Accountability buddy



  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    KMC55 wrote: »
    I have done Noom and yes the psychology is great but after about 6 months they try to set you on your own and I fell off of it. I may try to go back since I have the membership until the end of the year. The coach really only checks in once a week regardless of how many times you message. That has been my experience so take it as you will.

    I'm not surprised; the coach's response to my reply was generic, probably computer generated. I do love the tips and the educational part. I disagree with them setting my calorie goal at 1200 too.

    Starting in November, we're going to have a holiday freeze as a part of our wellness program at work. If you don't gain any weight from the start to the new year, you are entered in a drawing for some HSA dollars. Now that is motivation!
  • beshamama
    beshamama Posts: 240 Member
    @highmaintnance I tried noom I think a year ago and it seemed too clinical if that makes sense. Also it seemed like it would be great for people who work in office buildings(there seemed to be a lot of examples of saying no to the treats in the break room 🤣) but I’m a SAHM or I work in retail/restaurants in the before times. I need to figure out how to not be so lazy and exercise more and eat less. 🤣

    Anybody paying for the MFP premium subscription? I kinda have been toying with the idea of paying for this...but worry it will be like noom.
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    I cancelled my subscription after the trial to Noom. It was worth a look.

    I thought about the Premium for MFP too, but haven't yet. Let me know if you like it, and if it's worth it.
  • beshamama
    beshamama Posts: 240 Member
    @highmaintnance maybe the next time the ad pops up I’ll do it. It might actually help me stick to things. Also it will be for the greater good to let you all know how it is 🤣
  • StepWise123
    StepWise123 Posts: 180 Member
    I've always wondered if Noom was worth it so this information is really helpful. Logging in food at MFP always works for me, but then I fall off of doing it and the weight comes back. This time, I noticed how much salt I was eating and that took me right off of the junk food and frozen meals. On the exercise, I have the same problem! But just a walk to the corner or to the mailbox can get me going--usually.
  • mmurrhee
    mmurrhee Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I am new to the group's thing. I am 4'11" and 143lb. My goal is to get to 115lbs. I just need some help to stay on top of it. All the encouragement I can get would be great.
  • beshamama
    beshamama Posts: 240 Member
    @mmurrhee hi!! Welcome! I have been doing the forums for awhile now and I really think it is helping me to be more accountable.

    I just realized I haven’t shared this weeks goals.
    *Eat most food from home
    *Don’t eat all the Halloween candy
    *Make my own “junk food”
    *Continue to work out everyday

    I caved and bought a cheap little stationary bike from Target and it came today!! I’m still gonna go on an outside bike ride every other day and do the stationary the other days(or if it’s raining). Hopefully I can knit while biking too!! I’ll keep you all posted 🤣

    The scale finally budged today! Hopefully with all my biking I can get it to go down farther!

    We got this! 💪
  • beshamama
    beshamama Posts: 240 Member
    I can knit while riding my little stationary bike! This is a game changer!!! I am so happy!!
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    I've always wondered if Noom was worth it so this information is really helpful. Logging in food at MFP always works for me, but then I fall off of doing it and the weight comes back. This time, I noticed how much salt I was eating and that took me right off of the junk food and frozen meals. On the exercise, I have the same problem! But just a walk to the corner or to the mailbox can get me going--usually.

    One thing that is good about Noom (in the short time I was using it) is that notifications are sent to you from your coach if you haven't checked in, entered meals or weighed in. Someone else said that after six months, though, the nudges stopped for them. I thought it was pretty cool and it's worth checking out for the free trial.

    @beshamama that's awesome!

    Welcome to all the new people!
  • skinnylw2016
    skinnylw2016 Posts: 25 Member
    I would like to join the group for accountability to maintain over the dark and grim winter months.
    I have just finished a 3 months weight loss challenge on MFP. I lost 9 of my 10lb goal which I was happy about but found the last couple of weeks very hard to stick to a low calorie goal and avoid sweet treats. I hope to keep to 120lbs or close to that until the end of Feb.
    My goal for next week is to start back slowly to exercising after over a break for a week due to injury.

    Goal for week comm Sat 25th Oct = 2 runs (Sun and Wed) and 2 (Tues, Thurs) early morning walks. If injury stays away build on morning walks.

    Long term goal during Nov to Feb is to try strength training for the first time. Googled and found a blog on 11 exercises for women in 50's which I plan to try. I will be 50 in Jan so trying to stay in shape.

    A bit on a long intro/welcome - I needed to put it in black and white, to become real. 🤞

  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,352 Member
    edited October 2020
    @skinnylw2016 - Welcome!! Congratulations on your success in meeting your goals so far. Thanks for sharing your plans. It’s helpful to see how you are adapting while recovering from your injury. I hope you feel better soon and I’m lookIng forward to your updates!

    @beshamama - I’m so glad you found a way to enjoy exercise by using your time so efficiently and getting two things done at the same time. Great idea! ... and great follow through action to achieve your fitness goal! New habits seem easier to build when they’re enjoyable so good for you!!

    I appreciate your warning about Halloween candy. Usually, I try to make a plan ahead of time for dealing with the extra temptation but, since my 19 and 20 year old (adult?) children are away at college - and the pandemic is keeping more people indoors - I hadn’t given it much thought this year. I’m also really intrigued by your goal of “making your own ‘junk food’” @beshamama ...

    What ‘junk food’ do you make? Does anyone else have ideas for relatively healthy ‘junk’ options?

