Daily Commitment Thread for 2020 -- JUST FOR TODAY



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,524 Member
    edited November 2020
    Recap W 11/4 ~ decided on rest day left my building at lunch to take advantage of sunny day & temps in 60s ~ walked 1.8 mi B) happy me
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks (3 floors) :smiley: 14/14 boom! 12.2k steps
    2) Meals & snacks prelogged / net cals zero / 14c water :D green 5 & 13c
    3) Work in conference room day: review risk analysis s/s & write comments / call Help Desk & verify if password reset is req'd even if new parameters are currently used / print EESS update / keep up w/ emails / save stuff to flash drive / sanitize room end of day = 6/6
    4) Wish Dad & grand-niece happy bday online :smiley: / call mom & dad (his 86th birthday) <3 / boil eggs / take bread from freezer / try recipe for apple overnight oats / declutter 15 min. / >1 other chore :mrgreen: 7/7
    5) UNPLUG 9:00 / FLOSS / RETAINERS / Voltaren on knees / 6:45 alarm (walk dog before work) :mrgreen: 5/5

    JFT R 11/5
    1) Walked dog 4.1 mi before work :smiley: happy dog & happy me
    2) Move hourly
    3) Complete prelogging meals & snacks / net cals zero / 14c water
    4) Work at home: save flash to PC / 2:00 webinar / AJNH / keep up w/ emails / email daily update to manager
    5) 4:00 dermatologist follow-up appt. / air in tires again / grocery shop / declutter 15 min. / 1 other chore
    6) UNPLUG 9:00 / FLOSS / RETAINERS / Voltaren on knees / 6:45 alarm (walk dog before work)

    2020 Goals:
    1) Get weight below 160# (last time was 4/20/19) 10.31.20 159.0#
    2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
    3) Post weekly weigh-in on JFT for accountability
    4) Take measurements & log on MFP monthly (I stopped as weight plateaued & went up) = 2.1.20 / 2.29.20 / 4.1.20 (forgot 3.31.20) / 5.1.20 (forgot 4.30.20) / 6.3.20 (forgot at ME again) / 6.30.20 / 8.6.20 (forgot July 31 & crazy schedule) / 8.31.20 / 9.30.20 / forgot 10.31.20 measurements but happy w/ w-i 159.0 finally below 160
    5) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x) ~ mostly walking but include weights/circuit & other x-training
    6) Participate in race events ~ have planned 7 5Ks and 2 10Ks at minimum = Frenzy on the Fox 5K 49:36 ave. pace 15:29 on 1.10.20 / Seroogy's Valentine 5K 46:26.7 ave. pace 14:47 on 2.8.20 / Badger State Brewing 10K virtual race on 4.2.20 w/ dog 1:44:16 ave. pace 16:33 / Prevention virtual 5K Fun & Fit Team on 5.2.20 walked 3.48 mi w/ dog in 1:01:10 ave. pace 17:33 / RonaRunOff 5.16.20 virtual walk 5.08 miles with dog in 1:23:15 ave. pace 16:23 / 100 Miles Challenge fundraiser (per fitness tracker) & completed 5.18.20 / Bellin Run 10K virtual race on 6.6.20 w/ dog 1:41:03 ave. pace 16:14 dog definitely slows my "race pace" / Hope Isn't Canceled virtual 10K on 8.29.20 w/ dog 1:43:10 ave. pace 16:36 / Packers 5K virtual race 9.26.20 w/ dog 52:23 ave. pace 16:41 / Bellin Women's 5K virtual race 10.10.20 w/ dog 52:55 ave. pace 16:57 / virtual Run for the Hill of It 5K on 10.16.20 w/ dog 50:35 ave. pace 16:16
    7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together
    8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states)
    9) Declutter home office, bedroom and basement = basement (boxes) Jan. / home office desk (some) & more basement boxes Feb. / basement boxes & home office (some more) Mar. / decluttered/cleaned in bedroom & more basement boxes Apr. / basement boxes May ~ very pleased w/ my progress / reorg in basement June & July / small declutter projects around house October
    Word for 2020: Persist
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member

    - up with Matt ✅
    - post goals✅
    - peddle for 30 minutes❌ Decided on a rest day
    - mini habits ✅4 days in a row!
    - write 1 blog post ✅
    - write 1 scene✅
    - figure it ConvertKit❌ Didn't have the brain. Finished a book instead.
    - brainstorm email/incentive ideas✅ not many but enough to give myself a check
    - Walmart (poster board/tea/litter)✅ everything but the litter.

