What's on your mind?



  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    I've been working on this project for a long time. The original PI in charge left for a new job about 6 months in, and they put this fresh out of post doc new guy in charge of it. I don't think he is getting the supervision he needs from the other scientists, and IMO he isn't reaching out to them for help as much as he should be (which I have mentioned to both parties to no avail). I have more on the job experience, but he has a higher degree and higher position. Alot of his ideas and conclusions just make no sense to me, so I feel like I should question him when that happens, but then I wonder if he feels like I'm a giant pain in the *kitten* and keep undermining him or whatever. I just hate this project and this situation....

    It would be a failure on his part to not see your questions and concerns as opportunities. If he is a true leader then he should address your questions and see them as grow for him and yourself.

    And I agree with MaltedTea; just because someone has a higher degree doesn't mean they can use that knowledge in a real life application. Not to mention social skills; I've met plenty of PHd peoples who cannot interact with the general population. The new guy we hired just a couple of weeks ago fresh out of university didn't know how to address an envelop or how to email an open spreadsheet.

    Seriously!? Lol, thats insane...although I'm about to go see if my kid knows how to address an envelope 😂, its something we rarely have to do anymore.

    Yeah I was taken aback as well, but I also realize the disconnect is that most millenials have never had to address an envelop or write in cursive.

    Uh... this baffles my mind and I am a millennial... barely. Then again, I write "snail mail" often and have to sign paperwork all the time as well as teach my eight year old how to write cursive for his homework, so... **shrugs**

    I am baffled as well. But, I am an old soul for a millennial, I still use a checkbook and everything!

    It is what it is but dang if I don’t get torqued up about people not writing thank you notes.

    I write "thank you" postcards. Does that count? I keep a giant stack of postcards from ALL the places I've ever visited and just pick a random one for my note to send someone. Also, postcard stamps = cheaper than standard stamp, lol.
  • brustmannzwei
    brustmannzwei Posts: 1,124 Member
    edited October 2020
    Sitting here sipping my morning coffee and thinking about how the world has changed. Who could ever have predicted this.
    Im also thinking about the online grocery order I have to pick up this morning and the goodies contained therein. Its that kind of like Christmas feel because I can't remember a lot of what I ordered so there'll be lots of surprises 😆
    Its kind of sad that going to pick up the groceries nowadays has got me so excited.

    A select few of youins can come where I am in 2 weeks. A select few because we don’t need this county where we have about 1 person per ~.75 square miles all coronad and yankeed up.

    Life’s the same as it was. But, it may be a bit slower than what you’re used to.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    A friend shared this lovely Christian woman's post about dropping off your mail in ballots to cast your vote.


    Following her directions I looked up exactly where these locations were in LA County alone ... They're literally EVERYWHERE. Why on earth wait in line or risk the USPS drama.

  • brustmannzwei
    brustmannzwei Posts: 1,124 Member
    Sitting here sipping my morning coffee and thinking about how the world has changed. Who could ever have predicted this.
    Im also thinking about the online grocery order I have to pick up this morning and the goodies contained therein. Its that kind of like Christmas feel because I can't remember a lot of what I ordered so there'll be lots of surprises 😆
    Its kind of sad that going to pick up the groceries nowadays has got me so excited.

    A select few of youins can come where I am in 2 weeks. A select few because we don’t need this county where we have about 1 person per ~.75 square miles all coronad and yankeed up.

    Life’s the same as it was. But, it may be a bit slower than what you’re used to.

