Daily Commitment Thread for 2020 -- JUST FOR TODAY



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,252 Member

    1. log all food :)
    2. concentrate on water .. add flavorings so I drink more :)
    3. eat only planned meals :)
    4. work on organizing ... getting rid of stuff to give to thrift shop! :):)
    5. go for a walk.. hopefully the weather will be nicer :):) 6 mile walk in the morning
    6. power wash windows, siding, etc :):)
    7. get back on here, be accountable :):)

    Today I am so tired, sore, but in a good way. So much done yesterday!Today our daughter is coming to help me wash the windows in the patio room... then hopefully I can get my canna bulbs dug up.

    Goals for thurs, 10/8
    1. log all food
    2. concentrate on water
    3. mindful eating
    4. clean patio windows
    5. finish organizing storage area
    6. dig up canna bulbs
    7. go for a walk ... IF I have enough energy
    8. eat only planned snack in evening
    9. get on here tomorrow - be accountable

    5 pound challenge between now and Christmas..
    SW: 189.1
    1st goal weight by Nov 1st: 184
    2nd goal by Dec 1st : 179
    Todays weight 187.5
    10/1: 189
    10/2: 189.
    10/3: 188.8
    10/5: 188.6
    10/8: 187.5
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Thursday 8 October

    Log :)
    Stay in the green :)
    5 fruit and veg :)
    Water :)
    Fitbit exercise goals :)
    Happy Scale weight trend ⬇️ 0.6 kg lost in last 7 days 😊

    Is it really Friday tomorrow?
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,919 Member
    @Snowflake1968 congrats on the 2 pound weight loss! That’s awesome!!

    Thanks, sodium affects me seriously, this is what two days of no chips does for me. LOL
  • Little_Lassassin
    Little_Lassassin Posts: 10 Member
    I’ve really been slacking lately, haven’t been making goals or tracking anything, let alone getting exercise in 😭
    I need a swift kick in my motivation
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,827 Member
    What am I doing to keep busy? To name a few...
      [*] structuring my day
      [*] morning and evening meditation
      [*] Using the internet to ‘talk’ to family
      [*] crochet, jigsaws, journaling, gardening, reading, writing .......
      [*] HIIT videos off YouTube,
      [*] yoga/Taichi
      [*] Walks with DH
      [*] Cleaning! Cleaning! Cleaning! 😂
      [*] Decluttering
      [*] Stress relievers (search YouTube for Paul McKenna)
      Keep your chin up!
      Turning up is the ultimate success!
      01 Aug 2019: 170.1
      31 Dec 2019: 151.2
      Total weight loss: 19.9lbs
      2020 Personal Weight Challenge
      Name: Terri
      SW: 152.1 (02 Jan)
      GW: 150

      Jan: - 2
      Feb: - 1.3
      Mar: - 0.9
      Apri: +1.3 (not too bad, considering lockdown/Easter/Birthday this month)
      May: +0.7(working on upping my strength to tone muscles, so not unexpected. It's a balancing act! 😂)
      Jun: +0.2[c]
      1 Aug: 149.9
      01 Sept: 149.4
      09 Sept: 149.5
      1 Oct: 149.2
      October Daily Goals: Week 2/b]
      Thu: ✅ Fri: Sat: Sun:
      Mon: Tue: Wed:
      Did well on wed and Thurs. The scale continues to be kind, so I will continue with my present Goals for now.
      Keep on keeping on. ✊🏻

      Weight < 155:
      1 Aug 2019: 170.1
      1 Sept 149.4
      13 Sept: 152.2 (birthday - DH)
      30 Sept: 149.4
      1 Oct: 149.2
      3 Oct: 148,6
      6 Oct: 148.0
      Reduce Fat%: ✅ 29.3; 27.1; 25.1; 24.5; 24.3
      Increase Muscle%: ✅ 28.7->30.1; 30.6; 30.7
      Calories in the green 🦄
      Steps > 7500 🏃🏽‍♀️
      Intentional exercise > 50 mins daily🦄
      Active hours > 6 daily🦄

