Accountability buddy



  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member
    @Austinetc - What a terrific week! Congratulations on all your accomplishments. I’m with you ... each hour, or even minute, is more important than “someday” or “tomorrow.” I like to think of every decision as an opportunity to make the right choice. You’ll get there one walk at a time! Maybe your back pain will even subside as you reduce your weight ... and your core gets stronger. Check back regularly and let us know how you’re doing in reaching your short-term goals. You might want to bookmark this thread so you can report your progress and we can support you along your journey.
  • Austinetc
    Austinetc Posts: 74 Member
    Well, the power of NEW! Replaced my old very expensive walking shoes with new very expensive walking shoes. The back pain is mostly memory and my pace improved by over a minute per mile. Some of that was of course that it was day seven of renewed walking, but certainly some was the new shoes. The old shoes lasted nearly two years (and 15+ countries). The downside is that I walked beyond my fitness level and am now very sore. But progress is motivation to seek more progress. I have no interest in screwing things up by eating too much.
  • carriestrine
    carriestrine Posts: 214 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been so busy with work, and I was impacted by the intense wildfire smoke in California. It was one crisis too many for this chick 😂... thankful for the sea air pushing back the smoke a bit. I'm sorry for the long time its been since I've checked in. I enjoy this group's approach and consistency, and try to keep up reading posts. You all inspire me and remind me I'm not alone!

    Hello and welcome to those of you new to the thread, feel free to add me as a friend. I'm inspired when I log in and see people's updates!

    I experienced a tough plateau in August but have finally gotten past that by re-estimating my daily calorie goal. I didn't realize this is something that I would need to change after losing a certain amount. Very tough after setting good habits to have to cut further, but its going ok now.

    Here's the big/great news: I hit my first major goal this week, and after 6+ months in have made it to Onederland. I'm over 35lbs down, and I have lost 4.5" inches in my waist, as well as 4" from my hips.

    My next big goal is to reach 185lbs. I was very healthy and happy at that weight about 15 years ago. Although its not technically a "healthy" BMI, I'm hoping I might rest on my laurels and maintain there for a bit before deciding if I'm done losing.

    This week I'm focused on more accurately hitting my daily calorie and protein goals, as well as getting back to my workouts (so long as the air remains safe). Back to basics!
  • carriestrine
    carriestrine Posts: 214 Member
    Austinetc wrote: »
    Well, the power of NEW! Replaced my old very expensive walking shoes with new very expensive walking shoes. The back pain is mostly memory and my pace improved by over a minute per mile. Some of that was of course that it was day seven of renewed walking, but certainly some was the new shoes. The old shoes lasted nearly two years (and 15+ countries). The downside is that I walked beyond my fitness level and am now very sore. But progress is motivation to seek more progress. I have no interest in screwing things up by eating too much.

    Its amazing what a new properly fitting pair of shoes will do for us.

    I very much mind when I get sore from pushing myself--rest up before getting back to it. Soon enough we get stronger!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member
    edited September 2020
    @carriestrine - I’m sorry that you are in such close proximity to the wildfires. It’s scary and sad to hear about all the suffering, especially amidst the many other ongoing crises that everyone is experiencing these days. At least we are all here to focus on some type of personal improvement that might give us a small semblance of control.

    I appreciate this space as an opportunity to find and share support while making strides toward achieving individual goals. It may not change the world immediately but if we all try to be better people, I feel more optimistic about everyone’s future! Thanks for contributing such uplifting stories of your progress @carriestrine and @Austinetc!

    The power of small changes (leading to big results) is so clearly illustrated in your example of the new sneakers, @Austinetc. Positive momentum seems to keep building with each step so it’s worth investing in small manageable progress ... and it sure beats feeding a negative spiral! Congratulations!

    Wow! What a huge difference in inches @carriestrine. That’s a transformation. There is so much to celebrate! Great job 🏅... I’m inspired!

