

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    Gee Beth sure sounds like whats happening to me,but im hoping a walk in will take me.. cant afford the emergency room..
    After i leave here will drop Alfie off at the house and go to the walk in..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,378 Member
    Hope all you heart people find help ASAP. <3:o

    Barbara - so sorry for your nephew and his family. Especially hard in the current situation.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,979 Member
    New Mexico shut down for two weeks again including parks.

    Busy day today gotta go.

    Allie please take care of yourself!

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Beth - hope your husband turns out to be OK.

    Allie - hope you get seen soon.

    Not sure why everyone's heart is going wonky at the same moment, but hope all turn out well.

    Love y'all,
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,820 Member
    Beth and Allie- I hope you both can get answers and heart problems taken care

    I working today to cover for sick co-worker. Does it every end. Our Covid numbers are going up and they are cutting a lot of thing back again.

    Blessings, Vicki GI NE <3
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    edited November 2020
    Fae that is why I started the reporting process. Hopefully they will do their job. In meantime I will watch to make sure she is not outside if I have to be in alley and then I will be quick about it and I will have mace on the ready. If nothing else their pit bull should be tethered in their yard since so many come in and out and no self latching gate. I know and my other neighbors want the dog removed to a home that can give her the attention and space she needs. I know that is part of why she acts the way she does.

    Their jaws are like bear traps this is another reason I need to be proactive. I have never be bitten by a dog and I want to keep it that way!

    Fae if you were attacked I blame the owner more than the dog. If a dog is trained and treated right and you do not threaten their owner an unprovoked dog attack is rare. That is what has me upset I did nothing other than sweep out my garage, make a repair in the alley, and be in my yard. I did nothing to provoke this dog. This is what makes her dangerous!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2020
    Machka: Our “next” shutdown started yesterday. We have what we need for the next while. :ohwell: Local small businesses will be hurt by this. Restaurants were able to provide take-out meals last time and I suspect they’ll do it again this time. :cry:

    Beth: You are doing just the right thing for cleaning your church. :star:

    Barbara: I am so sorry to hear about your nephew’s partial amputation of his foot. I hope the chemo gets the job done and surgery is successful. :heart:

    Margaret: The neighbor’s pitbull is clearly aggressive and dangerous. I’m glad you reported the dog and hope your report results in a safer situation for everyone who lives nearby. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: We are both avid readers. Our local library participates in Library to Go, an electronic book checkout program that is managed through Amazon. I am grateful for the ability to check out books that I can read on my computer or phone. :star:

    (((Beth))): I hope things go very well for your DH. Sitting in the ER parking lot must be stressful & worrisome for you. :heart:

    RV Rita: We’re back in lockdown, too. Stay safe! :flowerforyou:

    Here in Oregon there have been more CoVID cases. We have gone back a step and the gyms are closed again. I said a temporary goodbye to my yoga classmates yesterday. Restaurants are back to take out only as well. Grocery stores are open and masks are required.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did YRG yoga DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Denise Austin’s Fit in a Flash DVD

    – I just found out that a parishioner just passed away from complications from C-19. Don’t know if that person was a regular church goer or not. But if that person was a regular church goer, that makes me more and more hesitant about going back to church.

    M – love that Christmas craft!!!

    Beth – an idea for cleaning. If you can use alcohol (the kind you drink), your job might be a happy job….lol I hope your dh is better and they get to the root of the problem.

    – I’m so sorry about your nephew.

    We don’t seem to be having any shortages of TP or anything. At least, not that I know of. To me, the number of Covid cases is high, but I still have not heard anything about a lockdown

    Katla – I’m so sorry you’re in lockdown. I know how much you look forward to your yoga classes.

    I don’t like to see lots of tattoos on people.

    – what happens to the school aged kiddos at times not holiday? Do they come to you?

    Mrsbfe – love the pics of your cats. Well, I’m a cat person, anyway. How great that you found your hubby!

    Spaghetti squash is on sale so I’m cooking it in my IP. I really like it in the IP.

    Michele NC
  • charsuzy
    charsuzy Posts: 234 Member
    😊 Good morning everyone! I am catching up on reading comments here! Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!

    Bellevue, WA USA
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,439 Member
    edited November 2020
    BREAKING NEWS: My DH just ate a bowl of cheesy cream of potato/broccoli/carrot soup. And survived, lol. First non-french-fry veggies he's had in months. Drinking his small glass of wine in the afternoons (his version of fruit but I'll take it) has woken up his GI system a little. Baby steps.

    Beth - sending good thoughts your way for your DH's heart pitty-pats. I want to hear more about your new couch. Sounds like a wise move!!

    Allie - good thoughts to you too. Lots going on in your world.

    Margaret - I would have also called the police on that dog. You did the right thing. My rotten little schnauzer likes to pick fights with the beautiful white American Eskimo across the fence (actually 2 fences). The other day he got out and was in our front yard, I didn't notice and let her out on the deck and she started "yelling" at him, hackles up (now only one fence between them.) I told her that's no way to flirt and ushered her back into the house and called the neighbor who ran out to get her pup. I went out into the yard to visit with her for a minute and he started in with that growling, snapping, eye thing. He's so beautiful, I was hoping to pet him. I think he was protecting "Mom" after his experience with my nasty little insane 12# wanna be pit-bull.

