Half Marathon training support group?



  • My plan (Hal Higdon) looks like this:

    Monday - Rest
    Tuesday - Run
    Wednesday - Short Run (2 miles) or Cross Train
    Thursday - Run
    Friday - Rest
    Saturday - Short Run or Cross Train
    Sunday - Run

    I also try to ride 4-5 times a week.

    Hi everyone! I just found this thread. I'm doing my first half marathon on Oct. 2nd. I've been using this same training plan (except the riding) and it seems to be working well. I definitely think I'll be ready for the race!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Got in 2 miles on the elliptical and 2 miles in the pouring rain out on the road. Still going for a ride later.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Sprint intervals this evening. Bloik! :sick:
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    No running for me until my foot is better. So I am going to be cycling. Not sure how far but I want at least an hour ride tonight or more since I was suppose to run 6 miles tonight. I hope to get back on track by next week if I take a break from running.
  • I am training for my first half marathon. It is next month. October 15th! I am kind of taking a break this week because I have sore arch. I am week 6 of my 12 week training. It is feeling better but it felt better on Wednesday so I ran 4 1/2 miles then my foot was sore. I've been stretching it and icing it in hopes I can get running again!
    If my foot feels up to it I am going to run my first 9 miles this Sunday.
    My races are in my signature. :)

    My arch REALLY started to hurt me when I got up to about 6 miles. I tried stretching and icing, but it hurt to put any pressure on it. I was afraid I might have a stress fracture, but my husband thought it was just plantar faciitis. I looked up plantar faciitis online and several sources recommended getting heal inserts for your shoes. Long story short, I went to Walmart and bought $5 inserts and within 3 days the pain was completely gone! If I wear shoes with no support (ie. flip flops) for a few days, I start to notice my arch getting a little sore again, but as soon as I wear my sneakers with the inserts it goes away.
  • pepperedmoth
    pepperedmoth Posts: 37 Member
    ARGH! Is anyone else hungry ALL THE TIME?

    I've changed things around a few times, but right now my activity level is set on "lightly active" (I'm a nurse) and I track my food normally, entering my run calories manually (as reported by my GPS iPhone app) and eating them back- with relish.

    Earlier in my training, if I had a long run day I might eat a little less than my total limit that day, then eat a little more the next day, and it'd even out over the week. Now my weekend long run is 12 miles, my ordinary weekday runs are 6 miles, and I've added a mid-week speedwork session . . . and I am HUNGRY ALL THE TIME and frequently over my daily limit.

    Also, earlier in my training I really didn't count calories at all, and my speed increased nicely while my weight dropped- slowly, but dropped. Now my speed has plateaued even though my weight is dropping steadily.

    Normal part of training? Or do I need to eat more? Or maybe just hit a higher percentage of carbs? ARGH.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hi all, it's great to read about your training plans.
    I'm a new runner, started with C25K in January and my first race was 12k a few weeks ago. I run really slowly but am building up my endurance - after the 12k I could have kept on going for a few more km :)
    Now I've decided to run a half marathon in February - I'm pretty apprehensive because it looks like a smallish race and I suspect I will be way slower than everyone else.
    So, I've decided to work on my pace for a little while and just increase my distance gradually, as I have plenty of time (about 20 weeks)
    I have a training app on my iPhone - Half Coach by Running Method. I've looked at a few others but I quite like the format of this one. I am going to change it a little though, the runs are set by time whereas I'm going to do the long runs by distance to make sure I get enough miles (kms) in my legs.
    I have been pretty distracted for the last few weeks but things should be getting back to routine next week - which should be:
    run four days a week, walk one day, strength train one day and rest one day.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Wow, my sprint session was DREADFUL last night, I thought I was going to vomit over the treadmill! Added a couple of walk breaks to get through it. I think I need my rest day tonight to be a total rest day rather than cross-training :ohwell:
  • I did my 3 miles AND I forced myself to do some strength training! I owe it all to you guys in this thread for motivating me to do some ST even when I don't want to... THANKS!

    Have a nice day running!

    Any MASS people... this weekend's forecast looks great, high 60's!
  • ARGH! Is anyone else hungry ALL THE TIME?

    I've changed things around a few times, but right now my activity level is set on "lightly active" (I'm a nurse) and I track my food normally, entering my run calories manually (as reported by my GPS iPhone app) and eating them back- with relish.

