

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,551 Member
  • deadenddiva
    deadenddiva Posts: 50 Member
    I'm 67 and still mildly hopeful. Southern California
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,706 Member
    Evening ladies
    Alfie and I are all snuggled down..nothing great on TV and I watched most of the day.. so im enjoying the peace and quiet...Tomorrow i have no formal plans so will try and do some picking up ,put summer stuff away and have cold weather stuff ready, but if course this weekend will get up to 70.so im still able to get to summer stuff if needed..
    Working like i said Thursday through Sunday with Faith so Sean and Jean can go away for her birthday..
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kat in New Brunswick- My first name is spelled the same as yours. My mom wanted something unique. I guess your mom did too. Welcome! :star:

    Heather- I am in awe of your baking skill. :flowerforyou:

    Diva- Welcome to a great group of supportive women. Post often and get to know us.

    I’m watching election news. So far, our half of the country is not reported in the news because polls are not closed for several more hours. Here in Oregon we all voted by mail because of the Corona Virus pandemic. It was a safer choice than voting in person and exposing election workers to the virus. In other years we have voted by mail or in person. This year is strictly by mail for the sake of public health.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,123 Member
    Fae: Thousands of the geese from Canada end up in Strangford Lough about 5 miles from where we live. I'm watching out for the skiens arriving from Points North. They come across via Greenland then down the western coast of Europe.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,551 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk around Santa Cruz w/family- 1hr 30min 13sec, 73ahr, 90mhr, 3.40mi= 446c
    Strava app = 412c
    Walk for dinner- 10 min 51c

    Total cal 497
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,741 Member
    Katla - I’m happy to read that you have you warm memories too.

    I like the bright colourful lights of Christmas too. On Nov 14th I have been invited with my eldest to spend the night at my youngest’s place to help her decorate her first home for the first time. I feel very honoured to get this invitation and I think to commemorate I will buy them a new decoration.

    She is my sentimental one, 2 years ago I bought her a musical snow globe. It was quite large, representing looking in a bay window in a brick wall. In the window a Mom and 2 children are decorating the tree. It lights up in the room. On Christmas morning when she opened it she gushed and thought it was beautiful, but that night after she was home she called me crying and telling me how much she loved it, that it reminded her of being a little girl decorating the tree with her Sister and I.

    Barbara - I used to think traffic lights were Christmas lights too.

    Viv - Nice to read your catch-up.

    Barbie - Rodger and I both had a laugh at your “spiritual growth”. We don’t watch the news very regularly at all. I prefer getting my news online, as I can scroll on by if I don’t want to see or read it.

    Fae - I never thought much of the Santa threats until I had grandchildren. I don’t know why.
    I was taught that Christmas was about giving and so were my girls.

    Annie - My brother had to take over shopping for my Mom, it’s not a pleasant place to be in.

    Katla - My Mom’s name is Kathryn as well.

    Nothing much on tv tonight, I’m glad I had some shows recorded.

    I came up with an idea for our Grandson for Christmas today at work, when I started to tell Rodger about it and he said he had idea today too.
    My idea was to give him money in fun ways. We did that one year for our girls and it was a huge hit.
    His idea was to build him a headboard with a silhouette cut out of a dragon and castle, it will have LED lights in the back so it lights up.
    We are going with the headboard and will include a new comforter to go with it.

    We only have 3 more to figure out now.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,346 Member
    Did a body pump video today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Jillian Michaels Burn Fat Boost Metabolism DVD. Hope I get to it. I work until 11, then go to get my hair cut at 12:30, go to WalMart sometime tomorrow, then the Green Room from 3 - 5:30. I should probably look for something that's only 30 min long.

    Carol – I wouldn’t say that I “avoid” the news, I just don’t watch it very much (except for the weather) I let Vince give me the highlights if there’s anything important. Too depressing

    Sheri – like you, I need to start trusting myself. Well, Steve likes to go to Waffle House so we’ll go. I’ll see how my choices are.

    Went to Waffle House. I think the next time Steve is here and he and Vince want to go to WH, I won’t bother to go. I had 2 egg whites, 2 pieces of toast (I saw that they have whole wheat. Wish I’d known that) and instead of the hash browns got tomato. Only hot tea to drink.

    Finished the towel toppers. Now I’m going to make some of Christmas towels as soon as they are at the dollar store.