    I’ve made kale chips before but sweets are more tempting to me than chips. I like apple sauce with cinnamon or dried mango slices, which are somewhat high in sugar calories but better than empty calories, I think 🤔
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,352 Member
    edited October 2020
    I’m catching up on some of the earlier posts and want to be sure to add my welcome to anyone joining the group since my last check-in. It’s great to have you here @mmurrhee, @StepWise123, @KMC55, @EML112610, @agawilk777, @nikki1504 and @Smithschmidt! I hope I didn’t miss anyone.

    Usually, we share our goals for the week and then report our progress here. Some people prefer to make friend requests for more direct support; so, feel free to add me - and/or get a sense of others who share similar goals or characteristics that are a good match for you - and connect that way. This is our space to learn together and we can shape it to meet our individual needs. @KMC55, my food diary is open ... though I’m the first to say I’m not necessarily the best role model and definitely have some daily indulgences. Congratulations to you and others (e.g., @EML112610) who have had success in the past. I’m looking forward to learning from your experiences!

    For this week, my goal is to stretch EVERY day, even if it’s just for 5 minutes. I just returned from visiting my mother for 2 weeks while she recovered from a health scare and the experience really helped me see the importance of maintaining our balance, flexibility, core strength and a healthy weight to avoid over-stressing our joints as we age. I’m also very excited to return to my regular exercise routine. I’m playing soccer tonight and plan to row at least three times this week. I’m going to start walking with a friend every Monday starting this week and, if we can build that day into our schedule, I’d like to add each Friday, too. Last week, while traveling, I only walked along the beach twice - and ran one day - but it was wonderful to spend time with my son, who joined me on the walks. I really enjoyed our conversations and we got some errand done on the way home, too. I used lots of energy doing some deep cleaning (that is more difficult for my mother to do) so that was time well-spent, too.

    I was able to meet my goal of getting under 140 pounds and I’m now at a steady 138 pounds. @driheataz, I’m setting my new goal to lose 5 pounds for December 6th, which is a rate of .5 per week. My maintenance range will likely be 124-131 so I’m getting closer!

    How is everyone doing? Let us know so we can support and encourage you! Go get those goals!
  • beshamama
    beshamama Posts: 240 Member
    @PatriceFitnessPal I love chips and salty food like crazy but with my hubby’s high blood pressure have been trying to steer clear of salt. Been making a lot of popcorn and am planning on making my own crackers. My hope is that I won’t be tempted at the grocery story to buy the chips if I just make them myself. I have all these lofty goals but then go grocery shopping and sabotage myself by buying the junk 🤪 I have a convection oven and have heard that it is pretty much the same as an air fryer. I just need to experiment with cooking with it to find a recipe that works.
  • beshamama
    beshamama Posts: 240 Member
    This weeks goals:
    *make cheese crackers
    *only get take out once!
    *make healthier breakfasts for myself
    *continue to exercise
    *don’t get into the new Halloween Candy till Halloween!!
  • willplanet5
    willplanet5 Posts: 12 Member
    good luck everyone!
  • StepWise123
    StepWise123 Posts: 180 Member
    My grandson moved into the space that houses my home gym a few months ago. With Covid, I can't really go in there to use my stuff. So I cleaned out the garage yesterday. Well, more likely, I just moved a lot of junk around to make space for my treadmill and bench. It took me all day to accomplish that! Fortunately, the garage is somewhat heated. Maybe I should have moved him out there instead ... :#
  • beshamama
    beshamama Posts: 240 Member
    🤦‍♀️ I gained 2lbs. I know it is because I have been going over my calorie budget. But still...grrrr

    Weekend goals:
    *Don’t overdo it with the Halloween candy!
    *Stay in calorie budget!
    *Continue to exercise
    *make more “healthy” junk food 🤣

    This weeks goals I didn’t make cheese crackers but did make sourdough crackers and they were really good! I have a lot of carrots from our csa and I’m going to try to make carrot chips with them.
  • SweetpeaHu
    SweetpeaHu Posts: 45 Member
    Please add me. I’ve been on/off MFP for a few years. I just started back up. I was pre-diabetic a few years ago, and miraculously, am back to normal sugar numbers. During the pandemic, I cut down on eating out and spending more time walking in my neighborhood. Somehow, without realizing it, I lost 7 lbs since March. So, now I’m even more motivated to lose about 12 lbs more, and fixing my eating habits. I only walk, but really need to do other cardio/weight training. If anyone wants a motivated buddy, feel free to add me!
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    beshamama wrote: »
    🤦‍♀️ I gained 2lbs. I know it is because I have been going over my calorie budget. But still...grrrr

    Weekend goals:
    *Don’t overdo it with the Halloween candy!
    *Stay in calorie budget!
    *Continue to exercise
    *make more “healthy” junk food 🤣

    This weeks goals I didn’t make cheese crackers but did make sourdough crackers and they were really good! I have a lot of carrots from our csa and I’m going to try to make carrot chips with them.

    Have you ever made carrot hummus? Someone made it for me once and it was really good. It would go really well with homemade crackers.

    I can't stop eating candy. I have got to get it out of my house and I really hope people don't bring too much to work on Monday. I have no will power. My only saving grace is that I can usually stop after I enter them into my food diary and see the damage. I've been slacking just a bit on my water intake, so my goal is to get back into drinking my 64oz and then some.
  • skinnylw2016
    skinnylw2016 Posts: 25 Member

    Lost content of my post twice. Fed up so attaching the screenshot of my post.

    Have a good week everyone.