What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,558 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    Compromised with (or compromised? 😉) myself, and machine rowed 2 x 2k today instead of the standard 4x. So, 4482m, inclusive. I dislike fasted workouts, but I did it before breakfast, shortly after getting up. 2:32.0 split at 20spm, average . . . but ugh.
    yirara wrote: »
    Yay, I finished my 20 day running streak and got the stupid virtual badge!
    And not only that, during those 20 days I somehow managed to improve all my running distances from earlier this year. I kind of stopped running at the end of May and only started again in November. And: Today I ran a 10k, which is a very long run for little energy me! Woohoo!

    Congratulations! That, plus the good life-managing stuff you mentioned over on your other thread: You're winning at being you, I think. Nice! 🙂

    Thanks a lot AnnP <3 I'm so glad this challenge is over. This will be a very relaxing weekend.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,558 Member
    So.. I ran 10km yesterday and wanted to rest today. So... I went to a cute little town for a bit of sightseeing, and to a geocache some 5km over a drafty dike and back. And then limped back into the bus home. Resting might have been the better choice. But I had a fab day!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,855 Member
    edited December 2020
    Concept 2 rower, 9036m, usual 4x2k with CD and row in/out, pieces averaged 2:28.6, 19spm. HR average 136, max 151 per Garmin for the whole period. Need 17,787 more challenge meters by end of day Thursday: Should be very manageable.

    Rest day tomorrow, but having an outdoor social meet-up at the rowing club for members (in 35F/1.7C temps! 😆).
  • jimculler1
    jimculler1 Posts: 11 Member
    20 minutes on the Stairmaster followed by 5 minutes on Jacobs Ladder. I want to get up to 15-20 minutes on the ladder. I also did lift some weights with the ab crunch machine, and used the cables and easy curl bar to target my biceps and triceps.

    I'm 42 years old , 6 foot and 227 pounds, qnd headed down to a strong 200 pounds eventually.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Did 40 minutes on the rower -- started slow and ended with around a 2K harder finish. 8K or so. Then did 15 on the LateralX at 65% HR Max, then 30 more on the Assault Bike, pretty easy. Working on getting through my pushups (100), pressups and weighted squats now.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,558 Member
    Today is the winter solstice here. My running website gives me a stupid virtual badge if I run through both sunrise and sunset. Got sunrise, even though it was right after getting up and I generally never work out before after dinner. Not a nice run, but I got it :) Now if there would have been a nice sunrise instead of grey in grey... :D
  • JSLuke59
    JSLuke59 Posts: 65 Member
    Shoulders, bicep, tricep training. 90 minutes at 4:30am.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,558 Member
    Yes, got the sunset run to get the winter solstice badge. In the pouring rain and with lots more wind than I'd like. On the flip side, I got a new best 12 minute without warming up time ever :D
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,855 Member
    edited December 2020
    Concept 2 rower, 8975m all told; the 4 x 2k pieces at average 2:27.0 split, 20spm; HR average 138, max 151, 33% of workout in Z4 (of 5) though just barely. (220-age is 157 (heh), actual max probably still around 180 or so.) Only 8812m needed to hit 200k in the Holiday Challenge.
    yirara wrote: »
    Yes, got the sunset run to get the winter solstice badge. In the pouring rain and with lots more wind than I'd like. On the flip side, I got a new best 12 minute without warming up time ever :D

    You're rocking it lately, @yirara!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,558 Member
    Nah, I need to slow down. My hip has been hurting for a few days, and still does. And I really wanted to use the 11 days I have off between 24. and new year first week to go hiking and exploring.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited December 2020
    Yesterday was 50 minutes of steady state work (30 minutes on the rower and 20 on the Assault Bike).

    Today was hardish 500m rowing intervals. Did 5 w/ 3 minutes rest, then thought I'd cool down but ended up doing a 2K with the last 1K fairly hard, then a 1K with the last half fairly hard. Hit over 90% max HR on the 2K and the 1K.

    Total working time (for elevated HR, not total working time) around 45 minutes -- 560 calories.

    Nearly done with the pushups, pressups and weighted legs. Don't want to be doing them late tonight.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,558 Member
    No, don't say anything... I looked at the weather forecast this evening, noticed no rain and wind, and went for it. Ran a 10k, abut 3.5 minutes faster than the last one a week ago. Looks like I'm doing best when my body is literally falling apart and I'm in self-destruct mode.
  • JessAndreia
    JessAndreia Posts: 540 Member
    Dumbbell squats
    Dumbbell Stiff leg deadlifts
    Bent over rows
    Dumbbell bench press
    Lateral raises
    Bicep curls
    1000m row

    Another 1000m row in the evening
  • JSLuke59
    JSLuke59 Posts: 65 Member
    Heavy bag warm up
    Bench press
    Lying leg curls
    Reverse grip tricep push down
    Reverse grip curls
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    1/2 hour of yoga. Dealing with another tweak so that was about it...
  • JessAndreia
    JessAndreia Posts: 540 Member
    Dumbbell deadlifts
    Shoulder press
    Hammer curls

    2500m row
  • jvstanczyk
    jvstanczyk Posts: 1 Member
    3.1 mile run
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,855 Member
    Concept 2 rower, 8 x 2k, with row in/out & CD, totaling 9078m, the 2k pieces at an average of 2:27.9 pace, and 21spm. Focus on some technique points, try to hold under 2:30, let everything else fall where it may. Average HR (including the easy rowing in "rests" & CD, water breaks) around 65% reserve, max around 75%, so most of the actual rowing was in the 70-75% range.

    I'm done with the Holiday Challenge, a day early and a few meters over minimum, not total huge volume in absolute terms, but good 'nough for a li'l ol' lady, I guess. It would be time to feel like throwing the erg through the front window into a snowbank, but there's no snow. 😐
  • JSLuke59
    JSLuke59 Posts: 65 Member
    Seated cable rows
    Lateral dumbbell raises
    Palms up dumbbell curls
    Forearm squeeze
  • JessAndreia
    JessAndreia Posts: 540 Member
    edited December 2020
    Dumbbell lunges
    Stability ball leg curls
    Dumbbell bench press
    Incline dumbbell bench press
    One arm dumbbell rows
    Dumbbell shoulder press

    1500m row