    – you had me in tears reading about how much that doll instance meant to you.

    – happy birthday to your dad

    – hope you have a grand meal

    Tracey – what sort of fun ways?

    Michele NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kat in New Brunswick- My first name is spelled the same as yours. My mom wanted something unique. I guess your mom did too. Welcome! :star:

    Heather- I am in awe of your baking skill. :flowerforyou:

    Diva- Welcome to a great group of supportive women. Post often and get to know us.

    I’m watching election news. So far, our half of the country is not reported in the news because polls are not closed. Here in Oregon we voted by mail because of the Corona Virus pandemic. In other years we have voted by mail or in person. This year is strictly by mail for the sake of public health.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,741 Member
    Michelle - The year our daughters got money my parents, Rodger’s parents and my grandmother would all put money in my bank account to do their shopping. So I had quite a bit of money to figure out.

    From my Grandmother who had sent 75.00 I had the teller give me the money in $5.00 bills. Our money is coloured and 5’s are blue. I had the girls run blue and white tissue paper through a shredder for me. They thought I was doing it for work. I rolled all the 5’s individually and tied them with blue and white ribbon. I then put them in a big box with all of the paper they had shredded.
    They moaned and groaned when they opened the box of tissue paper they had shredded until they saw one of the bills. Rodger and I each kept track of one girl to make sure they found all of the money.

    From Rodger’s parents I bought them each a wallet and hid the rest in different pockets of the wallet.

    From my parents I bought a CD for Kaitlyn and put the money inside the case, for Lauryn I bought a book and used the money as a bookmark.

    There are a lot of fun ways to give money as gifts.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,551 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,491 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: bloodwork, dogs to firehall for postings, dogs to powerline
    Bonus: bupkes
    Get to do: submit grant pics and receipts, STAS challenge catchup, take pics of car, test Bluetooth speaker so can do BB&B or T’ai Chi from voice recordings, make experimental almond paste, declutter sideboard, practice new dances (Nothing but You, Shake it like that, Larger than Life, Here I Go Again/Mama Mia, Real Deal, Get it Right); prep potato area and raised beds for beets, carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes and sow; weed drive again, finish weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed; invest another 10 minutes in prepping living trust, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine, find and configure a screen time popup, figure out where to plant naked lady bulbs, Wednesday: call Geico and Progressive adjustor, shop for part D. Next Wednesday minutes to history, Reward: inventory seeds, plan fall cool season garden, order replenishments
    New Ways November
    3: Get outside and observe the changes in nature around you: try again: “patrol the perimeter” with the dogs.
    4: sign up to join a new course activity or online community: sounds overwhelming. Feel bad enough about not doing my old ones. .[/spoiler]

    Low energy and headache all day after blood work. Just don’t feel like doing anything but crawling back into bed.

    Welcome @deadenddiva in So.Cal! I’m 70 and usually hopeful too ;)
    Good to see you posting Viv. Missed you.
    Tracey like you and Rodger, Barbie’s spiritual development makes me smile.

    Read all but just don’t have the juice to comment. Struggling not to eat junk. Not really hungry, just off. Choosing to go to bed instead.

    Lighter, lovelies!

