

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Air Quality was better last night than now. I am beginning to feel a headache. I can barely make out the trees & shrubs on the Washington side of the river. :/
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,248 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,632 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Viv: It is good to see you posting again! Welcome BACK! :bigsmile:

    Machka: My first cat was given to me at an auction when I was a college freshman. We named her Peter because the auctioneer said she was a boy. Peter Cat was amazing. She was poisoned several years later by a neighborhood cat hater. I hope he was reincarnated as a cat. :cry: On another topic, if you came to dinner at my house it would include meat, likely chicken, beef or fish. It would also have brown rice, gluten free pasta or potatoes and green salad. :star:

    Faye: AQI is not very good this morning, but has dropped to 363. It is a little better, but still unpleasant. We’ll be staying inside as much as possible. :grumble: We saw the sun briefly this morning, and then the smoke covered it up again. :cry:

    Pip: I’m delighted to hear that your Airstream found a good home. Do you suppose they’ll still call it Bette? :wink:

    Heather: I like the look of the new stainless refrigerator/freezer much better than black. I think black shows every little bit of dust on it and is harder to keep clean. I crave light so dark appliances don’t appeal to me. :star:

    Lisa: I’m always happy to see you post. I’m glad you were able to get a little extra sleep. :smiley:

    Annie: Congrats on a nice day at the beach. :star:

    Rita: Our elementary school is next-door to the grocery store. The lights were on and the parking lot full of teacher’s cars. Back to school is good news. :smiley:

    Carol in GA: I don’t prefer Starbucks coffee, either, but my neighbor loves it. I like a medium roast and Starbucks is usually too dark for my taste. :ohwell:

    We went to the grocery store this morning and DH stocked up on beef. Holy moley! I hope we have enough freezer space to handle it all.

    Add me to the list of coffeeholics. We have coffee every morning, but not later in the day.

    Our AQI is 363 right now. This is an improvement from yesterday. Being outside is still not a good idea. Our Covid masks are good for filtering out smoke as well as virus, in my experience.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    I doubt it, but that’s ok, she’ll always be Bette to us
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,758 Member
    edited September 2020
    Afternoon ladies
    Barbie- you are exactly right im making a living and thats a good thing.
    Went and got my hair done ohhhh boy does it feel sooo much better...thank goodness
    Enjoying the Waltons ,always did..
    We are getting the smoke all the way from across the US .hazy sun here..bless you a that are in the path of the bad stuff..
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,508 Member
    Rain most of yesterday and last night. Our air is much clearer here on Whidbey island, in WA. My sister in Damascus OR isn't fairing well, using her nebulizer, feeling lousy, won't talk to me on Messenger. I hope she pulls thru this smoky mess. Maybe she's just going thru alcohol withdrawals who knows. Talked to my sister in Montana, she's feeling under the weather too. Dang nabbit! My poor sick family! Husband and I are the only healthy ones! Oh and my mother inlaw. She's got Arkansas blood, nothing can slow her down!💖
    Hugs to each of yas!
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Rebecca Sorry to hear about your sisters. Nebulizers are a real lifesaver during these smokey times for many. My best friend uses one and seems to be taking the smoke better than me. Damascus is still at 283 and very hazardous. It seems to be getting thicker here now. Their prediction of lifting and sun seems to have reversed. Hugs to you and best wishes for your sisters to get better.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,389 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Guess who had pouring rain this morning? I drove to town to do some quick shopping while my cleaner was here and the freeway was just like old times, spray all over from trucks and windshield wipers going. Didn't have quite that much at our house, but enough to dampen things. The AQI is now 199, down from 210 earlier this morning and there's a definite breeze. Hope is on the way I think.

    I had thought this morning. If loving my housecleaner is wrong, I don't want to be right. <3 Of course I only see her maybe 10 minutes every 2 weeks before we turn the place over to her.

    - where are you getting the cloud ceiling figures? Before this virus crap came on the scene, I was waiting for a class to open in our area to become a "weather spotter" for the National Weather Service. I just checked - I see they have an online class. https://www.weather.gov/pdt/spotterTraining Might be a fun way to fill up some time at home.

    Still smokey SW WA State but there's hope!
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,999 Member
    Faetta wrote: »
    Rebecca Sorry to hear about your sisters. Nebulizers are a real lifesaver during these smokey times for many. My best friend uses one and seems to be taking the smoke better than me. Damascus is still at 283 and very hazardous. It seems to be getting thicker here now. Their prediction of lifting and sun seems to have reversed. Hugs to you and best wishes for your sisters to get better.

    Agree with you about the nebulizer- they really help. Got my prescription filled last night- well PART of it- know it all pharmacist decided that what the doctor wrote out wasn't what she meant so instead of 75 vials, that is on the script, she said it was only for 25(something about because it was 2.5ml for each vial-) Supposed to use it every 4 hours so 25 will not last very long- Emailed my doctor and hopefully she will send in a new one.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,632 Member

    New vehicle, don’t remember if it’s 2020 or 2021, doesn’t matter tho, what our criteria was:
    1- better gas mileage
    2- color (my issue)
    3- sun roof (my issue)
    4- back seats need to fold flat
    5- back wide enough to fit a bike
    6- can put on rack on top

    BIGGEST problem was the color!!! I don’t like silver or dark gray, Kirby Schlotterback didn’t want white or black, there are a shitload of black white and gray cars out there!!!

    This is it, it’s more like a blue
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,788 Member
    Debbie - that’s how we were for more than a dozen years. Last year when I packed a bag seemed to have changed that part mostly. I can live with it at least. It’s the maid, cook, and such that hasn’t changed much. He says the same thing to me about Mother’s Day, I don’t agree I think you should be respected as the mother of your children.
    I was raised that women were important and to be treasured. I thought I married someone like that but it seems to have changed through the years. If we were closer we could go for coffee and commiserate together.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,788 Member
    Pip - love the new car
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,632 Member
    The car we have but will b trading in. I love this car but we logically don’t need it anymore
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Lanette I use AccuWeather and designate the city and it is with all the other daily stats. Just search Cloud Cover for your city and then pick the AccuWeather site.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,042 Member
    We're referring to this and similar in my current course, but it could be used for different aspects of life ... moving into retirement, moving to a different location, losing weight, becoming fitter, getting a different job ...

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    We have outlined 6 steps explaining how to write an action plan. Once you familiarize yourself with them, go ahead and use the editable templates below to start planning right away.

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,632 Member
    Going to start getting on the bike trainer a lot more. Kirby can go take yogi for a walk while I ride. Going to do the MS virtual ride. This will b interesting. Tomorrow we are going to the dealership to finish up the paperwork and then drive the new car home.

    We took Bette to the repair shop and they will get back to us with an estimate to fix it so we can then give to the ins company. Then we took the car to the new owners. They gave us a check, will go deposit it tomorrow
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,758 Member
    I feel for all you ladies in marriages where your not happy,believe you me been there twice.. im happy to be friends with them,and happy to be living on my own with Alfie....
    Best thing i could have done. Took me long enough though...
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member