Butterball Babies~ ! (Closed Group)



  • I thought I read somewhere that tea can count toward water intake.. Am I imagining that or is that right? lol.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,544 Member
    O.K. checking in for the week. I burned 4095 calories for the week. Not quite 5000 but with the stuff going on, I'll take it.

    Weigh in: 138.8 up .4 lbs. boo hiss. I'm trying not to freak out. I had my a swim meet for my kids, husbands birthday, Labor Day cookout and the garden club luncheon. (not to mention the cookie attack yesterday) and I lifted weights or did tabata strength training 3 times during that span and my muscles are sore. O.K Rationalization over. I WILL do better this week with calories. I've got 3 swim meets over the next week and I just have to figure out how to eat my own dinner and not do takeout. If I can manage that, I will easily be under my calorie goal each day and eat healthier.

    Challenge calories: 1380. Piece of cake. I already burned 796 this morning. My personal goal will be 5000 for the next week. I think that's very doable.

    Water. I can do this. I drink about 2 two quart pitchers of sassy water each day (from the Flat Belly Diet) plus my exercise water which I don't actually count in my totals.

    Great job on all the losses I'm seeing and all of you that did personal bests in the workout area-even if you didn't hit 5000 pushing yourself harder is HUGE! Have a great day everybody!
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    Tea doesn't have any calories if you don't add anything to it, so people will count it towards their water intake. Be careful, though, because caffeine can dehydrate you.
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    Weighing in at the same weight I did last week of 158. I was up to 166!!! After the holiday wknd! Lol so my goal for the weel is 1580 calories burned and I'm also adding the 451 calories I didn't get burned last week. 2031 is my goal for the week! And I will get those 45 cups of water drank this week as well. Good luck everyone on this weeks challenge. There are no second chances so let's make every second count! Hugs and love to all!
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member

    9/1: 247
    9/2: 752
    9/3: 588
    9/4: 370
    9/5: 924
    9/6: 1369
    9/7: 885

    Total: 5135

    Sorry this is late...went to a friends lastnight and didn't get back until late.
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member
    Burned last week: 5135

    Weigh in: 216.6..only down a lb, but I'll take it.

    Calorie Burn this week: I'm gonna go with 2170, so I will aim for 310 a day. Not going to be a problem at all!

    The water challenge will be no problem(especially with going back to work). I routinely drink at least 8 glasses a day, totally 56 cups in 7 days.
  • Tea doesn't have any calories if you don't add anything to it, so people will count it towards their water intake. Be careful, though, because caffeine can dehydrate you.

    Thank you! :)
  • Hello everybody!!! I feel like I've been away a long time!

    Due to the holiday weekend, I was without internet access from Friday afternoon until late Monday evening, and with Tuesday being the first day of school, it's been a hectic week as everyone adjusts to the new routine (including me!). I never did see the calorie challenge last week, so I am no where near the 5000 calorie mark.

    However, I am back now, and ready to meet this challenge head on!

    Here are my stats for the past week:

    Calories Burned: 1200
    Not great. Had 2 wonderful, long walks on Saturday and Sunday, but spending 3 hours at Urgent Care on Friday with my daughter (nothing serious, just needed to confirm she had a sty and not a foreign body in her eye) before spending 3 hours traveling to my in-laws, and then traveling home on Monday only to have a side trip to the ER with our son (he slipped off my husbands lap and hit his head on the corner of the wall and got 3 staples to the back of the head, kind of blew the exercising those days. I did manage to get some burned in the past 2 days, but not a lot.

    Weight: 165.5
    Down .5 lb. I'm good with that. I didn't cook all weekend, and while I did exercise some restraint in my food choices, I didn't deprive myself either. My in-laws cook good food that I usually don't make (like potato salad and deviled eggs!) and have gum drops and cookies that are hard for me to resist. Losing ANY weight after the long weekend is good to me!

    Exercise Goal for Next Week: 1655
    This should be attainable, especially since I did 1200 last week and didn't really exercise 5 out of the 7 days!