    - Up whenever ✅
    - post goals ✅
    - write at least 1 scene
    - make 3 social media posts
    - make goals lists and hang
    - outline blog #3
    - make Matt bring up garbage can
    - dishwasher is mini habits
    - peddle with weights for 15 minutes
    - make dinner NO TAKE OUT!!
    - remember skin care routine
    - listen to hunger signals (drink water first)

    So I remember the skin care when I got up this morning! Very proud of myself. Lol. Let's see if I remember tonight.

    Also proud bc I went to Walmart yesterday and ignored all of the 75% off candy AND didn't stop at McDonald's on the way out! Those are two of my biggest downfalls about this time of year. Well the candy anyway. Lol. Matt really wants me to get some but I've had to put my foot down. His weight has leveled out. He hasn't gained or lost anything in months while I've done nothing but gained. So just bc he can eat all the candy he wants, I can't. And I do the shopping. Lol. So he's out of luck.

    I have a long list today but oh well. We'll see what I can get done.
  • TiffanyPe17
    TiffanyPe17 Posts: 107 Member
    Just for today, November 5th

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,420 Member
    🦃 🐿🦃🐿🦃🐿🦃
    🦃🐿🦃NOVEMBER 🦃🐿🦃
    What am I doing to keep busy? To name a few...
      [*] structuring my day
      [*] morning and evening meditation
      [*] Using the internet to ‘talk’ to family
      [*] crochet, jigsaws, journaling, gardening, reading, writing .......
      [*] HIIT videos off YouTube,
      [*] yoga/Taichi
      [*] Walks with DH
      [*] Cleaning! Cleaning! Cleaning! 😂
      [*] Decluttering
      [*] Stress relievers (search YouTube for Paul McKenna)

      Keep your chin up!
      Turning up is the ultimate success!
      01 Aug 2019: 170.1
      31 Dec 2019: 151.2
      Total weight loss: 19.9lbs
      2020 Personal Weight Challenge
      Name: Terri
      SW: 152.1 (02 Jan)
      GW: 150

      Jan: - 2
      Feb: - 1.3
      Mar: - 0.9
      Apri: +1.3 (not too bad, considering lockdown/Easter/Birthday this month)
      May: +0.7(working on upping my strength to tone muscles, so not unexpected. It's a balancing act! 😂)
      Jun: +0.2[c]
      1 Aug: 149.9
      01 Sept: 149.4
      09 Sept: 149.5
      1 Oct: 149.2
      November Daily Goals: Week 1
      Sun: ✅ Mon: ✅ Tu: ✅ Wed: ✅
      Thu: ✅ Fri: Sat:

      Today’s Goals Update

      Weight < 150: ✅ (revised from 155)
      1 Aug 2019: 170.1
      1 Sept 149.4
      13 Sept: 152.2 (birthday - DH)
      1 Oct: 149.2
      18 Oct: 147.2
      24 Oct: 146.0
      Reduce Fat%: ✅ 29.3; 27.1; 25.1; 24.5; 24.2[/s] 23.9
      Increase Muscle%: ✅ 28.7->30.1; 30.6; 30.7 30.9:
      Calories in the green ✅
      Steps > 7500 ✅
      Intentional exercise > 50 mins daily✅
      Active hours > 6 daily ✅

      Positive intentions:
      🌟Meditation ✅
      🌟Exercise ✅ 🌟 Circuits ✅
      🌟Bought bulbs for spring planters✅
      🌟Get outside in the sunshine ✅
      🌟Laundry ✅
      😜Daily Chores ✅
      🌟Crochet Puzzles ✅
      🌟Watch TV ✅ 🌟 Read ✅

      Terri 🦄
    • sviers13
      sviers13 Posts: 109 Member
      sviers13 wrote: »
      sviers13 wrote: »
      sviers13 wrote: »
      sviers13 wrote: »
      sviers13 wrote: »
      sviers13 wrote: »
      The power is back on! I’ve been on a plateau for several months. I’ve had to take a hard look at my eating and activity level. I reassessed my calorie goal and I hope this helps. I did log everything yesterday but that was the only goal I hit.

      Log everything ✅
      Only eat one serving
      Eat an afternoon snack so I’m not starving after work
      Aerobic exercise ✅

      I didn’t eat an afternoon snack but I did eat a more substantial lunch so I was able to make better choices for dinner.