      Positive intentions: Busy day!
      🌟Exercise 6/7
      🌟Family Skype
      🌟Cut out/sew masks
      🌟Gardening: 🌟Declutter🦄
      🌟Laundry 🌟Circuits
      😜Housework 🌟Plan shopping
      🌟Write 3 pages or 15 minutes a day 🦄
      🌟Update Journal🦄
      🌟Crochet🦄 🌟Puzzles 🦄
      🌟Watch TV🦄 🌟Read

      🦋 Terri

    • bookmeister86
      bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
      Yesterday was ok, I had a fairly good day at work, a project that has been a nightmare for 7 months actually seems like it might be nearly finished. Was very excited about this and thought about having a drink to celebrate but then decided not to. Am happy with that decision!

      Otherwise the evening wasn't great, despite the day going well I was pretty exhausted as it had been intense, and we then had a bit of a drama because it turned out the freezer door had been slightly open and looooooads of ice had formed to the extent that drawers wouldn't open/close. So we had to sort that out and make a plan as to how to eat all the food up as soon as possible so we can defrost the thing (which is well overdue, don't think we've done it in like a year). It's going to be interesting, and very meaty, food for the next week and a bit!

      I'm a little tired today as annoyingly I woke up at 3am and it took quite some time to get to sleep. Hoping my coffee will kick in soon.

      Happy Friday everyone! :smile:

      Yesterday's goals:
      - Track all food and drink :)
      - Be in the green :|Just over
      - 5 fruit & veg :/ Just 4
      - No alcohol :)I was fairly pleased with this one as I thought about having some to celebrate a work win but decided not to

      - Switch emails off when finished reading :smile:
      - Stay positive! :smile:

      - Ring mum :smile:
      - Sort out paperless statements :smile:
      - Read relationship articles >:)
      - Talk to boyfriend in French >:)
      - Read a bit of French book >:)
      - Clean the bin >:)
      - Write shopping list :smile:
      - Talk about mentoring with boyfriend >:)
      - Lights off by 11 :smile:

      Today's goals:

      - Track all food and drink
      - Be within maintenance
      - 5 fruit & veg

      - Switch emails off when finished reading
      - Stay positive

      - Do exercise DVD
      - Talk to boyfriend in French
      - Read some French book
      - Laundry
      - Clean the bin
    • SERmom3
      SERmom3 Posts: 568 Member
      @mytime6630 - looks like you’re making good progress on your 5lb challenge!

      - No chips!🟢
      - Log everything / stay green🔴
      - Continue painting shed🟢
      - Finish organizing music🔴
      - soccer for E🟢
      - Flu shots for kids tonight🟢

      The kids don’t have school today. I’m hoping to make some decent progress painting the shed.

      - No chips!
      - Log everything / stay green
      - Continue painting shed/get more supplies
      - Finish organizing music
      - Clean toy riding car to give away
      - soccer for R

      *******NO CHIP OCTOBER CHALLENGE******
      Earn a leaf 🍁 for each day I complete without one bite of chips (crisps)! 🤐
      October 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8

      Have a great day! 👻
    • TerriRichardson112
      TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,827 Member
      @bookmeister86 I’ve done that with our upright freezer a few times. Very frustrating.
      @SERmom3 Looking good on the chip challenge!!!

      Drive-thru flu jab was very efficient. We were done and dusted before our given appt time. Slightly sore arm but otherwise feeling fine.
    • WellingTX
      WellingTX Posts: 617 Member
      I am better than this


      For Thursday, learn from my shortfalls.