    Great job this week everybody!!! It took me about 45 minutes to catch up with all the posts and you all did fantastic!!!! Looking forward to this weeks' challenge!
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Calories burned : 3156 ( nowhere near 5000 but had to take rest days because i was pushing myself too much)
    Weight: 151.6 loss of 2.4 lbs ( a lot of it was water weight but I am happy I did lose 0.4 lbs of real weight that means i busted my 4 week plateay. Ya baby!)

    Next week challenge is going to be a piece of cake already burned 1270 calories from my long run so i have 246 calories left to meet the challenge.

    Everybody is doing great! RED team you rock!
  • My weight this week is 273.2, so that is a 1.1 pound loss.

    I burned 3538 calories and my goal for the next week is 2732. I'm going to see if I can do it just counting intentional exercise, not cleaning and stuff like that.

    I am leaving town today and will be gone until Sunday. I will have limited internet access, so I probably will not check in until Sunday night or Monday morning.

    I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Congrats to our losers!! Anita, Kristen, Larua, Sandy, Annie, bcakes, soccer mum and kaeChelle!! You ladies ROCK!

    Double congrats to our 5000+ club members, Sandy , Walkingirl, Kittu, Nat and Annie! Amazing!!

    Angie, could your weight gain be from water retention? Are your muscles sore at all from all of the exercise? If you are sore it means you are retaining some fluids! Let's see what next week holds.

    Bcakes...oh my what a "vacation"!!!

    Cuddles and Nat, I am in the same boat...no loss no gain! Hoping to see something next week!

    Total calorie burn 3435

    My weigh in is 124.

    Calorie burn goal 1240...but I am planning to double that! I almost killed myself just getting 3435 and I included housework once...I won't do that this week. I am looking at 2480 of pure work outs...an average of 400 per day which is still higher than what I have been doing.

    If water includes herbal tea and seltzer...no problem!

  • kkuhly
    kkuhly Posts: 80 Member
    I'm not sure how many calories I burned this week. I wasn't very good at logging and I have had the flu the last two days! I am going to do much better next week.

    Current Weight: 229.2

    Daily Calorie Goal: 1520

    Here is to getting fit and healthy together!:drinker:
  • kkuhly
    kkuhly Posts: 80 Member
    Calorie Burn Goal: 2290 calories
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Weigh-in this week: 128.4lbs for a total loss of -1.2lbsI (I'll take it!)
    Total cals burned for last week: 4255cals (very proud of this!)
    New calorie goal: 2025 (I'm stealing Jenney's idea (thanks!), and adding what I missed last week, to this week!)
    My H20 goal: 64oz/day (56 cups for the week)

    so far this week:

    Thurs 9/8: 275 cals burned (1750 remaining)


    AND CONGRATS to everyone with a loss this week too...this rocks! :drinker:

    Rynatat-grat job this week, and great new goals you've set for yourself this week! Good luck!

    Angelica-I think the WW counts any ZERO cal drink as water these days...I would say any 0 cal decaffinated drink is game, so SOME teas should count IMO!

    Cardbucfan-Great job this week! No worries about the scale...from personal experience, I can tell you that 0.4lbs is nothing in the general scheme of things...you are prob exactly right...the added strength will for sure make you retain water...it will all come back off in the end though (especially if you are watching your cals closer this week).

    Kelli-welcome back!! sorry to hear about your "dilemmas" over the weekend...but glad that you are back in action, and can't wait to see how another of our team does!! Welcome to Team Yellow!!! :flowerforyou:

    KaeChelle-Good job this week!! and I like your idea about ONLY counting exercise cals...I think I just may have to copy that one too!! LOL enjoy your weekend away :smile:

    Donna-great job! great goals!!

    kkuhly-hope you feel better soon :flowerforyou:
  • callmefor911
    callmefor911 Posts: 155 Member
    Week 1 - challenge 5000 calories burned - I burned 5124, and lost 2.8 lbs this week!!

