discomfort is lingering, though diminished. Hope it goes away fast. DH is still not quite right. He thinks it is lingering mild concussion, I think it is mild vestibular disorder. He wakes up with it, but it gets better during the day. It has knocked his confidence.

    Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    HeatherThe heatwave continues here. 76 low this morning. Glad to hear your illness is improving. I agree with you that DH problems are vestibular. At his age, I am guessing permanent. The reason our balance gets worse as we age is our vestibular system is deteriorating. That nasty head knock no doubt did damage to inner ear sensory nerves. He might try sleeping on his back with his upper body inclined at 35 degrees.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,613 Member
    Good morning!
    I am caught up again. I think I will head inside and type on computer. Getting wrinkly from hot tub.
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Barbara -
    It's good to see you posting, glad Joe's surgery went well, and that you're taking all precautions.

    I think the problem with Facebook, for me, is people. And while I know how to structure my feed, I would much rather just read a book. There is no public transport here in any way, shape or form, other than in the very large cities, so no opportunity for that kind of travel time on a regular basis. Oddly enough, although reading an actual book in a moving vehicle made me quite ill as a child, I can read my Kindle on long car trips without issue. Reading from anything on paper will still trigger nausea.

    Heather -
    I understand the minimalist leanings - I'm triggered by one too many pieces of furniture and occasionally by specific furniture. Coffee tables, for instance. Excess furniture in a room always makes it feel as if I can't breathe. Unfortunately, I don't usually know where the line of "excess" is until I've moved one last piece of furniture in and it has to go right back out again! Is it possible to get Johnny to go in and get seen for the lingering symptoms? I swear my husband's struggling with his age much more than I struggled with mine at the same age.

    And speaking of which, finally beginning to get into rhythms and patterns. They will have to vary with the weather as the year goes on, though. My morning:
    • Get sheets in the washer.
    • Write first draft of Medium piece.
    • Go through my daily notes back to January to start pulling article ideas into list, categories
    • Run to Walmart when they open at 7 a.m. for the last few things to get through the week.
    • Back home, get sheets on the line.
    • Get trees and garden watered.
    • Wash down carport slab.
    • Get trimming done around the edges of the house, yard, and trees.
    • Sheets back in the house and on the bed.
    • Shower
    • Lunch
    Note that at least a third of those won't be necessary in the fall and winter, so I'll have to find something else to burn calories in the winter.

    Am finding that, if I don't burn 1,000 calories a day, independent of my intake, I don't see movement on the scale the next day. Need to look at the trends from the last couple of months and see if the week averages for both are similar.

    Later, y'all,
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    M in OZ Awesome photo! Your schedule sounds like a friend's. They eat dinner at the same time I am going to bed. I admire your motivation and organization. I still organize my day and get things done as efficiently as possible although I don't have projects in my studio anymore.
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Tina No on the Grand Marnier! It is still unopened and I will probably regift it, but first, I must remember who gave it to me. The only hard stuff I can appreciate is brandy and only one shot for gargling at bedtime and 1/2 shot in the AM in coffee hot chocolate mix, my poor girls mocha with a bit of sass.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,311 Member
    edited August 2020
    DH says that if he still feels the same way in a week, he will make a doctor’s appointment. Neither of us are convinced that they can do anything for it. Getting an MRI or an appointment with a specialist would be a VERY long job, if not impossible. My guess is he would be told, it's your age, and to go away and rest. We've read everything on the Internet and there is no real treatment. Time might help a little.
    He is generally OK, but first thing in the morning he feels 'weird', and he is not confident of going out driving for long trips on his own. We will try the elevated sleeping.
    Secretly I am worried about future cruises. He was always susceptible to sea dizziness in bad weather. I haven't mentioned it to him yet. :s Might have to do ones with lots of stops. That cuts out Iceland and Greenland, which I was looking forward to.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    DH says that if he still feels the same way in a week, he will make a doctor’s appointment. Neither of us are convinced that they can do anything for it. Getting an MRI or an appointment with a specialist would be a VERY long job, if not impossible. My guess is he would be told, it's your age, and to go away and rest. We've read everything on the Internet and there is no real treatment. Time might help a little.
    He is generally OK, but first thing in the morning he feels 'weird', and he is not confident of going out driving for long trips on his own. We will try the elevated sleeping.
    Secretly I am worried about future cruises. He was always susceptible to sea dizziness in bad weather. I haven't mentioned it to him yet. :s Might have to do ones with lots of stops. That cuts out Iceland and Greenland, which I was looking forward to.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Age shouldn't matter. He has a head injury.

    The internet doesn't tell us everything but perhaps this might help ... https://www.headway.org.uk/

    These might be things your GP needs to be made aware of if he/she is not already ... https://www.headway.org.uk/about-brain-injury/professionals/gps/

    And personal information for both of you ... https://www.headway.org.uk/about-brain-injury/individuals/

    You've got time before you'll have to think about future cruises. Make sure you're both well enough to enjoy them, if they start up again.

    M in Oz
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,063 Member
    edited August 2020
    It's national Brain Injury Awareness Week here in Australia and the theme for 2020 is
    Brain Injury in the Community

    Brain Injury Association Tasmania: https://www.biat.org.au/brain-injury-awareness-week
    Brain Link (Victoria): http://www.brainlink.org.au/events/71/brain-injury-awareness-week-2020
    Brain Injury South Australia: https://braininjurysa.org.au/
    Synapse: https://synapse.org.au/brain-injury-awareness-week-2020/

    I've been watching/listening to live feeds and recordings of the events at work, while I'm working.

    Meanwhile, down here in Tassie, our borders will remain closed until December 1.

    So we are allowed to leave, but will have to go into 14 day quarantine to return. Therefore, if we're thinking of spending a week in Queensland to take advantage of the warm weather, we also have to factor in 2 weeks at home ... 3 weeks of leave for 1 week away.

    Basically, we're being strongly encouraged to stay in Tasmania.

    Doesn't matter ... my husband and I have to stay here anyway!

    But as my course draws to a close (in October), we'll likely start travelling around the state. Long weekends here and there. I have so much holiday time banked because I haven't been able to take a real holiday in 2.5 years. By 2022 or 2023, or whenever we can visit Canada, we could be able to stay a couple months!! :lol::lol:

    M in Oz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :) I read fiction and memoirs. I have a book that I read at bedtime and in the bathroom and a book on the Kindle app on my phone so I can read with the light off in the middle of the night when my mind is racing with plans for the next day and I can't sleep. While walking alone or working in the yard I listen to either an audio book or a podcast on my phone. Some of the podcasts are about topics that interest me. I don't ever just sit and read except in the waiting room at a medical appointment.

    :)Barbara, glad things went well for your husband.

    :) The grind your own peanut butter machine is operating at QFC again. Unfortunately we have five jars of Adams peanut butter in the cupboard so we won't be grinding our own again anytime soon.

    :) I have been eating zucchini with my supper every evening. I've given some to my neighbors and am so far am keeping up with the supply.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA