Women 200lb+, Let's Seize the Day This September!!!



  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    edited August 2020
    Thanks for organizing these threads! I've recently joined, and love reading through them and posting occasionally. (I tend to get a little overwhelmed trying to keep up mid-month, lol).

    Summer had its ups and downs. Downs: pandemic, grandma's health issues, no travel (pandemic ugh), probable plantar fasciitis that put my running on hold. Ups: Spending more time with my husband, free time to garden, cooking and canning more, doing house projects, biking more often. I'm glad I took a maintenance break mid-July, and still managed to hit my end of summer loose goal weight (below 200). Despite family and work stress, I've been managing my anxiety better than before (in large part thanks to being back on my antidepressant - that was such a good decision).

    Fall is by far my favorite season. I think I am my most self-actualized in the fall, when the weather is cool and crisp!
    I plan to spend lots of time outside, finish building my compost bin, enjoy my garden harvest, prepare for a solo biking trip later in the fall, heal my foot so I can go hiking, and basically just soak up every glorious minute of this season.

    I think most of September goals will be less weight-related:

    🍁 Be proactive about healing my heel. I have a night splint, an ice pack, and a massage ball. If that doesn't work, off to find a podiatrist.
    🍁 Manage my anxiety. I do this better when I'm more physically active, but have many tools for this. I need to use them more often, and more proactively.
    🍁 Bike rides once a week - I want to find some longer trails so I can start building up my distance again, probably 20-30 per ride for now. Ultimately I'll plan on 40-50 mile days for my trip later this fall (on gravel), but my butt isn't ready for that yet!
    🍁 I'd like to see my weight below 195 this month.

    Age: 34
    Height: 5'4"
    HW: 257 (June 2019)

    CW: 200.4 (lowest in August was actually 196.8, but I'm retaining so much water right now!)
    Sept GW: 194

    Next mini goal: Get into the 180's
    Next BIG goal: 174 lbs (out of obese, into overweight)
  • jayemes
    jayemes Posts: 865 Member
    eliezalot wrote: »
    probable plantar fasciitis that put my running on hold.
    Ugg I think this is what I have going on in my right heel. I'm not a runner but with the gyms off limits I've been trying to run and walking a LOT - but it seems I should give it a break and stop beating on my poor heel. I ordered new cushioned running shoes too since my workout sneakers are very worn out

  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe - I've wondered about that too. I tend to have more of a heel strike when I'm going really slow (like just starting to run after a long hiatus), but once I get in a bit better shape and my speed is up, I tend toward more of a midfoot strike. As I was increasing my sped and distance, I wonder if I shifted back toward heel strike when I got tired, without really noticing. Once I start again, I'll definitely have to pay closer attention to that. For now, my victory of the day was going for another walk. My heel is a bit sore, but not too stiff. Fingers crossed!
  • speyerj
    speyerj Posts: 1,369 Member
    @CupcakeCrusoe - I love the infographic! I used to be a heel striker. Then I bought Nike Zoomfly 3 running shoes - they kind of force you forward and encourage a midfoot strike. Some people don't like them because they change the way you run, but I love them! I haven't had any knee issues since I switched to them. I am sure there are other shoes on the market that do similar things, I'm on my 4th pair of these. I may never run in anything else!
  • astroamy
    astroamy Posts: 977 Member
    I love reading everyone goals, they are very inspiring. :smile:

    @eliezalot what sort of biking trip are you doing? My husband and I have talked about doing biking tours in Europe (not this year obviously or probably next). Currently I am only up to ~20 miles and pretty slow, but losing weight should help with that.

    Height: 5'8"
    Age: 51

    Highest weight: 245 (Feb 2016)
    Lowest weight: 155.4 (Dec 2017)
    Weight when recommitted: 233.6 (Aug 2020)
    Start of month: 225.8
    Goal weight: 170 (I think 155 was much too low for me)

    I don't really do short term scale goals but would love to be in onederland by the end of the year. My current NS goal is to stick to the program for 60 days. Currently on day 23, so this month should get me most of the way there.

    Goals for the month:
    - To bed before 10pm and phone down at 9:30.
    - Exercise everyday, high intensity exercise (biking, exercise class) 3-4 days a week, strength training at least 1 day a week (preferably 2), other days walk at least 10k steps.
    - Try to do a short walk at lunch to make up for the fact that working from home has reduced my step count by ~2-3k.
    - Keep calories in the green
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,273 Member
    1st Thank you @RavenStCloud! 2nd, Happy September, all!

    67 years old, Height: 5'6"
    SW: 266 lbs (Dec 2019)
    2/1: 263.6
    3/1: 261.8
    4/1: 258
    Lowest May weight: 251.4
    6/30 251.6
    7 /1:250.4
    7/29: 249
    8/1: 249.2
    8/6: 248.8
    8/7: 247.6 (8/7)
    8/31: 248
    CW: 247

    1st GW: 220 The lowest weight I got to when I last lost significant weight.
    2nd GW: Onderland 1st, maintain for a few weeks then
    3rd GW: 186 overweight but not obese
    4th GW: 150 lbs. Healthy weight Then evaluate what weight is best for me. I just want to get to a healthy weight for me.

    September Goal weight: 242

    My Sept Goals are:
    1. Continue to log, get enough sleep and water intake and stay under calorie goal with healthy meals at home.
    2. Get some exercise 5-6 days a week and up NEAT. Try to exceed 150 min. of exercise/week. Now that I have my Zip I will see what steps I am getting and then set a goal each week to up it.
    3. I want to get well into the low 240s and not see any weight in the 250s again. I am close to 20 lbs loss.

    I am not going to add any goals beyond these since I am busy with some medical and jobsearch tasks. I will be quite happy if I achieve these.

    Okay where you do you put a pound lost when it occurs between the August and September threads? The answer is I am going to use 249.6 as my September starting weight. Since it was my low for August. So I am claiming a .4 lbs already for September! However I was please to have lost a pound since yesterday. I mean I only gave a pint of blood and ate below my calorie goal. I drank lots of water yesterday and a little gatorade to make sure I wasn't depleted of electrolytes. I just realized I didn't log that. I don't like gatorade but I like bottled coconut water even less. I don't happen to have a coconut tree in my yard.

    I will next go read all of your posts and plans for September!
  • JojoInTheForks
    JojoInTheForks Posts: 134 Member
    I LOVE this!! And will follow suit...well maybe not the 10pm but 30 minutes electronics free before bedtime! So much better for my stress/anxiety levels!
    astroamy wrote: »
    Goals for the month:
    - To bed before 10pm and phone down at 9:30.

  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,273 Member
    🍁Happy September, ladies! We've made it to the fall!

    🍁Summer wrap up: How was the summer for you? Did you accomplish what you'd set out to? Were there stumbling blocks? Was just getting through the summer accomplishment enough?

    🍁Let's seize each day and make it count this September! 🍂

    I forgot to do a summer wrap up. Summer was slow for weight loss even though that was what I was concentrating on. Exercise was 2nd. I lost faster last spring. Until the last weeks or so I think I improved exercise. I am worried that September will bring continued distractions such as jobsearch and maybe a job. I also have a minor day surgery next month. So this month I have a pre-op appt. I have an interview tomorrow. Right now a jobsearch isn't required for unemployment but starting in September (next week) it is, unless there is an extension. The type of jobs I am applying to take a lot of work for each jobsearch task. However I am not going to give up on weight loss. I want to lose 4-5 pounds a month.
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    @astroamy - A Europe biking tour sounds incredible! I miss the Before Times.

    I'm planning a 5-ish day long trip on the C&O Canal Towpath from DC to Cumberland. I've done day rides on the path before (DC to Great Falls), and have been wanting to do a through-ride for some time. I'll wait until it cools down toward the end of October or early November.. Outdoors, fall weather, alone-time...I can't wait!