      1900 calories: 1911
      Work out for 80 minutes: Never got going and didn’t walk or work out
      Make the right choices: Was right on for calories but didn’t make good choices on food and didn’t exercise
      Support my bride: I can do better. She doesn’t ask for much but wants me around for the long haul.
      Eat dinner at the table and walk afterwards, both unplugged. Don’t snack on the couch: Nope, nope and nope.


      For Friday, it’s a new day.

      1900 calories:
      Work out 80 minutes:
      Make good choices:
      Support my bride:
      Eat dinner at the table and walk afterwards, both unplugged. Don’t snack on the couch:
    • Snowflake1968
      Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,919 Member
      JFT - Thursday Oct 8
      Weight 195.0
      1L of water - :) 1.5
      Log all food - :)
      No chips - :)
      15 minutes of activity - :)
      Gratitude Journal - >:)

      JFT - Friday Oct 9
      Weight 194.8
      1L of water
      Log all food
      No chips
      15 minutes of activity
      Gratitude Journal

      Thankfully it's Friday and it is a long weekend here. Tomorrow we are having our Thanksgiving dinner with our girls and their families. Covid is at an all time high here in our region, so some new restrictions are in place but we are still allowed to gather with our cohorts, which our girls have been all along.

      I went and bought the turkey last night, will have to run out tonight to get the rest.

      I need to run, another busy work day.

    • TiffanyPe17
      TiffanyPe17 Posts: 107 Member
      Just for today, Thursday October 8th,2020

      •I will prioritize eating 3 healthy meals instead of just snacking.✅
      •Go for a walk with the girls ✅
      •Client❌Client canceled last minute. I hate when that happens.

      I’ve said this every day this week, but man am I exhausted today. I managed to get a little more sleep when my parents arrived to help with the girls. So thankful for family! I am happy today is Friday, we have a busy weekend ahead of us with a really big decision to make about the future of the practice, but my husband will be home and I love getting to spend time with him.

      Just for today, Friday October 9th, I will

      •Go for a walk
      •Eat 3 meals instead of snacking

    • cschmitz110515
      cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,602 Member
      Beautiful fall day for walking dog ~ happy dog & happy me!

      Recap R 10/8 ~ work at home
      1) Walked dog 4.19 mi before work :smiley: happy dog & happy me
      2) Move hourly :smiley: 13/14
      3) Net cals zero / 14c water :smiley: green 291 & 14c water but LOW protein
      4) GA-IT follow-up / draft email re AJNH records & questions / 2:00 webinar / catch up more email backlog no time / download app for VPN authentication / email manager daily update :) 5/6
      5) Download financials / update financial s/s :neutral: didn't quite finish / declutter 15 min. / one more chore :) 3.5 / 4
      6) Unplug 9:00 / FLOSS / RETAINERS / 7:00 alarm (walk dog before work from home) :mrgreen: 4/4

      JFT F 10/9
      1) Walked dog 3.65 mi before work :smiley:
      2) Move hourly
      3) Not sure how to log supper & adult beverages / net cals not horrible / 14c water
      4) GA-IT write-ups / Facebook Live 12:00 / catch up some email backlog / save electronics to flash / email manager daily update / email PAR & PRO sheets / update Project Status s/s (updates for this employer are ridiculous)
      5) Wash rag rugs & line dry / furnace tune-up 11:00 - 1:00 / update financial s/s / one more chore
      6) Enjoy evening & it's ok if I don't log everything

      I plan to eat healthy at home before this evening. Tonight while hubby is at work, I will celebrate my bday one day early with BFF. I'm going over to their house, we'll eat takeout (fish fry), drink adult beverages, and sit around the firepit on a gorgeous fall evening. Can't wait!