    Week 2 - challenge to burn 1860 calories (after reaching my goal in week 1 I feel confident that I can meet 1860 no problem!)
    and 45 cups of water too.

    Congratulations everyone, Posh, Donna, my lovely red team - great job! Good luck for week 2!!

    way to go great job
  • callmefor911
    callmefor911 Posts: 155 Member
    ok didnt get any where near the 5000 calories... did only about 700 but on to next week I will do better..

    today I weigh 194.4 so had a little weight loss. from vacation gain..

    hope everyone has a great week..
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    well done to Anita, Kristen, Larua, Sandy, Annie, bcakes, soccer mum and kaeChelle well done for the losses ladies! woohoo!

    for our first week winners: Sandy , Walkingirl, Kittu, Nat and Annie well done on reaching 5000 and more! hats off to you!

    Tara: thanks girl! im sucking at the ripped in 30 thread! have had to take a couple of days off but im hoping to back in it next week. maybe i should drop out of it? to not let anyone down! and you have done fabulously so far! and keep kicking it everyday!

    AFM: ive maintained at 122lbs which im pleased about! woohoo!
    so my new goal would be 1220 cals! which i will do and surpass! im aiming for 3000+ cals next week!
    water- i manage about 3litres per day so easy peasy for me. have low bp anything lower than that and my bp plays up.

    my cal burn for week 1
    1/9 - 331 cals (zumba cardio party)
    2/9- 722 (long run= 10.2k)
    3/9- 277 (long walk with the stroller)
    4/9- 649 (long run= 8.9k) + 30 mins slow walk= 69, total for today is 718 cals!
    5/9- 515 (zumba)

    ive only counted actual exercise and not walking etc so it makes it = 2494 cals which is the most ive done in a very long time!!

    TEAM ORANGE: lets burn those calories this week!

    good luck everyone!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Hey, Suzanne from Yellow Team checking in today :bigsmile:

    Weigh in- 176.2. Down 1.8lbs! I was pretty careful this whole week, even on Labor Day.
    Calorie Burn Challenge this week, 1760. I can probaly double that, I'm pretty active.
    Water Goal: 70 cups.
    Calories burned this week- 6047 I think.

    Good luck to Team Yellow! You are all doing great!! :heart:
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    :flowerforyou: Can I just say..."WOW!" You ladies are so absolutely AMAZING! :0) Congratulations to EVERYONE for sticking it out through a TOUGH first week! You have no idea how excited I am to see such wonderful results!!!

    You have all worked so hard and I'm so very proud.

    As for me,

    Weighed in at 219.5 down 1.5 pounds!!! WOO HOO!

    Burned over 5000 calories last week, and this week I'm going to copy those of you who only count "exercise" calories. The ones I've planned to go out and get.

    So..my goal will be 2195 calories as the challenge I set, but I'm hoping for around 3500. ONLY CALORIES FROM PLANNED EXERCISE are going to count for me!

    By the way, I must say that I'm impressed that so many of you have upped your own personal goals after seeing how hard you worked to get close to those 5000! SEE>>>MY MADNESS DID HAVE A METHOD! hahaha.. :0) I'm so super proud of everyone of you!

    We have had some incredible ladies working through vacations, illnesses., children's injuries, personal injuries, and not to mention the HOLIDAY!

    Keep it up girls! Oh and if you don't see all of your teammates checking in, please send them a message for me! It's hard for me to keep up with everyone, but I'm trying my hardest.

    Love and hugs to you all!

    Now off to get my drink on!! Lol.. water of course!

  • NEcamper47
    NEcamper47 Posts: 38 Member
    Finally checking in for the week! Got a new job - new challenges. Lots of stairs and no access to fast food, and no time for munching. Week One Challenge: burned 4297 actual exercise Calories - Whew! That's huge for me. Weight Lost - 4 lbs! Week 2 Challenge: 2680 Exercise Calories and 45 cups of Water. This part may kill me. I'm a Diet Pepsi addict. Did I mention I have to do the stairs to go to the bathroom at work? :grumble: Onward! Go Team Yellow!