    Earlier in my training, if I had a long run day I might eat a little less than my total limit that day, then eat a little more the next day, and it'd even out over the week. Now my weekend long run is 12 miles, my ordinary weekday runs are 6 miles, and I've added a mid-week speedwork session . . . and I am HUNGRY ALL THE TIME and frequently over my daily limit.

    Also, earlier in my training I really didn't count calories at all, and my speed increased nicely while my weight dropped- slowly, but dropped. Now my speed has plateaued even though my weight is dropping steadily.

    Normal part of training? Or do I need to eat more? Or maybe just hit a higher percentage of carbs? ARGH.

    hmmm... what is your deficit set to? Once you've been working out for a while, and obviously you work out a lot, you can probably up your calories. Are you trying to loose weight? I was recently set at loosing 1lb a week, but have changed it to loosing 1/2lb a week because I am so close to my goal and that gave me more food to eat!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Pepperedmoth ~ I graze on long run days. I make sure I have something hearty after as it makes it feel like I am less hungry (oatmeal with protein powder) and when I graze, I try to make sure it's fruit and veggies and cheese. I also drink a butt load of water before, during, and after everything I eat. And I agree with Kate, up your calories to lost .5lbs a week during training, if you haven't already. Get plenty of food and complex carbs the day before as well :)

    Ruby ~ good luck! I think that's the key to any training program, find a format you like, then change it to fit your needs :)

    Berry ~ Props for even doing intervals on a dreadmill!!

    Sprint work today, nice and chilly 56 degree morning, no rain! :) Have a great day!
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    bump for later
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Kate, I sure hope the weather improves, it's down pouring again right now!

    My knee HURTS this morning. Not sure if it's the steady rain aggravating an old injury (torn ACL), or if I tweaked something. Just popped a few Advils, so hopefully will be fine to do my three mile training run today.

    If I can't run, I'll hit the elliptical for at least an hour, and ride later tonight.

    Have a great day, all!
  • runrogrun
    runrogrun Posts: 36 Member
    Hey all....
    I am doing 4 half marathons in 3 months - the first of which is this Sunday! I am really looking forward to it but the weather is supposed to be terrible (thunderstorms) so I am hoping that is wrong! Then I have one in two weeks time, another at the end of October and the last one is mid November. I don't know why they have all come together as I haven't done a half since April but these are all in my area (ish) and I just fancied them!

    Other than running I ride my horse 5-6 times a week and I don't know if mucking out and grooming count as exercise but that's the other thing I do (and all I have time for!)

    Think this is a great group and looking forward to hearing how all your training and races go :-)
    Good luck everyone
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I wear a BodyBugg all day, and mucking and grooming burn a ton of calories! I don't count them as exercise, since I don't count any chores as exercise. But depending on what I do while at the barn, I can easily burn 800-1000 calories while there, 400+ while riding, the rest grooming, etc.
  • reeldancer
    reeldancer Posts: 156 Member
    Just found the thread - i have to come back later to read the posts. I am planning to run th 1/2 in Newport RI in October.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Thanks for the advice for dropping weight loss goals to 0.5lbs during training, I think I need to do that, I'm another member of the constantly ravenous crew!
  • I went swimming last night for an hour and I have a 5 mile run tonight. I don't mind running in the rain, but I won't go out if it's thundering and lightening. Hopefully it clears up a bit.

    My hunger varies by day, but one thing that's been constant is my craving for meat and salt! Anyone else experience this? I'm thinking that my body probably needs it with all the running, so I try and eat lots of protein and replenish my electrolytes.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    My hunger varies by day, but one thing that's been constant is my craving for meat and salt! Anyone else experience this?
    Definitely! I have cold meat or tins of tuna ready for my post-run protein fix. Anything else just doesn't satisfy me!
  • runrogrun
    runrogrun Posts: 36 Member
    I am another one who wants something salt after a really long run - and I normally hate salty food so I think it must be related.
    I find I'm not hungry after a run but the next day I'm starving! I run 3-4 times a week so I tend to be way under my calories on the day I run (because I'm not hungry) but over on the days O don;t (cos then I am!!!) but hopefully it evens out.

    Summertime_girl, I never get hot and sweaty when I am mucking out and grooming so I don't feel like I am 'exercising' - good to know it is all helping though :-)