      2020 Goals:
      1) Get weight below 160# (last time was 4/20/19)
      2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
      3) Post weekly weigh-in on JFT for accountability
      4) Take measurements & log on MFP monthly (I stopped as weight plateaued & went up) = 2.1.20 / 2.29.20 / 4.1.20 (forgot 3.31.20) / 5.1.20 (forgot 4.30.20) / 6.3.20 (forgot at ME again) / 6.30.20 / 8.6.20 (forgot July 31 & crazy schedule) / 8.31.20 / 9.30.20
      5) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x) ~ mostly walking but include weights/circuit & other x-training
      6) Participate in race events ~ have planned 7 5Ks and 2 10Ks at minimum = Frenzy on the Fox 5K 49:36 ave. pace 15:29 / Seroogy's Valentine 5K 46:26.7 ave. pace 14:47 / Badger State Brewing 10K virtual race w/ dog on 4/2/20 1:44:16 ave. pace 16:33 / Prevention virtual 5K Fun & Fit Team on 5/2/20 I walked 3.48 mi w/ dog in 1:01:10 ave. pace 17:33 / RonaRunOff 5/16/20 virtual walk 5.08 miles with dog in 1:23:15 ave. pace 16:23 / 100 Miles Challenge fundraiser (per fitness tracker) & completed 5/18/20 / Bellin Run 10K virtual race w/ dog on 6/6/20 1:41:03 ave. pace 16:14 dog definitely slows my "race pace" / Hope Isn't Canceled virtual 10K w/ dog 8/29/20 1:43:10 ave. pace 16:36 / Packers 5K virtual race w/ dog 9/26/20 52:23 ave. pace 16:41
      7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together
      8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states)
      9) Declutter home office, bedroom and basement = basement (boxes) Jan. / home office desk (some) & more basement boxes Feb. / basement boxes & home office (some more) Mar. / decluttered/cleaned in bedroom & more basement boxes Apr. / basement boxes May ~ very pleased w/ my progress / reorg in basement June & July
      Word for 2020: Persist
    • ZizzyBumble
      ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
      edited October 2020
      Friday 8 October

      I failed to post this morning - I was distracted planning a new kitchen!

      Log 😊
      Stay in the green 😊
      5 fruit and veg 😊
      Water 😊
      Fitbit exercise goals 😊
      Happy Scale weight trend ⬇️ 0.6 kg lost in last 7 days 😊
    • TerriRichardson112
      TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,827 Member
      What am I doing to keep busy? To name a few...
        [*] structuring my day
        [*] morning and evening meditation
        [*] Using the internet to ‘talk’ to family
        [*] crochet, jigsaws, journaling, gardening, reading, writing .......
        [*] HIIT videos off YouTube,
        [*] yoga/Taichi
        [*] Walks with DH
        [*] Cleaning! Cleaning! Cleaning! 😂
        [*] Decluttering
        [*] Stress relievers (search YouTube for Paul McKenna)

        Keep your chin up!
        Turning up is the ultimate success!
        01 Aug 2019: 170.1
        31 Dec 2019: 151.2
        Total weight loss: 19.9lbs
        2020 Personal Weight Challenge
        Name: Terri
        SW: 152.1 (02 Jan)
        GW: 150

        Jan: - 2
        Feb: - 1.3
        Mar: - 0.9
        Apri: +1.3 (not too bad, considering lockdown/Easter/Birthday this month)
        May: +0.7(working on upping my strength to tone muscles, so not unexpected. It's a balancing act! 😂)
        Jun: +0.2[c]
        1 Aug: 149.9
        01 Sept: 149.4
        09 Sept: 149.5
        1 Oct: 149.2
        October Daily Goals: Week 2/b]
        Thu: ✅ Fri: ✅ Sat: Sun:
        Mon: Tue: Wed:
        Had drive-thru flu jab this morning.
        Weight < 155:
        1 Aug 2019: 170.1
        1 Sept 149.4
        13 Sept: 152.2 (birthday - DH)
        30 Sept: 149.4
        1 Oct: 149.2
        3 Oct: 148,6
        6 Oct: 148.0
        Reduce Fat%: ✅ 29.3; 27.1; 25.1; 24.5; 24.3
        Increase Muscle%: ✅ 28.7->30.1; 30.6; 30.7
        Calories in the green 🦄
        Steps > 7500 🏃🏽‍♀️
        Intentional exercise > 50 mins daily🦄
        Active hours > 6 daily🦄

