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Daily Commitment Thread for 2020 -- JUST FOR TODAY



  • teigansdad
    teigansdad Posts: 394 Member
    Goals for Monday
    Stay green❌
    Do my scheduled Zwift workout❌😕
    12 pull-ups✅
    25 push-ups✅
    No beer🤪❌
    No M&Ms❌

    I came up with several excuses in my head yesterday but doesn’t change all the “❌” above. Anyway Tuesday goals

    No beer!
    Stay green
    No M&Ms!
    Zwift workout
    12 pull-ups
    25 push-ups
  • WellingTX
    WellingTX Posts: 617 Member
    Solid day on all fronts

    For Monday, new day. Focus on what I’m going to do different. Finances, career, marriage and family are all solid. I’m disciplined in logging food and activity. I’m disciplined in reporting through this forum. Have to be disciplined in the rest, my diet and exercise. Overall good year, I can keep this going.

    1800 calories: 1599. Low but two day average is still high
    Work out for 90 minutes: 84 minutes including a 2.54 mile exercise walk
    Make good choices. Revisit my “why” when I end work and transition to the evening;Made them all day. Reset my”why” during the work- evening transition.
    Support my bride: Easy to do
    Eat dinner at the table and walk afterwards, both unplugged. Don’t eat on the couch: Sone, done and done. Self reporting and resetting my “why” made a difference in the evening. [/quote]

    For Tuesday, do the things I’m supposed to do.

    1900 calories:
    Work out for 30 minutes:
    Make good choices. Revisit my”why” during the work to evening transition:
    Support my bride:
    Eat dinner at the table, unplugged. Don’t eat on the couch:
  • acrylicfox
    acrylicfox Posts: 295 Member
    acrylicfox wrote: »
    Eat three meals :disappointed:
    Stay under kj :expressionless: just over (by a couple hundred)
    Low sugar, no dairy, no grains :smile:
    weigh-in and record :sunglasses:
    Vitamins! :grin:

    schedule some midday kdrama pedaling time [Missed midday by a lot :lol: ended up watching/pedaling after everyone went to bed. 1 3/4 hrs!]

    Just For Today
    Eat three meals [youghurt drink for lunch but I'm still counting it! :lol: ]
    Low sugar, no grains [yep]
    stay under kj [yes! back on track]
    weigh-in, record [yes but felt guilty about yesterday's over and was reluctant to get on the scales]
    vitamins! [Yes!]

    having a rest day from kdrama :joy:

    Just For Tomorrow
    Eat three meals
    Low sugar, no grains, no dairy
    Stay under kj
    Weigh-in and record
    Buy more vitamins and take them

    Kdrama, pedaling optional

    Catching up :smile:
  • acrylicfox
    acrylicfox Posts: 295 Member
    edited November 2020
    While staring at the underwhelming results on my scale this morning I realized that what I struggle with most in achieving a healthy weight is not the counting of kj, restriction of "treat" foods, or finding time to fit in a little exercise, but the fact that it just takes so damn long!
    *sigh* Why can't I lose weight at the same rate I can gain it? I mean, come on! :joy:

    Here's to developing a longer attention span :lol:
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 841 Member
    aerochic42 wrote: »
    Nov 9 2020
    1) log food - b'fast, lunch, and snack logged already. Ijust need to do dinner DONE and even under my calorie goal (I was primarily concerned with the logging behavior rather than the calorie count but bonus)
    2) workout after work - DONE not the workout I intended, but rather did some hand mowing
    3)work on budget - nope
    4) 9k steps - 11500 steps (the hand mowing definitely helped)

    Nov 10, 2020
    1) log food
    2) finish hand mowing
    3)9k steps
    4) clean guest bath
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,743 Member
    🦃 🐿🦃🐿🦃🐿🦃
    🦃🐿🦃NOVEMBER 🦃🐿🦃
    What am I doing to keep busy? To name a few...
      [*] structuring my day
      [*] morning and evening meditation
      [*] Using the internet to ‘talk’ to family
      [*] crochet, jigsaws, journaling, gardening, reading, writing .......
      [*] HIIT videos off YouTube,
      [*] yoga/Taichi
      [*] Walks with DH
      [*] Cleaning! Cleaning! Cleaning! 😂
      [*] Decluttering
      [*] Stress relievers (search YouTube for Paul McKenna)

      Keep your chin up!
      Turning up is the ultimate success!
      01 Aug 2019: 170.1
      31 Dec 2019: 151.2
      Total weight loss: 19.9lbs
      2020 Personal Weight Challenge
      Name: Terri
      SW: 152.1 (02 Jan)
      GW: 150

      Jan: - 2
      Feb: - 1.3
      Mar: - 0.9
      Apri: +1.3 (not too bad, considering lockdown/Easter/Birthday this month)
      May: +0.7(working on upping my strength to tone muscles, so not unexpected. It's a balancing act! 😂)
      Jun: +0.2[c]
      1 Aug: 149.9
      01 Sept: 149.4
      09 Sept: 149.5
      1 Oct: 149.2
      November Daily Goals: Week 2
      Sun: ✅ Mon: ✅ Tu: ✅ Wed:
      Thu: Fri: Sat:

      Had to take it easy today as my back is complaining about the gardening yesterday.