    I know I'm lucky because where I live in the country there's not been a positive case since April ( there were 2 in my town)
    And only a small handful in the town I shop in, none there now either for a long time. But Covid has still touched us all .. masks, handsanitiser, limits of people in stores, people distancing etc. Im a really social person I talk to everyone friends and strangers alike... I just miss people the way they were.. people don't really want to talk the way they used to, its head down and go about your business.
    I feel like I'm the extrovert in a room full of introverts 😬

    So yeah, this mornings thoughts I guess were just mourning the loss of what was.. I’ll embrace what is to come no matter what happens Im adaptive but that doesn'tmean I won't moan about it occasionally. 😁

    Insightful. I can appreciate that.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    Sitting here sipping my morning coffee and thinking about how the world has changed. Who could ever have predicted this.
    Im also thinking about the online grocery order I have to pick up this morning and the goodies contained therein. Its that kind of like Christmas feel because I can't remember a lot of what I ordered so there'll be lots of surprises 😆
    Its kind of sad that going to pick up the groceries nowadays has got me so excited.

    A select few of youins can come where I am in 2 weeks. A select few because we don’t need this county where we have about 1 person per ~.75 square miles all coronad and yankeed up.

    Life’s the same as it was. But, it may be a bit slower than what you’re used to.

    I know I'm lucky because where I live in the country there's not been a positive case since April ( there were 2 in my town)
    And only a small handful in the town I shop in, none there now either for a long time. But Covid has still touched us all .. masks, handsanitiser, limits of people in stores, people distancing etc. Im a really social person I talk to everyone friends and strangers alike... I just miss people the way they were.. people don't really want to talk the way they used to, its head down and go about your business.
    I feel like I'm the extrovert in a room full of introverts 😬

    So yeah, this mornings thoughts I guess were just mourning the loss of what was.. I’ll embrace what is to come no matter what happens Im adaptive but that doesn'tmean I won't moan about it occasionally. 😁

    Insightful. I can appreciate that.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Thank you. Its all good 😃 I was just in a pensive mood this morning. Shame you didn't bring breakfast over to crack me out of it 😆

    I hope you have a wonderful evening 🙂

    Bet you can't wait to be settling into your new home. How's life on the road been treating you?
  • brustmannzwei
    brustmannzwei Posts: 1,124 Member
    edited October 2020
    Sitting here sipping my morning coffee and thinking about how the world has changed. Who could ever have predicted this.
    Im also thinking about the online grocery order I have to pick up this morning and the goodies contained therein. Its that kind of like Christmas feel because I can't remember a lot of what I ordered so there'll be lots of surprises 😆
    Its kind of sad that going to pick up the groceries nowadays has got me so excited.

    A select few of youins can come where I am in 2 weeks. A select few because we don’t need this county where we have about 1 person per ~.75 square miles all coronad and yankeed up.

    Life’s the same as it was. But, it may be a bit slower than what you’re used to.

    I know I'm lucky because where I live in the country there's not been a positive case since April ( there were 2 in my town)
    And only a small handful in the town I shop in, none there now either for a long time. But Covid has still touched us all .. masks, handsanitiser, limits of people in stores, people distancing etc. Im a really social person I talk to everyone friends and strangers alike... I just miss people the way they were.. people don't really want to talk the way they used to, its head down and go about your business.
    I feel like I'm the extrovert in a room full of introverts 😬

    So yeah, this mornings thoughts I guess were just mourning the loss of what was.. I’ll embrace what is to come no matter what happens Im adaptive but that doesn'tmean I won't moan about it occasionally. 😁

    Insightful. I can appreciate that.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Thank you. Its all good 😃 I was just in a pensive mood this morning. Shame you didn't bring breakfast over to crack me out of it 😆

    I hope you have a wonderful evening 🙂

    Bet you can't wait to be settling into your new home. How's life on the road been treating you?

    Baaaah humbug. I had to come back early because I didn’t like the results of an inspection. So, I’m back “home”, staying an an extended stay hotel, waiting for an additional structural engineer to inspect a crack, so I can close in 2 weeks.

    All in all though I guess things are great. Address changed so my taxes went waaaaayyyy down, Roof over my head, a stove to cook on, and friends I’ve not seen in almost a decade since I left.

    And youins on here too.