        Positive intentions: Busy day!
        🌟Exercise 6/7
        🌟Family Skype
        🌟Cut out/sew masks
        🌟Gardening: 🌟Declutter🦄
        🌟Laundry 🌟Circuits
        😜Housework 🌟Plan shopping
        🌟Write 3 pages or 15 minutes a day 🦄
        🌟Update Journal🦄
        🌟Crochet🦄 🌟Puzzles 🦄
        🌟Watch TV🦄 🌟Read

        🦋 Terri
      • TiffanyPe17
        TiffanyPe17 Posts: 107 Member
        Just for today, Friday October 9th, I will

        •Go for a walk❌
        •Eat 3 meals instead of snacking ✅

        I did really great on eating 3 meals today, I’m proud of myself for that. I also rested a lot, which was much needed. However, I chose not to go for a walk. I’m exhausted and I feel like my body just needs some rest, so I chose to listen to that and honor it. Tomorrow is another day. We have a lot going on this weekend, but I will try and get a walk in at some point.

      • silverpl2525
        silverpl2525 Posts: 138 Member

        Log all intake.
        No scary movies or documentaries.
        Stick to meal plan.
        Shake for late-night snack.
        Fall asleep on time.


        Make shake for on-the-go food.
        Log all intake.
        Go to sleep early if tired.
        Stay in ketosis.
        Spend time with hubbie.
      • ZizzyBumble
        ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
        edited October 2020
        Saturday 10 October

        Stay in the green
        5 fruit and veg
        Fitbit exercise goals
        Happy Scale weight trend ⬇️ 0.4 kg lost in last 7 days 😊

        It will be guess work for logging tonight’s meal and staying in the green. I’ve ordered take away from the local restaurant (I want to support a local business that relies heavily on the tourist trade (people travel long distances to eat here). I couldn’t normally afford their prices but it’s a special takeaway menu for locals. I’m eating a light breakfast and lunch so hoping things balance out 😊

        Hope you all have a good weekend 🐝
      • WellingTX
        WellingTX Posts: 617 Member
        Solid day - Felt good

        For Friday, it’s a new day.

        1900 calories: 1730
        Work out 80 minutes: 82 minutes including a 2.51 mile walk
        Make good choices: consciously made good decisions
        Support my bride: I can always do better
        Eat dinner at the table and walk afterwards, both unplugged. Don’t snack on the couch: Done, done and done. Slow, enjoyable walk after dinner with my bride. Nice evening [/quote]

        For Saturday, think before I eat

        1900 calories:
        Work out 80 minutes:
        Make good choices:
        Support my bride:
        Eat dinner and walk afterwards, both unplugged. Don’t snack on the couch:
      • SERmom3
        SERmom3 Posts: 568 Member
        - No chips!🟢
        - Log everything / stay green🔴
        - Continue painting shed/get supplies🟢
        - Finish organizing music🔴
        - Clean toy riding car to give away🔴
        - soccer for R🟢

        I’ve been doing good at avoiding chips, but I haven’t been great about tracking all of my food. 😕 Must. Do. Better!

        - No chips!
        - Log everything
        - Stay green
        - Continue painting the shed
        - Organize and practice music for church
        - Get gifts for bdays / pick up Halloween costume
        - Clean riding toy
        - 3 soccer games

        *******NO CHIP OCTOBER CHALLENGE******
        Earn a leaf 🍁 for each day I complete without one bite of chips (crisps)! 🤐
        October 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

        Have a great day! 🎃
      • SERmom3
        SERmom3 Posts: 568 Member
        @ZizzyBumble - are you renovating your kitchen? That is very exciting! I hope you post some before/after pics!