    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    November: better than October.
    daily: sit with Joe: 3, weigh: 3, steps>5491=2414 vits=3 log=3 CI<CO=3 CI<250<CO=2 Tumble & Shadow 5=4 mfp=3 outside=3 up hill=3
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3=0 rx=1 dance=0 clean 30 mins=2.5
    mnthly: board mtg=0 grant=0 20for20=0
    bonus: AF=1 play=0 sew=0
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 852 Member
    Wow! Not on here for one day and over 100 posts and 5 pages! lol I shall read and comment as I go....
    KJ, I too despise Elf on the Shelf! Very happy that my kids were (way!) too old for that crap. I also always made sure that the really good stuff came from mom and dad, not Santa! Santa might bring a toy, but he also brought socks!
    Lisa, so happy for you that you are at least able to "join" us again! Hoping that your endurance starts picking up soon. Perhaps the next round of antibiotics will help.... Fingers crossed for you! I really missed your insight into so many subjects. And I love the pics of Levi!
    Rebecca, <3 the pics of Athena...... no words! Hope that all goes well with hubby's biopsy and the trip to get it done.
    Margaret, sorry to hear about your fence! We had some tremendous wind last week and the forest next door has a tree that concerns hubby and I as well as the rest of our strata. We have sent a few letters to the owner of said forest, but he has yet to do anything about the tree. We have it on good authority that since we have notified the owner of our concerns (including sending photos) that when it does come down he will have to pay damages. That will be cold comfort if that tree lands on our home!
    Kim, how nice that you are able to help Dylan find his feet. I hope you manage to find space for all of his and your stuff! The pumpkins look great!
    Carol, I too think that the pandemic is a very good reason for not gathering a whole bunch of people together inside. I hope that your family would understand, and feel the same way!
    Machka, you are absolutely right about the bubble we think we have and our actual bubble!
    Heather, congrats to your brother on his soon to be second great grandchild! I hope you can spend some time with your grandkids, even if from a distance.
    Debbie, congrats on going for a walk even though your walking buddy cancelled on you!
    Tracy, the headboard idea for the grandson sounds wonderful! I have hubby making a doll cradle for our granddaughter, the pattern is very cute and so far the actual cradle looks good too!
    Barbara, I hope you feel better soon!
    Well, I am all caught up, didn't take as long as I thought it would. lol
    My eating has been off the rails for the past few weeks, not sure what is wrong with my head these days, must be more stressed about Covid than I think I am. Tonight I brushed my teeth after dinner and before I gave in to the "wants". As in want a cookie, want a cracker, want a something else that I really didn't need as I was not hungry!
    Our Covid numbers have been good but the last week or so have been climbing rapidly. It is stressful, but I'm trying to just do what I can to protect my self. So, masking up whenever I am inside and can't social distance. This is pretty much just at work, if I'm in a store, I am masked. Our provincial health officer has given what I consider to be sensible guidelines and we are just trying to follow them. She has talked about our "safe six" which is defined as a group of six people that don't live in your household. So for instance, I work with 4 other people, so we can be defined as a safe six. When I'm at work, if I have to be closer to a customer (I work in a storage facility so one of my jobs is showing people the storage units and most of ours are accessed from inside the building) the mask is on, but I do take it off if I'm behind the counter as it's very easy to be distanced. And I'm not too worried about my coworkers as they also seem to be taking precautions.
    Sorry about the novel! Must go to bed now. Hugs to those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,214 Member
    Awake in the night. Caught up with election news.
    Went back to sleep eventually.
    Today has dawned a bright, bright, sun shiny day.
    I hope we will have a last lunch !

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,830 Member
    Very early good morning! lol Restless night. I blame a sinus infection (which caught me by surprise this weekend) and the election. Tim heard me get up to use the bathroom a little before 2, and came in to ask me how I was feeling/open windows bc I said I was hot, and be "helpful". Not helpful as far as falling back to sleep. Up for good at 2am. He has offered to sit in the kitchen today while the little ones nap and the kindergartener does his school work, so that I can nap if needed.
    One of my childcare parents, who is a home healthcare worker, had to get tested yesterday for C-19. So, she will need to keep her kiddo home with her until she has a negative test. IF she turns out having a positive test, I will have to shut down, get tested and wait for negative result before I can reopen. Fingers crossed for negative test.
    I LOVE this time of year! I never mind early holiday deco/lights/music. The only reason I don't celebrate Christmas year round is that it would make it not so special when it actually IS Christmas. I do feel bad for everyone who is having to celebrate smaller this year due to C-19. Since my parents passed long ago, and Tim's parents were unable to host/attend holiday gatherings; our holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas) have always been just Tim, our three kids and I. With my daughter getting married and moving to Texas and not getting more than a couple days off at Christmas; we don't see them for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Our oldest son usually spends the holidays with his mom...so for the past five years, it has been Tim, Colin and I. Very small. Very quiet.
    Creative gift giving- Two unique ways to give a gift come to mind: The first happened to me many years ago. It was the year after my parents passed. My older sister and her family still lived in Michigan and we all gathered at her house. She gave each of us a silver clock/picture frame (clock on one side, place for photo on the other). It was still in the box and I did the usual "Oh, how lovely! Thank you!" and in my mind thought, "where I am going to put this tacky thing?" I put it, unopened, in a cupboard when I got home. About ten years later, while getting things together for a garage sale, I pulled it out of the cupboard and put it, still in the box, into the sale pile. Colin saw it and opened it up and asked me if I was sure I wanted to sell it. I said, definitely. Then he said, "You need to take the picture out, then." I grabbed it and looked...my sister had put a picture of my parents in it. I started bawling. It had sat for so many years and I was going to get rid of it! (Now I am crying again, at the memory) The other unique give, was when my son Colin got his first phone. He had specifically asked for a phone, but they are so pricey; so I told him not to get his hopes up. So...for his birthday, I bought a sports trivia book at the dollar store AND...I carved a spot into it to put his phone. (This was hard for me, because I have a hard time destroying any kind of book) Anyway, he opened the book, looked at it and said "Thanks" and put it down. lol So I had to ask him to quiz his dad on something "sporty". Then he finally opened the book and saw the phone. His reaction was perfect!
    Tracey - Love your gift giving ideas! Please take a pic of the headboard when you have it done. It sounds spectacular!
    Margaret- I am so glad to hear you are finding comfort at/near your sons place and so glad you have Drew to keep you company! Sending hugs your way!
    Fae- Geese! It has been fun pointing them out to the kids as they fly over. WE see them from time to time near the water on our hikes; but not like seeing them begin the migration in the fall. They fly over quite often and I have pointed them out so often, that now the kids yell "Geese!" as soon as they hear them honking and see the v-formation. It is so exciting to watch the kids just stop and take things in.
    Car lights- Count me in as one of those kids who thought lines of car lights (tail lights and head lights) looked like strings of Christmas lights! I have watched my own kids stare out the window at lights and figured they probably think the same.
    Heather- I hope you enjoy your lunch, today!
    Barbara- Feel better!
    Evelyn- C-19 numbers are rising in my state as well.