    My goal is to get under 140 pounds by the end of the month. I’m at 142 now and on a slow but steady pace. Although I’m not sure I’ll reach that goal at my current rate (about half a pound per week), I feel confident that I’ll be at a normal BMI (145 for my height) for my next physical on October 7th, so that feels good enough for now. Under 140 would be nice though ... My rowing is a bit interrupted this week by a dentist appointment and some work meetings but I’ll be able to get on the water for sculling at least three days (maybe four 🤞).

    We won our first soccer game last night (5-0?). The league is taking some precautions so it was a little slower pace, which worked well for me 😃. We’re mainly playing for fun and exercise and not worrying about the score, but some of the players can get intense during a typical season. My teammates are wonderful people and it was so nice to connect. It almost felt normal despite masks and other changes. My generous teammates continued to pass the ball to me even though I mess up about 50 percent of the time. Some things never change! 😂🤣😂 Enjoy the week, Accountability buddies ... and go get those goals. Let us know how you’re doing. We’re all working on different goals but we’re in this together. I’m pulling for you!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Good evening all. Been awhile since I posted. Got back at it after the long weekend. Gained 10 lbs over summer. Have lost a few already. Have 25 lbs I would love to lose by next aug. (step brother is getting married). Today was a good day. Got in my power day (doing a step bet challenge). Did a set of bench presses and bicep curls. And maybe when I get home will do some squats and abs. Or I may just get in a Fitbit workout tomorrow. Eating is good today (so far).
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member
    @renaegry - It’s good to hear from you! This thread feels a bit quieter since the spring so I’m hoping others will come back now that summer is over ... September 22nd was the official last day, I think. Congratulations to your brother on his upcoming wedding. That seems like a very realistic goal to set for yourself before next August and it will be a fun way to celebrate (and showcase) your success.

    Great job on the workouts. It’s very motivating to see all your weightlifting and exercise activities!

    How’s everyone doing this week? Do you have any new goals or progress to report? Are you facing any setbacks that we might be able to help you overcome?

    I’m chipping away at ‘sculpting’ some muscle definition but there’s been no movement on the scale or inches lost. Since I haven’t gained any weight and I’ve noticed a little more endurance during rowing (and my first soccer game), I’m counting no change as a win! Go get those goals!
  • kstpierre52020
    kstpierre52020 Posts: 60 Member
    Hello everyone- checking in as it’s been a while! Still so much positivity here- it’s wonderful!
    I needed to allow myself space to decrease focus on food and weight and bring the larger picture of life into focus. I have continued the habit of working out as we have transitioned back to school, etc.and I have stopped focusing on every calorie consumed and instead worked out an eating schedule that is mindful and leaves me a little hungry by bedtime. It’s great mentally and I’ve dropped about 2 lbs. -this is working for me right now.
    You guys are wonderful supports. Thank you for always encouraging. Keep moving forward. I’ll check back soon!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning all. Been getting my steps in. Did a few small Fitbit workouts. Today going to go for a jog or attempt a jog. Been a few months since I have ran. Just been walking this month. Eating has been alright. Just got to watch the booze on the weekends. Still pretty sore from weights so will lift again tomorrow instead of today.

    @PatriceFitnessPal i would definitely count no change as a win. I hate getting back into things and being stiff and sore muscles retaining water scale is always high until that stiffness wears off.
  • courtneymjones5297
    Hey there everyone! I am new to this chat - thought I'd post in here because I am looking for an accountability buddy! I'm looking to lose about 30lbs. Currently 168 at 5'5" and would like to be around 140. I'm 22 years old. Looking for a female buddy to share daily weigh ins and food logs with. Want someone who is around my age and looking to also lose some weight and wants someone who will cheer then on and keep them accountable! If you or someone you know thinks we'd be a good match, please reach out!! Thank you!
  • jiujitsudad15118
    jiujitsudad15118 Posts: 462 Member
    If anyone needs a buddy, I do well with perspective and looking at the overall picture. Liking jiujitsu and ball python talk is welcomed too :)
  • nameuserchosen
    nameuserchosen Posts: 2 Member
    One of the main things that helped me lose is that I was visualising myself giving daily advices to someone else and encouraging them and I felt I could be suitable to be buddy but only on a constant basis. Because the main thing in losing weight is consistency and putting up with the ups and downs and making small changes to create a lifestyle rather than a diet. I’d love to.
  • Citadels17
    Citadels17 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm lily

    I weigh 160 and my goal is 127. I'm 22 about to be 23 and want to lose my weight before then. Looking for a accountability buddy just to check in with daily or weekly!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member
    Welcome @courtneymjones5297, @Citadels17, @jiujitsudad15118 and @nameuserchosen!