    Barbara - thanks for the comments on my colorful meal. My beverage was probably sparkling water mixed with Kombucha. I tried adding a little wine to it a for few days and decided no-go on the vee-no. After not drinking for years, just a sip goes straight to my head plus the facial redness/flushing starts. Probably some sulfite allergy. Sorry to hear about your nephew, sending healing thoughts his way.

    Kelly - I've noticed my DH's arm strength is diminishing, likely because of his sore shoulders. Raking and shoveling leaves nearly did him in. He can still open jars for me. ;) Has Tim come around to using MJ? Every couple days my DH will be in severe pain from his RA, goes out to his shop for a few minutes and comes back in totally pain free for a while. Wish I could get him to use CBD oil or tincture, I think it would be just as helpful. But hey, he's getting some relief.

    I envy you gals who can wear leggings. Machka, you could be a legging model! I've tried them several times in the past decade and they are either too short, too baggy, too tight around the middle or a combination. (My darn belly button is still very painful/sensitive after surgery a year ago.) So I wear men's medium sweats which fit perfectly, and loaded up on them before Sears went out of business. I get dressed the minute I hop out of bed because I'll be heading right out the door with the dogs.

    I haven't paid much attention to whether there are any new restrictions or lockdowns around here since it won't change our routine much, similar to Barbie's. I went out early to shop and was surprised at all of the people in Walmart and Safeway, which bothers me. Not because of catching cooties, but because folks take their time in the aisles and I can't get past them. One fellow in Safeway took up the whole aisle with his cart, I waited a couple minutes, then went and grabbed something else and came back and he was still there, standing in the same place. His wife probably sent him with HER list and he was totally puzzled, lol. I understand. :D But geeze!!

    Downloaded several Harlan Coben and David Baldacci books via the library's Kindle service, so it's a good day to sit by the woodstove and read to my heart's content.

    Make it a good day, ladies!

    Lanette B)
    Chilly & rainy SW WA State
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Peach: We are currently safe from people wearing shorts. It is raining and chilly. It will likely be like this for a long while. :star:

    Barbie: I check out library books electronically, too. :bigsmile:

    Mrsbfe: Thanks for the lovely animal photos! :flowerforyou:

    (((Allie))) I hope you are able to get into the walk-in clinic. :heart:

    Michele: Thank you for your sympathy. Yoga is one of the things that are important to me. I hope this closure will turn out to be relatively short. Staying safe and having a safe community are more important than a yoga class, no matter how much I enjoy it. :flowerforyou:

    KJ: I’m not fond of men in tank tops, either. This time of year it would be very surprising to see one. The fall rains have arrived. :smiley:

    (((Beth))): I hope everything goes well for your DH. Taking him in to the ER was a good idea. I hope he is doing okay. The waiting must be very hard for you. Sending good thoughts for both of you. :heart:

    We’re having a quiet day at home. After all the running around I’ve done the past few days, I’m glad to have a day to read and rest.

    Be safe--

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited November 2020
    Margaret You are 100& correct! It is always the owner that is responsible for a dangerous dog. If the law isn't requiring the owners to take measures to protect the public, then you must take measures. I would suggest Bear Spray instead of mace. In all the times I have been attacked and/or bitten, by dogs, the owners have gotten off easy. The thing is even though it is the owner that has made the dog bad if my life is in danger and I can stop the dog, I will, even if that means killing it.

    Lanette Yes, I encountered a guy blocking the aisle in Safeways this morning taking his time to make his selection and I did the same thing as you did. He was still there when I came back so I reached out and finally got the jar of popcorn I wanted. I turned around and some other old fool was right behind me. I couldn't go either way. I stood for a moment and then said, "Listen you two, flip a coin and decide who needs to move because I need to sneeze and I may have COVID." They both moved aside without a word. I still fold down my very high waist compression band leggings waistband as my belly button is still a bit cranky about too much compression directly on it. It was 6 months before I could wear my high waist mom jeans that are about 2" below the incision.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    Fae Unfortunately it is the dog that pays the price with their life if they seriously hurt someone I don"t want it to come to that.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    (((Allie))): I hope the diuretic gets the job done. Perhaps it will help your breathing. I hope the telemed call is helpful.
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Machka, I have been talking to a co-worker who has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Her specialist calls it central hypersensitivity as it hypersensitivity of the central nervous system. Why am I telling you this, you may well ask! I remember you saying you were very sensitive to the feel of clothing and a lot of it felt very rough. This is apparently one of the "signs" of whatever you want to refer to the condition as (fibromyalgia or CH). Anyway, thought I might give you something to do/think about now that you have all that free time!
    Not nearly caught up, but at work, so mustn't dally here! Hugs to those who need them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, on dark, dreary Vancouver Island (and windy!!)