    I don’t have much but eggs, sausage, and coffee will be waiting to help wake you up tomorrow morning.
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    edited October 2020
    I know how to perfatape cracks, spackle and paint over them. We have a lorra lorra earthquakes around here. I don't know if it does any good because it seems rather superficial like sticking your finger in a dam. It seems like the building integrity is gone. Once it's gone, how do you ever get it back.

  • brustmannzwei
    brustmannzwei Posts: 1,124 Member
    edited October 2020
    ^ exactly why I’m paying for yet another inspection.

    I’m having a structural engineer check the foundation. Only minor cracks and no bowing but better safe than sorry.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    Sitting here sipping my morning coffee and thinking about how the world has changed. Who could ever have predicted this.
    Im also thinking about the online grocery order I have to pick up this morning and the goodies contained therein. Its that kind of like Christmas feel because I can't remember a lot of what I ordered so there'll be lots of surprises 😆
    Its kind of sad that going to pick up the groceries nowadays has got me so excited.

    A select few of youins can come where I am in 2 weeks. A select few because we don’t need this county where we have about 1 person per ~.75 square miles all coronad and yankeed up.

    Life’s the same as it was. But, it may be a bit slower than what you’re used to.

    I know I'm lucky because where I live in the country there's not been a positive case since April ( there were 2 in my town)
    And only a small handful in the town I shop in, none there now either for a long time. But Covid has still touched us all .. masks, handsanitiser, limits of people in stores, people distancing etc. Im a really social person I talk to everyone friends and strangers alike... I just miss people the way they were.. people don't really want to talk the way they used to, its head down and go about your business.
    I feel like I'm the extrovert in a room full of introverts 😬

    So yeah, this mornings thoughts I guess were just mourning the loss of what was.. I’ll embrace what is to come no matter what happens Im adaptive but that doesn'tmean I won't moan about it occasionally. 😁

    Insightful. I can appreciate that.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Thank you. Its all good 😃 I was just in a pensive mood this morning. Shame you didn't bring breakfast over to crack me out of it 😆

    I hope you have a wonderful evening 🙂

    Bet you can't wait to be settling into your new home. How's life on the road been treating you?

    Baaaah humbug. I had to come back early because I didn’t like the results of an inspection. So, I’m back “home”, staying an an extended stay hotel, waiting for an additional structural engineer to inspect a crack, so I can close in 2 weeks.

    All in all though I guess things are great. Address changed so my taxes went waaaaayyyy down, Roof over my head, a stove to cook on, and friends I’ve not seen in almost a decade since I left.

    And youins on here too.

    I don’t have much but eggs, sausage, and coffee will be waiting to help wake you up tomorrow morning.

    Better safe than sorry, I hope the structural engineer doesn't find anything 🙂
    Well things certainly don't look too bad, lower taxes, roof over your head and friends .. I'd say pretty damn good.
    And us in here appreciate your company 🙂

    Breakfast sounds delicious.. I'll make some bread and squeeze some juice to bring .. see you then 😃
  • happimess01
    happimess01 Posts: 9,072 Member
    MiNinaLisa wrote: »

    well, my b'day is around the corner...
  • MiNinaLisa
    MiNinaLisa Posts: 648 Member
    MiNinaLisa wrote: »

    I know right.. I've got a new journal coming. 😃

    I really need to leave my card alone.. poor thing

    it's etsy - right? ;) you find all the deals Jo!
  • MiNinaLisa
    MiNinaLisa Posts: 648 Member
    MiNinaLisa wrote: »

    well, my b'day is around the corner...

    has our fave band come out with a new album yet??
  • _sw33tp3a_11
    _sw33tp3a_11 Posts: 4,692 Member
    MiNinaLisa wrote: »
    MiNinaLisa wrote: »

    well, my b'day is around the corner...

    has our fave band come out with a new album yet??

    Nickleback? 🤔🤣

    Kidding.... 😉