      Log everything
      Only eat one serving
      Aerobic exercise ✅
      Forgive myself for the Halloween candy I’m sure to eat✅


      Aerobic exercise already done!!!✅
      Log everything
      Eat only one serving

      Well, only that one goal was met.

      @TiffanyPe17 i feel you about the scale. I’ve been weighing daily and it mostly depresses me. I don’t know if I can go a whole month but I am going to try once a week. I’m also going to try going back to the gym. I’ve been scared so we’ll see how I feel after.

      Log everything ✅
      Eat only one serving
      Aerobic exercise

      I went back to the gym and I can see why I’ve gained back some weight. There’s no comparison between me doing some low impact aerobics and using the elliptical. I felt the difference immediately. It was a great stress reliever as well.

      log everything ✅
      Eat one serving at a time
      Go to the gym✅
      Don’t get on the scale until Monday

      The one goal I’m struggling with is to only eat one serving. Especially at night.

      log everything ✅
      Eat one serving at a time
      Go to the gym ✅
      Don’t get on the scale until Monday.

      I seem to have missed a day. That tells you how tired I am! I am very proud of myself for tracking everything every day.

      Log everything
      Eat one serving at a time
      Go to the gym
      Don’t get on the scale until Monday
    • WellingTX
      WellingTX Posts: 617 Member
      Solid day on all fronts

      For Thursday, get back in track. Keep the week in line.

      1900 calories: 1545, low but two day average is over 2100
      Work out for 90 minutes: One hour fifty nine minutes including two exercise walks totaling 4.44 miles
      Make good choices and keep my commitments: Made them all day. Felt good
      Support my bride. Do the little and big things: Easy to do. She always supports me
      Eat dinner at the table unplugged. Stay on track through the evening:Done, done and done

      For Friday, keep on track. Make this my normal versus an activity or sprint

      1800 calories. My weekly average is below 2,000, keep it there:
      Work out for 90 minutes:
      Make good choices and keep my commitments:
      Support my bride:
      Eat dinner at the table and walk afterwards, both unplugged. Stroll after dinner:
    • cschmitz110515
      cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,524 Member
      Recap R 11/5
      1) Walked dog 4.1 mi before work :smiley: happy dog & happy me
      2) Move hourly :smiley: 14/14 boom! 15.4k
      3) Complete prelogging meals & snacks / net cals zero / 14c water :s ok until evening snack attack - 475 & 11c
      4) Work at home: save flash to PC / 2:00 webinar / AJNH / keep up w/ emails / email daily update to manager = 4/5
      5) 4:00 dermatologist follow-up appt. / air in tires again / grocery shop / declutter 15 min. / 1 other chore = 5/5
      6) UNPLUG 9:00 / FLOSS / RETAINERS / Voltaren on knees / 6:45 alarm (walk dog before work) = 1/5

      JFT TGIF 11/6
      1) Walked dog 4.18 mi before work :smiley: happy dog & happy me
      2) Move hourly
      3) Figure out supper / net cals zero / 14c water
      4) Work at home: 12:00 Facebook Live / keep up w/ emails / email daily update to manager / submit weekly PAR & PRO sheets / update Project Status s/s / save PC to flash drive / make to-do list for Mon.
      5) Fence yellow roses / balance bank accts / schedule pmts / update budget s/s / export banking data & update s/s / declutter 15 min. / 1 other chore
      6) UNPLUG 9:00 / FLOSS / RETAINERS / Voltaren on knees / no alarm Sat. (walk dog & fall farmers market 9:00)

      I'm trying to focus on good things, and not dwell on unknown or negative things out of my control. Weather is wonderful this week. Yesterday we tied our record high temp of 71F. Lows are mid 40s & that's our usual high. Today will repeat & Saturday & Sunday. I'm taking advantage & fencing last of my roses so I can insulate with last of leaves on ground. Fall yardwork almost complete.