    Feel free to post your weekly goals here and report your progress, and we’ll all chime in with support and encouragement. You can also reach out to any individual members of the thread who seem like a good match for you.

    @courtneymjones5297 and @Citadels17, It looks as though you are about the same age and share similar goals. It’s great that you are building healthy habits while you are young (relative to my 54 years!) because it will be a valuable investment in yourself over the lifespan! You can always build fame and fortune, but time is more limited. So, I love seeing young adults make the best of life ... and likely lengthen time, too!

    I agree with you, @nameuserchosen, about the importance of consistency and need to approach fitness and overall wellness as a lifestyle change (that goes beyond weight loss). So, even if you pair up through individual friend requests, it would be wonderful if you could check in here (on the Accountability buddy thread) to share what you’re learning along the ‘new habit-building journey’ to realize your vision of a lifestyle change.

    I appreciate this thread as a space for reflection and continuous improvement. Thank you all for sharing your experiences and insights with the broader group. What are the underlying barriers that impede us? What are the ‘how to’ examples we can all learn from and apply within our own lives to achieve success? How can we best support one another in trying out those ‘how to’ examples so it’s more likely to stick through tough times that make sustaining positive changes more difficult? I learn so much in response to these questions based on what you all share. 🙏🏼
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,336 Member
    @jiujitsudad15118 - Do you have a ball python snake or is this a reference I just misunderstood? 🧐 My husband teaches karate so I know that jujitsu is a martial art but that’s about the extent of my knowledge on that topic. I’m guessing the inherent discipline that goes with building mastery in jujitsu is helpful in many other areas of life. Have you been practicing jiujitsu for a long time? From your username, it looks as though your child(ren) might share your interest. Is that right? My young adult children are living on their own so I try to connect through their interests. It’s nice to share something in common with our children as they become more independent and start down their own paths. What are your MFP goals?
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Very discouraged this morning. Had a great week. Ate well Friday went over calories but that was 1 day. Got my steps in every day except yesterday. Only had 1 beer Friday night. Other then the walking ran 1 day and did some weights so yes I could definitely up my exercise. Step on the scale this morning and my weight is up 4 lbs. 😞
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    This weeks goals are to get my steps in for step bet. Stay within calories. And do 2 workouts whether it be Fitbit coach or weights
  • kristianafox
    kristianafox Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, I am also looking for an accountability partner. I am 42 and was a previous NCAA Division I swimmer and a was a fitness expert for 6 years with a B.S. in Exercise Science & Wellness. I have obviously moved on to a different career, but still stay active with hiking, biking, swimming and yoga. I had a drastic weight gain following a trauma 15 years and still have about 82 lbs. to lose, so I am also dealing with some possible issues related to a damaged metabolism that I am working to overcome! I eat clean and am working with a nutritionist/ registered dietician to help me learn more about nutrition and lose weight! I am looking for someone to check in with an mutually hold each other accountable. I never struggled with my weight previously and have a positive body image, so just am looking for someone to help me develop more disciple to overcome cravings and push myself to get past my comfort zone to reach my goal weight and potential!
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    Hey everyone. Was here before ages ago and I'm back. Have added some of you for accountability but others feel free to add me too :)
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    So I need a long term accountability buddy. Like probably at least for two years. I want to lose 180. I ask for those losing more only bc I found people who lose the weight just stop being buddies after a few months and I really need a daily contact who is interested in texting our meals of the day pics. This keeps me on track the best. Thanks for anyone interested