Just Give Me 10 Days - Rounds 134



  • Anlaing016
    Anlaing016 Posts: 127 Member
    HoopsGuy72 wrote: »
    5'11" male
    Highest weight ever: 245.0 (January 2015)
    OSW: 241.0 (7/18/2020)
    OBF%: 29.5 (9/30/2020)
    UGW: One-derland

    R120 EW: 233.6 (-7.4), AW: 235.3 (-5.7)
    R121 EW: 233.4 (-0.2), AW: 233.1 (-2.2)
    R122 EW: 228.4 (-5.0), AW: 230.5 (-2.6)
    R123 EW: 227.2 (-1.2), AW: 227.3 (-3.3)
    R124 EW: 224.4 (-2.8), AW: 226.2 (-1.1)
    R125 EW: 225.4 (+1.0), AW: 226.3 (+0.1)
    R126 EW: 221.4 (-4.0), AW: 224.7 (-1.6)
    R127 EW/EBF%: 222.8 (+1.4)/29.5 (0.0), AW/ABF%: 222.0 (-2.7)/29.55 (+0.05)
    R128 EW/EBF%: 222.4 (-0.4)/29.4 (-0.1), AW/ABF%: 223.0 (+1.0)/29.54 (-0.01)
    R129 (did not track because scale was broken)
    R130 (did not track because scale was broken)
    R131 EW/EBF%: 220.6 (-1.8)/29.1 (-0.3), AW/ABF%: 220.8 (-2.2)/29.08 (-0.46)
    R132 EW/EBF%: 218.0 (-2.6)/28.5 (-0.6), AW/ABF%: 219.2 (-1.6)/28.74 (-0.34)
    R133 EW/EBF%: 218.4 (+0.4)/28.6 (+0.1), AW/ABF%: 218.4 (-0.8)/28.63 (-0.11)

    Total W lost/Total BF% lost: 22.6/0.9
    Average W/BF% lost per round: 1.61/0.13

    Round 134 goal(s): 216.0 (sticking with it!), and exercise at least 3 times during this challenge


    12/3: 218.2 (-0.2)/28.5 (-0.1). I'm in a bit of an annoying plateau phase; I just can't get below 218. That being said, I can remember very clearly (and recently) when I was talking about not being able to get under 220 for the longest time. Patience is a virtue. This is a marathon, not a sprint. I'm like 98% on-plan, all the time. And, if I'm being perfectly honest with myself, I have not been exercising AT ALL. There's a lot of room for me to put more effort into this. With that being said, I'm going to shoot for a workout tonight (at home) when I get off of work.

    12/4: 218.0 (-0.2)/28.5 (0.0). I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOO SICK OF 218.X!!!! I just had to say that. My scale was REALLY TRYING to get me down to 217.8 today, but, in the end, it relented and stayed at 218.0. Exercise did not happen last night, at least not what I was trying for originally (and I wasn't "mad" at that at all). My brain is ready for my body to release some weight, but apparently brain and body are not on the same page. Perhaps my body is rebelling, angry that I have not followed through with my promises of exercise. You're right, body. I need to get you moving.

    12/5: 217.4 (-0.6)/28.4 (-0.1). Sweet. That's all I was asking for (finally spying sub-218.0). My brother-in-law and his fiancee are coming over today for outdoors social distancing. We're going to order out, and I'll get a delicious keto-friendly salad. I feel a little guilty having them come over with the COVID-19 craziness currently happening (20,000+ cases per day in CA and over 200,000 nationwide), but I'll be masked at almost all times (except while eating/sipping), we'll be socially distanced, and, again, we'll be on my covered patio outside.



    Yay!!! So happy for you!!! Congrats! next step is to keep going! Proud of how far you've come!
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,396 Member
    threewins wrote: »
    Round 133 95.0

    3rd 95.8
    4th 95.6
    5th 95.4
    6th 95.2
    7th 95.0

    Goal before 1st Jan: 100% of my exercise will be running
    7th Dec: 0%

    Glad to have you with us! Let's Kick 2020 to the CURB!
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,396 Member
    kmort009 wrote: »
    Round 134

    I think you are very wise to change your goal to one that benefits you mentally during another lock down. Are you allowed to take your kids on walks though? I don't know where you live, but if it's not too cold, that might help burn off some energy for your littles. I hate that you are having to endure this...again. Hang in there!