      2020 Goals:
      1) Get weight below 160# (last time was 4/20/19) 10.31.20 159.0#
      2) Plan meals most days & prelog meals/snacks whenever possible on MFP
      3) Post weekly weigh-in on JFT for accountability
      4) Take measurements & log on MFP monthly (I stopped as weight plateaued & went up) = 2.1.20 / 2.29.20 / 4.1.20 (forgot 3.31.20) / 5.1.20 (forgot 4.30.20) / 6.3.20 (forgot at ME again) / 6.30.20 / 8.6.20 (forgot July 31 & crazy schedule) / 8.31.20 / 9.30.20 / forgot 10.31.20 measurements but happy w/ w-i 159.0 finally below 160
      5) Exercise 5-6x per week (minimum 4x) ~ mostly walking but include weights/circuit & other x-training
      6) Participate in race events ~ have planned 7 5Ks and 2 10Ks at minimum = Frenzy on the Fox 5K 49:36 ave. pace 15:29 on 1.10.20 / Seroogy's Valentine 5K 46:26.7 ave. pace 14:47 on 2.8.20 / Badger State Brewing 10K virtual race on 4.2.20 w/ dog 1:44:16 ave. pace 16:33 / Prevention virtual 5K Fun & Fit Team on 5.2.20 walked 3.48 mi w/ dog in 1:01:10 ave. pace 17:33 / RonaRunOff 5.16.20 virtual walk 5.08 miles with dog in 1:23:15 ave. pace 16:23 / 100 Miles Challenge fundraiser (per fitness tracker) & completed 5.18.20 / Bellin Run 10K virtual race on 6.6.20 w/ dog 1:41:03 ave. pace 16:14 dog definitely slows my "race pace" / Hope Isn't Canceled virtual 10K on 8.29.20 w/ dog 1:43:10 ave. pace 16:36 / Packers 5K virtual race 9.26.20 w/ dog 52:23 ave. pace 16:41 / Bellin Women's 5K virtual race 10.10.20 w/ dog 52:55 ave. pace 16:57 / virtual Run for the Hill of It 5K on 10.16.20 w/ dog 50:35 ave. pace 16:16
      7) Be considerate and loving to hubby and have fun together
      8) Make efforts to keep in touch with parents, siblings and friends (most live in other towns or states)
      9) Declutter home office, bedroom and basement = basement (boxes) Jan. / home office desk (some) & more basement boxes Feb. / basement boxes & home office (some more) Mar. / decluttered/cleaned in bedroom & more basement boxes Apr. / basement boxes May ~ very pleased w/ my progress / reorg in basement June & July / small declutter projects around house October
      Word for 2020: Persist
    • ZizzyBumble
      ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
      @snowflake1968. Cancer took mum at the end of June. I stayed with mum and dad from the end of Feb and was able to care for her until the last few days. My husband and I have been apart for much of the year - Covid is having a big impact on our plans and my husband is now undergoing medical investigations in the south of England whilst I’m up on Skye a very long way north of him (he started his consultations before we bought the house on Skye and wants to follow through rather than changing consultants). I’m hoping we will be able to be with dad, my brother and his wife at Christmas in the south but it will depend on rules about how many people can meet up and any travel restrictions. The cat is on Skye and has to be factored into plans as well (one of us needs to be on Skye with him or we both need to travel together in the car with him and hope to drive non stop and make the journey in under 13 hours). Life can be complicated!
    • acrylicfox
      acrylicfox Posts: 295 Member
      @acrylicfox Your vitamins was my dishes before I moved. The other women can tell you! I fought with myself every day about doing the dishes! It was a source of many laughs! Now I have a dishwasher and it's only slightly better. Lol

      Gosh, well, I hope I'm not being too annoying with my intractable vitamin problems :grimace::joy:
      The dishes are my Waterloo :lol: , I gave up years ago and delegated most dishwashing to my partner! :kissing_heart:

    • acrylicfox
      acrylicfox Posts: 295 Member
      acrylicfox wrote: »
      Just for yesterday
      Eat three meals [only two]
      (no sugar, or grains) [cool]
      Stay under kj [cool]
      no snacking [cool]
      Just take the damn vitamins or buy some better tasting (more $$$) ones, okay! [coolest!]
      weigh-in and record on calendar [it's all cool dude]

      Schedule some Kdrama time and peddle away :heart: :star::star::star:

      Eat three meals
      stay under kj
      no grains
      no snacking
      weigh-in, record

      kdrama peddle sesh in the evening
    • aerochic42
      aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
      aerochic42 wrote: »
      back again - the scale is moving in the wrong direction persistently
      1) log food - breakfast , lunch not dinner or snakc
      2) sweep basement - done
      3) 9k steps -barely 8k
      4) limit Halloween candy to 3 pieces all day (and log them) , logged only one, but stopped at 3 I think

      today 11/6/2020
      1) log food
      2) 9k steps
      3) limit halloween candy

    • SERmom3
      SERmom3 Posts: 568 Member
      I had an early appointment this morning so just getting around to goals now.