    Well, I it is almost 4. I might put something on the tv and see if I can get a little nap in before the kids get here. lol ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,884 Member
    Welcome newcomers!

    Feel free to jump right into the conversations whenever you feel comfortable. We talk about everything here!


    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,884 Member
    Wednesday --

    Another beautiful summery day. However it was windy so we decided to take a trip into the nearby city to do a little shopping.

    In the collection we picked up:

    Denali Day Tripper Walking Poles - we are thinking we may use these if we do walks/hikes on uneven surfaces.

    Teva Sandals in blue. I have black ones with a little bit of purple trim but saw that the blue ones were on sale today. The Teva Sandals work for my feet, and since we're coming into summer, I figured why not have two pair. They'll be nice for walking down to the beach and walking along the beach.

    Several used novels at inexpensive prices as I have started to incorporate more reading fiction in my life. <3

    An outdoor table for our patio for $10. It needs some cleaning up and maybe a bit of paint but I've looked at a lot of outdoor tables and liked that one. We're fixing up our patio/pergola area so that it will be a lovely place to spend after work and on the weekends. I'm hoping to set it up for both relaxation and exercise.

    Machka in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2020
    I woke up in the middle of the night, wound up over the election. I’ve watched a bit of TV reporting. There is no outcome so far, as of 4 am Pacific Standard Time. I hope my candidate wins the Presidential Election. On a local level, I’m wondering about our county & state elections. One old goat retired from his county position here, and his acolyte is hoping to win. I’m hoping the acolyte doesn’t win. We will see how it goes. It is 4 am at this moment. I wonder how long it will be before we begin hearing official state, local & national results.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,884 Member
    edited November 2020
    Wednesday 4 November is Stress Awareness Day

    "Stress Awareness Day is your opportunity to start looking after yourself and your life, and break down the individual stressors in your life. Failure to deal with stress in your life effectively can lead to serious health problems, including increased blood pressure, susceptibility to heart disease, and a decline in your immune system."

    "The best way to celebrate Stress Awareness Day is to take the opportunity to remove the stress from your life for the day. Take the time to examine your life and find out where all the stressors lie and start looking into taking steps to remove them or find ways to mitigate them."

    Over the past few weeks, I've been removing stressful things from my life and have replaced them with much more enjoyable relaxing things. Finished university. Dropped two committees. Took some time off work. Spent more time outside. Spent more time on my bicycle. Spent more time reading. Spent more time sleeping.

    How about you?


    Machka in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Machka-I like “No”vember. Thanks for posting it.