Just Give Me 10 Days - Rounds 134



  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,410 Member
    Weight 1/1/20: 225

    Turkey Trot Goal - 20 miles. Actual miles 22.59

    Kick 2020 to the Curb Goal - 30 miles

    Great job meeting and even exceeding your goal for the Turkey Trot! I'm sure you'll also get to 30 for this new challenge. You got this!
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,410 Member
    Round 134

    My goal is to Dance for 20 minutes per day to increase my calorie burn.

    Dec 01 โ€“ Danced 20 minutes and my was it harder than last time!
    Dec 02 โ€“ Danced my heart out for 20 minutes.
    Dec 03 โ€“ No dancing. Paperwork and wrapping presents.

    I LOVE your goal! I bet it helps your mood as well as your calorie burn! Are you doing the Body Groove dance stuff or are you free-styling it? What kind of music do you play? I just love this!
  • _JeffreyD_
    _JeffreyD_ Posts: 1,895 Member
    @_JeffreyD_ - I'm also an INTJ! I've never tried yoga but I might have to give it a shot one of these days!

  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    12/04: 123.4- Been a little messed up the pass 3 weeks- thought I had started menopause but went backwards which explains alot!!! I am 55 I am over this!!!! Still TOMing!!! 6 days later, migraine for 3 weeks, but now know I did not overeat as much as I thought and was ridiculous in my cravings. Hope to be over this hormonal blip soon and be able to access and monitor in a regular controlled environment this round.

    I really liked reading the book "Hormone Health" by Sara Gottfried. She also has some talks on YouTube. Good luck!