      Weight < 150: ✅ (revised from 155)
      1 Aug 2019: 170.1
      1 Sept 149.4
      13 Sept: 152.2 (birthday - DH)
      1 Oct: 149.2
      18 Oct: 147.2
      24 Oct: 146.0
      Reduce Fat%: ✅ 29.3; 27.1; 25.1; 24.5; 24.2[/s] 23.9
      Increase Muscle%: ✅ 28.7->30.1; 30.6; 30.7 30.9:
      Calories in the green ✅
      Steps > 7500 ✅
      Intentional exercise > 50 mins daily✅
      Active hours > 6 daily ✅

      Positive intentions:
      🌟Meditation ✅
      🌟Exercise ✅ 🌟 Circuits ✅
      🌟Laundry ✅
      😜Daily Chores ✅
      🌟Crochet✖️Puzzles ✅
      🌟Watch TV ✅ 🌟 Read ✅

      Terri 🦄
    • TerriRichardson112
      TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,743 Member
      @littleblackskirt Sorry to hear about you unexpectedly news. Hope something turns up for you. (((Hugs)))
    • WellingTX
      WellingTX Posts: 617 Member
      Good day overall

      For Tuesday, do the things I’m supposed to do.

      1900 calories: 1863
      Work out for 30 minutes: Made the time to work out 73 including a slow 2.41 mile exercise walk
      Make good choices. Revisit my”why” during the work to evening transition: Snacked up to my calorie limit after dinner but didn’t go over. Kept my “why” top of mind
      Support my bride: Need to be more patient when she needs help
      Eat dinner at the table, unplugged. Don’t eat on the couch:one of two. Snacked on the couch but stayed within my calorie goal

      For Wednesday, stay on track during an office day

      1900 calories:
      Work out 35 minutes:
      Make good choices:
      Support my bride:
      Eat dinner at the table and walk afterwards, both unplugged. Don’t eat on the couch.
    • sviers13
      sviers13 Posts: 109 Member
      sviers13 wrote: »
      I went to the gym yesterday but that’s all i accomplished on my list. I weighed myself and have lost two lbs. I had my normal reaction which is to eat like crap. I will feel proud of myself for not allowing my binge lead to a purge.

      Stepping on the scale always has a negative effect on me. It doesn’t matter if I lose or gain.

      Log everything
      Eat only one serving
      Don’t step on the scale until Monday

      I am having a bad time. I keep eating and eating and it’s making me sick and bloated and miserable.

      I know binge eating is not a food problem, it’s a feelings problem. I just can’t seem to get to those feelings.
    • TiffanyPe17
      TiffanyPe17 Posts: 107 Member
      Just for today, Tuesday November 10th, I will:

      Work out✅✅
      •Dinner in the crockpot✅

    • mytime6630
      mytime6630 Posts: 4,238 Member
      edited November 2020
      So starting today:
      SW Nov 2: 192
      1st goal weight: 185
      2nd goal weight: 180
      ultimate goal weight: 175
      weigh in every monday

      Todays weight 190.6
      Nov 1: 192
      Nov 2: 192
      Nov 9: 190.6

      Goals for tomorrow
      1. log all food
      2. concentrate on drinking water
      3.watch inner thoughts ... I CAN get this weight off and feel better.
      4. apple in the evening .. and water
      5. get back on here. Be accountable

      I am so sorry .. I don't know if I got on here, or posted all week. It has been a beautiful week to be outside .. so thats what I have been doing. Today for yard waste .. I had 35 bags of leaves, plus 3 trash cans. I got the entire yard all mowed and flower beds cleaned up and covered with leaf mulch. So by the time evening comes when I usually post.. I am exhausted!

      I got all of our outside Christmas lites up also .. and this year I made a display in our backyard. It is so pretty. We figured we would be spending the holidays in our patio room with our daughter. .. and that room faces our backyard. So that is where I concentrated on most of the decorations .. including the globes that a good friend, who passed away last year, had made. And the smaller trees are actually tomato cages .. turned upside down with lites on. (I've since added 4 more tomato cage trees).

      Here is a picture:


      But I feel good. I am working hard at planning my meals ... tonite I just finished entering "most" of my recipes in a excel spreadsheet, along with a grocery shopping list to try and make meal planning easier. This is where I struggle .. I am always so busy, and meal planning I have never been good at. So .. I am trying this method.

      @packerfanin .. you keep mentioning the NOBS weight loss .. so I looked her up. I have watched several of her free videos, and she points out so many good things. So I am trying to do like you are doing .. and listen to more of her podcasts each nite. I learned through weight watchers that no food should be off limit... that I have to learn to eat any foods .. just in moderation. I know all these things ... its just doing them!

      So tonite I am sipping on my water ... keeping my commitment to weigh in every monday and be accountable (even though I know this is tuesday!). I may not get on as much during the week .. but at least on mondays for sure.

      I will try and read back and see what I have missed .. but hope you are all doing well with your goals!

    • mytime6630
      mytime6630 Posts: 4,238 Member
      Bex953172 wrote: »
      Hey when will a final count come in for the US election?
      Do you find out at midnight or something or is it as soon as either person hits 270 votes?

      Isn't this crazy, Bex!! I wonder what the rest of the world thinks of our US elections .. I think this is one for the books. Yes, we do "kinda" know who are next president will be ... but its a mess. LOL!
    • mytime6630
      mytime6630 Posts: 4,238 Member
      Friday 6 November

      Stay in the green
      5 fruit and veg
      Fitbit exercise goals
      Happy Scale weight trend ⬇️ 0.6 lost in last 7 days

      Today I will have one of my winter traditions. I will light the log burner and open my Christmas edition of Good Food magazine whilst enjoying smoked salmon and fizz. I’ve no idea what Christmas will be like this year (the first without my mum and probable Covid restrictions) but I’m trying not to dwell on things I can’t change.

      I remember so well my first year without our loved ones .. my father passed away on Christmas eve.. and every year it is hard, even though its been over 25 years for him now. I will keep you in my thoughts as you celebrate this season. It is nice that you are keeping your winter traditions. With Covid.. so many families will not have the celebrations they are used to having. My husband and I are trying to make this as fun as we can (hence my decorating our backyard for us and our daughter to enjoy).
      Hugs to you, and hope you can still enjoy the season.