      - 10k steps🟢
      - Exercise🟢
      - Log food🟢
      - 2 girls to friend’s houses🟢
      - Paint the shed 🟢

      Woo-hoo! Another good day yesterday. Working on similar goals today, but with a late start it will be a little harder.

      - 10k steps
      - Exercise
      - Log food
      - B to soccer
      - Continue painting the shed

      Be well! ☮️
    • ZizzyBumble
      ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
      Friday 6 November

      Log :)
      Stay in the green :)
      5 fruit and veg >:) 4
      Water :)
      Fitbit exercise goals :)
      Happy Scale weight trend ⬇️ 0.6 lost in last 7 days

      Today I will have one of my winter traditions. I will light the log burner and open my Christmas edition of Good Food magazine whilst enjoying smoked salmon and fizz. I’ve no idea what Christmas will be like this year (the first without my mum and probable Covid restrictions) but I’m trying not to dwell on things I can’t change.

    • TerriRichardson112
      TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,420 Member
      🦃 🐿🦃🐿🦃🐿🦃
      🦃🐿🦃NOVEMBER 🦃🐿🦃
      What am I doing to keep busy? To name a few...
        [*] structuring my day
        [*] morning and evening meditation
        [*] Using the internet to ‘talk’ to family
        [*] crochet, jigsaws, journaling, gardening, reading, writing .......
        [*] HIIT videos off YouTube,
        [*] yoga/Taichi
        [*] Walks with DH
        [*] Cleaning! Cleaning! Cleaning! 😂
        [*] Decluttering
        [*] Stress relievers (search YouTube for Paul McKenna)

        Keep your chin up!
        Turning up is the ultimate success!
        01 Aug 2019: 170.1
        31 Dec 2019: 151.2
        Total weight loss: 19.9lbs
        2020 Personal Weight Challenge
        Name: Terri
        SW: 152.1 (02 Jan)
        GW: 150

        Jan: - 2
        Feb: - 1.3
        Mar: - 0.9
        Apri: +1.3 (not too bad, considering lockdown/Easter/Birthday this month)
        May: +0.7(working on upping my strength to tone muscles, so not unexpected. It's a balancing act! 😂)
        Jun: +0.2[c]
        1 Aug: 149.9
        01 Sept: 149.4
        09 Sept: 149.5
        1 Oct: 149.2
        November Daily Goals: Week 1
        Sun: ✅ Mon: ✅ Tu: ✅ Wed: ✅
        Thu: ✅ Fri: ✅ Sat:

        Today’s Goals Update

        Weight < 150: ✅ (revised from 155)
        1 Aug 2019: 170.1
        1 Sept 149.4
        13 Sept: 152.2 (birthday - DH)
        1 Oct: 149.2
        18 Oct: 147.2
        24 Oct: 146.0
        Reduce Fat%: ✅ 29.3; 27.1; 25.1; 24.5; 24.2[/s] 23.9
        Increase Muscle%: ✅ 28.7->30.1; 30.6; 30.7 30.9:
        Calories in the green ✅
        Steps > 7500 ✅
        Intentional exercise > 50 mins daily✅
        Active hours > 6 daily ✅

        Positive intentions:
        🌟Meditation ✅
        🌟Exercise ✅ 🌟 Circuits ✅
        🌟Sewing masks✅
        🌟Get outside in the sunshine ✅
        🌟Laundry ✅
        😜Daily Chores ✅
        🌟Crochet Puzzles ✅
        🌟Watch TV ✅ 🌟 Read ✅

        Terri 🦄
      • SERmom3
        SERmom3 Posts: 568 Member
        @HEGoddard0928 - good luck with the interview!

        - 10k steps🟢
        - Exercise🟢
        - Log food🔴
        - B to soccer🟢
        - Continue painting the shed🟢

        I did a quick 4mile walk around the track during my daughter’s practice. Good thing too, because when I came home, my neighbors enticed me to come sit outside around the fire pit. A few beers and some pizza...high calories, but fun! We’re taking advantage of this warmer weather!

        - 3 soccer games
        - Bday party
        - 10k steps
        - Exercise
        - Log food

        Have a great Saturday! ⚽️